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Hideo Kojima explains why he chose PlayStation | GameBlog

Hideo Kojima is back! After unveiling the trailer for Death Stranding at the PlayStation conference, Gameblog have come to learn more. Meeting with a changing creator.

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Community2926d ago
Majin-vegeta2927d ago

Basically Sony was their best option.Thats the commitment of PS.

StormLegend2926d ago

Sony is broke remember? MS & Nintendo has way more, so why didn't they?

asadachi2926d ago

I think it being the better system and Japanese. Even if only slightly better, better is better.

UltraNova2926d ago (Edited 2926d ago )

$$ always 'helps', see tomb raider, dead rising, sfv etc.

In Kojima's case i beleive it was more about creative freedom. Sony is known for approving weird, uncommon concepts in gaming so it was only natural for him to side with them.

What that means for us? Well we are in for mind f*** of a ride for sure!

Sign me up damn it!!

naruga2926d ago (Edited 2926d ago )

one factor is that they r both japanese (and that s the best combination) ..the other is the creative aspect where Sony could provide him advisory on graphics engine and software development other companies probably would let him make his game on a generic engine (aka U4) without continuous support and also as he says would have to pitch and mod his game in order to be accepted.. the end, PS1 was the console he made his first uber-success (MGS1), is a proven PS fan and this is 1 of the many reasons we like him

nX2926d ago

It's not about cash, Sony and Kojima have a long history. They were able to give him the environment he needs to make good games.

hay2926d ago

He had nothing, no demo, no pitch, no documents, absolutely fucking NOTHING and only Sony accepted those terms of cooperation. Seriously, read those articles or shut the fuck up.

WiiU-Dude2926d ago

@asadachi - likely hit the nail on the head, however, I would add that, if memory serves, the last couple or more Metal Gears have sold nearly inexplicably worse on Xbox - be it 360 or One. It wasn't hard for him to choose Sony, having said that, hopefully he doesn't rule out Xbox or Nintendo machines in the future.

Naughty_Cloud2925d ago

IF $$$ was the major reason, then he should've gone with MS easily.

Dir_en_grey2925d ago

Of course money matters. Sony didn't have to pay Kojima, why would anybody with a sane mind ride on a sinking ship that is Microsoft?

Realms2925d ago (Edited 2925d ago )

Do you think other companies didn't offer him money or wouldn't have? So he's just going to work for free right, my is guess Sony just offered him complete creative control and given his history with them he felt comfortable with them.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2925d ago
YAO-BLING2926d ago

he knows sony always showed him loyalty.. unlike the previous company he worked with.

Death2926d ago

According to the article it was because he didn't have to pitch the game for funding. It doesn't sound like he went anywhere else.

Sunny_D2926d ago


Yeah, but he had many offers already. Not like he had to hope to find someone. Legendary developers like Kojima have people come to HIM.

DragonDDark2926d ago


You do know that you only took one reason from the interview, right? lol

vivid832925d ago

yeah and thats why sega only makes yakuza for sony systems loyalty and trust

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donthate2926d ago

Load of BS Kojima. One word "nationalism". That is how it has always been.

andresegr2926d ago

So you belong to the group that supports the Xbox One because, Murica!


Made in China

nX2926d ago

This comment makes me think that Xbox fanboys are Trump voters. Would explain quite a few things I've read lately.

Trez12342926d ago

And aftet comments like these, they still say playstation fanboys are the worst. Go figure.

zeuanimals2925d ago

Right, remember when MS wouldn't even let a black woman be on the cover of a game? How about how Ubisoft forces their devs into making the same games over and over? Or EA just being EA? But it has nothing to do with creative freedom, right?

Meanwhile, Sony greenlit The Tomorrow Children, Dreams, and plenty other strange games. They pretty much let their studios do what they want.

KilKarazy2925d ago

Nailed it. The Japanese have a strong sense of nationalism. There's no denying that. If you grew up knowing a foreign country killed hundreds of thousands of your people you would too.

Lng1010102925d ago

What does that make Nintendo?

Realms2925d ago (Edited 2925d ago )

Nah it's called trust and loyalty. Sony is trusting Kojima to deliver a great game and Kojima is showing loyalty to Sony for giving him creative control it's really that simple. By the way it seems kinda racist to make sound like it's about nationalities, you do realize that Sony moved their gaming head quarters to the US right.

It's comments like these that make MS fanboys sound ignorant ass a mofo.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2925d ago
Zorkaz2926d ago

Unfortunately so. But eventually they'll end up forcing Microsoft to play the same game of exclusives, with potentially catastrophic effects for us.

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darthv722926d ago

It would be awesome if his new team would create a next gen re-imagining of snatcher.

_-EDMIX-_2926d ago

annnnnnnnnnnnd pants got tight!

Or ZOE!!!!!

ginsunuva2925d ago

They already made ZOE HD collection

Hoffmann2926d ago

But Konami sure has the Snatcher copyrights anyway..and hoards them like so many other great video game IP's =/

LordMaim2926d ago

My secret wish is that the Snatcher IP was part of his severance package. It's a vain hope, but I choose to believe nonetheless.

zeuanimals2925d ago

All he has to do is create a new IP that's pretty much a new Snatcher.

_-EDMIX-_2925d ago

They could just buy it. Consider Konami isn't even doing AAA console games anyway, pretty sure they would be fine with letting go of it.

Also it doesn't really need to be "Snatcher" , it could be the concept of Snatcher.

2925d ago
FallenAngel19842926d ago

It was the PlayStation brand that brought him into mainstream popularity after all, as he himself described last Dec.

freshslicepizza2926d ago

he chose the safest route. the ps4 is dominating, it has the power, and it will offer the best chance to sell the most copies. he could have gone with ea, ubisoft or activision but he's japanese and his loyal fanbase would be very upset.

he could have went independant but he doesn't have the capital to fund his project that is likely to cost a lot of money.

2926d ago Replies(1)
ThatGuyDart2926d ago

It's natural to want to go where you are appreciated and loved. Where else would Kojima fit more perfectly than with Sony and us PlayStation fans who have been supporting him for decades?

Kiwi662926d ago (Edited 2926d ago )

But other console gamers appreciate him also , right so according to you lot no one else can appreciate him for the work he does or is that not allowed to any other gamers

Sunny_D2926d ago


Not with the years of support Ps gamers have given him.
Any people on PlayStation probably also played his other titles other than MGS as well.

ShaunCameron2926d ago

@ Kiwi66

Not according to the sales. Nintendo fans don't care about 3rd parties and Microsoft fans don't care about anything that isn't an FPS, a sports or an open-world game.

_-EDMIX-_2926d ago (Edited 2926d ago )

Its because Konami often outsourced some of the MGS development to Sony Of Japan considering their studios were next to each other.

When you finish a MGS game, wait to see the credits and you'll see often Sony Of Japan is credited as assisting his team, because of this relationship as well as his popularity in the east, its not really that shocking he sided with PS.

They have the numbers in the east AND world wide, they have supported his team many, many times over the years, they have worked with independent studios often and have been well known for GENERATIONS to to take risk.

Look back at the strange games on PS1....

Sony literally is the only company that is this consistent with trying out such strange titles

parappa the rapper was a thing

Intelligent qube was a thing

Singstar was a thing

Lifeline was a thing.

Little Big Planet was a thing

The Last Guy was a thing

Dreams is a thing

and so on. They have been known to take chances, risk for the sake of changing the industry and clearly hoping to strike fire! lol What Kojima wants is what Sony wants. He wants to produce something different, Sony is known to take many chances on the different, more so then Nintendo or MS that historically stay very conservative with their existing IPs.

New IP from Sony Bend
New IP from Guerrilla Games
New IP from the former Evolution Studios
New IP from Media Molecule
and so on. They don't just make deals with new IPs, they fully support and fund them from their very top teams. Something Nintendo and MS rarely actually do often, Sony does every gen like clock work.

I think we all can assume next gen we will see new IPs from many of their top teams. As Horizon Zero Dawn, Days Gone, Dreams, Driveclub, Detroit etc were not known titles a generation ago. That sounds like great reason to side with Sony. When haven't they supported new concepts by their main teams?

tanukisuit2926d ago

Your post... simply amazing!
You're getting me all nostalgic, too.

Death2926d ago

It's like you've never seen Nintendo's library or even Sega's when they were relevant. Even Microsoft has a stable of "things" under their belt, most of which done by Rare. This isn't exclusive to Sony.

TwoForce2926d ago

@Death Microsoft and Nintendo were doing great back in the day. But now, i'm not so sure. Sony keep doing what they doing for 18 years.

Hoffmann2926d ago

Let's not forget Twisted Metal and even brutal fighting games like Cardinal Syn

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2926d ago
Bathyj2926d ago

Is that what you read?

I read that he trusts Sony and knows they wont try to interfere with his creative process and just stay on the business side of things unless asked.
That that trust saved a lot of time hammering out understandings in the beginning by not having to discuss what each other wanted and just knowing through a great history.
That Sony want him because he is who he is and understands that talent like this doesnt need to be herded and micromanaged.

It didnt sound like it had anything to do with the most sales or surely he would just be going multiplat. Funny how our preconceived notions of the players involved can colour our perceptions.

TwoForce2926d ago

Now you're just full on Microsoft fanboy ! Seriously, what is wrong with you ?

King_Lothric2926d ago

Read the article and you will understand.

DafunkyRebel2926d ago (Edited 2926d ago )

EA, Ubicrooks and Activisions are the LAST place he would ever go since they stiffle creativity and interfere with EVERY game developers they helm which produces inferior games and slowly destroy the franchises that made them money to appease their investors. Only Sony execs have the balls to stand up to their invetors and speak their minds and argue to allow their developers freedom. That's why Naughty Dog is the best in the industry because their talents are allowed to do what the want to do without interference from Sony

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Playable_Gamez2926d ago (Edited 2926d ago )

I feel like this was the right choice for several reasons.
Kojima has had a strong relationship with Sony since the beginning and he is passionate for the PS brand.
And this being his first game outside of Konami, it makes sense for him to partner with sony to not only get his team on their feet and ensure creative freedom but to strengthen the relation between him and Sony.

I don't think its anything personal against Xbox and PC, he just has a strong relationship with Sony/Playstation. And this is a smart move on his part.

S-Word2926d ago

It's only a timed playstation console exclusive. It will be out on PC. He already talked about the deal for his next game last year.

King_Lothric2926d ago

That deal changed and you must have missed that the games is being published and funded by Sony. I guarantee you is going to be a full exclusive for Playstation now.

oONinjavitiSOo2926d ago (Edited 2926d ago )

@S-Word true it is coming to pc.


Sunny_D2926d ago

That information you mention is 6 months old. Things have changed. This game will be PS4 exclusive and any game makes after this one is up to him if he wants to make it multi platform.

Chevalier2926d ago

Maybe watch the trailer again where it specificly says Sony Interactive Media. Also Mark Cerny is listed as a producer for the game at the end of the trailer.

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ShottyatLaw2926d ago

Well said. No one should fault him, and it sounds like it's working out well for him and the new team. Even though anyone is likely better than Konami, I do think Sony will treat him better than a lot of other publishers.

I'll be interested to learn what engine they ultimately choose.

s45gr322926d ago

Kojima san said his first game would come to PC:

So does it mean Death Stranding is coming to PC after 1 year of being PS4 exclusive.

Nyxus2925d ago

I thought so too, but the strange thing is that the Q&A that info is coming from has been deleted a long time ago. So maybe things have changed. Here's the original source (or rather 'was'):

Jayszen2926d ago


Exactly. Kojima states " I explained to them my approach, but they immediately said "go ahead, do what you gotta do." They offer me their trust. All the energy you need to put in the preparation of a project, I was able to focus on creating. This makes a real difference."

Time and again, Sony has given its developers the creative freedom to realize their vision and while on some occasions, the end result has not been as good as it should have been (The Order:1886) on balance most of Sony's exclusives have benefitted from this creative freedom.

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