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Konami talks about MGSV’s cut Mission 51: it’s not the ending

The past year, one thing that was constantly a point of discussion when it comes to Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is the illusive ‘Mission 51 (Kingdom of the Flies)’, an additional mission that was cut during development. The missions unfinished cutscenes and boss battle were put on the Collector’s Edition bonus disc. and has been a controversial subject ever since. Now, with the official announcement of the Definitive Edition, Konami has responded to some claims and questions regarding this mission.

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Community2945d ago
Batzi2946d ago (Edited 2946d ago )

Eli's story is a subplot and Episode 51 was going to end that subplot.

The story of TPP has one main ending and that's Episode 46. That's the ending that most people talk about.

Bansai2945d ago

Obligatory #fuckonami

I really hoped they'd do this if they truly wanted to garner back some trust... ehh, silly me.

Batzi2945d ago

It was Kojima's decision to leave 51 out of the game.

Bansai2945d ago

It easy to shift the blame on someone they kicked

2945d ago Replies(1)
2944d ago
Jon_Targaryen2946d ago

Well the little story we got was good... But Kojima did drop the ball by taking his sweet ass time completing it. I dont blame Konami for forcing him to release it. But it ruined the games' reputation in process. I cant even get myself to play earlier MGS games anymore... It's like Mass Effect all over again...

mep692945d ago

I refuse to play MGS V anyway, they shouldn't have made an openworld game. I don't play MGS for the size of the map, i play it for the story.

Ratty2945d ago (Edited 2945d ago )

The story is excellent though. It's told differently and less through cutscenes but it's definitely good.

zombiewombie2945d ago

The story was bad. The main baddie was bad. Snake was bad. Aside from the game play that was fun, this really wasn't a good game. And it was the worst MGS.

Jon_Targaryen2945d ago

Couldn't agree more. I got bashed by fans when I said this pre released last year.

ifrit_caress2945d ago

@zombiewombie... Actually, the worst MGS is Peace Walker. I'm still struggling to destroy that damn tank boss.

Lukejrl2945d ago

The problem was not the story itself- or even how much. if the game was played with just the regular MGS the game would have been about 8 to 10 hours long. the cutscenes would have been more smooshed together. The story the way it is now it could be 15 hours before the next story piece alone.

inmusicutrust2944d ago

Then you're missing out on some of the best MGS gameplay. If the story lived up to expectations and there was more variety in landscapes this would easily be a strong contender for best MGS game.

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_-EDMIX-_2945d ago (Edited 2944d ago )

What was the director gone in the majority of the team gone there is no reason to really care about any future releases at this point I'm happy we at least got a metal gear solid game before Konami destroyed the franchise.

For the immense pressure that he was under, for the difficulty of creating a game with a company that clearly does not want to let go of an intellectual property I'm happy of what we got a Metal Gear Solid 5.

Because of Konami we were never going to get the Metal Gear Solid 5 ending that clearly the director and it's writer wanted.

Go back and look at Metal Gear Solid 4 ending in seriously tell me that the director and writer really intended for that ending because it sounds to me like the publisher which owns the intellectual property favors these characters living into some sort of Eternity because they cannot face the property losing main cast.

Jon_Targaryen2945d ago

Partially true.. But MGS 4 is the end of the MGS franchise. The epilogue was a Swansong IMO. Everything that was explained or needed to be explained was tied up with a neat bow. Was brilliant.

I for one went into MGS V thinking we'll get to see how Big Boss got drugged for 10 years and Les Trebles were born.. But nope, was just glanced over... Instead Konami was like: "Here is an empty HUGE map full of nothingness to build up a base that wont do anything when you finish of the game.

Worst copout.. EVER!

_-EDMIX-_2945d ago (Edited 2944d ago )

Metal Gear Solid 4 also ends with Snake merely saying some audiolog.

It's very clear from the trailers even from Kojima himself years later that he wanted Snake to kill himself to give a definitive ending to the series.

It's very clear that Metal Gear Solid 5 could not be that because Konami would not allow for Kojima to have a definitive ending to this series because they still plan to milk it , I like Metal Gear Solid 5 for what it was because I understand because of how Konami is it would never allow it to be what the director and writer clearly would want it to be.

Metal Gear Solid 5 story was not that great but in regards to the game play it's one of my favorite Metal Gear Solid to ever release it's easily my favorite stealth game ever released of all time.

Despite the story's flaws I just could not play another Metal Gear Solid game in which 40% of the game consisted of watching a video...

Don't let Konami greed and arrogance mask the brilliance that was kojima's stealth masterpiece. I love the difficulty, I love the high tension and all the options in Metal Gear Solid 5 and every other stealth game just feels like crap in comparison.

@nat- snake doesn't die in Metal Gear Solid 4 I'm sorry but just because they're saying he has 3 months to live doesn't mean he dies and there's a very good reason why Konami specifically likely wanted something like that.

They want every avenue to continue to milk this series, they have wormholes in Metal Gear Solid survival just to explain the game's existence yet you're doubting a company's will to milk a series? Lol

Buddy that's the most delusional thing I think I've ever read and I'm a huge Metal Gear Solid fan it doesn't mean I'm an idiot and simply going to believe that just because there's an assumption of solid snake's death that he won't be in future titles, that doesn't even make any sense based on Konami throwing in wormholes, I'm pretty positive they can also throw in miracle cures lol

You're saying unless they make a dumb ass excuse..... well buddy what I'm trying to tell you is that they're going to make a dumb ass excuse so I'm not sure why you're saying you doubt you'll see Solid Snake in another Metal Gear Solid title yet you're also saying unless it's a dumb ass excuse buddy this is Konami , they're going to find any reason to milk the series please dear God go read what metal gear solid survival actually is and come back and tell me you seriously believe they're leaving Solid Snake dead.

Please never doubt a company's will to make money, they owned the intellectual property, it would be nothing more than stating some nanomachine cure healed Solid Snake and believe me that's the less far-fetched than wormholes.....

I'm not even entirely sure where this confidence came from that this company would somehow leave a character's death sacred especially one that actually never even officially dies and Metal Gear Solid 4 it's merely an assumption that he will in three months nothing has ever been confirmed by anyone regarding the game about him dying and it's clear that's what Konami always wanted.

Nathan_Hale532945d ago


Snake died peacefully a few months after the shown ending. Yeah, Kojima wanted him to kill himself, but his OWN staff said that it shouldn't happen that way and he should go peacefully. I thought the ending was great as it tied up a lot of things, and still made me cry. Only other game that made me cry was MGS 3.

_-EDMIX-_2945d ago

@Nath- lol what? I don't recall Snake dying at the end of MGS4, they said he had 3 months to live. You don't see him die clearly because Konami wants to sell more MGS titles.

lol I think he means Konami sent that death threat to change that ending lol. Its likely why its merely an audiolog and not him actually dying in a cutscene.

Konami doesn't want to kill off Snake. They own the IP and Kojima doesn't even want to make it anymore, of course they are going to tell him to keep Snake alive, its THEIR IP! lol I knew he wanted Snake dead because the early trailers suggest he wants to end it with Snake killing himself, clearly along the development Konami likely told him to change it to Snake living as its their property and they plan to milk it til the cows come home.

Love the MGS series, but you must still read between the lines.

@Jon- MGS4 could have ended better, I'd rather Snake kill himself have a climactic ending. Its clear Konami just wanted to milk the series more and just couldn't allow that. They need to sell more games bud. If only Kojima owned the IP...;..

We at least know he really did want Snake dead ending of MGS4 if we can ever say it has a "true" ending.

Nathan_Hale532944d ago

As you said, he had 3 months to live. He was going to die. I rather this man, who been through more shit than anyone, and saved the world more times than anybody, die peacefully, not from a bullet. He lived out for 3 months. I highly doubt we will see another MGS game after 4 involving Snake, unless they create a dumbass excuse and/or have another cloning project, which would be dumb and uninspired.

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Shubhendu_Singh2945d ago

There needs to be a balance between how much time the creator SHOULD take and how much time the publisher comfortably WOULD allow him/her.
Kojima, as we know it, might have stretched the games development too far, too ambitious and too costly.

I do blame Konami for dealing this like a 5yr old throwing tantrums, but from the business side, I get why they took these decisions and releasing GroundZero to make up the costs. (etc yada yada)

rainslacker2945d ago (Edited 2945d ago )

Hard to say. Kojima claims he's always met his deadlines. If that's the case, then Konami decided to rush it out the door because they were moving in a different direction than the company as a whole, and perhaps due to whatever fallout Kojima and Konami had it made them decide to wrap things up with MGSV early.

It assumes Kojima was speaking truthfully, but generally, outside his trolling for marketing, he's always been upfront on questions regarding actual development.

I think a lot of people don't realize he helped develop 4 other games in the duration that he was making MGSV. MGSV could easily be a 4-5 year development cycle on it's own given it's scope(particularly since it seems a lot was left out), if they were also working on the engine at the same time. I don't think Kojima was behind in schedule the way people think.

Ratty2945d ago

There's always been a 4-5 years gap between Metal Gear games. The only time it was shorter was between MGS4 and Peace Walker. PW released in 2010 and MGSV in 2015. An unfinished game should never be released. No matter how insistent the publisher gets. At least now he has more freedom.

_-EDMIX-_2945d ago

Yea but this one was on 5 platforms and on a expense new engine. I don't think they could even afford to keep working on MGSV, as the game didn't even sell THAT much better then 4, on 5 PLATFORMS! That is very, very bad. The game was costly for them and I don't blame them for wanting it released already. Its likely why they even wanted Ground Zeros.

2945d ago
Cy2945d ago

Yeah, MGSV was a terrible MGS game and it ruined the series for me. I used to play through all the numbered games at least once a year, MGSV totally killed all my motivation to ever do that again.

Servbot412945d ago (Edited 2945d ago )

Kojima took a long time because he was creating an engine that was to be used for a majority of future titles alongside the game, with only one team. Japanese developers don't usually create engines that are to be used multiple times, which is incredibly inefficient, and most Western developers are using engines that were created either by a third party or internally years ago that have since been modified a few times, so their development cycles aren't as long as Japanese games.

So taking that into account, I can forgive him for taking as long as he did. Had Konami not Konami'd their whole gaming division, we'd be seeing all of their future titles releasing at a faster pace with pretty great graphics, including future MGS, as the Fox Engine is fantastic. Shame that all his work is basically going to waste and ended up being used for only two titles total.

Eamon2945d ago (Edited 2945d ago )

At least with Mass Effect, they released the Leviathan DLC which sorted out all remaining plot holes. And the Extended Ending which was a lot better than the original ending.

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lociefer2946d ago

as a mgs fanboy i hated the twist and ending so bad i wish i never experienced them, contrary to ppl, for me mgs4 was the best mgs, along with mgs3. And To be fair that ending wouldnt have added anything for me coz the twist was just sooo...... lets just hope kojima's next game turn up good.

Jon_Targaryen2945d ago

So hoped the Frank Jaeger fan theories were true instead of the ending we got.

_-EDMIX-_2945d ago

Lol that's what I'm riding with , but I stopped caring about the story because of what Konami was doing in my mind Metal Gear Solid 5 it's just a small peek into the prequel of the entire series with Metal Gear 1 and 2.

We already know what happens prior to those games so I'm happy that this at least happened with a prequel and not some sort of continuation like something after 4.

2945d ago
Eamon2945d ago

Completely agree. The Venom twist was so forced and unnecessary.

The story of MGS5 felt very lacking. I think it's because Kojima is used to making linear games so his story was designed for that. Therefore it was stretched like a bubblegum which is why there were barely any cutscenes and the "filler" parts of the story just felt like placeholders. Chapter 2 was clearly unfinished. I reckon the story in Chapter 2 was going to be in Chapter 1 but when the team realised that they were way behind schedule, they had to change plans and take story plot points from Chapter 1 and put in Chapter 2. Only God knows what happened to Chapter 3.

joethetimelord2945d ago

I feel Kojima working on a new IP is exactly what he's been needing and even wanting. He actually wanted to end MGS with the second game. I'm glad he didn't, but you know it was a creative pain in the ass to keep milking the same franchise for years.

rainslacker2945d ago (Edited 2945d ago )

I didn't have a problem with the story overall outside the way it was presented mostly through audio tapes, with the actual cut scenes being kind of 80's in their presentation(ie minimal and pointless) instead of delivering on strong story points which was typical in other MGS games. There was also no real variety to the story cut scenes. Most of them took place on motherbase, were in enclosed rooms, and occasionally you saw the outside with some random event or the consequence of the prior interior shot. most of the one's off motherbase seemed more like interludes into boss fights, or basic introductory segments for characters, and held no character growth for Snake himself most of the time.

The ending was kind of dumb, and very predictable from the first chapter in the hospital if you paid attention, and even more apparent when you had to replay that section later.

To me, it was the pacing of the story which was the biggest problem, and the open world nature of the game itself tended to detract from the urgency which the story seemed to be taking place. On top of that, most of the prevelant story was so weakly delivered it was hard to really care by the end. I was curious about some characters, but with say Eli, we kind of knew his the story wasn't really that interesting.

More so, the way they did the ending, made it all just kind of it's own independent thing. It could either be taken as cannon or not. But ultimately, it devalues Big Bosses' role in the overall events which were taking place during the time that this game was set, and tried too hard to make Big Boss into more of an idea, rather than an actual person worthy of antagonism.

I enjoyed the game play itself, and some of the missions were quite well constructed. Just getting to them, and the repetitiveness of the side missions....or the recycling of missions for later in the game, or the overall blandness of the environments which the game took place in, wasn't all that compelling. Even those little missions which were a break from the main missions(important side ops) weren't all that interesting, nor did they add anything much to the overall game or story.

Then of course, it all felt incomplete at the end, and the ending itself seemed more about just making sure that people knew what the ending was instead of making it into something meaningful. I was actually kind of excited when the first chapter ended, and then realized it wasn't the end of the game. First chapter was pretty decent, then the second just dragged on. I was hoping for a chapter three, to actually explain why anything in chapter two was important, and when it failed to come, I was disappointed....moreso because I couldn't finish up the side ops with Quiet(before the patch). That would have made the whole significance of her being gone that I feel Kojima was going for with the premise of what the Phantom Pain was have a much deeper impact. In the end though, it's not that much of a big deal just to do clean up, and for those who don't do that stuff, it's absolutely meaningless.

Nathan_Hale532945d ago

Twist pissed me off. It devolved Big Boss and made him seem much less great. It hardly ever touched on Les Enfants Terribles, and it had the weakest overall story. I LOVED MGS 3 and 4 to death giving the edge to 3 though.

_-EDMIX-_2945d ago

MGS3 will always be at the top of my all time favorite games of all time!

MGSV was Konami's way of trying to make Big Boss seem like some normal or even "good" person.

This man killed a lot of people and purposely used child soldiers in wars he helped create. Basically he would take children from wars he created, train them and put them back into the battlefield further fueling the military industrial complex. He wasn't a good guy and its clear the publisher didn't like the IP having a bad game as the main character and kept trying to rationalize him.

Konami is still trying to milk an IP in the future so its not really surprising that they would go that route. If Kojima owned the IP, of course Big Boss would have been straight anti-hero lol I would have been fine with that.

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RosweeSon2945d ago

No plans to further develop episode 51 no course not cos you've sacked the developer, now milking the game and franchise for what's it's worth. No.

rainslacker2945d ago

Pretty much. Why expend money on developing an expensive campaign mission when you can just package it up as a video which everyone has seen already and resell the game with a new trophy list and possibly some DLC added to push the micro-transactions.

FallenAngel19842945d ago

I'm just disappointed we never got the badass scene where Big Boss's face is covered in blood and there's flames behind him as was depicted in the E3 2014 trailer.

Jon_Targaryen2945d ago

IKR?!?! I saw that as a contrass from him the good guy slowly turning to villain the game picture us to be back in the original MG games.

Guess I read too deep into that little scene...

FallenAngel19842945d ago

The game itself did a poor job at showing the protagonist transitioning from a hero into a villain. That scene would be greatly highlighted such a transition.

There's even a nuclear disarmament cutscene, which really goes against the intended purpose of this game showing a man becoming a terrorist who'd threaten the world with nukes.

zombiewombie2945d ago

It would've been even better if he went full bad guy at the end and you switch perspectives to a young Solid Snake trying to take him out. They would've needed to switch the time frame though.

Jon_Targaryen2945d ago (Edited 2945d ago )

Well in retrospec Big Boss wasnt ever really a bad guy.. The Patriots just wanted you to believe he was to fulfill their own selfish agenda hence why they aka Zero established the Fox unit to counter or infiltrate all his operations.

I think people just think Big Boss is a bad guy is because how Liquid and Fox classified him in the original MGS.

_-EDMIX-_2945d ago (Edited 2945d ago )

10000% agreed.

WhereTF is this Big Boss?

Give me the old boss, give the boss I love, give me the boss I NEED! This man in the OG MG1 and 2 was out right using child solider, putting country against country to fuel more wars all while he was profiting from both sides...

I mean....this isn't really a story you can really have WITHOUT showing he is evil, Konami clearly didn't want to show how bad he was and clearly was trying to make it seem as if he had his reasons, who on earth rationalizes child soldiers, genocide and supporting proxy wars?

My opinion......don't. Just go BALLS DEEP Anti-Hero and show how evil he really was. He isn't SOLID SNAKE! He is a bad guy, let us see that bad guy. Konami is worried about their IP and how they can keep selling Snake as "good guy" and I think they lost plots they could use.

MGS4 Snake is dying, sure they can just make up a cure and back to killing he goes!

They can remake MG1 and 2. The still had plots they could milk. I think MGSV's Big Boss is tame because Kojima doesn't own the IP, Konami doesn't want to basically have some genocide pushing, war mongering, child solider having character as the main guy lol Makes you wonder how much Kojima and Murata had to change in order to keep Konami happy.

@Jon- "Big Boss wasnt ever really a bad guy"



Play MG1 and 2 please. That man was very much a bad guy.... Big Boss vs Zero was never about good vs evil, it was literally Evil vs Evil lol

Kaneki-Ken2945d ago

Kojima said that it was never part of the game itself to begin with and along with many other scenes that was missing.

FallenAngel19842945d ago (Edited 2945d ago )

@ zombie

Nah we didn't need to see Solid Snake again, and we sure as hell don't want Keifer Sutherland voicing a younger Solid Snake since it'd be unlikely that KP would've gotten David Hayter back to voice a relatively small role.

What should've happen was the Venom should've aged into the elder looking Big Boss in the final scene like he's been depicted in the artwork. Venom looking exactly the same when he's 63 as he did 11 years prior when he was 52 was a poor way to show that a time lapse had occurred at the end of MGSV.

@ Jon

Nah Big Boss was a villain, he even says so at the end of MGS4. At the end of the day he still became a terrorist that threatened the world with neverending warfare with nukes.

Yeah it was to take down the Patriots but that still doesn't make him a complete hero, especially for noncombatants who would suffer from the neverending global warfare of Outer Heaven. He was planning to put child soldiers in a never ending conflict for Kojima's sake.

@ Kan

When did Kojima say that scene wasn't in the game prior to it releasing?

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Metal Gear Solid 5, Nearly After A Decade, Is Still A Timeless Classic

The Metal Gear series, led by Kojima, pioneered the stealth genre, creating a masterclass in storytelling and gameplay.

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Community110d ago
SimpleSlave110d ago (Edited 110d ago )

No. But MGS5: Ground Zeroes might actually be one of the greatest Game Demo ever, if not the best.

xHeavYx110d ago

I know a lot of people didn't, but I actually liked that story twist at the end. The game was fun and all, but I wouldn't call it a timeless classic.

Cacabunga109d ago

Metal Gear legend stopped with number 4.
MGS5 needed a year or 2 more of development to be maybe among the classics.. it was clearly rushed, especially at the end. The story teaches us absolutely nothing new.

just_looken110d ago

A demo is free that was a $40 cry for help as later we would know konami did not want to fun hideo and his team anymore that is why we got the unfinished phantom pain.

-Foxtrot110d ago (Edited 110d ago )


Great stealth gameplay but the game was just average.

Bland open world that felt lifeless, the story felt shoehorned in, unfinished story etc. The whole thing was just average to me compared to the other main titled games.

I would have rather preferred it if they kept Ground Zeroes for the main game as the opening and the rest of the game turns into a Metal Gear 1 & 2 remake to bring things full circle.

just_looken110d ago

If you dig around they had old behind trhe scenes of phantom pain vids and books wrote around the time.

Before funding was puled the main idea was to keep peace walker coop it was in the games early builds and that end game were your building your base that was suppose to be metal gear one.

You as the fake big boss was going to make your own metal gear one map aka your base (outer heaven) then me as sold snake use the mode that is in the game invade/defeat the base even fight your current version of metal gear that was in the game but not finished.

So your idea was on the table bit got canned.

CrimsonWing69110d ago (Edited 110d ago )

Like hell it is. That was the first time I became aware of being sold an unfinished game and was blown away about blind fanboys saying it was some perfect game.

Yea, the first few chapters were great until they do that thing halfway and make you replay all the missions again. Then little things like capturing animals but only seeing a JPEG unlike 3 where everything was modeled out. Areas were massive, desolate, and boring to look at.

Game was a massive let down for me and the potential was so high for it. Honestly, this was one of the most disappointing games I ever played. What’s worse is it starts off brilliant. You literally play through until you get to the point where you could tell they just stopped developing and then quickly used glue and construction paper to “finish” it and then sold it. Quite frankly, that’s insulting to consumers and fans.

Inverno110d ago

People have selective memory. This game had huge drama attached to it, what Konami did to Kojima and this game was horrible. Now they praise Konami cause they revived Silent Hill, even though SH looks half arsed too.

CrimsonWing69110d ago

I dunno if they’re getting much praise after the Silent Hill 2 debacle. Makes me scared sh*tless for the MGS 3 Remake…

Michiel1989109d ago

I don't wanna defend konami, but Kojima had 7 years to make the game, it's not that weird for a publisher to expect a game to be finished in that amount of time.

Also no one is praising konami from what I've seen, they're just excited that a Silent Hill game is releasing

CrimsonWing69108d ago (Edited 108d ago )


You’re absolutely correct. Look, the dude is a visionary and has brought us some incredible games, but he constantly would go over budget and could never stick to a deadline. I don’t know if people remember the MGS 4 trailers but it became a joke when you’d see a release date and then they crossed it out in the next trailer to give another.

What a lot of people don’t know is there’s a certain amount of money given for development and marketing. When you go over the budget and add additional marketing over the deadline it isn’t cheap. MGS GZ and V were laughable to me for the amount of time he had to develop them and he spent even more time on the engine that wasn’t anything revolutionary to me. I mean, GZ was nothing more than a demo and they released that art like $40 I think, probably to further help fund V. He then spent money for Kiefer Sutherland who did nothing for the character, which I think Kojima just wanted because he’s a fan.

Konami just had enough and said this is the deadline and you’re done after this. It’s business, but fans took it personal. I mean look at this Overdose game he’s been doing.,, like when is that ever coming out?

Michiel1989108d ago

I kind of forgot about overdose but yeah exactly my thoughts. He has made some of the best games out there and definitely deserves time to create his new masterpiece, but it's not a bottomless well.

This is pure speculation but I imagine he got around 4 years to make the game excluding pre-production. If after those 4 years the game is nowhere near being done, the relationship will be strained between them one way or another.

about the konami being praised thing, if let's say blizzard announces world of warcraft 2 today I'll be excited as hell for the game, but that doesn't mean my opinion of blizzard changes only a tiny bit cause they're still trash.

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Yui_Suzumiya108d ago

Yeah, it was the only MGS I didn't play and this is coming from someone who got back into gaming after skipping a generation due to MGS4 back in 2008. It just seems to be the complete opposite of the MGS I always knew and loved (1-4).

JEECE110d ago

Yes and no. In many ways in was a great game; there's a very strong argument that it has the best gameplay of any MGS game, and that it is one of the more interesting open world "playgrounds" we have gotten, in terms of how the world operates. But as an MGS narrative, it is pretty far down the list, for many reasons.

Storm23109d ago

I don't think there is any argument. The gameplay was incredible. But yeah...disappointed in the rest. Could have been incredible but...well...we all know what happened...

JEECE108d ago

I don't think there is much of one either but apparently some people found the world very boring compared to the more linear structures of other entries so I didn't make a definitive statement in order to acknowledge the outliers.

DarXyde109d ago

The thing about Metal Gear Solid is that the narrative is what determines which is your favorite because the gameplay had ALWAYS improved with every mainline entry. It's amazing.

If it was gameplay, we'd all say The Phantom Pain, but the story is what truly sets them apart.

For me, that's Snake Eater, which is also my favorite game of all time.

JEECE108d ago

That's my favorite too, particularly if we are talking about the subsistence version with camera control.

Fishy Fingers110d ago

For me, best gameplay, worst, everything else.

Storm23109d ago

Yeah...gameplay was so damn good.

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15 Video Games With Realistic Injury Mechanics

Whether it's showcasing damage realistically or simulating fractures and conditions, these games are worth checking out.

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The Metal Gear series has sold 60.2 million copies

The Metal Gear series has sold 60.2 million copies, as of September 2023.

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Community326d ago
Nyxus326d ago

Now we'll have to see how much the Master Collection will add to those numbers.

Number1TailzFan326d ago

Too bad it was a lazy release. They could've updated the visuals and everything. Missed opportunity.

Stanjara326d ago

...and yet, they couldn't give more respect and effort into the collection.
What a terrible company.

Minute Man 721326d ago (Edited 326d ago )

Are they counting every game?

Edit: they did

Nyxus326d ago

Yes, these are total lifetime sales of the entire series.

ApocalypseShadow326d ago

.... mostly with the help of PlayStation.

Michiel1989325d ago

Get that Sony tramp stamp while you're at it. No one asked