
Why It'll Not Be Surprising If Witcher 3 B&W Won GOTY

Witcher 3's new expansion is out next week and pretty much like it's previous expansion, CD Projekt Red seems to have put a lot of effort into it. DLCs are not generally given Game of The Years, but could this be a change if Blood & Wine proves to be as good as the original if not better?

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rivaldoo7772983d ago

I wouldn't be surprised even if it did, Uncharted 4 will easily win.

Duke192983d ago

That... that doesn't make sense

Sunny_D2983d ago

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

fiveby92982d ago

So much for proof reading. Must be something not taught anymore. ;)

poppinslops2983d ago (Edited 2983d ago )

Easily? We're not even halfway through the year!

Hell, in the same month as Uncharted we've seen Overwatch and Blood&Wine, both of which have gotten 90+ metascores... Final Fantasy XV, Crackdown and Dishonored 2 are still coming, not to mention the next Red Dead - if that ends up being this year's Fallout-style 'suprise' then we'll see what a game with no competion looks like.

Kallisti2983d ago

Rockstar have already said they won't be releasing any new games 'til after April 2017, so no Red Dead 2016.

poppinslops2983d ago

Really? I did not know that... bummer.

When that map leaked I thought for sure it was gonna be a 2016 game, but I guess not... still, my point stands - it's way too early in the year to be handing out GotY awards.

Ceaser98573612983d ago

You can't expect RED DEAD to release this year when there is no info.. R* delays game so even if they show it end of this year it wont release until later next year or 2018 ...

nveenio2982d ago

I would be really surprised if anyone delivers a game that's more polished and more intense than Uncharted 4.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2982d ago
-Foxtrot2983d ago

If it did then the industry would then be a joke

So many better games this year. Witcher had it's fun last year lets give others the chance

thekhurg2983d ago

Yeah because releasing an expansion larger than most full retail games should be ignored so the other guys can have their chance...

Aloy-Boyfriend2983d ago (Edited 2983d ago )

You still need the Witcher disk to play the expansion. It is not an standalone game.

Cmon!! not even The Old Blood got mentioned in the GOTY category. Hell, First light was standalone expansion and wasn't mentioned either. Why should this? Oh because it is bigger? Pfff

Vegamyster2983d ago


They scored 76/78 on metacritic (TOB came out 2015) so it's not really a surprise that critics didn't mention them lol, B&W sits a 92 in comparison.

2983d ago
_-EDMIX-_2983d ago

"Yeah because releasing an expansion larger than most full retail games" ??? Because most RPG expansions are.

RPGs in general are longer and larger, that doesn't really mean much in regards to GOTY. Shivering Isles when released was longer then most games, most games are not that much longer then 10 to 15 hours, so the point is moot when regarding an RPG bud.

Just sounds stupid and as if you haven't played an RPG's expansion before.

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Nitrowolf22983d ago

I don't see why not tbh. Sure if it was a map pack like cod dlc or battlefield, no chance, but this is a full blown expansion.

I don't see why those should be excluded from winning, especially since many have said it has so much going for it.

Mariusmssj2983d ago

Just image if Blood and Wine actually won GOTY, this would set such a good example for other to follow. Instead of $30 DLC with almost no content at all, create a truly great expansion charge people $20 and give them great support. This is something we see rarely, which is quite sad :(

_-EDMIX-_2983d ago

uh....sure bud. Please stop riding this games jock. Many RPGs have expansions bud, its this isn't a first of anything.

Obscure_Observer2982d ago


Perfect! That would be a true game changer!!!

ClickbaitAF2983d ago

I bet this expansion will have more content than other games releasing this year

KOIMOJO2983d ago

Will most likely be my game of the year if it is anything like Hearts of Stone

SynestheticRoar2983d ago

The industry is already a joke.

game4funz2983d ago

If the game is incredible and mind blowing i dont care if its an expansion...it should win. If it didn't and it was actually incredible and mind blowing THEN the industry would be a joke.

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Summons752983d ago

Maybe DLC of the year but it's not its own game therefore can not get GOTY. Right now Uncharted is on top but we still have a whole year ahead of us with Persona 5 and Final Fantasy 15 coming up too.

thekhurg2983d ago

It's bigger than most real games there's no reason it can't be measured as one for yearly honors.

sullynathan2983d ago (Edited 2983d ago )

because bigger world = good game, right?

Summons752983d ago

That doesn't make it its own game.

Dark_Knightmare22983d ago

That's irrelevant it's not a game but an expansion and no expansion has ever won goty and this one won't either no matter how good it is

_-EDMIX-_2983d ago

"It's bigger than most real games there's no reason it can't be measured as one for yearly honors"

Moot, its an RPG.

You can say this about an MMO, those expansions should win GOTY too?

2982d ago
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game4funz2983d ago

How is it not its own game?
What is it then...can i play it or not.

Wallstreet372983d ago

This comment is just so dumb lol smfh. Wtf you dont understand about it not being a standalone game? Add to that tht other games like soul series dlc gave had killer dlc and no that wasnt counted as its own game to win awards and what dont u understand?

game4funz2982d ago


Whose game is it then? And it's actually fairly standalone. No reused textures.
If it's over 10 hours then it is a new game in my book. Unless those 10 hours are all fetch quests. The only reason the game won't be completely standalone is that they want people to buy Witcher 3 if they want to play this completely separate from main game expansion. If anything it should be treated like starcraft and it's expansions. They are their own games but they are built upon each other and blizzard wants you to buy all of them.

2982d ago
2982d ago
2983d ago Replies(8)
SavingPvt_Highon2983d ago

Each website has GOTY. Last year there were at least 6 GOTY games depending where you look. I'm sure someone out there wil give it GOTY. I wish there was a legitimate GOTY award show, like the oscars, where we get a definitive GOTY. Instead we get a basket of games every year that are.

_-EDMIX-_2983d ago

lol never.

They will NEVER have such a thing because gaming is way, way too diverse for that. I can't even say music or film acknowledges even the top awards. Some gave Fallout 4, MGSV, Bloodborne GOTY etc.

Witcher 3 got a lot of GOTY's, doesn't mean every person felt it was the best game that year. I personally didn't think so do to all the bugs in that game when it launched, I literally had to start a 40 hour game over again due to a currupt save so personally...I would not be handing Witcher 3 a GOTY above something like MGSV which I was able complete with no bugs or glitches messing with my game.

The bug was sever enough to have me stop playing bud. Thats enough for me to make my piece with it and say it isn't GOTY material to me. Others may have not faced the same thing, others may have, thus explains why it didn't just get a unanimous GOTY award by all. I can't be the only one that had those issues with the game.

The combat has a lot of issues, the inventory is terrible, the waypoints don't exist and must keep looking down at a map, its not a bad game, but its clear the team isn't even up to the standard of open world concepts just yet.

Not even bringing up issues with the game in terms of bugs. People disappearing, dialogue abruptly stopping, limbs disappearing from people, faces disappearing etc. Even BROKEN quest and I forgave that based on the game just launching, but I didn't forget the corrupt save. IT was just a waste of my time playing to have my progression stopped because this team is having issues.

I just can't hand a personal GOTY from such a game. MGSV was my GOTY.




Mind you, 5 months ago, that glitch was STILL THERE!

You'd have to really like this game beyond belief to hand it a GOTY. I personally still like the series, but could not give Witcher 3 the best game of the year based on my experience. Even with Fallout 4, at least I could play the damn game, it had some issues at launch , but nothing like corrupt save or broke quest or anything like that for me.

Yet you guys dogged AC Unity, yet Witcher 3 STILL has some of the same issues?

UnHoly_One2983d ago (Edited 2983d ago )

I don't get the love for Witcher 3 either. I wouldn't give it game of the week, much less the year.

I can't believe people are still obsessed with it the way they are. It was a substandard, generic, and just very "basic" RPG.

Combat was pitiful, character progression was nonexistent, loot was mostly samey and useless.

As a huge open world RPG fan, I just don't get it. It's one of the worst I've played.

_-EDMIX-_2983d ago

@unholy- agreed. Parts of the game are so basic RPG its not even funny, some features are lessor then Skyrim, yet folks are acting as if they've never seen an open world RPG before.

I've yet to compete the game and have moved on to other games to complete. I got Witcher 3 day 1 too, as I got the previous games on PC. Witcher 1 and 2 have a few bugs and being an elder scrolls fan, I'm use to it, but 3 just takes the cake. I've never had to completely stop playing a game due to an issue before as severe as that corrupt save glitch.

Its like, "Oh so play 40 hours AGAIN and hope the game works?" hell no! I waited til a patched fixed it and I've yet to really see if its been addressed or not as some bugs are still in the game til this day. When we can compare Skyrim to Witcher 3 and Witcher 3 is missing features that Skyrim has....theres a problem.

Can he have a home? Oh of course not, yet you can in Oblivion released in 2004.
Fully open world? To a degree as you load between maps of certain areas.... The map in Skyrim is seamless.
Less items over all too comparied to really any other Elder Scrolls or Fallout game. No guilds, and to add to all of that.....game stopping BUGS!

starchild2978d ago

I wasn't too impressed with MGSV personally. I don't understand the high scores for that game. But then again it's all subjective.

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Dudeson766d ago

Damn, I feel stupid when years ago I played all the dlc for fallout 3 except the pitt. My younger ass looked at it and thought it was boring without trying I believe... Well good reason to fire up the old dusty ps3!

PhillyDillyDee766d ago

Bethesda usually does great DLC. Makes sense they are on the list 3 times.

generic-user-name766d ago

Solid list, I'd add inFamous: Festival of Blood, although it was a standalone download, it still felt like an inFamous 2 expansion.

Blood and Wine might be the best ever though.

SullysCigar766d ago

I'd also add in Horizon The Frozen Wilds. As I started it, I wasn't sure I had the energy, but my God that was awesome. Some of the best weapons, enemies and missions in Horizon for sure.

765d ago
RaidenBlack765d ago

Blood and Wine is always the reason these "best DLC of all time" list gets made in the first place nowadays.
Don't think CDPR can come any where near with any upcoming CP2077 DLC.

Silly Mammo766d ago

I have beaten Bloodborne but though i have the DLC I never played through it. For now I want to wait and see if it gets a Bluepoint remake.

anast766d ago

It's the best DLC in the genre. You are missing out.

SarwarRon766d ago

I double that. If you've liked Bloodborne, don't miss out The Old Hunters.

765d ago
MadLad766d ago

I skipped on Demons Souls remake, but Bloodborne would be day one. I love the game, but it is very, very jaggy and really needs a 60fps edition.

anast766d ago

I didn't like Blood and Wine too much, but the grandmaster gear is worth it.

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