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Square Enix President Shocked by The Quality of PS4 Exclusive Spider-Man; Surprised by God of War

Square Enix President Yosuke Matsuda is a gamer, as he demonstrated multiple times. He isn’t shy about showing off his gameplay online, and he often mentions his appreciation for western games. In an interview in the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu, he talked about E3 and the games that impressed him the most.

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Community2931d ago
ShadowKnight2931d ago (Edited 2931d ago )

Both games will be a big hit for Sony

Shubhendu_Singh2930d ago

GOW simply blew me away. Love the new direction.

and correct me if I'm wrong, previous Spiderman projects were all by Activision and presumably with they tight schedule and rushed attitude going into those games.

Though Sony is known for giving the appropriate money and time to any of their projects. I have no doubts this game will drown every Spidey game before it by a long long shot.
Next someone make a space exploration game with Silver Surfer please.

Yui_Suzumiya2930d ago

Yeah I think Spiderman contract with Activision ended if I'm not mistaken, hence the Sony game and possibility of a Telltale game (all we know is that it's Marvel related at this point).

_-EDMIX-_2930d ago

Absolutely agree. I'm shocked at all the new direction of older Ips this E3 from God of War to Resident Evil to Zelda this E3 is like some sort of resurgence of reboots lol

-Foxtrot2930d ago

This is why I really want James Bond to be made by Sony instead of Activision. The trailer alone for Spiderman shits on anything Activision has done imagine what Sony could do for James Bond.

Either that or NaughtyDogs next game should be James Bond inspired like how Uncharted was Indiana Jones inspired. Get their own theme songs and intros along with a good British secret agent character and they'll be good to go.

IamTylerDurden12930d ago

Activision Spidey games are forced to be movie tie in games.

Sony was given permission from Marvel, but it can not be a movie tie in game (thank goodness). Presumably, Marvel allowed this bc Sony is allowing Spidey to appear in other Marvel movies.

Finally a great looking Spidey game. Unfortunate for xbox fans and pc gamers, but great for the 50m PS4 owners.

kneon2930d ago


That would be too close to James Bond, it would be called a Bond rip-off, and rightfully so. How about going back to the original real James Bond

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Chevalier2930d ago


" Activision Spidey games are forced to be movie tie in games. "

Shattered Dimensions and Web of Shadows were based off movies?! Seems if anything Activision didn't put money into the projects if anything.

WelkinCole2930d ago

I was honestly more impressed with Sipiderman4 trailer than Death Stranded that showed just before it.

Fullmetalevolust2931d ago

Talk about two major titles about to hit the PS4.

UltraNova2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

If Spidey Ps4 turns out to be good I will not be surpriced to see a 50% spike in ps4's sales the month it comes out. Double that if they release it along the new Spiderman movie reboot!

As for the new GoW... well what can I say, if that wasnt the perfect re-imagination done and presented right then i dont know what the hell it was!

CaitSith2930d ago

I feel like, releasing it the same day as the Spiderman movie, gives the impression to the consumer that it's a movie tie-in, when it's not. I also equate such moves synonymous with other movie tie-in games' overall quality, which is bad. So I think, if Sony's focused on quality, they should release it when it's ready.

UltraNova2930d ago

Agreed. But then this is 2016, if Sony cant get the message out-being Spiderman the ps4 game is a AAA standalone entry then they need to take some marketing lessons asap.

morganfell2930d ago


I understand your concern but the average gamer that makes purchases doesn't care if it appears to be a movie tie in - even though this game is not. That is one of the reasons they want it. The seasoned aware gamer will get it regardless of the release date because of the subject material and/or the pedigree of the development studio. Just because they decide to maximize sales by timing the release date will not prevent the intelligent gamer from purchasing. Particularly when they have stated the game is not bound to MCU thus letting us know that it is its own particular animal.

CaitSith2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )


The fact it's Spiderman they're dealing with effectively broadens their market, potentially to people who are fans of the comic series but are not 'gamers', so I think Sony shouldn't worry about that aspect in trying to sell the product. The only thing they have to market, as I've said before, is it's distinguishing quality from other bargain bin movie tie-in games.

EDIT: Actually, I have a cousin that's getting a PS4 because of this game, and he's a big Marvel fan (big is a huge understatement).


Agreed; and to reach out to these 'average' gamers*, and to potentially keep them within the market, they have to have exposure to high quality games, and there's no better way to do that than with Spiderman. Taking that into account, if Sony really cares for this industry and it's bottom line, the outcome of this game will show their true colours as to whether or not they care about, and want to show, quality to potential customers, or if they're just out for a quick cash grab. But since Insomniac's behind the game, we all know the answer to that.

*Hopefully you and I have the same understanding of what an 'average' gamer is.

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IamTylerDurden12930d ago

GoW and an exclusive Spider-man are about as big as it gets. These are massive system selling games that will help maintain Sony's dominant stance.

The amount of huge exclusives still to come is jaw dropping for PS4.

No Man's Sky (rated as the most anticipated game)

GT Sport (biggest racing franchise in games)

Horizon Zero Dawn (game of show 2015 e3)

Persona 5 (it's Persona)

God of War (game of show 2016 e3)

Spider-man (exclusive AAA Spidey game from Insomniac)

Days Gone (new ip, AAA open world from Bend, e3 show closer)

Death Stranding (Kojima)

Then we other AAA exclusives and big games such as...

Nioh (Dark Souls with Samurai, spectacular demo already released)

Dreams (Mm's follow up to LBP)

Gravity Rush 2 (Japan Studios PS4 follow up to the excellent Gravity Rush)

WiLD (open world game with a Far Cry Primal setting, from the makers of Beyond Good n Evil)

The Forest



JEECE2930d ago

Agree for the most part, although I think GT Sport may have lower sales numbers than some people think. It isn't going to have as much of a fleshed-out single player as other entries, it hasn't been marketed super well, and it isn't a numbered sequel (this matters). I'm sure it will sell well, but I don't think it will touch the sales of 1-5.

I'm also not sure how well Horizon will do. It is massively anticipated by the people who frequent video game sites, but that isn't most console owners. I'm sure it will have a really big first week due to hardcore PS fans, but it usually takes several great entries in a series before it reaches mainstream, system-selling success (see: Uncharted, Elder Scrolls (console-wise), Battlefield (console-wise), The Souls Series, Far Cry, etc). I hope to be wrong though; great advertising could certainly go a long way.

Mystogan2931d ago

Spiderman is definitely a huge hit in the nuts to Xbox. Unless Microsoft can get Ironman or Superman.

Xavior_Reigns2931d ago

Those two have terrible track records in games, MS would be wise to steer clear.

Rimeskeem2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

If anything MS will pay Rocksteady for an exclusive Batman game.

EDIT: it's very unlikely knowing that Sony currently has Rocksteady making exclusive VR but I'm just putting the idea out there.

Mystogan2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

So does spiderman. Only good spiderman games were ps2 era. Even then. They should take the challenge. Both Superman and Ironman games can be incredible IF done right. Imagine a VR Ironman game where you're actually in the suit. Or a superman game with destruction like crackdown 3.

_-EDMIX-_2930d ago

@rime- I do not see Warner Brothers okay about a license anywhere else or even allowing one of their own teams to create a title for one platform I don't really know why a company would do business that way..

medman2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

I find it highly unlikely that Microsoft will be in the business of buying 3rd party exclusivity anymore, seeing as how all their first party games are coming to pc now. It would make less financial sense for them to do that now than it ever did. Sure, they would be keeping it out of the hands of some ps4/Neo owners, but people like me that game on pc as well as console would just pick up the "exclusive" on pc, negating much of the benefit of having exclusivity to begin with.

The only true exclusives left are on pc, ps4, and what will be the NX, where you actually have to own the system to play the game. Microsoft is leaving that behind for a different strategy of getting their software into the hands of more gamers, so I believe they will leave the paying for exclusivity strategy behind as well.

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xfiles20992931d ago ShowReplies(9)
thatguyhayat2930d ago

Yeaaah superman owned by warner brothers so thats definetly a no. And i think it was marvel who came to sony with the spiderman game? I think i read that somewhere unless im wrong. But marvels going into the game business supporting best devs. This whole time i thought it would be sucker punch

Yui_Suzumiya2930d ago

Speaking of Suckered Punch, I wonder what the devil they're cooking up.

Mystogan2930d ago

Why is it a no? They can license it.

Darkfist_Flames2930d ago

I hope sucker punch still working on another Infamous game, and not a licensed game

rainslacker2930d ago

They would need something akin to Xmen, be an open world game with numerous different styles of play, and a way to co-op, along with an online component to go against Spider-Man. Batman and Spider-Man are some of the few comic book video games which get people excited, and MS won't get Batman. Spider-Man just screams great game play if it's done right, because it can be very diverse. Everything else is going to be marginal at best. Even if they're popular comics, they don't have a history of doing well as a video games, and many don't translate well. I could see maybe a Wolverine game doing quite well if done properly, but beyond that, I think a company really has to go to great lengths to make a satisfying game based on a comic book.

xfiles20992930d ago

Here is the thing Microsoft has no first party studios really who is going to make a Superhero game for them,What Turn 10 going to make Forza meets Avengers Oh I know Forza The Avengers Racing adventure. Microsoft buys first party games. Marvel already stated that they want partners that treat there games like it was a first party exclusive they are not interested in Money They want partners who are passionate about the game and comic and project they are working on. That right there leaves out Microsoft They are not a company that can be trusted with a Marvel or DC flagship title

Angeljuice2930d ago

Somebody could always come out with some kind of "create a hero/villain" game.
With a good enough character creation mode people could either create new heroes or recreate famous ones.

That's one way around licencing issues.

rainslacker2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )


DCUO is kind of like that in a way...although not quite as "create your own" as I assume you are implying.

However, it is a matter of IP appeal. Sure, anyone could make a superhero game. Doesn't mean it's going to have the mass appeal that a Spiderman or Batman game would.

For instance, Infamous, allows you to pick a side, and is what I would consider super-hero/villian-ish. But despite being a popular Sony IP, it has nowhere near the mainstream appeal as licensed material. Crackdown is kind of a superhero game, although I'm not sure the level with which you can create your own character. Again, despite being a popular IP(now more than ever), it's appeal is going to pale in comparison to any licensed product....except maybe Aquaman.....hate that guy.:-P


MS doesn't really need a 1st party studio to make the game. Insomniac isn't a Sony 1st party studio, but they're making the game for Sony, for exclusive release. MS could do the same. For the purpose of my comic, they just need the license to be able to make a super hero game. While MS has the money to afford such a thing, if they managed to snag one that has broad appeal and huge mainstream recognition, the costs involved probably wouldn't be worth it to them just to have something to go against this one game from Sony...although Sony apparently has more than one planned going forward.

Superman, an example given by the OP, has that appeal, but not in the gaming segment, and honestly, the costs to license are going to be pretty damn high.

Other than that, I agree with Marvel IP's. They seem to be taking great care with how they handle their franchises. Some slip ups here and there, but what they're doing is resonating quite well, and while I can't speak for how DC would feel about such things, I think they also see how taking care with their IP's is a more profitable path going forward, because Marvel has shown that there is a huge market for quality comic book licensed content.

Zorkaz2930d ago

I think Sony own Ironman and the Avengers now, but I might be wrong. Microsoft will be able to do any DC heroes though. I'd love to see the Arrow or Superman ...

Kaneki-Ken2930d ago

Wrong, they allow to use those characters/ appear in Sony Spider man movies. Other hand, Warner Bros are making DC games themselves

Exvalos2930d ago

Oh man the last ironman games where such trash, ironman needs to retire his gaming

javauns2930d ago

lol the reason he shocked is cause he knows ps4 best studio couldn't get heir franchise game to look so good but the second and 3rd can? something isnt right there. but time will tell. i wonder if they'll ever make a spiderman game where the suit is made of nanotech like in a few of the universes?

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NapalmSanctuary2931d ago

I'll be shocked by the quality on "Twisted Metal: World Tour Part Dos" when they announce it, then I'll probably be disappointed when they make the driving too fast and too easy which will force them to make every weapon homing, reducing the series, yet again, to a back seat driver combat game... Spider-Man looks cool though.

Artemidorus2930d ago

But it's E3 so a downgrade is to be expected, anyone who disagrees doesn't have a clue how this works.....

Rimeskeem2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

No, that's Ubisofts job. We gotta be honest here. BF1 looks great with Alpha gameplay, Battlefront looked amazing, Uncharted was jaw dropping, FF15 demo looked astonishing. It really is only Ubisoft who downgrades. So far every game I have played that isn't Ubisoft has looked as good as ever when they showed gameplay of it.

LordMaim2930d ago

Anyone who says "anyone who disagrees is X", isn't confident in their argument.

Artemidorus2930d ago

Considering it's usually facts, i wouldn't need any confidence to provide the truth.

Enjoy the future downgrade.

Trez12342930d ago

That's ubisoft and microsoft's job. Since the killzone 2 trailer Sony has been careful with showing their games and there have been alot of their games that got better after the first gameplay footage. I just find it funny how people point fingers at ubisoft alone tho. The downgrade on QB was massive and maybe the biggest downgrade this gen but somehow it went kinda undetected ( I like the game tho).

Majin-vegeta2930d ago

Funny thing PS4 exclusive has had a downgrade try again :).

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TennoCon 2024: Ben Starr On His Bridgerton Moment In Warframe 1999

Right before the full reveal of Warframe 1999 at TennoCon, we chatted with Ben Starr about the responsibility of stepping into such a huge franchise.

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Yuzo Koshiro's PC/Megadrive Shooter: Earthion Trailer #1 Has Been Released

To kick off Bitsummit in Kyoto, Japan. Yuzo Koshiro unveiled a new video for Earthion featuring a sneak peek of new stages and music (with the new YKGGG logo sound!).

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Random: Hideo Kojima Highlights The 21st Anniversary Of 'Boktai' On GBA

No sunlight that day, apparently.

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Community7d ago
OtterX9d ago

They should release it on NSO's GBA lineup. The Switch has a light sensor afterall! (Switch Lite owners would be out of luck though)

Chocoburger8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

I don't think games would be able to 'hook into' the light sensor for automatic screen brightness.
The best way to play the game is with the fan patch that lets you adjust the amount of light the game is receiving at will. Make sure not to play at max sunlight for too long, or the game will punish you, keep the sunlight meter lowered in order to keep playing longer.