
Have Gamers Been Giving Bethesda a Free Pass?

Bethesda is known for their ambitious games that push the limits of what is possible. Over the years they’ve developed massive yet dense worlds in games such as Fallout 3 or Oblivion. But this ambition they have as a game developer has shown time and time again that their eyes are bigger than their stomachs, for Bethesda, this ambition leads to a barrage of technical issues (that gamers bend over backwards to justify). To put it bluntly, their games don’t run well and gamers tend to look the other way. Other games face intense scrutiny when there are technical issues present, but when it happens in a Bethesda game, it’s “just the way their games are”.

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UltraNova2889d ago (Edited 2889d ago )

I ve been playing F4 for the past week (1sr playthrough) and I have to say that the loot craze is real and addicting BUT man those graphics are dated its like playing a 2010 ps3/360 1st party game...where do i even start from the low rez textures? The stiff plastic NPCs? The super basic rag doll physics? The not so great audio quality?

The gameplat might be fun and addictive but its 2016 and doesnt look the part! I sincerly hope the next Elder Scrols is on a completly new engine.

gangsta_red2888d ago

I agree, was waiting for F4 for the longest time and although it's a fun game it is not the progression in a series (found in other sequels) that I was expecting.

Too many glitches, bugs, horrible AI, terrible facial motion capture, took me out of my enjoyment too many times. After I finished it I returned it, something I thought I would never do with a Fallout game.

Yui_Suzumiya2888d ago

I never had bugs or glitches on ps4 and like I stated above, I got the platinum 3 weeks after launch.

kneon2888d ago

It's a Bethesda game so I was expecting it to be a bug fest. But I was shocked that it was actually pretty stable, the quality was much better than a typical Bethesda game.

_-EDMIX-_2888d ago

@Kneon- Agreed. I'd say this is the most stable game they've actually released. The exaggeration on the bugs is a bit much as I've been playing since launch and have over 120 hours and haven't encountered much bugs, not much game breaking ones anyway and not much more then I'd actually find in any other game.

I've found a few bugs in MGSV, a lot in Witcher 3 (as one actually stopped my game due to a corrupt save), a few in Battlefront that got patched etc I can't say I've found ENOUGH to say its MORE then I'd find in other games. We always find a few in lots of games and thus far, I'm not sure I can say Fallout 4 is a bugfest or anything like that in comparison to any other game release.

nveenio2888d ago

The answer to this question is easily "Yes."

The beginning of Fallout 4 has some parts that look really good (PC), but out in the open world, the same attention to detail isn't provided, and it really shows its age. I, too, hope they do their next game on a new engine, but they're also really bad about bugs. So even that would be bitter-sweet.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2888d ago
Yui_Suzumiya2888d ago

Holy mackerel! Well better late than never I suppose. I went to a launch party and had the platinum in 3 weeks. Good stuff :3

_-EDMIX-_2888d ago

I didn't have an issue with how it looked as I didn't with Fallout 3 or New Vegas. Consider both those games last gen, clearly didn't look like the best games in comparison to that generation. I didn't mean much to me then, doesn't now.

I personally like how the effects, lighting, shadows etc look and didn't care THAT much that it didn't look like The Order or anything like that. Consider we don't even know of the game could be done to such a magnitude considering what it actually is.

Apart from that, I've been loving this game since release.

Its scenes like this


That make me love what I'm seeing in Fallout 4. The effects are king in this game right now. Could the game have looked better with more beefy textures and facial animations? Sure, but I think they did fine considering. I'd say this is the most bug free I've played any Bethesda game thus far though lol

I haven't encountered much bugs that have stopped my game or anything like that and I've been playing for a little over 120 hours.

I've had some voice over bugs when the game first came out, like they would stop speaking. Some animation bugs, but nothing like the whole Vampire glitch from Oblivion or broken quest or anything of the sort.

Yui_Suzumiya2887d ago


Just wasting time in this thread.. nobody agrees with us.. even with me stating simple facts I still got buried.. Everybody's experience with this game was different in which mine was positive.. my only beef with the game are those lame fetch quests that infinitely repeat, lol

yay1112888d ago

It really doesn't look anywhere near as bad as you're describing unless you're playing it on low

GhostTurtle2887d ago

I agree. I expected way more from a "next gen" FO game.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2887d ago
Kirchh772888d ago (Edited 2888d ago )

No I don't give them a free pass I just play their games bc there's usually a pretty limited amount of options for the genres they like to make. I play Skyrim bc I like first person fantasy rpg's w the choice of magic or melee and there just isn't a whole lot out there w those features so I'm limited to these games. Especially on ps4 which is why I'll be playing Skyrim on ps4 regardless of if I rent it or buy it for cheaper. If other companies would tackle this genre then I'd play those...Until then I gta play what I can.

Kirchh772888d ago (Edited 2888d ago )

Ppl dislike my comment yet I don't see them naming any games that fit my description...If I'm wrong and there are a bunch of games like I've described then please by all means tell me what they are. Otherwise I feel like this site is full of trolls that just go around down voting every plausible comment they see.

DragonKnight2887d ago

When you address the fact that people disagreee with you, you will get more. My comment pointing out this fact will get disagrees. Just don't worry about it.

Kirchh772887d ago (Edited 2887d ago )

I'm just saying if ppl are going to disagree about there being games like this then they should comment what they are instead of just getting mad at me for being right.

Utalkin2me2888d ago

Of course people have. Nobody cared that Skyrim was total garbage on PS3 at release. And people keep lapping it up. But not me, Im not a follower, im a leader type. So i will not purchase anymore of their games until they straighten up.

AnotherProGamer2888d ago

Not only do their games have technical problems but they are dumbing down their games by streamlining and removing more and more RPG mechanics.

Fallout 4 none of the choices matter as they all lend to "Yes, I will go kill these bandits"

Overload2888d ago

This is my biggest problem with Fallout 4.

InTheLab2888d ago

When you're done commenting, I just got word about a new settlement having trouble with some Raiders. Need you to check it out.

Remember when the stats were more than just a dumb perk tree? Started the dumbing process in Skyrim. People ate it up. Went even further with with F4 and people still love it despite being stripped of content and depth.

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isarai35d ago

How about you actually SHOW wtf you're talking about

Nacho_Z34d ago

Always annoying when articles do that.

I agree with them that the tv show was a bit on the clean side. They got loads right regarding set design etc but there's room for improvement.

gold_drake34d ago

i dont. it hurts my eyes. but im fairly ssensitive when it comes to that sort of stuff.


Fallout 4 – Next Gen Update 2 Notes

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Tacoboto39d ago

How nice of them to give us more control over graphical settings as a way to *completely* avoid taking accountability for the broken Xbox settings.

bondsmx39d ago

Well, I still crashed like 5 times last night within two hours. So there’s that.

anast39d ago

I had to stop. The game is not good. I'd rather play Skyrim and that game isn't that good either.