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Will Xbox Scorpio and PS4 Neo Drive You to PC Gaming?

With the much more powerful Xbox Scorpio set for 2017 and Sony’s PlayStation 4 Neo looming somewhere on the horizon, are more gamers now considering PC?

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Community3013d ago
Nyxus3013d ago

No, because many of the games I'm most looking forward to are console exclusives, like God of War, Horizon, Naughty Dog's next title, Ni No Kuni II, Zelda: Breath of the Wild, etc...

Aceman183013d ago

Nope I'm a console gamer through and through, also I love that exclusives give consoles their own identity. So for now I'll be rocking with my PS4, WiiU combo.

Alexander1Nevermind3013d ago

I game on console(PS4) and PC already. So the answer is no for me as well. I will upgrade my console most likely.

piroh3013d ago

Well, I wonder if anyone noticed but thanks to Scorpio and Neo the traditional console life cycle will be longer that means longer life to PS4 and X1. I'm happy with that, my PS4 will be there for a while no need to worry all games will be compatible

NatureOfLogic_3013d ago (Edited 3013d ago )

Yes, It drove me to PC gaming. I still have my PS4 for exclusives, although I rarely play it now.

ChronoJoe3013d ago (Edited 3013d ago )

None of those games are on XBOX ONE. It stands to reason that many XBOX ONE consumers will be driven towards PC gaming.

There was a post on Neogaf where a retailer was reporting that a lot of people have been trading in their XBOX ONEs, with intentions to build a gaming PCs instead.

Mystogan3013d ago

People who prefer consoles will always prefer consoles.

Also, are you really using Neogaf to back up your argument?

arkard3013d ago

With pcs being able to use controllers and being able to make small but powerful machines that can be placed under your TV, pcs are as close to consoles now as consoles are to pc

AngelicIceDiamond3013d ago

@Joe Doubt that, highly doubt that.

BossBattle3013d ago (Edited 3013d ago )

Let me know when you buy a decent pc for $600 or less. PC games are way easier to hack. You also have to worry about settings, viruses, drivers, updates, or a big bulky pc under your living room tv. You guys already said the Xbox One was too big so they made a slim version. But now the bulky pc is ok? Kids don't want to deal with PC settings either. Plug and play is the point. I hate gaming on a pc personally. Neogaf probably was 3 people who traded in their X1 with "intentions". They'll probably end up get a Scorpio.

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Mystogan3013d ago (Edited 3013d ago )

I can see some people who prefer to play on PC but had an Xbox One for all exclusives completely moving to PC. But I don't see how that applies to PS4 NEO. I also think most people who own a console have a console because they prefer console. PC gaming has always been better than consoles in almost every way. Xbox Exclusives moving to PC isn't going to change much.

I like that i'll be able to play my Xbox games on PC when I feel like sitting at a desk or when I'm on the road on my gaming laptop and playing on Xbox on the couch when I'm lazy. The fact that I only need to pay once for my game is awesome.

2pacalypsenow3013d ago

No because PS4 exclusives cant be played on PC, and I refuse to use that trash Windows store to buy games.
Plus I already play PC along with consoles

s45gr323013d ago

That is fine with me, my question is will you accept PS4 Neo and Scorpio? My second question would you support microtransactions in $60.00 games? What I see is too many gamers complain but support the game they are complaining about. That is what needs to stop.

2pacalypsenow3013d ago (Edited 3013d ago )

Microstransactions have nothing to do with Scorpio or Neo and no I never purchase any Micro transactions, I don't support this mid life console upgrade but I have no choice since that's where consoles are going.

3013d ago
uth113013d ago

Microtransactions do have something to do with Neo/Scorpio because the overall complaint is that companies are greedy, they keep trying to extract too much money, don't give enough value, etc etc.

So here we are with two mid-gen consoles that don't give as much of an upgrade as a normal console launch, and yet it seems like everybody can't wait to spend money on them, and few see it as a cash grab.

If you bought both PS4 + Neo, it will cost you $800 this gen, that's more than the most expensive PS3 model. XB1 will end up costing more than that.

Pongwater3013d ago

If I was a big fan of certain former XB exclusives I'd build or buy a PC to play them, so there's your answer for Scorpio. I don't feel any need for a 4K tv so there's your answer for Neo. Neither of those answers has anything to do with accepting the new consoles. I simply don't see a need for them, for different reasons.

Your microtransaction question is too broad. What am I buying? How much does it cost? What game is it for? It's always a case by case decision, but people obviously support microtransactions in $60 games because they've been around for a long time now.

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3013d ago
s45gr323013d ago

It is a possibility but console gamers have sat too long and done nothing to improve their console gaming experience. Have allowed these corporations to do as they please without punishing them or telling them to kick rocks. Is time for console gamers to fight back.

Thatguy-3103013d ago

By going to pc you'll enter the platform that does a lot of upgrading so I don't see what's the point. Consoles will still be the simplest to use. Plug and play isn't going anywhere so I doubt people will abandon it.

Nathan_Hale533013d ago

False, I see people try and use this arguement a lot but, my 4 yo mid range PC still holds up today at 1080p. I plan to upgrade the graphics card next month though, and that would be my first upgrade since I first built it.

BumpFrankie3013d ago

You cant argure that new PC parts are developed and released very frequently, meaning that a person can upgrade just as often as the new parts come out should they choose to. Just because you specifically don't upgrade your PC very often doesn't mean nobody else does. Also I'm willing to bet you spent more than $400 on building your PC.

darthv723013d ago

No, I prefer the consoles to the PC no matter how much console-ish they make PC's today.

yarbie10003013d ago

The consoles are becoming PC-ish, not the other way around

Rude-ro3013d ago

Ehhhh the point of Microsofts direction was to learn to lock it down. Pcs are always known as "open" and that is why console gaming is liked by developers....
Steam, ea, Ubisoft are trying to lock down. Microsofts Windows 10 is more locked down, but Microsoft would prefer people go to pc so that they do not have to do what they are bad at, bulging things.

Jarl_Asvaldr3013d ago

I think that they're both going towards the center here. Mid gen upgrades for console and steam box for pc. Both trying to be more competitive with a wider range of gamers.

darthv723013d ago

it goes both ways. Consoles taking on more PC hardware while PC's are getting more console style. Alienware with their steam machine and even the raspberry pi's getting put inside almost anything. Though a raspberry pi is more for emulation than a full size PC.

BossBattle3013d ago

Let me know when consoles can run big programs like Pro Tools 12 or Adobe Premiere. Or when you can connect a external blue ray burner, printer, or midi interface. That's what a pc can do. The advantage consoles have over pc is that they're more optimized and coded to the metal. So it would take a more expensive pc to perform as well as a cheaper console because consoles don't have the same bottlenecks and heavy OS. Batman Arkham Knight is a prime example of consoles playing a game better than pc. Consoles are so much more efficient and cheaper.

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RiPPn3013d ago (Edited 3013d ago )

I will still buy the Neo, but thinking about building a PC for Xbox games.. That RX480 for $200 coupled with a Zen should be some nice bang for the buck and I won't have to wait a year for the Scorpio which this machine should outperform..

That said I'm still not sure that's the route I want to go, and if Microsoft designs a nice looking box that is small and looks nice on the entertainment center than I will still get a Scorpio.

3013d ago Replies(6)
Nathan_Hale533013d ago

Good idea, if zen is released with good prices the build should not cost more than $600-700

3013d ago
2pacalypsenow3013d ago

" it will only cost around $" care to provide a source??

ninsigma3013d ago

That card should serve you well. If you could push the boat out a bit more I'd say go for the gtx 1070 but honestly, you'll be perfectly fine with the 480 if that's what you choose.

These sites are awesome when building PCs.

mysteryraz113013d ago

this is why I stick to consoles not gonna build a computer to play video games all day that just screams virgin nerd

ninsigma3013d ago

So you'll just be virgin nerd playing games all day on console instead of PC??

mysteryraz113013d ago

you cant be a nerd if you play on consoles because console owners dont act like hardware is everything

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Comparing All The Current Game Streaming Subscription Services

In 2020 the sheer number of game streaming subscriptions makes you wonder where you should focus your energy and money. Are you are looking for a streaming subscription to satisfy your gaming needs? Well, we put together a table overview for you to peruse and possibly see which ones you might prefer, or see why some of these are now redundant services.

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Community1687d ago
isarai1688d ago (Edited 1688d ago )

Sony just needs to up its resolution and framerate and it'll be quite the service, still don't like streaming though so doesn't really matter to me.

SpaceRanger1688d ago

Why is Xbox GamePass on this? Not a streaming service.

CaptainCook1687d ago

Xcloud will be included with Xbox Game Pass this year

RazzerRedux1687d ago

And they announced that.....when?

CaptainCook1687d ago (Edited 1687d ago )

Here's the link from the engineers themselves talking about Xcloud at Xbox London Event 2019.

"There's 2 things.. We are going to give you the games you own from the cloud or the games you've purchased in the future, and we will bring Game streaming to Xbox Game Pass so you are Free to discover and play anywhere and everywhere"

SpaceRanger1687d ago

Once again, why is Xbox GamePass on this? Your comment only further proves my point.

RazzerRedux1687d ago


Thanks. I missed that announcement obviously.

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RazzerRedux1687d ago

Neither is Uplay or Origin. "Journalism"

2pacalypsenow1688d ago (Edited 1688d ago )

The only game streaming services are PS Now, Stadia and GeForce Now.

Xbox Game pass, Uplay plus and Origin aren’t streaming.

1686d ago Replies(2)
1687d ago Replies(1)
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24-year-old faces nearly 9,000 charges for trading game accounts

A 24-year-old inhabitant of Poland has received nearly 9 thousand charges of illegal distribution of games. His idea was to buy digital versions of the games and then resell access to the account to many people. Losses he caused were valued at nearly $260,000. He pleaded guilty to all charges.

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Community1690d ago
masterfox1692d ago (Edited 1692d ago )

it's over 9000!!! :D, sorry I couldn't resist.

Bleucrunch1690d ago

hahahahaahahahahahaaaaaa. GOOD ONE!!!

Exvalos1690d ago

Omfg lmao!!!!! Never a more perfect time to say that

badz1491690d ago

it's not over 9000 though

Father__Merrin1690d ago

these cretins are all over ebay you search for a game key and something cheap comes up once you click on the post its actually not a game key but rather access to a account. theres no option on ebay to report them

arkard1690d ago (Edited 1690d ago )

Should be, what does not participate in digital sales (unless something changed im unaware of) so a sale like that is against there terms and conditions

I was wrong, they do allow digital items now.

But I checked and there is still a reporting tool on the mobile website at least. You have to scroll pretty far down to get to it though

nucky641690d ago

not sure about that. i used to sell digital codes from blu ray movies i bought. i never used them so it seemed like a waste. i usually put them up for sale for a third of what the entire movie package cost me. the last time i tried to do this (around 2 months ago) i get message that trying to sell digital copies isn't allowed.

nucky641690d ago

so true. i was always curious as to how people were allowed to do that. now i know - they aren't supposed to.

Cyb3r1690d ago

Some websites sell accounts too Im surprised that noting is being done about this

JackBNimble1690d ago

And they're all stolen accounts

1690d ago
JackBNimble1690d ago

Why are they calling this trading accounts, this is plain and simply stealing.

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The Game Deflators E64 | Nintendo Loses and Exclusive to the PlayStation 4

This week on the Game Deflators #podcast, John and Ryan discuss the loss of Nintendo Exclusives, Pokemon, and TemTem. Also in the gaming world, we can't forget about the Xbox and PlayStation. Microsoft is re-hiring a a marketing exec of the Xbox 360 days and the PlayStation continues to proove why it will be a force to be reckoned with this next console generation.

To round off this episode the duo tilt their Game Boys and play some Pokemon Pinball. This classic game came out in 1999 to relatively good reviews. Does it still hold up for gamers?

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