
The Witcher 3: Blood And Wine DLC Is A Rare Reminder Of What Single Player DLC Should Be

ThisGenGaming says "In today’s market, DLC is something we see for just about every AAA game that comes out. Your multiplayer games get new maps while the single player games get new story content and missions. Unfortunately most of the time the DLC is kind of overpriced for the amount of content that you get. Some single player games for instance want to charge you $10+ for a couple hours of new content if even that. One developer who has done DLC right has been CD Projekt Red with their 2015 Game of the Year The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt."

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alfcrippinjr2995d ago

CD Projekt Red is a small games developers better then EA

this is how all dlc should be made where you get your money worth
this game gives you all this and free dlc

other games company should learn about the correct way to support there clients
which is us who buy the games.

Helios862995d ago

Agreed, I'm a firm believer that respecting your customers/fanbase and yourself as a developer is more profitable in the long run.

2995d ago
Ezz20132994d ago

Left Behind, RDR:Undead Nightmare did that way before Witcher 3
so it's not really something new

Oh and Bloodborne DLCs are amazing too.

joab7772995d ago

It's insane. With the 30 hrs of story and the crafting and housing, you could spend 100 hrs in this dlc alone. And it isnt some tacked on bullshit. It's an entirely new setting dome in a quality that even exceeds the original game. It puts almost everything else to shame. It has more content than ESO's new dlc and that's an mmo.

RufustheKing2995d ago

Can we judge this Dlc after it comes out please. instead of wetting ourselves at the pure conjecture people are conjurering up. It like people/websites reviewing games before they play them. Yes I know common sense is meet with disagrees. : ( oh well

Paytaa2995d ago

Given the quality of Hearts of Stone, it's a no brainer BaW will be nothing short of amazing. My most anticipated release for 2016.

2994d ago Replies(1)
2995d ago
Inzo2994d ago

I think ND has already shown us what a SP DLC should be with "left behind" and the witcher is following suit.

rivaldoo7772994d ago

HOS was a a decent (but kind of boring) dlc. Every developer has to learn from them but when it comes to quality I guess not all short dlc need to admire from CD Project red cuz 'Left behind' was a really amazing dlc.

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10 Expansions That Are Better Than The Main Game

NoobFeed Editor Joshua Burt writes - It is now a mainstay of gaming that post a title's release, and DLC will accompany the game. Some of the most popular games of the last fifteen years have followed this practice. But there are some DLCs that are better than others. That stands on the shoulders of their base game, and in some cases… Surpass it. These are the 10 expansions that were better than the main game.

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Dudeson766d ago

Damn, I feel stupid when years ago I played all the dlc for fallout 3 except the pitt. My younger ass looked at it and thought it was boring without trying I believe... Well good reason to fire up the old dusty ps3!

PhillyDillyDee766d ago

Bethesda usually does great DLC. Makes sense they are on the list 3 times.

generic-user-name766d ago

Solid list, I'd add inFamous: Festival of Blood, although it was a standalone download, it still felt like an inFamous 2 expansion.

Blood and Wine might be the best ever though.

SullysCigar766d ago

I'd also add in Horizon The Frozen Wilds. As I started it, I wasn't sure I had the energy, but my God that was awesome. Some of the best weapons, enemies and missions in Horizon for sure.

765d ago
RaidenBlack765d ago

Blood and Wine is always the reason these "best DLC of all time" list gets made in the first place nowadays.
Don't think CDPR can come any where near with any upcoming CP2077 DLC.

Silly Mammo766d ago

I have beaten Bloodborne but though i have the DLC I never played through it. For now I want to wait and see if it gets a Bluepoint remake.

anast766d ago

It's the best DLC in the genre. You are missing out.

SarwarRon766d ago

I double that. If you've liked Bloodborne, don't miss out The Old Hunters.

765d ago
MadLad766d ago

I skipped on Demons Souls remake, but Bloodborne would be day one. I love the game, but it is very, very jaggy and really needs a 60fps edition.

anast766d ago

I didn't like Blood and Wine too much, but the grandmaster gear is worth it.

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