
Gran Turismo Sport vs Gran Turismo 6 Video Comparison Pitches PS4 Visuals Against PS3

When a series keeps a quite consistent visual style, it’s easy to think that newer installments look exactly like the old ones at first sight, but do they?

Gran Turismo Sport seems to be aiming for the clean and almost clinical visual style of Gran Turismo 6 and Gran Turismo 5, conveying precision and realism, but it doesn't mean that there hasn't been some quite visible evolution.

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TwoForce2935d ago (Edited 2935d ago )

I can see the difference: GT Sports have better image, better draw distance, better car model and better lighting effect than GT 6. I just hope they need to improve the sound.

Nitrowolf22935d ago (Edited 2935d ago )

Yep, I think the game looks great for what it is. I understand though the disappointment many are having after getting Driveclub and it's visuals.

I do give them the benefit of the doubt though since this is running at a double the FPS and with just as many, if not more players on a map? I'll wait till the final product is out, but I still think the gfxs look fine. There's other areas i'd rather see improved at this point in the GT series, given the last two installments, sound is definitely one of hem

freshslicepizza2935d ago

the lighting is much improved but the static backgrounds continue to look lifeless with littrle detail and the sound needs major overhaul. we'll see if the bumper car physics when hitting objects and cars stick around or not too.

Kleptic2935d ago (Edited 2935d ago )

There are very clearly sections of the Sport trailer that are ripped right out of GT5/6's engine...

PD always does that, each generation is a rolling update to what is already developed tech wise...The only time it was an issue was with GT5 where the 'new' stuff looked unmatched, but over 50% of the game was still PS2's GT4 caliber (saying that as a huge GT fan, loved the hell out of GT5 regardless of certain tracks and a lot of cars looking kind of laughable)

You can clearly see in the photo modes how far the engine has come with the PS4...but then sections of the 'ring, in that online mode demo or w/e it is...flat grass textures, identical tire smoke effects, hit and miss lighting, etc.

The 'better' aspects of the game will be unparralled visual fidelity, I just hope the portion of new stuff is a lot higher than it was last generation, as if not, there will be a lot of reused assets from the ps3 era.

nix2934d ago

Today i connected my OS3 and played GT6 for 5-6 hours. The game does look very old suddenly. After Driveclub the environment looks just too bland. That too I'm playing this after UC4 but the draw distance and environment looked really bland. I guess this was to happen. UC2 looks old too.

I'm happy to see Sport looking better with environments. Of course blind people won't be able notice it.

Muzikguy2934d ago


"a rolling update to what is already developed tech wise"

That's life in a nutshell. Where you been?!

DarXyde2934d ago

I agree that the graphics are sufficient. And, as you said, I think people comparing its visuals to Drive Club need to understand the demands that frame rate place on games.

I've noticed a dip in visual fidelity of VR games. Makes sense for GT Sport to not be anything crazy. They've taken a leaflet from Nintendo here where they emphasize a new way to play instead of focusing on pushing hardware in the traditional sense. I'm okay with it. The graphics wouldn't take me out of experience if I were wearing a headset.

I'm guessing it's to keep visual parity with both play modes. I'm feeling fairly confident that the next full entry in the series is going to be a visual showpiece.

The way I see it, GT Sport is as much of a spin-off to the main series as Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z is to Ninja Gaiden.

DarXyde2934d ago


"PD always does that, each generation is a rolling update to what is already developed tech wise...The only time it was an issue was with GT5 where the 'new' stuff looked unmatched, but over 50% of the game was still PS2's GT4 caliber (saying that as a huge GT fan, loved the hell out of GT5 regardless of certain tracks and a lot of cars looking kind of laughable)"

You're not wrong here. I believe Kaz mentioned something along the lines of seeing every Gran Turismo as an update to the same game. In a weird Kaz way, we're still playing GT from PSOne.

I'd love for his team to take the time to just redo everything for yew new generation though. I don't like this kind of half hearted effort.

Gaming1012934d ago

lol did anyone not look at the detail on the track? GT Sport's track looks almost blank with no details, whereas GT6 looks like actual concrete with tire marks.
Look at the aliasing on the top of the dashboard, it's terrible on GT Sport and perfect on GT6.

Unacceptable. The cars STILL sound like vacuum cleaners, even though Yamauchi lied and said they were built from scratch.

Ding2934d ago

DarXyde1h ago

"PD always does that, each generation is a rolling update to what is already developed tech wise...The only time it was an issue was with GT5 where the 'new' stuff looked unmatched, but over 50% of the game was still PS2's GT4 caliber (saying that as a huge GT fan, loved the hell out of GT5 regardless of certain tracks and a lot of cars looking kind of laughable)"

You're not wrong here. I believe Kaz mentioned something along the lines of seeing every Gran Turismo as an update to the same game. In a weird Kaz way, we're still playing GT from PSOne.
============================= =====

Which was the best simulator going. Irregardless of the graphics it nailed the handling from the get go.

Sony are one of the founders of the HDMI spec, since the PS 2 they have used GT as "proof of concept" to push SMPTE [Society for Motion Pictures and Television Engineers] away from crappy PeeCee/ VGA/ RGB colourspace, onto HDTV which required Component colourspace. Basically show them they are holding back technology/ business. When Sony released the PS 1, PCs were still on 16 bit DOS and 3.5" disk [a Sony/ Philips format btw] when Sony released the PS 2, PCs were on 32bit Windozze

I'd love for his team to take the time to just redo everything for yew new generation though. I don't like this kind of half hearted effort.

lolololol Idiot, GT only had 160 cars, down from 500/whatever of GT 2.. GT 4 had 600+ awa the option via Component Colourspace

to give 1080 60Hz [HD ready], which was basically HDMI 1.1-2

============================= ==
Version 1.2[edit]
HDMI 1.2 was released August 8, 2005 and added the option of One Bit Audio, used on Super Audio CDs, at up to 8 channels. It also added the availability of HDMI type A connectors for PC sources, the ability for PC sources to implement only the sRGB color space while retaining the option to implement the YCbCr color space, and required HDMI 1.2 and later displays to allow low-voltage sources.[6](p. III, §6.2.3)

HDMI 1.2a was released on December 14, 2005 and fully specifies Consumer Electronic Control (CEC) features, command sets and CEC compliance tests
============================= =====

note it only had the option to implement YCbCr color space,
this was the basis of the professional stant

UltraNova2934d ago

I've seen the direct feed video and I have to say GTS is surely a significant upgrade over GT6.

That said it needs work in the environmental elements, like road surface imperfections and that flat treeline.

As I said before I don't care about damage so I hope they are not going to cut corners elsewhere to put that in but car sounds need to be overhauled, like delete the old audio files and g record all the sounds from scratch or buy them from someone. Its about time PD does SIM right as in both driving and sound! They have 5+ months, I hope they deliver.

To be fair, lets not forget that this in not GT7 and that they might address all our concerns with the fully fledged GT game.

bouzebbal2934d ago

The difference is massive.. Thanks to this video it shows the improvement over PS3 i didn't know it was this big.
The game is 50% done, November cannot come soon enough.. I really hope it won't get delayed.

Freedomland2934d ago

What are you guys talking about, comparing an incomplete game with a retail version, only idiots or hardcore trollers can do this.
You guys are talking like game has been released and this is the face off from digital foundry and on top of that everybody is so self-assured that they are giving their opinion as a fact. Disappointing. .

Rhythmattic2934d ago

"Unacceptable. The cars STILL sound like vacuum cleaners, even though Yamauchi lied and said they were built from scratch."


Just check out the Lambo and Mazda Vids..

GTS panned left.. GT6 Panned right.

The games not even complete.... but im going to call you out on the "Yamauchi lied " Statement.



SolidStoner2934d ago

It is and will be a great game.. if you are using a racing wheel like T300 alcantara or G29, then you are on the right track!!!

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2934d ago
Eonjay2935d ago

Everyone can see the difference. Its obvious.

Crimzon2935d ago

Yup. One has air balloons, but the other one doesn't.

TwoForce2935d ago

@Crimzon Oh really ? There are more than air ballon. See above my comment.

Crimzon2935d ago

I think you're right, TwoForce. By my count there are eleven air balloons.

TwoForce2935d ago (Edited 2934d ago )

@Crimzon That's a dick move from ignore my comment. You sound like selfish asshole. You getting disagree for right reason. If you think some fanboy disagree with you, think again. I remember you bitch about ND, but i read your comments. Some of your comments are death threats ? So tell me, are you try to threaten people family ?

therevolution2935d ago

but with Forza and Driveclub, the visual bar has been risen. It doesn't look the same, but it lacks the visual polish of newer games. It seems ironic because Polyphany used to be a visual powerhouse. I guess we'll see how the game plays though

Crimzon2935d ago


I've never sent anyone death threats, you have me confused with someone else. I do remember you harassing me via private messages a lot however, and telling me to leave N4G because you were really angry about me being disappointed with the Uncharted 4 multiplayer beta or something. I think you have some personal issues that you should resolve rather than lashing out at members of the community.

Deadpooled2934d ago (Edited 2934d ago )


calm down lol it's only a video game played on a plastic box filled with silicon, glass and metal parts and wiring with a plastic and metal controller.

TwoForce2934d ago (Edited 2934d ago )

@Crimzon Then tell me this ? Why you want to see Industry to fail ? The first time i saw you and you complaint way too much than anyone else. Do i have personal issue with you ? Yes and no. What i say " No " is that your opinion is subjective, but here the thing what i say " yes " is that i see you can't control your rant and your comments becoming somewhat a death threat. You have your complaint sure but if you don't control with your rant then this will get messy. And I didn't force you out N4G back then. You are here to stay because you have a right to do it but you need to have fresh air and rethinking your mind. I remember how i was frustrated about when i heard UC 4 MP have Microtransaction. I have my complaint but i do have my optimistic. I'm not like some asshole who always being close minded. I'm not saying I'm defense the practice. I hate it too, but i did have hope that these developers can make game that have great progress system and reward without forcing you to buy Microtransaction too much. So you better rethink your complaint and optimistic. I'm not asking but you better think twice before you do something foolish.

MagicBeanz2934d ago

Not to xbox fanboys it isn't. But then again they wouldn't know what upgraded graphics look like anyway.

Crimzon2934d ago

There's no need to get so upset, TwoForce, they're only air balloons.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2934d ago
2935d ago Replies(1)
Deadpooled2934d ago (Edited 2934d ago )

I don't remember GT6 looking that bad, but anyways GT Sport looks good from that comparison video. Hopefully polyphony improve on that well considering that's at 50%. Cars still sound like vacuum cleaners/hoovers and still have that annoying generic skid.

rainslacker2934d ago

It's all a matter of reference. GT6 was great when it released, and does look good still, but GT:S does look better. DC I think looks better overall, but I see a lot more going on with the graphics themselves in GT:S. Reflections especially are actual raycast reflections that appear life like for instance. You can see the glare off the center display at a couple points, and some other videos show real reflections of the environment on the cars. Other than that, the background and track textures are actually much better than GT6.

uth112934d ago

I'd say the difference was night and day, but both races were done during the day :)

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2934d ago
TwoForce2935d ago

Here the thing : i do have some concerns, but i still have my optimistic about this game.

2935d ago Replies(2)
sephiroth4202935d ago

they both look a bit shit to be honest.

TwoForce2935d ago (Edited 2934d ago )

Then you clearly see no difference. One on the left, GT Sport have better lighting and shadow effect, better draw distance and better car model. Sure, Forza 6 looks better. But this is about GT Sports vs GT 6.

butchertroll2934d ago (Edited 2934d ago )

Forza 6 does not look better. Keep trolling. Do you want some Nurb comparison? đ

Does Forza 6 looks realistic like this?


kraenk122934d ago

Forza looks cartoony and not anywhere close to as realistic like this.

sephiroth4202934d ago

i see the difference, but they still both look shit.

Rookie_Monster2935d ago (Edited 2935d ago )

Of course GTS will have all the extra effects like more crowds, better lighting, higher resolution..it is expected due to better hardware. But, it is not a leap that many were expecting compared to how Driveclub was to Motorstorm. That is the disappointing part so far. The two areas though where GT6 has GTS beat are more contents and dynamic weather.

Will keep my eye on its continue development. Hope this turns out good.

ThatGuyDart2935d ago

Driveclub runs at 30fps, GT Sport runs at 60fps.

Lol really not a great comparison.

Rookie_Monster2935d ago (Edited 2935d ago )

"Driveclub runs at 30fps, GT Sport runs at 60fps. Lol really not a great comparison."

Read again. I was comparing Driveclub to Motorstorm, same developer, same 30fps racer. Driveclub added dynamic weather with rain effect that is the best in the business and also the graphics was a huge leap over Evolution last effort on PS3.

GT sport and GT6, same developer, 60fps, leap is not substantial, droped dynamic weather system, has less contents.

I am comparing apple to apple and orange to orange and not a grapefruit to a kiwi. LOL

Rhythmattic2934d ago (Edited 2934d ago )


Kazunori Yamauchi confirmed that both wheather (albeit not dynamic) and damage will be present in GTSport


To add, its a beta, not shown off on a Fk Off PC running Nvidia cards, but actually on a PS4... So im guessing it can only getter better, not worse, Unlike another console Racing game i wont mention

therevolution2935d ago

Why did you get ALL the disagrees for hoping a game turns out good? This community gets butt hurt really easily

Rookie_Monster2934d ago

Thanks and true statement. Don't know why either. Very weird indeed on some of the behavior people have of downvoting for positive energy.

Maybe next time I should try "hoping a game turns out bad" and see if I can get better results.

ziggurcat2934d ago


"Maybe next time I should try "hoping a game turns out bad" and see if I can get better results."

well, you'd actually be saying something honest, for once.

kraenk122934d ago

He gets the disagrees for being the biggest two-faced troll on here since years.

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The Lasting Legacy Gran Turismo Sport Had On A New Generation Of Sim Racers

On the day that Gran Turismo Sport’s online services are switched off for good, a reflection on how impactful the game was for the sim racing industry.

purple101124d ago

fantastic game

innovative match making with player ettiquite tasked into account

GT7 improves on it with:

all the same tracks + loads more tracks
all the same cars + loads more cars
improved / new physics
dualsense support + haptics for road bumps
improved lighting + weather changable mid race
much more vast one player races, challenges, leagues etc.

more of an iteration than a revelation, but what they improve, they have improved so drastically it is deffo worth getting.


Why Gran Turismo Sport’s Final Update Bodes Well for GT7's Preservation

GT Sport, like Gran Turismo 7, requires internet to save. But now that its servers are going dark, that requirement is being removed.

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124d ago Replies(1)

Comparing the New Grand Valley in Gran Turismo 7 to the Original

A detailed look at Gran Turismo 7's new track Grand Valley, judging its evolution from its former design and layout in Gran Turismo 6, side by side.

SullysCigar469d ago (Edited 469d ago )

Wow, crazy isn't it? The draw distance is vastly improved, the background textures too and there's ZERO shimmer now. And the replays are night and day!

EIDT: @below, Haha I didn't notice that!

IRetrouk469d ago

Yeah, theres a massive improvment all round, Looks amazing with the time of day transitions too, me and a couple online buddies jumped on earlier to try it out lol, did you notice the beach full of seals?

closed_account469d ago

That coastline looks amazing and I can only imagine it in VR! Looks like an entirely new course as far as scenery goes.

IRetrouk469d ago

Yeah, those views are going to be crazy when we are "there" can't wait!

PureBlood469d ago

Just got confirmation my PSVR2 is shipping by 24 hour courier, so I should have it tomorrow! I know nobody else cares, but I had to tell someone lol

GT7 will be my first game, as I want to test out my wheel - so excited - it's going to be awesome!

Deathdeliverer469d ago

I got my confirmation and date (22nd) showing for the charging station. The headset itself has been in “shipped-processing” status since last Friday. I’m like dang can I see the date? I was in the first round of preorders. Whenever it does get here, I’m ready. Going to go update everything and try to get over this cold.

PureBlood469d ago

Wish you better, bud, fingers crossed for your order too.

@S2Killinit - Thank you!

IRetrouk469d ago

I care👊🏻, mine is still saying prep for shipping😔

PureBlood468d ago

Thanks man 👊

Word of advice: be ready for the impromptu jig that happens when that email drops, it can be embarrassing..

DaReapa469d ago

Just got my second shipping confirmation email as well.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 468d ago
S2Killinit469d ago

Man i caant wait. One day left!

Flawlessmic468d ago

I know you and a lot of people are excited for VR but dont sleep on sophy, sophy is the real game changer here!

After giving sophy a run last night, i can safely say the actual racing in future GT's is going to be Fu***** amazing!!!

even on intermediate on some tracks the AI was coming back at me on my waiting for me to slip, attacking the space if i left the door open for them, honestly felt like i was racing against people and not some very limited AI that once i passed them they may as well have been eliminated from the race like GT ai normally is.

pump it up to expert and its a real challenge to stay ahead, the next level up from expert man the AI kicked my ass, like badly.

i remember when sophy was first annouced all the nay sayers said its a pipe dream and we will never see it implemented and here we are a yr later and sophy is being tested in game for us to try out and is every good as whats been promised.

VR plus racing against sophy and wowww your not gonna feal like your actually racing for real anywhere else outside of gt.

sophy will change the game in gt8

S2Killinit468d ago

Hm I didnt realize it was like that. I didnt even know why there was so much hype about it. But thanknyou for explaining that. I mean I get it now.

But I’ll be seeing it in action tomorrow! Woot woot.

Flawlessmic468d ago

It's only for a limited time and only has 4 races but I encourage you and everyone else try it and see the difference compared to the normal Ai.

Sophy has slipped completely under the radar in this latest uodate

469d ago Replies(2)
Father__Merrin468d ago

Wow gt6 was awesome under appreciated because of time it came out

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