
PS4 vs PC: Which should you buy?

Can't decide between buying a PS4 or Gaming PC?

WIPS4 has put together a PS4 vs PC Comparison Guide which will help you with your decision.

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2999d ago Replies(2)
2999d ago Replies(1)
ShadowKnight2998d ago (Edited 2998d ago )

@errorist I agree!! 👍

EpicSandwich2999d ago

I'd go with pc ps4 and xbox one :)

Kabaneri2998d ago

Thats what I have, but considering MS has completely wrecked all the reasons to own an Xbox, Im gonna sell mine.

ninsigma2999d ago

If you can only choose one then for me it's down to whether you care for the ps4 exclusives. If you do, then get a ps4. If not, I'd say get a pc. You can build one for roughly the same price that will outperform ps4 and obviously you have all the other things a pc can do.
Not a bad choice either way. Both are great!

uth112999d ago

I've just been upgrading mine and calculated it out.. you really can't beat the PS4 on power for the same price,. Not if you want a complete build including OS

s45gr322998d ago

Is not that expensive. Really, the two most expensive PC parts at the moment are the CPU and GPU but the AMD RX480 has lowered the price of GPUs. This GPU has made it possible to build a 4K gaming PC for less than $1000 .

uth112998d ago

@s45gr32 - I didn't say you can't do it for less than $1000, I said you can't do it for less than the price of a PS4, or even close if you are a new PC user, you will need most of these:

Case - $40
PSU - $30
500mb HD - $40
Keyboard - $20
Mouse - $10
Bluray - $30
New Windows license (OEM) - $90
DS4 or Xbox controller - $60

That's $320 for the above, before you even buy the CPU/GPU + Mobo! and I went cheap on some of those prices, you can easily spend much more for a good case + PSU. PS4 is $349.

nitus102998d ago


Depending what CPU, Motherboard and Memory you pick you could be looking at $200 (low end) to over $1000 USD and that is not including the price of a decent graphics card. Although I never heard of a 500 millie bit (mb) HD I think you wanted to say a 500 GigaByte (GB) HD.

As for paying $20 USD for Keyboard and $10 USD you are quite right they are cheap but a serious gamer would not consider them.

rainslacker2998d ago (Edited 2998d ago )

A lot of times, a prebuilt system that is on it's way off the market will be a much better buy. Nowadays, a product line has maybe a 6-7 month shelf life before new models are released, and at that time, you can get some reasonably equipped(although still more expensive than a PS4) PC's that will be more powerful than the current systems.

How easily they can be upgraded and how well they're supported will vary by manufacture. Best Buy offloads Alienware computers pretty cheap when they release their new systems for instance. And Dell can see some great deals from time to time. HP is crap, and even if it's cheaper, still not worth the price.

If I were looking to build a system for gaming, I'd be spending $1000-1500 easily, and would probably splurge for even more so it'd last longer. But I'm understanding enough of technology to know where the money is best spent. OTOH, I would also cannibalize my current system to save money where I can....but realize you're talking a fresh start PC.

HisRandomFriend2998d ago

I can't reply to your other comment for some reason, but you're wrong, you can get pretty close to a PS4's price and still get a better PC.
Here's proof: http://pcpartpicker.com/lis...
Also if you're paying for Windows than you're doing it wrong.

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masterfox2999d ago (Edited 2998d ago )

hmmm I don't know the decision is "sooo" difficult, in one hand you have:

* Awesome exclusives
* Multiplataform with exclusive content
* free 100% of game breaking bugs
* 99% of games full hd
* So damn easy to handle UI
* great discounts on PSN
* PS plus free stuff
* price tag $350
* buy game play it straight away
* Free games across all its plataforms(ps plus)
* I can't download torrents
* pron sites missing plugins, in PS4 web browser
* aww.. what else ?... I can't run wii emulator on it or neorage

On the other hand you have:

Gaming PC
* Mame emulators run great
* In-private browsing works great
* That worm game slitj or whatever name is runs great
* Torrent downloads.
* Star citizen is almost here.....nah just kidding :P
* boob mods

* No interesting exclusives, only some multiplataform games are interesting
* even if you have the most expensive gaming PC it still can't reach the visual awesomeness like Uncharted 4 or Driveclub
* at least you need 1000 dlls to be able to buy/build an average gaming rig
* Bug on games, lots but lots bugs/glitches/hangs, etc.
* Steam is freaking flooded with indie games
* waiting weeks or months for a damn optimized GPU driver for your damn game

so what you should buy ? well duh an xbone or wii U....Nahhhh just kidding a PS4 of course!! :D

starchild2998d ago

Wow, I rarely see so much delusion in one post.

Utalkin2me2998d ago

Ok so instead of saying he is delusional. Then break down what he said then provide info on why he is wrong in his opinion? I know he was kidding in some things. But actually alot of what he says is true. Especially the exclusives, they offer nothing in terms of exclusives that i enjoy really.

Hold_It2998d ago (Edited 2998d ago )


Well said.

PS4 has app crashes all the time, and has more game breaking bugs in their games than PC games do. At least with PC gaming, the community can actually fix problems themselves instead of waiting for some incompetent dev to do it, or never do it. PS4 crashes to the system menu more than the capable gaming PC crashes to desktop. I actually have more crashes on my PS4 and PS3 than I do on my PC and Xbox One. The download speed on the PS4 is garbage, and that's after opening all of my ports. Steam on the other hand can utilize your entire maximum download speed, so if you're supposed to get 13 Megabytes download a second, Steam can give you that, PS4 will not.

Most PS4 games aren't really true 1080p 60fps. That's why they put such an emphasis on the hardware upscaling that the console has.

The Discounts on PSN are worse than Steam's prices, and worse than Xbox's sales.

PC can emulate just about any console and handheld.
You don't need $1000 build an average gaming rig
Games aren't universally filled with bugs, glitches, hangs etc. Most of that comes from Ubisoft, and Bethesda games, which have similar or worse problems on console.
You complain about Steam being flooded with indie games, yet most of the PS4 store library and free games offered each month are mostly indie games.
You don't wait weeks or months for an optimized GPU driver for your game, more like they release before the game comes out, or they release two days later.

You really fit all the negative stereotypes of a console gamer who is PC illiterate and technologically retarded with all the false accusations that you make.

PygmelionHunter2998d ago (Edited 2998d ago )

* 100% of free game breaking bugs"

Something something grammar fail something lol

On topic: whynotboth.jpg , if you really care about graphics, online play, and the largest library in gaming, surely you'd buy a PC. But if you care about Sony studios' games and the occasional console exclusive, you should buy a PS4. I don't really have the money for a PC right now, but I'm comfortable enough with a PS4 at home, though I'd like to go back to PC gaming one day.

These articles serve no purpose on this site, simply because they're a magnet for fanboys.

Deltaguy2998d ago

largest library of trash games are on PC..don't act like almost all of its catalog not on consoles isn't total trash

s45gr322998d ago (Edited 2998d ago )

Exclusive games that is your opinion.

The PC does offer great visual exclusive games (not many of course) like:

Path of Exile
Xcom 2
Grim Dawn
Ashes of the Singularity

Sadly its the multiplatform games that make PC gaming shine. For example:

Crysis series
Batman Arkham series
Tomb Raider reboot series
The Witcher 3

I can go on and yes there is too many early access games. I just want to say that with free online gaming, innovative creative games, full backwards compability. Do no forget, home to shmups, platformers, survival horror, old school jrpgs, etc. That is not counting its exclusive genres, (MMOs, MOBAs, strategy and simulation games) makes gaming PC a strong contender. It really boils down to either wanting to have a do it yourself gaming experience or a corporation dictating your gaming experience.

AwesomeKiddo2998d ago

Xcom is no longer an exclusive. Not to mention, Batman runs like crap on PC.

starchild2998d ago


XCOM 2 is still exclusive to PC right now. Batman Arkham Knight does not run like crap. I am running it at maxed settings and at 1440p resolution and still getting around 45fps on my G-Sync monitor. It had problems at launch, but those were ironed out and I think it is now one of the better optimized games with top level graphics. It looks amazing on PC at ultra settings.

Livecustoms2998d ago

I knew it was an awful comment the moment i saw one of the cons for the ps4 being you can't download torrents. like wtf ? you do realise it cost's money to make games !

Sieg2998d ago

Okay let me chime in. As a PC and ex PS4 owner(gave mine away to family member) . I do know a thing or two about having both.

*Console exclusives are great. Uncharted 4 and Bloodborne is amazing.
*PC exclusives are great as well. I have over 1000+ hours in SC2 and CS:GO.

*Consoles are easy to setup. Just plug in power, hdmi, sync controller and to update land you go.
*PC are also easy to setup. Just plug in power, DP, Mouse and keyboard, and to update land you go as well.

*You can buy and sell games on consoles. Therefore making it cheap.
*You can buy games at a discounted price from various vendor on PC. Therefore making it cheap as well.

*Consoles are expensive. Welcome to 201X
*PC are expensive. Welcome to 201X

Before I go on, I grew up in household that use PC for work and game. My first console is a PS1 and continued to purchase every PS consoles at launch. I had my PS4 for 1.2 years before I gave it away.

I like console for game but that's pretty much all. My PC can do all of that plus more. Also building my PC is very rewarding just like working on my car. I have control over what I"m doing and if I mess up then it's my fault. I know that graphic vs gameplay is a hot debate. In my opinion, if I bust my ass at work. I would want to come home to the best gaming experience that I can get and my PC can offer that.

If you haven't try game in 2160p @60hz(not upscale on shitty tv that doesn't do 4:4:4) or 1440p @144hz panel at the targeted fps. Then I would recommend trying that out. If you're the type that like having the freedom with how your should be play then PC can provide that. For example, GTA5 I would drive with controller but all shooting with m/kb. If my game ain't hitting the fps that I want, then I can change the setting. If I want to watch netflix, skype one to one, and game on separate screens then I can do that. I personally find mouse and keyboard is much more enjoyable because I grew up using them and also use them everyday for work. You're paying for more feature just like a car.

My goal here is not to say that consoles are bad but in my opinion my PC can do all of that but better. Sure I can't play some exclusives but I can live with that because I also have other exclusives to play. If you can own both then good for you but if you only have one and talk about the other without proper research then don't.

So what should you buy? All if you can, but if I have to pick one then it would PC because it offer the most. I use my pc for work, school, and game. Just my opinion, buy whatever you want. I'm not your dad just a stranger on the internet talking about a hobby. So don't get salty.

PizzaSteve2998d ago

I completely agree. PC of course can have better graphics but only if devs care to make them better. Most PC exclusives look horrible and boring while PS4 exclusives like UC4, GOW, and Horizon looks 10x better than anything on PC.

ONESHOTV22998d ago

your console cant even run crysis calm down and this is coming from a console owner

PizzaSteve2998d ago

You think I care about that boring game lol.

starchild2998d ago

Haha those games do not look 10x better than anything on PC. They don't even beat the best looking games on PC in the first place.

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