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Kojima: I'm Confident Death Stranding Will Be My Best Work, I Won't Have To Give Up or Compromise

Kojima said to be confident about Death Stranding becoming his best work yet once it's released, since he won't have to do any compromises like with his previous games.

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KiwiViper852994d ago ShowReplies(10)
Reibooi2994d ago

There is also the possibility that not having any restraint could be bad for the game at the end of the day. Like having to many new ideas thrown into a game all at once make it a overwhelming experience in a negative way.

That said I honestly don't expect that to happen. He has done enough large scale games to know where the line is I think and Konami had been stopping him far short of that line(we can see that quite clearly in MGS5). Either way I am just excited to see something new that is not metal gear from Kojima. Good or bad I think it will certainly be very interesting.

firelogic2994d ago

I was thinking the same. Without someone telling him, "no" the game could turn out to be a bloated incoherent mess. Or it could be the best game of all time. But constraints/limitations aren't always a bad thing. It makes you think of other ways to do things.

2994d ago
donthate2994d ago

If anything, Kojima is known to go well overboard. The compromise will come after a few years of and the cost starts catching up. It will be a great game most likely since it is Kojima, just expect it in 5-years!

Soc52994d ago

I agree but I think it also means he will take forever to release it

rainslacker2994d ago (Edited 2994d ago )

As much as I admire his enthusiasm, game development does require compromise. There are very few big budget games which don't see cuts from the original design. If he's getting money from an outside source, he will probably be required to give up something to meet deadlines as that's typical, and more often than not, producers want things that the developer may not....thus compromises have to be made. It's also pretty well known that Kojima dreams big, so this will mean he won't be able to achieve everything he sets out to do.

It'll be nice if he isn't forced to do as much as Konami made him do with MGSV though. Their hand in the design of the game is painfully obvious.

I wish him the best of luck in achieving as much as possible with his ideas though. I'm excited to see what he comes up with when he's not shackled by a publisher. Some of his work back when he was allowed to be more creative was outstanding and ahead of it's time.

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Number-Nine2994d ago

I bet that is a shot at Konami. MSGV was a colossal disappointment and unfinished

Alexious2994d ago

Not so veiled stab at Konami there!

johndoe112112994d ago

And he's damn right to do it. Konami has been holding Kojima back for years. Imagine a Kojima game without the restrictions and abuse of konami. I really don't want to overhype the game but this could literally be a masterpiece. I think he'll be pushing some boundaries, ones he could not push at konami.

Kaneki-Ken2994d ago

But then again Kojima was given a budget limit, which he used to create the Fox Engine(probably spend millions of dollars) and MGSV, Kiefer(contract probably cost too much that previous MGS voice actor couldn't be cast since they were offer little money), surpass the limit and led Konami and Kojima to go against each other so you can't blame Konami completely since Kojima waisted too much money that the game couldn't even finish the last chapter. In the other hand, now that Kojima is working with PlayStation, he have a bigger budget since PlayStation have a long history with Kojima and believes that he will create a masterpiece and have full control of the project with no interference and no string attached.

Majister-Ludi2994d ago

Ugh yea who knows if Konami hadn't been involved maybe there could have been 30 hours of cuts scenes hooray.

morganfell2994d ago

"But then again Kojima was given a budget limit..."

Kojima's restriction limits have never been one of money. He has been creatively hamstrung.

moegooner882994d ago

30 hrs of cutscenes would have been better than the abomination that was MGSV story.

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KaiPow2994d ago

I'll be following Deaths Stranding if only to figure out what the hell it even is.

Shubhendu_Singh2994d ago

Show someone just the trailer and he will be hooked.
That's Kojima.

Majister-Ludi2994d ago

Are you serious. Not only did kojima say that the trailer has almost nothing to do with the game but if I saw that and knew nothing about it I would have zero interest.

morganfell2994d ago (Edited 2994d ago )

And you believe Kojima was being 100% honest? He is a master of the mental sleight of hand and I love it. I think the trailer has a great deal to do with the game as it could be likely he meant "not in the way people perceive." Kojima has shown himself to be a master of saying "no means yes and no at the same time."

Ratty2994d ago

I've been away from gaming news for the past weeks so unless he said something in the past 2-3 weeks, he actually didn't confirm whether or not the trailer was an actual cutscene from the game. He did confirm the area in the trailer was in the game though.

PigsR4Eating2994d ago (Edited 2994d ago )

Not me. I wish this guy would go away, stay out of gaming news and just make his game. I wish almost anyone making games the best, I am always looking for a good gaming experience, kojima included, but he has made the same type of game for ever as far as I know. If I see some good gameplay in a few years maybe I will understand what everyone is getting so hyped for.

I don't see an option to respond to rainslacker so ill put have to put this here. First I had no idea Kojima was involved in all those titles. I played MGSV quite a bit until I realized the game just repeats all its missions halfway through. I though the gameplay was solid but the story was a let down. Pt looked interesting, not a huge horror fan but its a bummer it got cancelled. Ive played various metal gears at friends over the years. I know of castlevania and zone of the enders but havent played them. You made a very informative post, and what I take from it, aside from that he has more than metal gear to his credit, is that people are excited because he is making a game, not because of the content of the trailer itself. I hope sony is able to give him the creative freedom he needs.

Nathan_Hale532994d ago

I believe the trailer won't have much to do with the theme, but overall story and message as he always does. Lot's of meaning behind the scenes and in the details of all of his games.

rainslacker2994d ago (Edited 2994d ago )


The same type of game...that his employers told him to make. It wasn't buy choice that he was so stuck on the MGS series for so long. After MGS3 released, he said he wanted to move away from the series. With MGS4, he said it would be his last MGS game. Then he was made to make MGSV, and play a part in Revengence. Even when he wanted to move away from the series, he couldn't, and to his credit, he still put all his talents and backing into the production of the game, and didn't half ass it. MGSV may have been a disappointment by Kojima standards, but those disappointments look more like Konami influence(read as demands) that he was required to put into the game.

Beyond that, he's had a hand in other games as well, so even while making MGSV, his time was occupied elsewhere. He was the producer for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, the game which brought the series back to life. He was the creator of Snatcher and Policenauts, which gave rise to the digital novel and was well ahead of it's time. He produced some of the Tokimeki Memorial series, which was a precursor to the "real life" sim games that we see today. Zone of Enders 1&2 were a personal project of his, and while good, is probably one of his few earlier games which didn't set some sort of standard. He's directed PT, and was scheduled to turn that into a Silent Hills game to many peoples delight given just how well a demo of the game was made. And he's had producer or director roles in a lot of other games throughout the years which never really made it to the west.

People know him most for MGS. But he is influential and well respected for much more than that. It's people's limited knowledge of his portfolio that make them think all he is is MGS, but that is far from the case. He has proven time and again he understands good game design, and has a very open fervor and commitment to trying to make good games. If you want to see good game play, look at any number of games I mentioned. MGSV is considered to have some of the best game play in the series, and outside it's open world repetitiveness, the game play is up there with some of the best titles available, if not beyond it.

Maybe that will help you get understand why people are hyped. We expect great things, because he delivers great things.

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neoandrew2994d ago

It has something to do with dead that can't anymore fit in the death world and go to ours, there are to many of them, they are "stranding".

Thats what i understood from Kojima explaining the title.

Alexious2994d ago

Not sure how that will turn into an action game, though...

lastking952994d ago

So is it a zombie game? No more room in hell so the dead remain on earth type of deal? Trailer had me thinking it would be an apocalypse type of deal. Something goes wrong and destroy society.

Ratty2994d ago

Kojima said it wasn't exactly an action game but something unique. He said it was an action game for lack of a better term.

rainslacker2994d ago (Edited 2994d ago )

Doesn't really have to be zombies. Zombies tend to indicate that the dead are walking without any mental faculties, but in some cases they aren't mindless creatures, and can be represented as regular people.

Or could just mean some kind of ghost, but in human form, maybe akin to the forsaken from WOW, not like casper.

Technically, zombies are the revived dead traditionally through witchcraft, but other means have been employed more recently, whereas this would just be the dead sticking around. Kind of more akin to Game of Thrones Frozen Walkers....but without the ambiguous magic.

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Yoshikiri2994d ago

I can't even begin to explain just how much I'm looking forward to whatever this title may bring to us. I have faith in Kojima and the freedom and creative control he has with this one.

bloodybutcher2994d ago

true. without noone limiting his creativity, he can now make a 30hour long cutscene with few minutes of gameplay spread through it.

FreddyFazbear2994d ago

I believe in kojima. I never heard of him saying that his past metal gears are his materpiece but still gratefull to fans and critics. And yet here he is saying something like this

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