
Exclusive Xbox 360 Guitar Hero: World Tour Content Announced

Exclusive song titles for the Xbox 360 version have been revealed for Guitar Hero III, which is fully compatible with Guitar Hero:World Tour.

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Snukadaman_5807d ago

They are doing a decent job of that.

PirateThom5806d ago

Maybe if they could get some exclusive games, it would be more in their line.

mindedone5806d ago

The problem is that they don't CREATE exclusive content. This is content that would have been available to all. Gamers do not win.

wangdiddy825807d ago

I rather enjoy a whole new exclusive IP like LPB, god of war 3, killzone 2, motorstorm 2, heavy rain, and games like that..

sony has exclusive games

Microsoft has exclusive content for some multi plat games, which is really pointless.. Good example GTA4..

ravinshield5806d ago

ur stupid the only new ip there is LBP and heavy rain not the rest you moron

Zhai5806d ago

Why did this get approved? Come on - this info is over a month old!

Jellzy5806d ago

Ah well, old news always manages to slip through.

Although its fair to say that it may swing a few in-the-know PS3 owners to buying RB2 instead.


Top Five Discoveries in Gaming Soundtracks

Sometimes, gaming soundtracks can introduce players to bands and artists they've never heard of. This article is all about Matt's five favorites, thanks for gaming.

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Top Ten Video Game Adverts... Ever

Accompanied by Heidi Klum, Mr T, Robin Williams, and Jerry (who's suddenly a chicken), Dan takes a look at his favourite video gaming adverts of all time.

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Top 10 Celebrities Making Appearances Video Games

Unreality Mag writes: "It’s always fun to see something out of the ordinary when you’re playing a video game. Most times it comes in the forms of funny songs or a game glitch you didn’t expect. And sometimes the game will toss in a celebrity which might throw you off (meaning a good thing).

But here I wanted to focus on celebrities who appeared in games that weren’t so obvious. Games that didn’t really have a celebrity focus yet a celebrity appeared in that seemed almost random.

Here are 10 that I enjoyed the most."

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Moncole4543d ago

This lt fails for not having Burt F*cken Reynolds from Saints Row the Third

Unless I am blind and didn't see him