
A VR Skeptic's First Impressions of PlayStation VR

With Sony's success with the PlayStation 4. Sony wants to double it's luck
with the PlayStation VR. With the rise in popularity in Facebook's, Oculus
Rift, and HTC's Vive, that are making waves in the gaming community. Sony's
VR headset is due to release on October 13th. Poli Games host, Joseph, has
never experienced VR, and has been a bit critical of the future and success
of VR. Will this experience sell him on VR?

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Poli_Games2914d ago

Have you tried VR yet? If so, then what do you think about VR? Is it the "future" of gaming? Or is this just a fad? Let's talk about it!!

TGG_overlord2913d ago

One time, but I almost lost my lunch :S

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2913d ago

At least you have tried it. Many of the people downplaying it and calling it a gimmick have never tried it at all. I would also recommend that people who have issues with motion, balance, or dizziness not buy this device, but if you do buy it and experience these issues just return it for a refund. Simple right?

amiga-man2913d ago (Edited 2913d ago )

Hugs I suffer motion sickness, but it won't stop me buying PSVR, sure there will be certain games that I will probably stay clear of but plenty of experiences will be fine and it goes beyond gaming, so count me in.

Kydrice, I have a Gear VR, a simple VR headset that uses a phone for it's display, the screen door is obvious and off putting, from what I understand PSVR is leaps and bounds better in that department, although it's only a matter of time before any issues are sorted out, VR will just get better and better.

ApocalypseShadow2913d ago

My recommendation would be :Be reserved but know what effects you. I'm getting it regardless. But I'll research the games before buying some them.

I get sick from some FPS games that have the fishbowl effect. But every other FPS, I'm fine. I can play flying games and space games flying upside down just for added difficulty and have no problem. Play a third person game with a bad camera and I can feel the stomach and sweat coming on.

Or perfect example, I watched hardcore Henry and had to do stop points because the camera is everywhere. Still enjoyed the movie though. Just took longer to watch from pausing. But I've seen action movies with tons going on and movement and have no problem.

I've played some mobile VR and had no trouble. Others had bad frame rates, resolution, camera, etc, and I had to stop playing for a bit. It's going to come down to personal physiology and developers making good games that meet requirements for a good experience. Not the tech. The tech works exactly the way it's supposed to do.

On topic, it's good to see a guy skeptical but coming out of his experience positive. Just because PSVR is the cheaper option doesn't mean the experience can't be great.

RabbitFly2913d ago (Edited 2913d ago )

I have not tried it, and I am not really a sceptic per say, but I still think the current technological level of VR is just a fad.

I really like the idea of VR and I wish I could justify purchasing a set to try out more than a few of the games currently being worked on. However they are still mostly novelty experiences. We have not seen a fully realized game yet, and I rather doubt we will for a very long time.

The issue is that while VR as a general idea should and most likely is the future of gaming, the current experience is still equilant to a head mounted screen with 3d and head tracking. I am not saying that alone isn't good or that the current progress doesn't sounds amazing. I am just saying that currently there is nothing that really attempts to change the way we play games and that is probably the biggest hurdle left. Motion controllers are all fine and dandy, but it also have a lot of limitations, like accuracy and lack of haptic feedback, not to mention that it only addresses half of the equation.

Movement is still the biggest hurdle for VR and the number 1 reason people get sick when playing it. omnidirectional treadmills is one step in the right direction, but it is far from being ready for mainstream adoption.

The novelty factor is also strengthend by the fact that as a screen it doesn't really support the traditional games that we are currently playing. Rather the technology is waiting for games specifically developed for it. Which in itself isn't really that bad, but even though VR could be the future, at it's current level it is not a good enough reason to abandon the games and genres we currently love.

BlackDoomAx2912d ago

It was the future back in 1994 when i first tried. Can't wait for the present :)

Lionsguard2913d ago

I tried the Vive for the very first time at a Microsoft store and it was great as expected but man that screen door effect is seriously in your face. I don't see how anyone can say it isn't or not noticeable. VR will truly shine when they cut the cords and the resolution wraps your entire field of vision and that screen door effect is a thing of ancient times.

UltraNova2913d ago

I havent tried any of the VR units yet but from what i read you are propably right. That said i beleive that VR is here to stay and that is only during the second or even third gen units come out that we will see what VR can truly do.
IMOH, the best time for VR will be when they lock down 144+ rock solid fps, 120-180degrees field of view and Retina level image quality with absolutly no screen door effect. Granted i ask too much of this tech, but thats why I said its only after the second even third gen that they might get close to the specs I've mentioned.

I will probably buy PSVR ( when the price is right)just to experience VR but I will definetly wait for 3rd gen units for that for significant jump/upgrade.

ApocalypseShadow2913d ago

That's the great thing about VR becoming a success. It will lead to better advances in the technology.

I'm expecting future VR headsets will be wireless with a small rechargeable power source, thin as paper glasses and are in high definition and Bluetooth support.

If Lg can do this
And Samsung this

A couple of years with VR tech will make it smaller yet more powerful like everything else that has been made.

Lionsguard2913d ago

I don't think 144 is necessary but we'll get there one day, 90 is good enough. I didn't get sick or notice any second of lag. As bad as the screen door effect was and the cord always getting in my way, it was still a great experience and I do intend to buy probably 2 VR headsets (Vive and PSVR). I do agree that the third generation is (or should be) amazing. Who knows though, the second gen may hit all our expectations.

AMD has already cut the cord with the Sulon Q and StarVR has a 4K headset. Now these technologies need to mesh and become cost effective.

Errorist762913d ago

PSVR doesn't have a screen door effect.

Lionsguard2912d ago

I'm going to Bestbuy this weekend to try it out. I'll see for myself.

Errorist762912d ago

I envy you. We here in Europe will have to wait a little longer.

Vipre772913d ago

What's a "Frist" impression?


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Garethvk90d ago

I can finally play Half Life Alyx.

mariopasta89d ago

I can finally watch pron, I mean watch pronouns be pronounced in PC VR games that were previously not available on Playstation.

crazyCoconuts89d ago

be careful not to sprain your... tongue pronouncing those pronouns

Profchaos89d ago

I'm excited for that to plus I can try fallout 4 VR always wanted to play that

crazyCoconuts89d ago

I was lucky and held off on 4 until I played it in VR. It really is pretty awesome - you'll love it.

DaReapa89d ago

The icing on the cake would be if Sony / Valve allow for a Steam Link app much like it is for the Quest 3. Likely wishful thinking, though.