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GamePro: Infinite Undiscovery Review

Infinite Undiscovery had all of the ingredients for a potentially legendary role playing experience. Backed by world renowned publisher Square Enix and helmed by famed developer Tri-Ace of Star Ocean fame, the title has been garnering massive amounts of attention for its various claims of innovation, originality and forward thinking concepts. Unfortunately, the final product never instills anything but a "been there, done that" feeling with a mediocre effort that fails to please.

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InfiniteUnfloppery5867d ago

An xbox 360 exclusive game is a mediocre effort

Sir_Ken_Kutaragi5867d ago

...the xBox 360 would win GOLD!!! ;-D

theKiller5867d ago

u got that one right ken!!

360 = king of FLOP JRPG's!!
its so funny to see some bots saying that this gen 360 is becoming an RPG console while ps3 is shooting console!!
at least ps3 is delivering AAA shooting games while 360 is making average JRPG's!! its pointless to buy 360 for JRPG's because if that what u wanna play u might just buy the new JRPG's for ps2!! they r on the same level and scale!!

ps2 is king of everything
ps3 is king of everything except JRPG's

xbox king of fails
360 is kind of FLOPS and RROD's

why so serious bots??

AngryXbot5867d ago

Why so angry bots?

Hahaha: D

Seriously, we all saw this coming a mile away. I mean "arching bane!" "Devotion kick!" "rising pan!" "thundery storm!"

Have you seen the combat lol. Thats what the characters do. They shout these weird names for their moves: "Triple fire!"

LOL Another hint was given considering the release date.

Announced just last year and already in stores within a year. Thats your clue this is a rushed RPG designed to fund the big projects...

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THE TERMINATOR5867d ago (Edited 5867d ago )

Oh Crap

(toilet flush)

DarK-SilV5867d ago (Edited 5867d ago )

I swear to god this is annoying ,Not one JRPG scoring above 9
I'm going to rent the game see for myself,I'm dying for A great JRPG,I know Tales is good but I don't like the game.

ErcsYou5867d ago

I kind of new something was up when i noticed the lack of hype for this game... I still want to try it for my self but it probably wont be day one..

byeGollum5867d ago

if you want a JRPG with a rating of 9 or above .. you'll have to wait a while ... im talkin final fantasy ... white night story ETC ..not all this average RPGs on 360 ...

Aclay5867d ago

I guess we'll just have to wait until White Knight Story, FFXIII, and/or Star Ocean 4 before we'll actually see a AAA JRPG that will/might score 9 and above.

I hope the Last Remnant scores better than Infinite Undiscovery... and I only hope it scorces better because it's coming to the PS3 after the 360.

Homicide5867d ago

Wow. Out of all the JRPGs coming out for the 360, this one was the one I was really looking forward to. Damn...

TheTwelve5867d ago

As a long time RPGer, I can say that of all genres of videogames, there's nothing worse than playing through a mediocre-to-sucky RPG. It's like sitting through a long and boring lecture that gets even longer because it's such a horrible time.


Montrealien5867d ago

yeah, because god knows we can't have fun playing anything less then a AAA title game.

TheTwelve5867d ago

Considering the number of AAA games out there, in this exploding industry, why settle for less? Why waste your money and time? Why eat a peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich when you can have steak?


Rick Astley5867d ago

They should just rename themselves to Tri-Flop in my opinion. Star Ocean 3 was terrible too.

Montrealien5867d ago (Edited 5867d ago )

Peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches are great. Bad example.

I won't be playing Jeep Thrills, so I guess I know how avoid the peanut butter and sardines sandwiches, but I'll take some P&B sandwiches now and then and eat my steaks also thank you.

TheTwelve5867d ago (Edited 5867d ago )

I'll stick with steak and leave the PP&J for kids who don't know better. :)


P.S. WOAH! Star Ocean 3 was NOT terrible! That was one of my favorite RPGs of all time, sorry.

Auron5867d ago (Edited 5867d ago )

So if its not a 10 scoring game it sux???
so I thought everyone loved Ps2 because it had so many RPGs and lets face it they all werent 10s! but who cares right?! Experience New things people!! Im tired of all this FFXIII This, FFXIII That bull crap!! at least all these 360 RPGs are new IP's!! JEZUZ!! Try new things and see if you like them yourself before passing judgement! Hell maybe part two of IU, blue dragon, Eternal Sonata and Lost Odyssey will be your perfect 10s!(I think theyre great.) But I really think all the hate is because bitter fanboys!

and i got a solution DONT BE A FANBOY TO A GAME CONSOLE!!! Your really missing out on some great titles plus the lot of you guys look like idiots defending a game console like its your god! If you wanna call yourself a gamer fine! but when does a gamer hate games makes no scense!

and also Ign gave Breath of Fire 3 like a 7... do I care?!?! Hell no I love that game with a passion. Be True gamers guys this fanboy sh!t has got stop!

TheTwelve5867d ago

DUDE! Most of the PS2 RPGs aren't all that great---most of them ARE 6 and 7s and copies of each other.

But we're not talking about the PS2. We're talking about the 360 trying to break into the RPG market and hence there is more pressure on games like this. And in this case, that game failed.

If you want to establish yourself as a JRPG console, you need to have at least a few good ones and not just a bunch of mediocre ones only.

No fanboy stuff here---I'll buy a 360 if they have a few JRPGS that I MUST have and can't get it on the PS3.


Auron5867d ago (Edited 5867d ago )

The twelve: "DUDE! Most of the PS2 RPGs aren't all that great---most of them ARE 6 and 7s and copies of each other." I said they werent all 10s. but they were still nice to have.
By the way I gotta dissagree with you about what you said ealier about the AAA games any game can be AAA to someone and complete garbage to someone else. I dont listen to reviewers I can decide for myself.
For instance FF7 yeah we all know its AAA. but then theres Legend of Legaia which I think is AAA but most wont agree huh? so basically If I'd of been like you and only bought AAA games I'd of missed out an that sweet, sweet gem as well as others.

TheTwelve5867d ago

Of course there are exceptions to the personal one is Xenogears. Not many folks appreciated that game until years after. But generally speaking, AAA games tend to be good ones, with the truth of the matter taking place over time.

I'm pretty sure this game won't be viewed as a classic in a couple of years. Are you?


Montrealien5867d ago (Edited 5867d ago )

12 said..

"'ll stick with steak and leave the PP&J for kids who don't know better. :) "


Hope you got something to help you get of that high horse. Once again, I'll enjoy both.

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InfiniteUnfloppery5867d ago

I wont be buying this game now that it's clearly another xbox 360 flop

GiantEnemyCrab5867d ago

Here we go again.. Where is your FerrariChallangeFloppery account?

Once again you dillusional droids can't look at your own flop system and have to ride on 360 games.

silverchode5867d ago

well if you think ferrari challenge is a flop then you must also think infinte undiscovery is a flop since there scores are about the same.

DarK-SilV5867d ago

LOL for a person who was absent for a long time

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Tri-Ace still uses their old game engine from 2008

The gaming community lately makes jokes about companies making games that look like "PS3" or "PS2" games. While this is such a nasty dig, there may be some truth to this in the case of tri-Ace.

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Community479d ago
GoodGuy09480d ago

Sad really. I used to love these guys but man...they just aren't what they used to be.

phallusitator479d ago

According to the this they are exactly what they used to be…

Noskypeno479d ago

The Cod games have been using an engine built in the mid 90s. Nothing wrong with using an old engine if they update it. Bioshock used UE2 and looked better than most UE3 games. Arkham knight used UE3 and looked better than most UE4 games.

Chriswynnetbh479d ago

I would give my left nut for an infinite undiscovery pc port

shinoff2183479d ago

Sh it does suck but I enjoyed star ocean 6 the most out of any game last year. I thought it was solid af start to finish. My favorite game that year.

I'd love for Sony to get ahold of them.

shinoff2183479d ago

To late to edit but I just wanted to add not every game that comes out needs to push a consoles boundaries. Star ocean 6 looked fairly good to me.

shammgod479d ago

Yeah. They definitely squeezed every drop out of that engine for SO6. It was a fun game

nitus10479d ago (Edited 479d ago )

I assume you are talking about "Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness" which I do have and am still playing. IMHO it is a good game but for some reason I still prefer "Star Ocean: The Last Hope" that I played on my PS3.

As a side note I have "Star Ocean: Till the End of Time" (PS2 version) which I played on my first gen PS3 but unfortunatly the Australian version of the PS3 did not have full backwards capability like the US version did. I got so far in the game and hit a bug (advancement to a new area between two mountains) that prevented further play.

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Xbox One's Last Batch of Backward Compatible Games & Rare's Enhanced for Xbox One X Shown in Action

During the Inside Xbox live stream today, developers from the backwards compatibility team announced that the program would sadly be coming to a close.

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mkis0071930d ago

Already? No more bc games to be added? This is huge news.

slate911930d ago

What a good run. Assuming every og xbox, 360, and One title will be available on Scarlett. Will make next gen transition easy. Hats off!!

Bigman4k1930d ago (Edited 1930d ago )

I'm not surprise at all I saw this coming

AK911930d ago (Edited 1930d ago )

As long as they continue adding more BC once the Scarlett comes out.

badz1491930d ago

so this partial BC program ended?

FGHFGHFGH1928d ago

well they're actually developing new games now so isn't that better?


We're Still Waiting on these 10 Games to Come to Xbox Game Pass

The current game selection on Game Pass is impressive, but it’s still missing a handful of big games.Here are the 10 most dumbfounding omissions from Game Pass.

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Community1988d ago
xboxcult1989d ago

I can see most of these coming to gamepass sometime this year. Even some of them could make it GWG.

lxeasy1988d ago

Some of these are exclusives so I def see them coming to gamepass.