
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End Review – Thank God It’s A Thief’s End | XO.TV

Mike from XO.TV digs into Uncharted 4... he doesn't like what he finds.

dp2774072943d ago

You do realize that Neil Druckman was one of the main guys responsible for Uncharted 2. so its not his first outing with Uncharted and his first amazing hit wasn't The Last of Us. You have a right to this opinion as always but you sound new to the series more so then the people you are trying to convey this piece to.

naruga2942d ago (Edited 2942d ago )

attention-whore site ..nothing to see here ..just clueless people with games try to create turmoil for clicks ..

dp2774072942d ago (Edited 2941d ago )

i Wasn't gonna respond but I could just tell he was trying to use things that really shouldn't apply and then the Dark souls review kinda irked me as well but at least next time they write a piece it'll be worked around with my reading comprehension in mind.

senorfartcushion2941d ago

Clueless? It is an opinion piece. You can say whatever you want as long as that's how you feel.

You aren't going to get much yraffic for giving a game a less-than-average review because guess what? They are allowed to do that.

GamingIVfun2941d ago (Edited 2941d ago )

Uncharted 4 is not a 6 out of 10 game no matter the persons opinion. Giving this game a 6 mean either you have no clue what makes a good game, just another sleazy sight trying to get cheap hits, Uncharted 4 is not the type of game you normally play or would like anyway (probably shouldn't be reviewing it), or you have an agenda (like trying to lower the metacritic score like people are doing with user scores). Don't tell me so called journalist don't sometimes have agendas or aren't fanboys, that would be untrue.

No one is going to take a 6 out of 10 score for Uncharted 4 seriously. People are entitled to their opinion but when they are this far off, I have to question them.

What does XO.TV stand for ?

MattE2941d ago (Edited 2941d ago )

What's the problem with these PS fans.. Not everyone has to like the game.. Same for EVERY title released.. Deal with it. Some people think it's more of the same - average

celiamoontown2941d ago

Yet you contribute with a comment.. Also please do not normalize derogatory terms that insult women.

joab7772941d ago

@GamingIVfun....well said. There are opinion pieces (cough, cough IGN), and there are trolling hit pieces. Thats what this is.

AnubisG2941d ago

You said it naruga. That is what they are attention-whores. Look at that title and it's clear.

So having said that, how do I down-vote a site now? Can't seam to find that option in the new layout. This is a website that has no business on n4g.

Erik73572941d ago

Damn I like Uncharted 4 but I can tell someone is a little but hurt about this reviewer's opinion.

You can putting a rating at art so I never really care for reviews honestly.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2941d ago
Letthewookiewin2942d ago

Dude that wrote this. You're a moron. Stop trying to write anything immediately and hand over the crayons you 1st drafted this crap with. Change careers, oh, but do have a wonderful life.

Rachel_Alucard2941d ago

Then quit responding to them so they are forced to change careers. Everytime a big new heavily marketed AAA 9/10 goes through review sites there's ALWAYS going to be those handful of no-name sites that feed on rage fuel and the responses they get don't matter as long as people keep clicking on their site. It's exactly like DSP where he gets hundreds of thousands of views yet all he does is make people rage in the comments. He does that on purpose because nobody watches an average player, especially when he blames the game instead of himself. Just like how this article blames it for being too similar to its predecessors, yet never offers up what parts are similar.

2941d ago Replies(2)
opinionated2941d ago

He wasn't the director in uncharted 2. He wasn't a decision maker he was a writer. The difference is night and day.

dp2774072941d ago

yea I didn't say what he did, only he was involved. so a great game then even greater game but now a 'bad' game.

opinionated2941d ago

That's a major factor though. Being a director is a completely different role. I'm one of the few who liked uncharted 2's pacing more. It wasn't because of him is all I'm saying. The last of us pacing in u4 is because of him because he was the director this time.

dp2774072941d ago

I understand what your saying, Just the way he wrote it made it seem like he was never involved at all in Uncharted.

IIFloodyII2941d ago (Edited 2941d ago )

He was a lead game designer and him, Amy and Josh Scherr worked on the writing. He 100% made decisions.


Not having final say doesn't mean he didn't make decisions, yeah he'd have to run it past Bruce or Amy, but if you think 1 of the 2 lead game designers and 1 of the 3 writers didn't make decisions, you are clueless.

Also Druckmann had nothing to do with Uncharted 3, he was busy with The Last of Us during it's development.

As for your action thing, it's definitely toned down, but I would highly recommend finishing the game if you haven't. Uncharted 4 has some of the best action bits of the series, it's just almost all of it is saved for the second half. Also you are forgetting Bruce Straley, he was just as responsible for the crazy action parts of Uncharted 2, as Amy, maybe even more due to him being Game Director of 2.

opinionated2941d ago

He 100% did not make decisions. He did help with the writing/guiding the team and I give him credit for that. Uncharted 2's characters were exceptional, it blew the first uncharted out of the water. But the fact remains that he didn't have the final say on anything he brought to the table.

You can tell druckman's work. It's more cerebral and slow paced. He's atmosphere not action. He's more of a movie writer than a game writer IMO. For example, the kid drake scene in uncharted 3 where you wander around the museums and such, it has druckman written all over it. You can just tell he had a bigger role in the 3rd. The last of us is nothing but that because he was the director, he had the final say, it's his game. Uncharted 4 is the same. It still has its action sequences but he only put those in because he had to as an existing franchise IMO. The action definitely took bad seat and was toned down. I think Amy is a great action game writer and her final say made the difference. She knew how to use druckman's work better than he did. But that's just a humble opinion.

OrangePowerz2941d ago

I think you look at it from a movie perspective where it's more like one person rules over all the others. Games don't work that way and are in large a team effort where you don't just have one person ruling over the opinion of all the others.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2941d ago
miyamoto2941d ago (Edited 2941d ago )


Uneducated author & opinion.

Bruce Straley is the game director of Uncharted 2, The Last of Us and Uncharted 4.

This review is a complete failure.

2941d ago
Aceman182941d ago

Oh guys let this guy have his opinion it's ok, he's just a sad individual looking for attention for his no named site lol. If he thinks this game is that bad I guess he's never played a great game before lol.

joab7772941d ago (Edited 2941d ago )

Somebody had to be the one to do this and get a ton of hits. Not everyone/everything is Steph Curry.

That said, I just started, on Chapter 6 I think, and this game is remarkable. I'm an rpg/mmo guy, having spent the last 6 wks on Dark Souls 3, but I love Uncharted. Something about it that is amazing! It is everything that is right about video games. I was simply in awe at the beginning.

And yes, I do play PC. So hats off to a console game that is breathtaking!!

2941d ago
+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2941d ago
dp2774072943d ago (Edited 2943d ago )

Also just read the Dark Souls 3 review I'm pretty sure you wrote and you listed almost the exact same points and sounds like a copy and paste job on the negative's but it gets an 85. This whole website sounds and feels like an actual bot made it. Mike is happy, Mike is tired, Mike is AI.

XOTV2942d ago

Hello dp277407,

Thank you for taking the time to respond to our review, we really appreciate it! My name is Joshua, I'm the EiC of XO.TV, and I just wanted to take some time to address some of your issues:

- With regard to Neil Druckman: Being a Lead Designer is significantly different from being a Game Director. When Mike talked about Neil in this review, he was talking about how Neil would lead the directorial focus of the game. As a Game Director Neil is responsible for the whole direction of the game, as a lead designer Neil's role would be solely designated to over-seeing the game's static design... not the direction of the game's tone, story or core gameplay loop.

- I can guarantee you that Mike is not new to the Uncharted series. The core theme of his Uncharted 4 review is that the game is far too similar to it's predecessors, whilst adding unpolished and unneeded elements in an attempt to refine the formula.

- The Dark Souls III review is quite different from the Uncharted 4 review both from a tonal and content perspective. In the Uncharted 4 review Mike very clearly expressed his frustration with the various elements that make up the game (story, gameplay, thematic etc) and how they clash with each other. In the Dark Souls III review Mike expressed satisfaction with the core gameplay, and the game's various elements, but has issues with the stale formula and design inconsistencies.

I can also assure you that Mike isn't a bot! He's a very talented writer who I couldn't be more proud of. Here at XO.TV we encourage writers to be subjective when writing their reviews, however they need to ensure that they back up their opinion. In both reviews Mike does this. I'm sure if a programmer could produce content to the same standards as Mike review, we'd all be doomed!

Once again, thank you for taking the time to respond to our review. We'll take your feedback to heart when we produce our next review, as well as be sure to take into account your reading comprehension ability.

Kind regards,

2942d ago
2942d ago
kowan2942d ago (Edited 2941d ago )

No, being a lead designer is NOT just overseeing the "static" design of a game. A game designer designs and oversees levels, AI's, layouts/interface, story transitions, game features(modes and all that), animation, cutscenes, sounds, pretty much what you see in the actual game itself and how it will work. It's as big and as important as a game director's job. You mistake a game designer for a character or and environment artist which a lead game designer also oversees. Don't try arguing about game development positions when you have little knowledge about it.

Gazondaily2942d ago

You don't get it. The horde will only see the score. Everything else is white noise.

TFJWM2942d ago (Edited 2942d ago )

@XOTV "we encourage writers to be subjective when writing their reviews,"

I would think when you have a review you would want them to be objective not subjective...You seem to say you want your reviews to be bias as long as they "back it up" to you, which comes down to being subjective again...

Now objectively, it is easy to see the review and how you seem to justify it is sh*t

Picnic2942d ago (Edited 2942d ago )

Mike is inconsistent. Uncharted 4's Goonies meets Romancing the Stone vibe which I felt in some chapters is 'new' as such or signicantly expands upon the Drake's Fortune aesthetic. A large meeting (auction) is new. Sam is new. The villains' motivations are new. The grapple hook and crampon are new to this series. The 4x4 vehicle and boat are new in terms of being fully controllable. But Mike hated the 4x4 , he didn't fully appreciate the brilliance of the subtle humour in the dialogue and he doesn't respect the gunplay scenarios as the tense puzzles they can be if on Hard or Crushing. His 6.0 might be sincerely held for his tastes but a true Uncharted fan could not , I am confident, think at the end of this game that the artistry, gameplay, characterisation, puzzles, story, level design and sound design all added up to 6/10.

Cohagen4202942d ago

Lol spew all the bs you want, but this was a clickbait article designed to generate traffic to your no name site, how bout that for a succinct review?

dp2774072942d ago (Edited 2941d ago )

I still think Mike's a bot.

Aloy-Boyfriend2942d ago (Edited 2942d ago )

I have yet to see a reviewer having a problem with the story. How do they clash with each other really?

Sorry if the good writing of this review doesn't fool me. Anyone could grasp onto the least problematic thing to try to drag a score down. 6.0?

Nah! Game is much better than that. His frustration seems to be his own problem.

Have a good day!

trooper_2942d ago

The review was inconsistent and not objectionable. This game deserves more than a 60.

PistolsAtDawn2941d ago

Please don't use facts or logical thinking here, esp when pointing out that ND is made up of humans and is therefore not godly or perfect. The mob here doesn't wish to hear that. If you gave the game 9.9/10 they would want to lynch you. There is a very unfounded bias on this site. Sony is a great company and UC is a great game series, but if you say anything remotely negative about either on this site....some people go straight to lynch mode.

the_mack_attack32941d ago

You're obviously trying to produce clicks from shock value.

Theangrybogan2941d ago

Did you just essentially write an article in a comment section to defend a terrible review. Wow. You can't see that as a problem? U think anyone's gonna read that and be convinced your sites anything but clickbate? Maybe you're just a bot too!

Aloy-Boyfriend2941d ago


"but if you say anything remotely negative about either on this site....some people go straight to lynch mode."

Says the guy who has been bitter for weeks because Uncharted4 had got better reviews than Quantum Break... Lol

Playable_Gamez2941d ago

You know a site wrote a bad review when they come in the comment section to damage control. Lol

rainslacker2941d ago (Edited 2941d ago )

Right. So you're saying half this review/rant is meaningless due to Mike's lack of knowledge(or misunderstanding if you want to be nice) on how games are designed or produced?

Thanks for clearing that up in the first paragraph.

Speaking of which, why does the previous games director/designer/whatever have anything to do with this game, and why wasn't this game reviewed on it's own merits, with the only comparisons made based on how it compared to the rest of the series in regards to improvements and set backs.

There were plenty of things which could have been used to criticize the game play, and possibly story which would be more subjective, and downrate the game accordingly, yet they don't get a mention. The reason those things don't bother me is because the experience as a whole made up for them, and ultimately were just minor annoyances in particular situations. The things used to downrate this game seem rather superficial, and way too subjective to form a review that is meaningful in any way.

sammarshall1022941d ago

Much respect for not being afraid of giving it the score you think it deserves

saint_seya2941d ago

I always wondered why those so called hacker groups bring down psn or xbox live when they could do a better service for the community and just bring sites like yours down.

Razzer2941d ago

"We'll take your feedback to heart when we produce our next review, as well as be sure to take into account your reading comprehension ability. "

Seriously? You were doing fine up until that cheap potshot. Grow up, dude.

redknight802941d ago

You seriously are a piece of shit and you have just lost your website many potential visitors with this stupid as hell comment of yours, congratulations!

b3ast2941d ago

Joshua stfu lame site ever.

joeorc2941d ago (Edited 2941d ago )

So a 60% out of a max 100% THAN that IS Fantastic! I will be quite intrigued to see what game passes uncharted 4 in a % out of 100 on your site..it should be very interesting to say the least..

you are telling the consumer by the review of your writer that NaughtyDog deserves grade of a D..fabulous. .what game I wonder is getting a higher grade than uncharted 4 by his standards..?

MagicBeanz2940d ago (Edited 2938d ago )

If Mike is a talented writer you're proud of, there's little hope for your site.

2939d ago
+ Show (25) more repliesLast reply 2939d ago
starchild2942d ago

Did you even read the review? I don't agree with his overall opinion of the game, but the review itself is well written and he actually makes his points very well. It made me think --something few reviews do-- about what exactly it is that makes me like the Uncharted games.

Genuine-User2942d ago (Edited 2941d ago )

I don't know about dp277407 but I did. After reading the review and it’s summary, I must say I disagree with almost every "issue" the reviewer had with the game.

It reads like an unnecessary rant.

"A beautiful game which has its moments, but otherwise painfully slow and mediocre. Quite possibly the most overrated game ever made."

What the fu** is this shit?

dp2774072942d ago (Edited 2941d ago )

Of course I did. I say he sounds like a bot only cause I read more of his material after this review to try and see if any bias was leaking out because why the irrational rant but nope he seems genuine so far as he doesn't directly bash anything for any particular reason other then a review, but if you read other stuff on his page it just seems like a robot wrote it.

Ricegum2942d ago


Of course you think he makes his points very well. You're an Xbox troll.

PistolsAtDawn2941d ago

No time....straight to "discredit mode"

Sparta072941d ago (Edited 2941d ago )

Lmao... Starchild GTFO!! You were crying on every QB review because of low scores. Now you're happy cause it a Sony exclusive. Uncharted is not in anyway a 6.0, sorry I know reviews are just opinions but he's just looking for hits.

2941d ago
Germany72941d ago

Yeah right, we know how neutral you really are, lol.

dafegamer2941d ago (Edited 2941d ago )

A person who ends its review with "quite possibly the most overrated game ever made" is probably someone who saw all the perfect scores the game got, and played the game with giving it a bad score in mind in the first place .
He just wants to start a flame war, with unprofessional bullshit like that. He is basically saying that 97% of other reviewers who gave the game high score are wrong, and he is right in giving it a 6/10.
He sounds like those xbox fanboys who say there is a media bias in a favor of Sony :/

joeorc2941d ago (Edited 2941d ago )

Yes it did..the fact that this site gave the game a 60% out of 100% kinda gives you pause on any credibility that site has on what makes a game playable or not.

The fact is he gave the game a D?

Almost a F, and if uncharted 4 deserves a D or almost an F a failure of a game in his eyes , what games does he think deserves higher than Uncharted4.

Look no one is saying you cannot have an opinion..thats not the point , its when you trying to claim somthing and that claim is pretty out there and goes against pretty much every other site out there the games playability.

The other stuff is his opinion, but with such a score he is pretty climing it to be pretty much unplayable with a 60% out of 100. SIZABLE TIME IN GAME PLAY WITH SUCH A SCORE.

He is claiming that 40% of the time there is something that breaks this games ability to be played..

Giving a game of 60 out of 100 rating is quite clear his assessment. Doing so you have to look at why you would give a game that rating and if in effect would that break the games ability to be played.
The game on its own merits of playability is far and away not a broken game..there is not any big issue in ability to play the game

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2941d ago
remixx1162942d ago

Lol everyone's entitled to there own opinion and all that fuzz but I can tell you I just got to Madagascar and this game is phucking nuts, I literally have no idea how this is a 6 out of 10. Like you just dug for reasons to give this score.

It's a 10 out of 10 for me so far but I can see why some people might swing for 8 out of 10 if they don't enjoy this kinda thing.

.....and that headline lol damn big homie.

starchild2942d ago (Edited 2942d ago )

I don't understand how someone could think Uncharted 4 is a 6, but then again I couldn't understand it when some people gave Quantum Break 5s or 6s either.

I don't put much stock in reviews. They're fundamentally subjective. I mean, I read them for entertainment value, just to see what someone else thought about a game and maybe get a hint as to whether I'll like a game, but I don't treat them as gospel.

rainslacker2941d ago (Edited 2941d ago )

I've finished the game myself. Currently on my Crushing play through working on getting the plat, and I could find more things to criticize about the game than any of these low reviews have brought to the table, whose only reasons for criticism is solely based on the series as a whole. I don't, because they're mostly just minor annoyances which occasionally affect game play.

It's like the actual flaws in the game play which do exist, or occasional story parts which some people may not be into aren't even worth mentioning, which seems odd, because they would be actual valid complaints. Maybe not enough to down rate it 3-4 points or more since the overall experience is exceptional, but with a game of this caliber, any review below a 7 is just fishing, because there is no way this game is just above average. One may not like it for a variety of reasons just like I'm not into GeOW due to it's setting motif's, but I can objectively note it's good and bad points and judge it based on what it does well, and how the overall experience comes together to form a cohesive whole.

rivaldoo7772942d ago

Desperate clickbaits warning!! This is a silly review from a xbot

Wallstreet372942d ago

I won't even respond to this frivilous site, ill just hahahahahaha :) "sure your right"

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RaidenBlack96d ago

to reiterate, this is just a hobby project by a single developer

isarai96d ago

As a one man project this is awesome as hell!

95d ago
lellkay95d ago

Impressive considering its a one man effort!

Nacho_Z95d ago

Nate looks like he's been charting the lost city of Marijuana.

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Crows90197d ago (Edited 197d ago )

The best games of their generation too. Its incredible how great most if not all of playstations games are. Whether you like the stories or not you cant deny the quality of each title.

Hated tlou part 2. But im going to buy it when it is cheap enough because i want to play the remastered content for $10 extra dollars. Theyre adding a roguelike mode...thats going to be fun!

197d ago