
Sony's divided attention gives Xbox an opportunity - Analyst

IHS Supply's Piers Harding-Rolls says Microsoft could cut into PS4's commanding lead this E3

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Aloy-Boyfriend2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

VR is aimed to a different market. Devs making games for VR are mostly 3rd and and 2nd party. Sony still has many 1st party content for consoles under their sleeves. Why should anyone be divided by this? As if VR isn't for the gamers anyways...

OB1Biker2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

'reach out to new users "without alienating early adopter gamers," something he sees as a considerable risk for PlayStation VR.'

I cant understand what the heck he s talking about. PSVR is a considerable risk to alienate early adopter gamers?

I sort of have the feeling he doesnt really know what he s talking about

Kingthrash3602930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

I just think he cooked up an article just to make a snazzy title for clicks.
Does xbox Scorpio alienate early adopters for xbox one? Why isn't that an article? Lol its a real concern.

Donthate below:

Lack of games? Go to the playstation store and find that it has 953 ps4 games available to purchase now.... xbox has 428 thats over double...lol what's even funnier only 5 of those are true exclusives. ..lol wow

DivoJones2930d ago

Well they mean that the original PS4 runs PSVR rather poorly.. the one early adopters own roughly 40mil of. So the PS4K is coming to the rescue, but 40mil people aren't going to want to trade up for a faster console AND buy a PSVR.

Don't get me wrong, XB1 scorpio will have a similar issue of selling a faster variant of the same console to the same audience. The rumor of XB1 Scorpio supporting Oculus Rift (and being a driving factor in needing a faster console to support the Oculus) is unique in that Microsoft is (reportedly) partnering with Oculus while Sony made their own device and owns it's success/failure.

2930d ago
donthate2930d ago

So the negativity towards VR doesn't exist?

What about the lack of games for the console itself? What about the crappy looking GT Sports game intended to push VR over the console?

Let's not fool ourselves, VR is coming and it is staying, but it certainly has diverted Sony's focus. On top of this, we are almost 99% sure a mid-cycle more powerful PS4 console is coming, and the loud voices here has already spoken. I'm for it, but there are a good number of people against this (on both PS and Xbox).

This applies to Xbox too, but they are going second so by the time the anger is subsided, MS swoops in. Sony did the same strategy with the original MS DRM plans. Sony had the exact same plans, but pulled it at the last minute. Worked for Sony, let's see if it works for MS this time around.

Aenea2930d ago

"lack of games"? Seriously dude? You're hilarious!

And yet another one who is convinced that the PS4 is not capable of doing VR, you've got no actual proof of that silly notion!

ZeroX98762930d ago

With VR you still got the option to buy it or just ignore it. There's so many games coming out without any VR features or VR focused, it's not like you were forced to buy it. As long as any accessories/limitations isn't forced on customers, everything should be just fine.

notachance2930d ago

oh dear, there's actually someone who's still using 'PS has no game excuse' when obviously it's the other way around..

you can clearly see the tear and desperation from across the internet, people I present to you.. donthate

OB1Biker2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

'they are going second so by the time the anger is subsided, MS swoops in. Sony did the same strategy with the original MS DRM plans. Sony had the exact same plans, but pulled it at the last minute. Worked for Sony, let's see if it works for MS this time around.'
That's comedy
Supposing we go with the tale 'Sony wanted to do as MS DRM plan and pulled it at the last minute' which I don't believe and even so people bringing that up sound like 'A screwed me but I think B was *thinking* of doing it so B is just as bad'
So what is there to pull for Ms regarding VR?

IIFloodyII2930d ago


Are you trapped in 2013 or something? The "PS4 has no games" and "Sony Too™" memes are so old, it's kinda sad people are still spouting them.

Do you really believe Sony completely changed everything about the PS4 in just a few hours, just so they could 1-up MS? I could maybe understand if you believed at some point during the PS4's development they had similar plans, but a few hours from a full reveal? Is just stupid.

Petebloodyonion2930d ago

Answer is simple Sony does't have unlimited ressources.
So they have to balance their assets between creating interesting games for the PS4 so they can stay ahead but also have to develop interest software for the early adopter of the PSVR.

Kingthrash3602930d ago (Edited 2929d ago )

Pete, um isn't that what you expect from a gaming console???????????
Especially if you have unlimited recorces???? Don't that make the Xbox a major failure? To have unlimited recorces and still not pump out more interesting new games than its less unfortunate opponents? Am I missing something here? I mean they have less games too...sold less...less powerful. ...fuck man the struggle is real.

ILostMyMind2927d ago

"That is why you see the turn-around happening so quick with the Xbox One."

Dude, what are you talking about? You are in complete delusion.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2927d ago
Letthewookiewin2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

Just another sad Xboy upset he's got nothing but mediocre exclusive's. The only way the X1 can gain on the PS4 is if it drops to 199$ now. It's over X1 go home and try again.

kneon2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

Even if we believe the ridiculous premise of Sony's divided attention, it's even worse on Microsoft's side.

The XB1 is being used to push Windows 10 as well as Azure ("the power of the cloud"), and then there is Hololens in the background and the renewed attention being given to PC gaming. It looks like they may have given up on their other agenda of "owning the living room", and Kinect is all but dead.

clouds52929d ago

The only way the xb1 gains is by getting good games. That's all that counts.

trooper_2930d ago

Another journalist, another ridiculous article.

jb2272930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

Not only is VR aimed at a different market, but wouldn't VR essentially be extremely easier & cheaper to develop for? I mean hardware constraints alone won't even allow for huge ornate visuals on PSVR, and the process of creating a VR title doesn't seem that labor intensive, seems to be more about getting the performance & fps up, rendering any image twice, then testing.

I'd be interested to see how much it costs to create something like 100 Ft. Robot Golf vs. how much it costs to create something like Horizon...It just seems to me like VR may actually be an easier & cheaper venue for devs, and first party Sony devs may be able to feasibly spin off a relatively small team in order to craft new VR games while not sacrificing any console titles in development.

Not only that but after decades of console gaming it will take more & more to impress gamers, whereas the most rudimentary basic game could wow someone in VR if implemented correctly. VR could essentially amount to the second coming & silver age of gaming, and if Sony is at the forefront of it, they could have a great ace up its sleeve.

starchild2930d ago

I keep hearing how PSVR is superior because of the exclusives, but now you're making it sound like almost all the games are 3rd and 2nd party, which will likely be available on the Rift and Vive too.

Any way you look at it, though, Sony only has a certain amount of studios under their belt. It's a finite resource. Whatever time and money they spend on VR games is money and time taken away from traditional 2D games. There's no way around it.

JasonKCK2930d ago

VR is being marketed to the same people who bought or buy a PS4. Show me where Sony says they're are marketing this to casuals, or any selected group at all?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2927d ago
Herbalistic2930d ago

Xbox doesn't have the brand appeal to make any huge cuts in the PS4 lead

FITgamer2930d ago

Some people have a hard time grasping that. They think Microsoft releasing a console more powerful console will make people jump ship and turn the tides. It's not going to happen.

donthate2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

MS didn't have brand appeal during the original Xbox launch, and was the laughing stock of the industry. MS went on to become the winner of last generation with Nintendo. The only looser was Sony with major lost market share.

If you actually research the actual history of Xbox, you will see they are relentless and highly focused. That is why you see the turn-around happening so quick with the Xbox One. Essentially, they are just very well managed.

I'm pretty sure MS will show that at this E3.

Liqu1d2930d ago

@donthate "MS went on to become the winner of last generation with Nintendo."

No they didn't. Nintendo won, no amount of spin will change that.

Doabarrelroll2930d ago

Yeah winner with a nearly 50% failure rate, no exclusives late gen Kinect al That, where as PS3 killed it worldwide and had more and better exclusives -_-

Sunny_D2930d ago


Funny how you fail to mention that the 360 came out one year before the other consoles did which was also only 4 years after MS abandoned the first Xbox. Also, you fail to mention Sony's PS3 outselling the 360 at a faster rate year by year. That's why the Ps3's install base is higher than the 360. The only real territory that Xbox had was North America and the U.K. Now MS has lost those strongholds as well.

You also fail to mention how MS had barely any games in the last half of the 360's lifecycle when they started focusing on their little gimmick called Kinect. The same gimmick they tried to sell on the Xbox One before they pretty much abandoned that as well.

Budrazor2930d ago

When the masses find out how much better the Oculus is gonna be than the PSVR you'll find out. That gives you guys two companies to crap on then.

Errorist762930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

@ don't hate

Winner?! They became last after Sony and Nintendo and Sony even needed a year less to sell more consoles in the same timeframe.

Lord_of_Cinder2930d ago

They need a secret sauce to believe in and maintain hope. Facing reality is not an option for them.

2930d ago
Gol3m2930d ago

Attach rate is higher on ps4 this gen @bg116 but believe what you want to believe

Trez12342929d ago

Donthate, xbox one had a year start n was still a getting outsold worldwide by a more expensive ps3 year in n year out.

U can say all you want but xbox is only relevant in two countries. You really think xbox appeals to French, German, Italian, Spanish..aka mainland European gamers? And that's not mentioning Asian gamers. You need to travel morw my friend

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2929d ago
kayoss2930d ago

Almost 20 million consoles separates the two. I'm not sure there is anything Microsoft can do to cut into that lead.

Chevalier2930d ago

They would literally have to beat PS4 worldwide monthly by just over 500,000 units per month for 3 straight years to even it it up. They have won what 3 months total in the U.S.? People are just too stupid to understand the possibility is slim at best.

notachance2930d ago

Slim possibility is pushing it, more like nigh impossible...
They can't even win on the home country let alone worldwide, believe me on some parts of the world casual console gamers don't even know there's a XB1

Bathyj2930d ago

20 million difference in 2 and a half years. That means XB would take 2 and half years to catch PS4 if Sony stopped selling them today.

Its just never going to happen people. Sony has won this gen and MS has lost. Why do you think MS is apparently so keen to release a console with such a substantial upgrade rather than an incremental one? We're not talking about a small performance boost here. They want to start the next gen early, they are just not going to say it out loud. Scorpio is not XBox One Point Five, its Xbox Two (Xbox 4. God their names are dumb). Many said last gen went too long. MS is trying to make this one too short. But thats what they do went they know they cant win, they stop supporting. Looks like 3 in a row now.

Overload2930d ago

Xbox had their opportunity last gen and look how that turned out.

The hopes and dreams just never stop, it's embarrassing.

Godmars2902930d ago

More like the insistence that MS will command consoles and gaming. Despite actions they've taken which only limited them.

kenwonobi2930d ago

It's actually embarrassing because the media keeps pushing them. As if there is some hidden comeback scenario when they are farther than ever behind. The generation has been decided over a year ago.

ScorpiusX2930d ago

Cool and I say they take full advantage of it .

SpaceRanger2930d ago

Advantage of what? Both companies are divided in their own respects. Xbox has trimmed down since getting rid of Kinect and no longer having Oculus come to the Xbox. But in no way is Sony that divided in their gaming efforts.

They've been doing twice as well as the closest competition with the PS3, PS vita and PSNow all going on at once. MS is doing the same with Windows 10 and its focus for older BC games.

ScorpiusX2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

Listen am not here for a long conversation on what you think or what that other company's about nor do I care for them . Am just posting a response comment on the article on what I think and how I feel , not looking for long winded conversation of any kind .

@gol3m Wrong on what my brief comment that pretty much really gave no insight or info for me to be wrong about .

Gol3m2930d ago

In other words. 'I'm wrong and I know it but I won't admit it and I'm not listening' so @scorpiusx you're pretty much a child

2930d ago
jb2272930d ago

Castillo....why the change of handle & user pic?

I personally don't care what kind of new hardware any company has coming out in the near future, I just want to see the games that will be supporting the purchase I made w/ my PS4....as log as Sony keeps me happy with that, & keeps me in games I'm good. I'd assume the same will ring true for the majority of Xbox fans for the time being.

I'm all for these companies giving us reasons to buy into new ecosystems, as long as the last ecosystem I bought into stays full supported. The first company to forget these basic ideas is the first one to lose the plot entirely. As it stands, if we are going solely off of leaks & rumors, the Neo is guaranteed to not feature any systems or gameplay that my vanilla PS4 doesn't...haven't seen the same for the Scorpio leaks. There's a possibility that Scorpio could be a full reset & the idea of "forward compatibility" may go into effect for next gen, but no this one. Hard to develop games that can straddle a gap from 1.2 tflops to 6 tflops. Interested to see how it all pans out.

ScorpiusX2930d ago

In anticipation of the new hardware & looking forward to seeing what its all about

jb2272929d ago

Do you think we see Scorpius at E3? I'm thinking it'll only be the Slim on show, but there are rumors that the slim could receive a power boost as well, down to the new cards that the companies are pushing on the consoles for cheap prices.

My guess is that Slim gets revealed with a power increase enough to possibly get it to run Oculus, then Scorpius has breathing room so they may not announce that until next E3.

Either way I'll be holding off on any new hardware for at least a couple years....I want to get my money's worth out of my last purchase & Im pretty sure it'll take a couple years for devs to really start utilizing that power increase in any significant way.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2929d ago
Perjoss2930d ago

I dont think they have a chance but its going to be entertaining watching them try.

Show all comments (143)

Microsoft shakes up Xbox marketing as key exec departs for Roblox

Jerret West is leaving Xbox at the end of the month.

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Won’t be missed. Xbox sucks at marketing in this industry. This is badly needed.

jznrpg5h ago

I see Xbox stuff everywhere. On cereal boxes, toasters and fridges.. Xbox just sucks.

Scissorman5h ago

This. Marketing isn't the issue. He's just fleeing the sinking ship.

4h ago
DivineHand1253h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Unfortunately, Xbox has not done great with marketing this generation. One thing I found odd is that he is leaving Xbox for Roblox. I'm not sure how big Roblox is in comparison to Xbox but I can't imagine him getting better compensation from there. Perhaps he was forced out?

fr0sty3h ago

It's simple, Roblox is profitable.

DivineHand1253h ago

@fr0sty Would you leave your place of employment to work somewhere else for less pay just because that business is profitable?

You would have to be a special person to be ok with that.

zaanan2h ago

That, or he is pulling an Elop.

Tedakin1h ago

Xbox marketing has mostly been trash for a decade. Shake it up as much as you can.

RhinoGamer881h ago

Marketing is not the issue at XBOX. Production and its leadership have screwed up royally. XBOX studios, wth are you doing managing these developers?!


Major Nelson is joining Unity

The Verge writes: "Larry Hryb, aka “Major Nelson,” has his next job. Following his departure from Microsoft last year, where he was a public face for the Xbox brand, Hryb will be joining Unity’s Community team, he announced on Monday."

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exputers10h ago

I hope they utilize him to the full.

Inverno9h ago

They put in one idiot that almost ruined them and now they add another idiot. Unity looking to eradicate themselves out of the industry.

RhinoGamer888h ago

Larry is a gaming guy, XBOX, Unity makes a causal game engine...what does he promote?

darthv727h ago

Wonder if he will just be flipping switches for them?

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Sakurai Completes Final YouTube Video Amidst Next Super Smash Bros Game Rumors

Super Smash Bros creator Masahiro Sakurai has finished recording his YouTube video series amidst rumors of a new entry in the series.

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ZeekQuattro1d 23h ago

New Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Deluxe.