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Nintendo Treehouse: Live at E3 2016 detailed

As it turns out, it's not just The Legend of Zelda.

Nintendo has further detailed its Nintendo Treehouse: Live at E3 broadcast planned for this year’s E3 later this month.

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OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3034d ago (Edited 3034d ago )

Like I been saying. Zelda was only DAY ONE.

superchiller3034d ago

Yet there is almost nothing else to show, Nintendo has clearly already moved on from the Wii U to other projects.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3034d ago (Edited 3034d ago )

No shit. We can clearly see that.
But do continue to ignore the 3DS lineup like always.

Sometime I wonder...have you been stalking my post?

RosweeSon3034d ago

Yet it's still developing Zelda Wii U?

Stealth20k3034d ago

Yeah they only announced 10+ games to surprises, keep living in your dreamworld

wonderfulmonkeyman3034d ago

Nintendo must have dropped you on your head at some point, because you only act this stupid when it comes to them.

They've clearly shown other games coming to it, yet you're still ignoring it.
And before they showed this, you were one of the morons saying "Oh, it's JUST ZELDA this year at E3! There's nothing else! Nintendo's doomed!"

Just STOP already, Christ almighty...

WickedLester3033d ago (Edited 3033d ago )


Handheld titles are NOT what fans want to see at an event like E3. While they're nice to have, you know as well as I do they do not garner true excitement. For most of us, hand held gaming is supplemental. A way to fill the void in between console releases. Only the blindest of the blind loyal Nintendo fans think 3DS games are satisfying enough to fill the dark void of content at Nintendo's show this year. Nobody tunes into Nintendo's events to see freaking Kirby Planet Robot or Metroid Federation Force. Pokémon? Yeah I enjoyed it when I was 10, but I've grown up since then and would rather play adult RPG's.

Zeldafan643033d ago (Edited 3033d ago )

Like OtakuDJK1NG-Rory already said, you always ignore the 3DS. You ignore it because it has dozens of really good games. Also, for the record, I have 53 games on my Wii U, 19 physical and 34 digital. I've had PLENTY to play on it and the best is yet to come with the new Zelda.

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b3l0kk3034d ago

I hate the tree house shows... rather have a Nintendo direct

LOL_WUT3034d ago

Yeah I never stick around for any of those whether it be from Sony's or Microsofts. What's even worse is that Nintendo will only be showing one game. ;)

Stealth20k3034d ago

Nintendo is not showing one game. Shows how little you know

deafdani3034d ago

Dude, how embarrassing. This very article details the other games Nintendo will be showing off at E3, besides Zelda.

At least try and inform yourself properly before going into hate mode next time.

jcnba283034d ago

Research buddy, research before you comment.

"Yeah I never stick around for any of those whether it be from Sony's or Microsofts. What's even worse is that Nintendo will only be showing one game. ;)"

This is what happens when you don't research before you comment ^^

It makes you look really stupid.


pcz3033d ago

me too, its a bad format. too slow. who's got time to sit and watch other people play games, especially ones you arent interested in.

direct is better because its more to the point. they show trailers and keep the information relevant. i havent got time for treehouse.

even if they do show a game im interested in, why would i want to watch them play it? thats spoiling the experience. trailers are better. directs are better.

Stealth20k3034d ago (Edited 3034d ago )

Treehouse will be the best day of E3. So many good games.

The treehouse stream is widely considered the best day of E3

Syakinta3034d ago

"Widely considered" by who?
People living in your brain?

Stealth20k3034d ago (Edited 3034d ago )

Nintendo Won E3 2014 because of the treehouse and last year it was the most widely viewed thing at E3 over that 3 day period.

Before you engage me, know something about the industry

deafdani3034d ago (Edited 3034d ago )

Don't bother, man. He's delusional as all hell, and I say this as a Nintendo fan, and someone who actually enjoys Treehouse streams and Nintendo Directs a lot. But according to Stealth20k, everything Nintendo does is the best thing evar and nothing comes close to it, and it's a truth accepted by everyone in Earth, the Solar System and the Universe, except the "few" dissenters in N4G or something.

Also, he goes out for beers with Miyamoto every other day, so he knows stuff about the industry we don't.

Stealth20k3034d ago (Edited 3034d ago )

Dellusional? You have never proven I am delusional about anything. Nintendo Won E3 2014 according to gamespot, usgamer, IGN, ect......I did not imagine that.

You ought to thank me, I have a close relationship with the mods on this site and have been getting the bad elements banned.

I am followed by 90% of the Nintendo treehouse, as well as Sony employees and many Editors in chief of the biggest game sites.

Zeldafan643033d ago

Nintendo fans which clearly you are not one of them.

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Mega_Volnutt3034d ago

The ultimate definition of a delusional fanboy gentleman.

wonderfulmonkeyman3034d ago (Edited 3034d ago )

Hello Pot, meet Kettle. I'm sure you'll get along swimmingly as two sides of the same coin, after that 3DS and anti-Treehouse comment.

deafdani3034d ago

Oh, I'm also one of those people that thinks Nintendo had, by far and large, the best showing of E3 2014. I won't disagree with you on that.

But that doesn't automatically mean that Treehouse Events are the best of E3 always. Last year's E3 was a snorefest when it came to Nintendo, Treehouse event included.

Yup. Delusional.

Stealth20k3034d ago (Edited 3034d ago )

You call it a snorefest, yet the people watched, more than anything else that show. So what does that tell you? It tells you I am not delusional and you have no idea what you are talking about.

3-4-53034d ago

* I think when it's all done we will be ok with the amount of content we get to see from Nintendo considering they've told us the NX won't be there.

* So we get E3 Nintendo news, including tons of gameplay footage of LoZ + we get a Nintendo Direct at a later point in 2016 specifically dedicated to the NX.

For me that is like two E3's.....

* Lucky for me though I'm a fan of Nintendo,Microsoft, Sony and a ton of other 3rd party devs on PC,Console& handheld so I have a ton of stuff to look forward to at E3.

Mega_Volnutt3034d ago (Edited 3034d ago )

I'm so excited for Nintendo Treehouse. Ready to fall asleep watching 3DS games that I don't even care about. Woohoo all aboard the Treehouse hype train!! lol

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How Real-World Events Shaped the Story and Content of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2

Slava Lukyanenka, the producer and creative director of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl, offers an insightful look into the development of the much-anticipated sequel. He delves into the significant impact that the ongoing conflict in Ukraine has had on both the game and its team, sharing how these challenges have shaped their approach.

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Palworld maker vows to fight Nintendo lawsuit on behalf of fans and indie developers

Palworld developer Pocketpair has responded to this morning's dramatic decision by Nintendo to file a patent infringement.

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GotGame8183d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Palworld is better, but Nintendo has$$$$ They can fight it all they want, but will absolutely lose. It is a blatant Pokemon rip off. I do wish them luck though.

RedDevils2d ago

Go check Dragon Quest you would know where Pokemon got their ideas from.

MeteorPanda2d ago

The character design is NOT the issue here. Pokemon patented bullsht. You can patent "Throwing an item to capture a virtual character and another action to release an item that releases a combat character onto virtual world" but my god that is vague as fuck and shouldnt hold in any court...and the kicker? it was patented AFTER palworld was made.

If this lawsuit goes through that is literally going to work on every single monster capture game,

Lionsguard2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Like the other guy said, this has nothing to do with any of the designs. This is Nintendo patent trolling. It's like Rockstar suing another game if they have a guy opening the car door and yanking them out to steal the car because that's why you do in GTA so therefore that game is infringing on GTA's "patent". And that's the reason why Pocketpair is fighting this because if they lose this opens the doors to MORE lawsuits of this kind.

Profchaos2d ago

Weren't the wire models used in palworld ripped out of Pokemon in the end?

porkChop2d ago

No they weren't. That was proven false. And, again since people don't seem to understand, this is not a copyright lawsuit or about stolen content/assets/designs/etc. It's a patent lawsuit. So far all the possible patents I've seen were filed by Nintendo 4 months *after* Palworld released.

Profchaos2d ago

Then I have no clue what this is about specifically

--Onilink--2d ago

The catching mechanic patent was filed even before Arceus was released, I dont know which ones you have been watching because all the ones I’ve seen were before Palword came out
(Though not all have been approved in the US yet, just in Japan)

porkChop2d ago

The patent for the catching mechanic was filed July 2024 and granted August 2024. It was filed on top of a separate, "parent" patent that had been filed in 2021. Nintendo filed new patents and had them expedited just so they could sue Pocket Pair/Palworld.

MeteorPanda2d ago

it's so dumb. if that patent holds any water in court - any monster capture game is done and gone. cnts.

NotoriousWhiz1d 17h ago (Edited 1d 17h ago )

Source that says it was filed in July? I couldn't find it. And everything I can find states that it typically takes around a year or more for patents to be approved.

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jznrpg2d ago

On behalf of their money seems like the biggest reason

Kneetos2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

People want Nintendo to lose as a big middle finger to the company, but if Nintendo wins then they set a precedent for others to follow which could be bad for Nintendo themselves if they end up infringing on a patent owned by someone else

The one I'm reminded of is, a few years ago Sony patented something to do with AI controlling a characters moments in a game to "help get past difficult or grindy parts" of a game

Mario kart 8 deluxe had a the auto acceleration and auto steering technology implemented, so potentially if that came back for mario kart 9 could possibly open the door for Sony to sue them if it's close enough

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Veilguard Game Director Corinne Busche on Player Choice and Companion Relationships

TechRaptor writes, "We Talked to Dragon Age: The Veilguard Game Director Corinne Busche about player choice, companion relationships, and of course romancing those companions."

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