
MMORPG: EVE Online: Empyrean Age Interview

Tony Gonzalez, EVE Online's Lead Writer, and Scott Holden, Lead Content Creator were at Gen Con where MMORPG spoke to them about the story behind the Empyrean Age.


The Audacious Eve Online Nightfreeze scam

Seminal space sim Eve Online built a game economy so intricate it has been responsible for the most elaborate player run scams in gaming history. But in the game's infancy before the EBANK embezzlement, before the BoB takedown or the GHSC Heist, there was Nightfreeze.

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joab7773217d ago

So he was smart enough to coax these ppl out of all this money, but not smart enough to use another character to do it? I understand it may have been more difficult, but we are to believe he just gave it away.


EVE Online Pilot Steals $13,000 of In-Game Loot

In another major case of corporate espionage, embezzlement, and political deceit, an EVE Online player has stolen $13,110 dollars worth of in-game corporate assets.

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Codewow3488d ago

I wish I could get into this game.. That learning curve though... Too much for me to want to spend the time... Star Citizen will likely be the game I go to since most people will be brand new as well.

Jdoki3488d ago (Edited 3488d ago )

My concern with Star Citizen (which I have backed) is that it seems clearly Pay to Win to a certain extent, with the additional ships they've been selling. So some people will get a huge jump start.

Also, I assume there will be a beta access, and if it follows Elite Dangerous, they won't do a final wipe before launch.

On topic: I played EVE for about 2 years. It is awesome, but the reputation for being a 'Spreadsheet simulator' is not far wrong. I love these stories about corporate espionage.

JamesBondage3488d ago

why not elite dangerous? i suppose it isnt money based enough, and you can't transfer credits between players

heychrisfox3488d ago

Star Citizen will absolutely be more accessible from a player standpoint. It's just a simpler game, by design. I love EVE to death, but that is literally a spreadsheet simulator. :P

Koopdogg3488d ago (Edited 3488d ago )

Exactly the same for me ,the learning curve with EVE blew me off and now with Star citizen it feels like a new slate for everyone including me ,so we all have a chance from scratch

Wish i had the money to buy the mining ship Orion though :(

Fair play to that dude and cunning and well executed plan ,bet alot of mountain Dew was drank lol

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3488d ago
Perjoss3488d ago

It was a pretty damn good choice when the devs decided to let these kinds of things happen in the universe and go unpunished. There are some pretty cool stories about events that have happened in EVE.

JamesBondage3488d ago

thats intense, hope the space police dont catch him

heychrisfox3488d ago

All's fair in love and EVE. As long as you're in nullsec. ;)


EVE Online Subscription Payments Now Accept Sterling, Price Reduced

CCP Games has announced that its UK players are now able to pay for their monthly EVE Online subscriptions in pounds sterling. This alternate payment method was introduced to accommodate requests by the UK community to pay in British Pounds rather than in Euros, which results in an approximate 20% price reduction for them to access to the immensely popular, award-winning massively multiplayer online sci-fi videogame.

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FlashXIII4512d ago

What it's taking them this long to allow UK members to pay in their native currency? That's pretty poor imho considering many banks charge over £1 to do transactions in other currencies.