
Supermassive Teases Bringing Until Dawn's Storytelling to VR with New Game

The developers of Until Dawn are looking to bring its style of storytelling over to VR for a brand new game that's yet to be revealed.

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Thatguy-3103034d ago

I'm really looking forward for their new game. They really knocked it out of the park with until dawn.

Kurisu3033d ago (Edited 3033d ago )

Yeah, Until Dawn really is a great game. Loved it. In fact I might replay it once I'm done with Uncharted 4, and see if I can get everyone to survive this time. I was disappointed with the Until Dawn: Rush of Blood announcement because it just seems they're tacking on the Until Dawn name just for the sake of it. I look forward to seeing how they can really make use of VR with storytelling.


its going to be my Halloween game for awhile i think :)

OB1Biker3034d ago

I would love it in a genre different than horror or, at least, not mainly based on horror.

Zorkaz3033d ago

I'm extremely looking forward to this, if they can in fact pull it off. So far VR hasn't seen enough good storytelling, so I'll be following this very carefully. However the rollercoaster gameplay of this hasn't got me hyped ....

3033d ago
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Until Dawn PC features and specs revealed, out October 4

Experience the horror of Blackwood Mountain for the first time on PC.

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TheNamelessOne10d ago

Loved the game. Will definitely double dip for this, as long as they didn't botch the remake. Be waiting for a bit of a sale though.


Until Dawn, rebuilt and enhanced for PS5 and PC, launches October 4

Discover the enhancements in graphics, gameplay, story elements, and more.

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TheNamelessOne38d ago

I'll wait for a price drop on PC, but I'll buy this a second time.


Until Dawn PS5, PC Remake Is Still on Its Way as Age Rating Surfaces

Set to scare all over again this year

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