
Nintendo 64 emulator now available on Xbox One

With the Windows 10 store going universal, it was just a matter of time until we would see Windows 10 games and apps appear on Xbox One. Well, the developer of the N64 emulator on Windows has announced that his app would work on Xbox One, and is currently only available on Preview members' consoles. Windows 10 Store.

BigBosss2977d ago

Lets see Nintendo jump in right away with the N64 emulator coming to the Xbox One xD

YinYangGaming2977d ago

It's been on the Win 10 store and now its unified they might not be able to, though I imagine they'll want to and either will try to or will get it removed.

sinjonezp2977d ago

It won't be removed. That's like saying remove all emulators from android, Apple. Etc...back on topic, wonder what kind of features and graphics options are available. I hope the Xbox one or one S can scale well and offer great options. 4K scaling with AA maybe? Just a thought.

2977d ago
BattleAxe2977d ago

Looks like Xbox One really is the best console is gen :D

player9112977d ago

The problem is those are cellular platforms for a large range of devices. Xbox is a home console that Nintendo WILL have a problem with. Even Microsoft will not want this on their home consoles.

rainslacker2977d ago

Whether they can or not will depend on how the emulator is written. Some are legitimate if they use all their own source code. However, MS may shut it down on Xbox to avoid any possible copyright infringement claims from publishers from the games themselves.

Also not sure if MS is allowing side loading of app or their data on the Xbox platform itself.

Kingthrash3602977d ago (Edited 2977d ago )

"Looks like Xbox One really is the best console is gen :D"
Lol naw looks like it's the best console to play other older console games on.
Truth. Bought a xbox one for xbox one games.

Erik73572976d ago


YEa but android,pc,apple are a much less controlled devices than xbox one. It will get removed

Bigpappy2976d ago

This has nothing to do with M$. Nintendo will need to go after the creator of the app an prove that the app itself is illegitimate even on PC or any other devices.

darthv722976d ago

"Truth. Bought a xbox one for xbox one games."

And yet the way you bitch about the system implies you do everything in your power to avoid playing games on it.

Its like you have it just so you can say you have it and get away with criticizing it. Just play the games and dont worry so much about bc or emulators or games coming to pc.

2976d ago
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Polimo2977d ago (Edited 2977d ago )

Having the emulator does not violate the law, since it is a free code and available in other store like Google play Apple store .
Soon if there was a problem the BigN would have barred these last two before.

Kaneki-Ken2977d ago

Let's see Nintendo taking it down after Nintendo notice that is on Xbone

RookieMonsterLives2977d ago

I don't know about that as there are a few N64 apps on the Android store. I don't think emulator violate anything as it is the Rom itself. On android, you can side load the roms to your phone via a PC but I don't think that is possible on Xbone. I don't have the console nor want one but I don't think side loading on the external HDD is possible.

badz1492977d ago

Emulators are legal and all but how about the game roms? Roms are basically illegal, right? So anybody who is using this emulator is using illegal roms, right?

rainslacker2977d ago

Some emulators are legal. Using the ripped bios code is illegal though. That's why a lot of emulators don't include that with the package. Although it's possible to get around that by making one's own control code.

The ROMs themselves may be legal if the user procured them themselves through their own legally owned carts, but the number of people that do that is exceedingly rare. However, even if the ROMs are legal, there is a pretty big gray area on if one is allowed to play them on a device they weren't originally licensed for.

More than likely, MS wouldn't allow the ROMs themselves to be side loaded, and I could easily see them blocking this app from the console to avoid potential copyright claims from publishers or Nintendo itself. Side loading on a console is a pretty big compromise to the systems security regardless, and could lead to other kinds of piracy if MS doesn't crack down on it.

XanderZane2976d ago

That's actually pretty sweet. Would love to see some N64 games on my XB1. Nintendo probably wouldn't approve though unless they got a large chunk of the profits.

RosweeSon2976d ago

Why would they when they have their own systems exactly for this reason.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2976d ago
Fullmetalevolust2977d ago

oh man that's really cool, kinda like the homebrew on the Vita, wonder if the vita could handle N64 games?

Youngindy212977d ago

Did you seriously ask if the Vita could handle N64 games? The original Nintendo DS can handle N64 games.

dragonaught0072977d ago

Not same optimization vs hardware capable example of this my note 5 can handle gta san andreas but has issues handling super smash bros melee but not cuz it cant handle it but because its not still perfected to work on phones yet as soon as someone configures the support for the mobile version then should work just as good as the original

YinYangGaming2977d ago

The dev apparently said it can work with OneDrive, if it actually loaded roms on Xbox One that would be so cool

DragonDDark2977d ago

I thought Nintendo hated Emulators?

Trekster_Gamer2977d ago

They do but they can't do anything to stop

ZeekQuattro2976d ago (Edited 2976d ago )

They use emulators to run Virtual Console. So no they don't hate emulation.

masterfox2977d ago

Sooo a few moments ago I said I wouldn't get an xbone for just one game, but if this thing converts into a hacked dream machine I would start considering it more seriously :D

SgtPepper18062977d ago

Isn't even hacked. MS are straight up letting this happen.

2977d ago Replies(2)
alfcrippinjr2977d ago

Nintendo will take them down not going to last long
as its there coding

Yetter2977d ago

. No, Nintendo did not write the code for this emulator. Just as it has been mentioned 20 times before on this thread, emulation is not illegal and Nintendo does not have any legal leverage to have this removed

Master of Unlocking2977d ago

Yeah well, save for the fact it emulates a console that's theirs, and plays roms of games they published, lol.
They can stop that from happening and they will. Even if they didn't have a say about the emulator itself, they have about the roms, and what good is an emulator if you don't have access to any roms?

DragonDDark2977d ago (Edited 2976d ago )

Nintendo believes that it's illegal though. Look up their views on Emulation. Hasnt changed since 2003.

Edit: I love how I get disagrees for saying facts... didnt know Nintendo Fanboys were that insecure ...

superchiller2977d ago

@ DragonDDark - Who cares what Nintendo thinks? It's their fault that emulators are easily available to play their classic older games. They are very stingy about making those games available on other platforms.

player9112977d ago

Emulators are legal but there is other issues at play here such as competition and stuff. Home consoles are a gray area.

rainslacker2977d ago

Nintendo could potentially try to get the courts to hold MS liable for others using their closed system to play illegal ROMS. The emulator itself they probably can't do something about, otherwise, it'd already be removed from the Windows Store. But there is no way that all those ROMs being played on the emulator are all legal. The fact that it's a closed system means that MS could be held accountable for enabling copyright infringement, or be forced to give over their user lists for Nintendo to pursue legal action against the individuals...which is something they've done in the past.

MS would likely avoid any kind of legal battle by simply removing it from the store. Even if Nintendo isn't hinting at it, MS may be proactive. MS is in a position where their own interest reside within the realm of emulators, and if someone managed to make a legal emulator of 360 or OGXbox, they would face heavy pressure from publishers to remove it due to the potential loss of revenue.

This is one of those professional courtesy matters that MS isn't going to want to try and test the waters on, and in any case, side loading unknown executable code from the ROMs isn't going to go over well on a closed system. It can open the doors to piracy, and MS is likely to err on the side of caution.

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I have to disagree. Personally, I feel like DD2 still needs a lot of optimization. I really dislike games that try to sell a bunch of DLC when their game is still a mess.

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This, RDR2, Bloodborne.... and of course, Life of Black Tiger.