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Sony failed to do right by the PlayStation Vita

The Blade's Will Harrison: The Vita’s predecessor, the PSP, was a global success. The device captured the imagination of Japanese and western consumers on its way to selling a staggering 82 million units, outselling Nintendo’s Game Boy Advance and DS.

Sony couldn’t have had a bigger or easier home run on its hands. Yet, the Vita is now officially dead, with Sony confirming last August that it would stop development of first-party titles. The handheld managed a paltry 13.9 million units sold worldwide, compared with the Nintendo 3DS — the Vita’s most direct competitor — which sold almost 60 million units.

How did things go so wrong?

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Community2927d ago
WickedLester2927d ago (Edited 2927d ago )

The market spoke and it didn't want Vita. End of story! Sony tried very hard in the beginning to support this platform with some really good games and nobody bought them. Yet still the handheld has managed to stick around for 5 years and has seen a lot of great indie support the last couple of years. You can't fault Sony for not wanting to devote time and resources to a dying platform.

The biggest mistake Sony made was with the ridiculously overpriced proprietary memory cards. They should've used universal flash cards.

Movefasta19932927d ago (Edited 2927d ago )

oh stop it.It's all sony's fault. Where was Gran turismo? A naughty DOg developed game? WHy didn;t they secure monster hunter,knowing how huge it was on psp? God of War? It needed exclusives, more platformers and GOOD ones like Size matters Daxter, and big rpgs likecrisis core.It needed a rockstar game because liberty city stories was the game that made evryone want to buy a psp.It's all sony's fault,anybody who can't see it are blind.
And that stupid logic,which a lot of people who use,the ones that say if they released those games it wouldn't have sold well.Actually,it needed those games to sell well.

@ Ashlen I CLEARLY said a naughty dog Developed game.

vladstad2927d ago

you forgot the sky high price of memory cards.

himdeel2927d ago (Edited 2927d ago )

Sony is completely at fault. They operated arrogantly under their old logic, if we build an awesome piece of tech people will make games for it and we dont have to. Sending the device out with horribly pricey proprietary storage and no good advertising was Sonys fault. Then the games people wanted never came despite the promise.

The Vita is the best handheld ever.

Ashlen2927d ago (Edited 2927d ago )

There is a Naughty Dog Vita game it's called Uncharted: Golden Abyss. There is also a God of War collection on Vita. And there are tons of JRPG's on the system, it's probably the most common style of game. Also it's rumored there is a Gran Turismo Vita game being made.

And as for things like a Rockstar game. That's 3'rd party it's up to those companies to decide if they want to make a game, it's not Sony's choice.

donwel2927d ago

@Ashlen Golden Abyss was't developed by Naughty Dog, it was developed by Bend studio, who did a fantastic job on the game by the way.

Aloy-Boyfriend2927d ago (Edited 2927d ago )

It needed those games, but developers didn't want to make them.

- Rockstar never talked about another GTA on Vita. They were busy with GTA V
- Naughty Dog does not make games for other devices than consoles. THEY NEVER MADE A GAME FOR PSP, NEITHER WILL THEY MAKE SOMETHING FOR MORPHEUS. The last thing they can do is produce them and nothing more like they did Golden Abyss
- Santa Monica was busy with God of War Ascencion in that time
- So was Polyphony with GT6
- So was RaD with The Order.
You see where this goes?

Blame sony yes, but blame developers too. The Vita came in the wrong time where the PS4 was around the corner. After those devs finishes their Vita projects, they moved on to PS4

You see, there's more to the failure of Vita than Sony's lack of support. The Vita saw a bunch of games in te first 2 years before the PS4 came. Nothing else ever since...

gangsta_red2927d ago

I agree with WickedLester, the mobile market had no need for a portable dedicated handheld device. Sony tried their best to support the Vita with games as did other developers but if the device and games aren't selling why should Sony and 3rd party developers waste time and resources releasing games for it?

hulk_bash19872927d ago

I love my Vita, but Sony didnt do right by the system. They should have supported and marketed alot more than they did.

_-EDMIX-_2927d ago

@Vlad- Agreed.

@gangsta_red- 100% agree. I don't see a reason to waste such funds and focus on a lessor install base. They tried and I see no reason to go down with the ship. Makes no sense.

KOIMOJO2927d ago

None of those things would have helped. They screwed up as soon as they made a handheld that promised console like experiences. All of the games they made that are under that category felt terrible in comparison to actual console games. The screen size/sticks/button layout all make playing games like Uncharted or Gravity rush super cumbersome. I prayed that they would put the next Gravity Rush on ps4 and they are because it makes sense. There is a reason most 3ds games use simplified character models and control schemes that rarely require the use of shoulder buttons or the stick. Handheld games need to be designed for a handheld. That's what they are now doing.
Square is finally on board making games that will play well on vita and the facts are that most of the mainstream US aren't interested in the type of games that work well and they are now doubling down on in Japan. For those of us that love the 3DS as well and like playing jrpgs, they are still bringing those things over to us, they just don't really need to market them. Us vita fans know what's up.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2927d ago
HarrisonBlade2927d ago

Actually, I can fault Sony. I did. For 700 words, even. The market didn't speak, Sony provided a device and was apparently shocked that fans didn't want half-baked versions of games they loved and titles that basically amounted to tech demos for questionable touch controls.

It was the equivalent of a bakery trying to sell half-eaten bread, not selling any, then deciding to get out of the bread market because their one plan didn't work.

I can also heavily fault Sony for poor hardware decisions, including placing sub-par wireless technology in their devices. It's part of why Remote Play never worked as intended: The PS4 and Vita both have iffy-at-best wireless hardware and their services are complete garbage.

Remote Play should have been easy. If Nintendo, a company who rarely gets hardware specifics right, can do remote play, Sony could have.

This isn't a "Capitalism spoke and found the Vita wanting" situation. Sony threw a device out there and shrugged their shoulders when consumers reacted tepidly to the bare minimum of effort on the part of the company.

danny8182927d ago

i completely dissagree. Sony abandoned it. End of story. They made promise after promise. Even had kevin levine promise a Bioshock on stage! They tried in the beginning but pulled all resources to ps4. Which is great but people who bought vita got jipped.

TheFirstClassic2927d ago

If Sony had started the Vita with Monster Hunter and call of duty it could have been much different. Cod declassified was a cash in, a 5 month dev cycle to make a terrible game. That one game helped kill the vita.

Shubhendu_Singh2927d ago

Sony is not even pretending that they care about PSVita now. Just look at this years E3.

I know VR is a huge push, and everybody wants PSVR to succeed, but you can't blame me for not having this seed of doubt in back of my mind about PSVR too. Who could have thought Vita would be like this after coming hot off from PSP ??

joeorc2927d ago

Who could have thought Vota would be like this after coming hot off from the PSP?

Like yes, what about the
PSPGo..not even 2 full year's on market , than pulled.

How about xperia play..licences by Sony Ericsson, to be a gaming Phone..not made by Sony by still blamed on Sony for no Support by Sony.

Than we have the PSVita..
The well the PSP did so well, yes so well that UMD dumps pretty much killed any real chance for software sales so much rockstar games decided no more..

Think about it Rockstar games make GTA san Andreas for iOS & Android..but not Nintendo 3DS or PSVita?

There is no money in it for the work..required for dedicated game handhelds..for the cost to make a AAA game for the.PSVita on return!

The team size and cost to make it was or would be d@mn near the cost to make a PS3 Game.

That's why its being left to get online distribution games. And by 2nd and 3rd party Game handheld Exclusives. That many in the west say are meh, or not that great anyway.

So be out was the attitude of the gamer in the west, Sony decided its resources were beat served the PSVita in the East. Where its selling.

Vipre772927d ago

This year? Yes. And at least the last 2 years before that, too.

2927d ago
_-EDMIX-_2927d ago


I don't really disagree with removing support from something that isn't working out. They'd rather save their money and focus on PS4 and 40 million plus gamers can't really disagree with such a move.

@Move- it is Sony's fault in regards to how they released it and its hardware ie memory cards etc.

In terms of games? Not really. Statistically speaking, MOST don't buy hardware for first party titles. If it wasn't working out, I can't really blame them for shifting support, this is after all a business.

Mind you, a Naughty Dog game or God Of War game would not have just moved MILLIONS of PS Vita units, that is extremely unlikely. Why? Well titles like Call Of Duty, Assassins Creed, Final Fantasy etc move MORE UNITS then actual exclusives do and they have a COD, AC game and a FF games coming to Vita.

I don't see Vita moving HUGE units for those, thus unlikely those titles would make any differences. You can't force someone like "Rockstar games" to make a game on a device that is failing. If Sony failed to create that install base, its on them, not other developers.

That is like saying if you make Ice cream to start selling you're ice cream at a failed retailer...

Why waste product with such a company? What if they had a busted freezer? So still do business with them?

THAT is how you need to seriously look at this.

It is Sony's fault, 100%, but I don't actually see the moves you talking about changing much. PSP did sell really well, but that was also 2004 bud.......

The handheld market its NOT the same as it once was.

Look at 3DS. It only has a fraction of DS's sales and I feel Nintendo did a great job with software on it, but you can put Smash, Mario Kart, Resident Evil etc on it, doesn't mean it will get DS sales.

Same for PS Vita. JUST because they have those titles, doesn't mean they will get PSP sales. PSP also released again in 2004.

Dirtnapstor2927d ago

I believe the high priced memory cards were the real hang up. I remember why Sony said no to the standard ones on the market, but still, they should not have charged 75% of the cost of the Vita itself for the decent memory needed to play the games. Yes I could have downloaded them to my PS3 and transferred as needed, but who wanted to haggle with that?

GamingIVfun2927d ago (Edited 2927d ago )

The PS Vita is still supported, games come out for it every week. Sony made big games for the Vita, probably didn't make enough money to justify the cost, on the other hand digital only games do very well on Vita and their is a lot of them to choose from, many are cross buy with PS3 and PS4, also Japanese games do very well on PS Vita. Cell phones are the biggest reason the PS Vita hasn't sold better, same reason sales went down for Nintendo's handhelds, plus their is no really huge budget games on the 3DS, nothing like a Naughty Dog budget game.

Many people that say it failed wouldn't buy a Sony gaming devise anyway. if you owned one you would know it's a pretty good device and has a pretty big and diverse game library. Go to Playstation store and check out the Ps Vita section.

KentBenMei2926d ago

Not true, Sony failed the Vita plus circumstances screwed it (such as a heavy 3DS price drop and the rise of Mobile). A perfect storm hit the thing and it needs a successor sooner rather than later (we will get one eventually but I don't want to wait).

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Fin_The_Human2927d ago (Edited 2927d ago )

TBF the Vita has lots of games and I am enjoying a lot them at the moment.

The problem is that most of those games cater to the Asian market and don't include house hold brands like Pokémon and Monster Hunter - also the Vita does not have a staple game like Mario....Gravity Rush is awesome but no where the brand recognition as Mario or Zelda.

All I ever wanted on the Vita was a good Monster Hunter, GTA and Street Fighter game.

HarrisonBlade2927d ago

To be fair, there are a few very good SF games available for Vita:

Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX is the best version of SFA3, even compared to the arcade original. Street Fighter x Tekken is THE optimal version of that game on Vita (and I will never hear otherwise.), Ultimate MvC 3 was also great on the Vita.

I get what you mean though; new titles. I'm shocked they never ported SSFIV over, even the version that was on the 3DS. Alas.

Exari2926d ago

Vita owners must get a game called Severed,
imo this is the best vita game ever

Elda2927d ago

They did not,my Vita sits & collects dust.

blackblades2927d ago

Played mine last night, actually I play it all the time.

Elda2927d ago

It's evident you're playing something that interest you,there hasn't been anything interesting to me on the Vita for the past 2 years.Sony only supported the system for 2 years with first party titles so my Vita just collects dust.

blackblades2927d ago

There's plenty of games on it, don't see how you can't find a game to play on it after 2 years.

Elda2927d ago (Edited 2927d ago )

There's nothing of interest for me to play on the Vita the last good thing was the last Killzone game.

moegooner882927d ago (Edited 2927d ago )

PSP sold that well because of piracy mainly. It was quite easy to mod the device. None of the software titles on psp sold that well outside of Japan.

HarrisonBlade2927d ago

There's no evidence at all to support that claim, and you're also wrong about sales numbers.

6 of the top 10 selling PSP games were developed outside of Japan, with the GTA games selling LARGE quantities.

moegooner882927d ago (Edited 2927d ago )

Did you just use VG Chartz? Wow Official data puts Monster Hunter titles as the best selling ones. Sony itself said that piracy is so widespread and sickening that it is killing the software market, that's how much it was evident. Google it.

Fin_The_Human2927d ago

Dude not saying that you aren't right but never use Vchartz with a Z to prove a point.

That's like someone saying hey Fox news says its true so i believe them.

WhoCaresWhatMyNameIs2927d ago


Though everyone uses VG Chartz on PS4 and Xbox One sales lmao

joeorc2927d ago

And most of those large expensive games got UMD dumped!

Many developers refused to heavy invest large AAA investment resources..after the UMD dumps were more downloads than actual sales of retail copies😂

Why do you think Sony used the current memory card it cars readers for easy read , easy dump.
Better Encryption.

Problem for Sony was no one wanted to pay the price it requested, thus developers did not want to
Ake games for a system in the Wes with few people that purchased it with a large publisher and developer pool and resources needed to make the game.

Instead we get smaller games and lower cost investment and online market distribution for its games.

Just take note, no more dedicated handhelds from Sony for conse market mist likely and all those resources instead going to the PS4 instead.

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donwel2927d ago

Which is why Sony went for the stupidly priced proprietary memory cards for Vita. I remember seeing somewhere that there were more than twice the number of people at one point playing online on Resistance on PSP than the number of sales, which is an absolutely ridiculous statistic and is why I don't believe a word anyone says when they talk about hacking for "homebrew".

joeorc2927d ago (Edited 2927d ago )

More UMD🚚 copies of games were being used than actual physical sold copies..😏

Why would people not expect a company to try not to make that hard as possible on the next release of the replacement to the PSP Menory cards were not proprietary, because Kingston, SanDisk all made them also which means card readers could read them!

Like SD cards PC card readers allow easy access to the data on the card.

No such easy card reader for the PSVita's blank media format.

DragoonsScaleLegends2927d ago

There is piracy on the Vita, their horrible memory cards didn't stop that.

raWfodog2927d ago

I still play with mine everyday. I do wish they never screwed up their deal with Capcom though. I would love to play some Monster Hunters after Freedom Unite. I plan to get a 3DS this summer though to play Generations (and other games like the Bravely series and the Fire Emblem series).

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SEGA / Atlus Switch eShop sale: lowest prices for Catherine, Persona 4 Golden, Valkyria Chronicles 4

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Persona Series Getting Its Own Whiskey in Japan

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DarXyde344d ago

I'll have to make this a mission the next time I blow through Tokyo.

Hopefully soon, given the limited availability.

Seraphim344d ago

send me one while you're at it. I mean what's better than Whiskey and Persona? A cigar with the two, and that would be perfection personified.


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