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Relientk77 (3) - 2983d ago Cancel
UglyGeezer (2) - 2983d ago Cancel
punkandlizard (3) - 2983d ago Cancel
oKidUKo (2) - 2983d ago Cancel

Dex Review | TXH

Gareth writes "There are some games that you slowly build into. You’re introduced through a lengthy cut-scene to the wondrous world you’re going to spend the next twenty hours enjoying. You’ll get a insight into the main protagonist and slowly work out what their problems, aims and goals are. Then there are games that immediately shout “RUN” at you. Dex is one of these games – one in which from the off you don’t know where you are, how it works, who the hell you are and…what is that coming at me with a gun? It’s a game that could tempt you to switch off early, putting on something easier. But don’t, because Dex needs a bit of time and then it will start paying you back in spades."

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Community2983d ago
oKidUKo2983d ago

I remember watching the trailer and it intrigued me. Surprised it's 4/5 though, i'm convinced now.

shinoff21832983d ago

Im waiting to see if this gets a physical release in the US, If not ill be getting the UK one.


Dex is free on GOG

GOG is giving away Dex for free. All you have to do to add Dex to your collection is go to the GOG website or the game’s product page.

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Community759d ago
FreeckyCake759d ago (Edited 759d ago )

Sweet good news

MadLad759d ago

Great game.
I'm friends with the lead developer.
Show some love.

It doesn't cost you anything.

shinoff2183758d ago (Edited 758d ago )

Can you ask then whats up with another one? I enjoyed the hell out of the first 1. Beat it twice. Got the ps4 physical copy imported to the us from Europe

MadLad758d ago

He wants to do another one, but that was a big project for him and it barely broke even.
I'm not saying there won't be one, and don't want to speak for him, but that started as a Kickstarter and that was only enough to get the first build of the game on Steam. He had a hard time finishing it and bringing it to other markets.
He basically works alone, and hires freelance just to do menial stuff here and there.

Father__Merrin759d ago

Used to have this on ps4 its a neat steam punk style adventure Il add it on gog

757d ago

Dex Review - Gaming Respawn

Dex is a 2D action-RPG set in a cyberpunk world with gameplay elements similar to Deus Ex and Geometry Wars.

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Omac_brother1511d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Community1510d ago

Dex Nintendo Switch Review - A Cyberpunk Adventure - Rocket Chainsaw

Rocket Chainsaw: The story and characters are interesting, while the atmosphere and world is fantastic, but the combat and hacking hurt the experience.

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Community1514d ago