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Xbox One Beat The PS4 By Over 100,000 Unit Sales In August 2016 NPD

New reports have emerged that give more insight on the Xbox One's victory in August 2016.

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Abash2930d ago

Yup, no one should be surprised when MS launched 3 different SKUs and bundles for the Xbox One S and the older models were selling for $250. I'm very interested in seeing Septembers NPD with the PS4 Slim releasing today

GameNameFame2930d ago

Exactly. with $250, it really isnt a feat. Interested to see slim sales.

amiga-man2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

With new consoles already launched by MS and Sony about to launch new consoles (meaning people are holding off) this is not really a surprise.

And remember this is only America, world sales Sony still dominate every month.

2930d ago
DJustinUNCHAIND2930d ago (Edited 2929d ago )

I swear.

The goal post was just here a second ago.

nix2930d ago

Congratulations Darth,

Xbox may have finally crossed that 15 millions mark. i know, you'll disagree to my comment but then i'll ask for proof then you'll show us "numbers of people online/bullets fired/apps opened/blah blah blah".

Remember 100 thousand a month is nothing compared to the 40 millions FACTUAL sales of PS4. MS will have to sell for years and years like this to even reach 40 millions forget overtaking.

Let MS take the whole year i say.

Sitdown2930d ago

Everyone knows it's not world wide stats.....chill out, it's okay if Microsoft sold more in the US. Most people don't even know about the stop trying so hard to justify.

amiga-man2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

Not trying to Justify anything, just stating facts, there is a perspective to everything and in the great scheme of things the August NPD sales are nothing to shout about, sorry if you find that upsetting.

2930d ago
UltraNova2930d ago

Well I m guessing lots of people wanted a cheap 4K bluray player as well.

Oh how the tables have turned...

christocolus2930d ago


That was hilarious. Lmao XD. These guys are one of a kind.

kneon2930d ago

None of these first month sales stats are that important, month 3+ is far more interesting. It's much more important how they sell after the initial hype wears off.

Unspoken2930d ago

So Darth gets marked for spam when he tells the truth and Sony fanboys are in here trolling listing off factors as to why winning isn't winning. lol

Bottom line MS offered something consumers wanted which they paid for.

Deal with it.

itsmebryan2930d ago

You realize that Ps4 also had bundles at reduced prices. I just what changed to make more people but X1. Is it market saturation and everyone that wants a PS4 has a PS4? MS didn't have any really huge games I can think of.

LordMaim2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

@Unspoken: Darth got marked for spam when he trolls. Being the most recent incarnation of Rookiemonster should give you some indication as why.

@DarthMon_ster: Your campaign of niceness last year was pretty transparent, Rookie. Using it now as proof that one camp as a whole is somehow better than the other is laughable. I don't know why you're so wrapped up in advocating one side over the other, but to spend so much time making alternate accounts and trolling has got to eat up your day. You have a gaming system, why not give up the hate and spend some time playing games.

gamertk4212930d ago

The damage control on this site is even better than the companies themselves, lol.

blawren42930d ago

How interesting Football would be with moving goalposts. Would just go back and forth with no clear winner. Eventually no one would care and just focus on how fast they can potentially run.

Sitdown2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

Do you even pay attention to what you write? You say that it's about perspective, but then go on to say August is nothing to shout about. Could the perspective not be that August is something to shout about. Imagine your response if Microsoft DID NOT sell more for the month of August. Sometimes being able to hold serve is something for people to shout about..... especially considering people continue to say that Xbox doesn't have "real exclusives".

candystop2930d ago


"Being the most recent incarnation of Rookiemonster should give you some indication as why. "

That's bull he was banned and a shame really. I thought this site had changed but it's still up to its ban Xbox fans tactics. The only reason Sony fans get away with running this site is because of this ridiculous tactic. Congratulations to MS by the way....smh

Mystogan2930d ago

lol. Let the downplay begin xD

Anyone with half a brain knows that MS will eventually take the US market again.

dantesparda2929d ago (Edited 2926d ago )

"lol. Let the overhyping begin xD

Anyone with half a brain knows that things will be back to normal soon and that MS will never take over the US market again."

And I love how you MS fanboys get so excited and start beating your chests over a puny 2 months win in the US. Thats given it only gain around 125K extra sales in those 2 months, its still down around 2 million units in the US and well over 20 million is the rest of the world (and this is with far better deals and prices than the PS4). But then again, what else should I expect from a pack of pathetic fanboys?

2929d ago
starchild2929d ago


"Being the most recent incarnation of Rookiemonster should give you some indication as why."

Actually, I never saw what was so bad about Rookiemonster. I've been coming to this site for many years and Rookiemonster always seemed kind of mild or middle-of-the-road as far as fanboys go around these parts.

He clearly had a favorite console, but he still said good things about the other consoles. And his preference for Xbox more often than not showed up as an excitement for that platform and games, rather than a hateful antagonism toward the other consoles. I can't say the same about a lot of the other fanboys on this site who do go out of their way to attack and downplay every platform other than their favorite, and who basically shove their preference down everyone else's throat.

As far as his banning, I really can't speak to that. It's not my place to decide. I'm only speaking of what I saw as a frequent visitor to this site.

"You have a gaming system, why not give up the hate and spend some time playing games."

The same could easily be said to hundreds or thousands of other fanboys on this site. In fact, maybe we should all spend a little more time playing games and going outside and visiting with friends and family.

Gazondaily2929d ago


I agree completely. Rookie was NEVER as bad as some of the downright hateful and condescending users on here, many of whom continue to keep spouting their bile.

Obviously I won't name them but there are many that are all out haters never budging or ever compromising.

Rookie obviously rubbed the die hard fanboys the wrong way but he was really entertaining, really mild in whatever perceived trolling there was and just didn't need to be banned. Shame really.

Rip 😣

darthv722929d ago

@septic & starchild and anyone else that is even remotely interested. Rookie had a falling out with one of the moderators. It happened somewhere around E3 time and whatever it was about must have been pretty severe to get a permaban resulting in him trying to get back in under various alternate ID's. People on this site tend to take things way to seriously. It's a gaming site for crying out loud.

Now, back to the main topic. For the XB1 to have such good sales tells me they found a nice balance of price to performance with sales of older models being attractive to some and sales of new units being attractive to others. The same will hold true for the PS4 slim and Pro once those release. Pro, I feel, will appeal more to the existing users who want to stay up to date with current systems while the slim will appeal to new comers.

The older XB1 were probably bought by new adopters while the XB1S were probably bought by existing users who want to be current as well. It's good to see things be positive as it shows there really can be a coexistence between platforms and gamers alike.

cheno782929d ago

What a loser you are....on sonys *ick

2928d ago
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badz1492930d ago this for 9 more months and they will be even at least in the USA.

Letthewookiewin2930d ago

Ya it would take longer than that.

cash_longfellow2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

It would take 20 years, lol...also, ps4 is destroying xbone in every other part of the world still.

dantesparda2926d ago

If the X1 was to outsell the PS4 by 110 sales per month, then it would take them 18 months just to catch up to the PS4 in the US.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2926d ago
Tobsesan2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

Everyone getting a ps4 slim should get slapped in the face... More expensive with fewer features compared to og ps4 and looking horrible

extermin8or2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

How does it have fewer features?? (the audio port had a usage rate of about 2% apparently.... and is present on the pro. It's not more expensive it's got a lower rrp.

2930d ago
OB1Biker2930d ago

'Everyone getting a ps4 slim should get slapped in the face'

Wow the fanboys wars is escalating.

Tobsesan2930d ago

Ye that is Sony for you, choosing what you have to enjoy. Same goes for bc, Sony also said noone would use it and we all know how that turned out. Actually the og ps4 is 20-40€ cheaper here in germany and you get a game with it.

UCForce2930d ago

I'm sorry. You are just sound very fanboy ish. Like seriously, can you just settle down ? No matter how you comment, this is internet. People can use it whatever they want even it can piss people off, including you.

RyanShutup2930d ago

Yeah... never mind the reason people actually get games consoles for right... you know... games?! Found it weird that you suggested people buy consoles for features... lol common man.

Tobsesan2930d ago


Talking to people, Playing Online, Sharing Screenshots, Using different Controllers, Shareplay are all Features and guess what, you use them for gaming.

Optica Audio out gets used by people with a sound system and actually good headsets. Maybe you don't use it. But its used FOR GAMING!!

DarkHeroZX2930d ago (Edited 2929d ago )

I thought the point of a game console was..... Being a game console. I'm grabbing a PS4 pro and the lack of a 4k bluray player doesn't makes a difference to most gamers. Didn't buy bluray during the PS3 era and Im not doing it now. Honestly all these folks buying an Xbox are gonna be disappointed when the lack of good exclusives become more apparent.

VoodooProject2929d ago

How do i connect my Sony sound bar that has a optical port to the Playstation 4 slim? Why did they remove it?

trooper_2929d ago

I find your comment to be very insulting.

Valkron12929d ago

It does have fewer features. My friends and I use Turtlebeach headsets for Deatiny and CoD, we need that optical port. Don't tell me to buy the pro or Sonys gold headsets, I'd rather get an original PS4 from a pawn shop if mine quits. Take those thumbs down and shove em up your as

dantesparda2926d ago (Edited 2926d ago )

@ tobsesan

You should be slapped in the face for saying the stupid ish you just said. And it's not more expensive, you numbnut, and its quieter, lighter, smaller, cooler and cheaper than the og and has the 5GHZ band wifi and USB 3.1, the only negative is the optical out which very few people use. And the 1S doesnt look any better than the Slim, they both have their pros and cons, i think the 1S looks like a radio.

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Kiwi662930d ago (Edited 2929d ago )

So will future NPD charts have the chart as xb1& xb1s combined for the xb grand total against ps4 & ps4s combined for the ps grand total ...... so it won't be done that way by the looks of it according to the number of downvotes

2930d ago
Apex132930d ago

Lol the hate oh the hate. Stop being so brand loyal because they are the ones making money and we are spending.

Perjoss2930d ago

"Stop being so brand loyal"

this person gets it

nix2930d ago


you're talking as if we're just giving them money without getting anything. we're getting games. we're getting experience out of it. that's what they're making money off and that's what we're spending on. it's not a charity.

threefootwang2930d ago

Too much common sense in your post. Someone needs to go Judge Dredd on all the fanboys here. Judgement time!

BigLurch2930d ago

No, they initially released one xb1s sku.

lelo2play2930d ago

I love seeing fanboy excuses when their console of choice lost in sales... just so creative. LOL
This goes for Sony and Microsoft fanboys.

UCForce2930d ago

I don't want to be offense, but you are in console war. There is no escape, but if you don't want to, just don't post comments.

Condemnedman2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

UCforced "you are in a console war!"?

nope silly people behaving with hurt feelings over a plastic box is what people are in. 😆

jznrpg2929d ago

Acutally , they were outsold in one area , not lost in sales , because sales are a total , and if yoy compare totals .. xbox loses

Overload2930d ago

Exactly, for launching a new slim model, the sales aren't that great. Especially, when you factor in the fire sales on top of that.

RiseofScorpio2930d ago

Uses Xb1s as an excuse......proceeds to brag about PS4 slim sales in September.

lastking952930d ago

Just stop already with your hypocrisy.

stuna12930d ago

It's always hypocrisy when someone else is doing it! truthfully how many take the high road when the role is reversed!" Not many, especially those with alternate accounts. You know who you are.

Me I like when my system of choice performs and sells well, but I also look at reasons why it doesn't or, why the competition does the same and whatever reasons there may be. If that makes me a fanboy so be it! But who doesn't do it.

I will say congratulations to Microsoft though.

MasterCornholio2930d ago


"So Darth gets marked for spam"

Darth got banned because it's an alternative account of Rookie_Monster.

bleedsoe9mm2930d ago

i don't think the slim is going to sell much better than the og ps4 , the pro on the other hand probably gives sony an easy win in November .

Aceman182930d ago

Someone call the wall Street journal the X1 has finally won back to back months on npd, and is actually doing alright. We have to rejoice at this news 😒

IamTylerDurden12930d ago

But PS4 outsold xbone by over 100k in WORLDWIDE sales. You know, the sales that actually matter.

Ppl do realize NPD is only North America right?

NeoGamer2322929d ago

A 100,000 unit difference is absolutely huge in the month of August.

I would think that the run up to the new PS4's probably froze sales a bit on Sony's side knowing a new console was on its way.

I think XB also did really good sales considering that most S consoles were premium and white versions.

The $250 versions I don't think played in much. Frankly, the old consoles are big, bulky, and I would rather spend the extra $50 on a XB1S then buy the first XB1.

XanderZane2929d ago

I was a bit surprised then won by that amount. Mainly because July & August are 2 of the slowest software & hardware months of the year. Sept & Oct are usually when sales start to pick up. We'll see how they do next month with PS4 Slim launching in Sept. PS4 Slim should help Sony to win that month. If not, then there's a problem.

dumahim2929d ago

I dunno. The Slim doesn't seem appealing compared to the original. At least with the XB1 and S there's a slight reason for people to buy the newer version.
I think more may hold off for the Pro.

2929d ago
neutralgamer19922929d ago

But I thought sale numbers didn't matter

iTechHeads2929d ago

Nothing else to say really.
Xbox could have sold way more if they launched a big game with the Slim.

cheno782929d ago

Dam your a hater, why can't you just congratulate MS.......

jznrpg2929d ago (Edited 2929d ago )

And leaks of ps4 slim were out there and date for Neo reveal was known.

lastking952929d ago

But I was told scorpio would stop it from selling

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Relientk772930d ago

Yeah now let's see them win September

That'd be impressive

Aenea2930d ago

They actually might since the Slim is only available for the second half of the month...

October and November however....

2930d ago
2930d ago
2930d ago
xMANB3ARP1G2930d ago

Wow I thought you were a troll the first message I saw of yours darth now I know anyone trying to say xbox one has exclusives is a total troll Microsoft has exclusives but the xbox it's Self gave all its exclusives to pc. You xbox trolls love to coast off a month or 2 of good sales numbers even if sales just plain sucked. Ps4 has sold significantly better and will continue as word of mouth spread through more casuals. Also you wanna talk about a useless port ps4 slims dropped how about that essintial kinnect support Microsoft dropped almost instantly a official Microsoft accessory isn't compatible with the stock slim xbone let's see you talk about that instead of a port that mainly used by 3rd party devices (my surround sound connect through digital audio so well I do somewhat care there are plenty of way around it that don't involve buying a single piece of new hardware gotta buy some shit to connect a kinect to a xbox slim)

2929d ago
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Youngindy212930d ago

I mean they could. I feel like most people are gonna skip the PS4 Slim and go straight to the PS4 Pro. I could be wrong but to me it doesn't make sense to buy a Slim with the Pro releasing in November.

Loktai2929d ago

yeah I Dont see many people rushing out for the slim, it's more like the more common sku, replacing old models, and the pro is the big release. the slim doesn't need to do much else than be slim, since Sony fans don't need to wait 14 months for their upgrade... the Scorpio should have just been announced as a new console, that is backward compatible to the xbone to wipe the slate clean and try again, getting a year head start on sonys next console like thr 360 did... Sony did overtake 360 but the price gap and year head start helped MS actually take some market share from the PS2 and keep the momentum in the US and UK.

curtis922929d ago

Let's see xbox sell.... anything at all in the next year. The closer we get to scorpio, the fewer xbox ones will sell. first 3/4 of 2017 might be absolutely abysmal for Xbox brand with scorpio nearing and PS4 Pro offering a higher end console experience.

vasteel2929d ago (Edited 2929d ago )

I doubt it, Scorpio is a premium product with with all the bells and whistles and a price point to match as well I am sure. ( C Class/E Class)

Loktai2929d ago


they are not benz, they are closer to fords... the PC is the high end and consoles are like commuter cars. you can build a PC now for cheap that will destroy the Scorpio or ps4pro, and the Scorpio is over a year away... none of these consoles are beasts. you buy a console for ease, convenience, and exclusive games, assuming they have any.

YinYangGaming2930d ago

Further details: apparently the 1TB and 500gb S models only counted about 5 days in the NPD, expect September to be a much bigger battle between the X1S and the PS4 Slim

rpgfan2930d ago

It would have counted for more then 5 days being that it released August 2. August 2 is when the npd would have started counting it.

YinYangGaming2930d ago

It counted the 2tb but the 1tb and 500gb weren't counted for the whole month

rpgfan2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

It counted for 9 days.

FITgamer2930d ago

Going off Amazon charts, currently the PS4 is leading. Both the slim and OG PS4.

rpgfan2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

LOL i will believe this when we get a more credible source. Not by someone who just created a twitter account this month and all of there post are in the last 11 hours. also this should be a rumor not news.

YinYangGaming2930d ago

This person posted this HOURS before venturebeat (an 'official' source) posted the same stats, this person is legit.

player9112930d ago

Or VentureBeat is sourcing this guy and a "confirmed" source.

seanpitt232930d ago

It will be interesting to see now the ps4 slim is officially out.

My guess its doing well is due to the 4K blueray drive.

Aenea2930d ago

I'm curious to see the sales of 4k Blurays for the coming months!

DarXyde2930d ago

Hmm, that's an interesting perspective to take.

I mean, it's cheaper and we're going into the holiday season where Gears 4 will be releasing. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw at least 2 more NPD wins.

Regardless, congrats, Microsoft. Competition is never a bad thing.

LastCenturyRob2930d ago

Yeah...that's what pushed the PS3 over the top. when the price was lowered it wasn't only a game system it was one of the cheapest blu ray players as well.

yeahokwhatever2929d ago

but that was a time when a stand alone bluray player was around the same price as the OG PS3 and nobody had them. Everyone's had bluray players in their homes now for almost 10 years. 4k bluray vs. regular bluray isnt the same as DVD vs. bluray(as far as public perception is concerned) and it seems the general perception of getting a new flat panel for 4k is "meh" compared to the benefits of upgrading from a tube tv to a 1080 flat screen.

Loktai2929d ago

it was one of the cheapest at launch at 499 actually, before the price drop.

OB1Biker2930d ago

Seriously the people who bought a PS4 in August must not follow the news

MatrixxGT2930d ago

what if I told you 90% of console buyers do not follow gaming news every day.

SH4RPest12929d ago

Take a look into that again... The PS4 slim & the pro doesn't have a 4k blu-ray drive. It streams 4k blu-ray.

The games are upscaled to 4k on the Pro & HDR support was added to the OG PS4 in the new update.

Here are 2 articles for the "prove it" fokes:

yeahokwhatever2929d ago

hardware upscaling from 1440-1800p to "4k" is completely different to what the xb1 does, which is upscale from 1080 AT BEST to 4k. Most XB1 games dont achieve 1080 native. HINT: Most decent TVs will do that for you. Literally the ONLY feature the xb1 has is the 4k discs, which, are super expensive and just not worth the hassle for the vast majority of people with internet speeds over 20mb/s(DSL) who can stream 4k content. sony made this judgement call not from a random guess, it was from facts.

SH4RPest12929d ago

Either way, the Xbone S is a pretty good deal for a 4k blu-ray player that does more than just play movies.

Anyhow, I am not impressed with the Xbone S' ability to upscale games to 4k. It just so happens to have a blu-ray player & the Playstation variants don't.

Still not interested in picking up a 1s but I will admit, the scorpio is appealing.

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Iron Meat review - Games Asylum

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neutralgamer199238m ago

As a long-time fan of the Yakuza series, having supported it since the early days when it was underappreciated by many, I’m really excited about this new Like a Dragon pirate game. Back then, we imported the games, spread the word, and stood by the series. It really hit its stride with Yakuza 0, but when Sega shifted to turn-based combat in Like a Dragon, it felt like the series was taking a different direction.

That said, I’m glad Sega is now offering something for both old and new fans. Games like Like a Dragon: The Man Who Erased His Name, Judgment, and this upcoming pirate game bring back the real-time beat ‘em up combat that I, and many others, loved in the original Yakuza games.

It’s great to see that Sega is willing to balance both styles, keeping turn-based for those who enjoy it while also giving us longtime fans that classic gameplay we grew up with. This is a must-buy for me simply because it brings back that old-school feel. There’s room for both styles in gaming, and it’s awesome to see Sega respecting both fanbases.

MrDead4m ago

Had no idea this was coming out until I saw it on my Steam discovery queue. Game looks insane, I'm sold.