
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Review - IGN

Our final verdict on Nathan Drake's final chapter.

hulk_bash19872945d ago (Edited 2945d ago )

Everything about this game is pure perfection. Uncharted 4 is beautiful, engaging and an exciting game to play through. Naughty Dog and everyone involved are truly amazing.

2945d ago Replies(2)
Lightning Mr Bubbles2945d ago (Edited 2945d ago )

I thought they were giving it an 8.8. Glad to see it's a 9 instead. I don't know why but it makes a big difference. Giving a game like Uncharted an 8.8 is just punk. Why not just give it a 9? How do you measure the .2 points? I agree with amiga-man on that.

It's not about the .2 points, it's more than that, it makes a statement somehow.
8.8 = fail, 9.0 = win.

It's like a basketball game, Cavaliers 100 - Hawks 99. The difference is not 1 point, the difference is one team won and the other team lost. It makes all the difference.

2945d ago
Lightning Mr Bubbles2945d ago

FettyWap, it's like the difference between getting an A or a B on your grade. It's a big difference to me, that's all I'm saying. If you don't get it, you don't get it. Oh well.

nveenio2945d ago

I agree that the difference is perceptual. The "A" and "B" grade is a better analogy than saying that one is a fail and the other isn't. I just hope reviewers realize they can't please everyone with a number and keep giving out numbers all the same. I don't like reading reviews because I want to go in fresh, and a number just helps me to get a quick snapshot to help my buying decision.

Of course, buying Uncharted 4 was a no-brainer. My son said, "I wonder what score they'll give it," and I said, "I don't care what score they give it."

nix2945d ago

So... It's worse than the COD out there?

I know it's only a difference of .1 or .2 but isn't it funny when you notice things like that.

Getting 9 doesn't pisses me off but seeing things like this really gets to me.

otherZinc2945d ago (Edited 2945d ago )

LMAO! She caved in to the PS Fan based pressure of a petition to get her fired. Hilarious, way to go ign.

Or, Ryan McCaffrey must have told her the Uncharted Multiplayer is fantastic, and worth a 9.2; now you can cave in to a clean 9.0 Uncharted 4 rating.

This is the very reason I do not trust reviewers for 1 second.

Picnic2945d ago (Edited 2945d ago )

If they have scale that allows 0.1 differences, then they either rate it at the very top of what 80-90% games are worth or at the very bottom of what 90-100% games are worth (because, in reality, people tend to narrow stuff down within 10% I find). Doesn't sound quite so impressive when put like that but they were trying to achieve a balancing act of over the top Unchartedness and Last of Us-like character depth and brutality and it's difficult to feel entirely like either series when doing that. The game is made for me (I'm up to chapter 7) by the superb character animation, graphical fidelity (after the oddly muted prologue part which looked like it could have been started on PS3), humourous , deliberately almost 4th wall breaking sometimes humour, the variety of locations / gameplay types. It's not made so much so far by its level design, puzzles. And when even the game says 'really?' when forced to do a quick brawl not long after a very extended one, and bearing in mind the beginning too, I feel the handprints of Uncharted 3 and the Last of Us over this so more than Uncharted 2's but what there has been has so far been engaging, largely because Sam and his relationship with Nathan- and Nathan and Elena's relationship- have been very touchingly portrayed and they've made a concerted effort to make this about a band of thieves.

jb2272945d ago (Edited 2945d ago )


I'm right there with you in regards to this game. The flow is just wonderful & kinda mesmerizing. The real time cutscenes have literally turned this game into the most cinematic narrative I've played. It gives it the flow of TLOU with the adventure of Uncharted. Just an amazing combination. The themes are weighty & apt for a series finale & the performances are phenomenal. That's all before we get into the butter smooth animation & rock solid gunplay. This game doesn't throw wave after wave of enemies for you to shoot at, it is more measured, so when those gun fights happen they have an actual weight to them. Also, Elena's short shots in the trailers didn't really do her new character model justice. She looks stunning in this game. Just absolutely believable, which sells her relationship with Drake that much more. Phenomenal work on Elena in mocap & design, maybe moreso than any other character in the game.

I just arrived at chapter 8 last night before I forced myself to shut it off. I really want to take my time with this one because it is already something special. Different than what came before but for the better for my tastes.

If I could come up with one criticism as a huge fan of Uncharted's environmental design it would be "too much water". Only half kidding there really, it's no deal breaker because the world is still among the most gorgeous I've ever seen in gaming, but it seems like at least up to chapter 8, most every environment we've visited is buttressed by a large body of water. The views are always stunning, but I kinda hope we hit more environments that rest further inland so that view can be a little landlocked here & there just for variety's sake. Still phenomenally gorgeous either way though.

Kingthrash3602945d ago

Wanna know what my problem is?
Evolve got a 9.1....Evolve tho.

DragonKnight2945d ago

Call me paranoid but I consider outlets that even have a .1 to .9 (minus .5 because half a point can be explained, but how do you explain a 1/8 a point) as trying to purposely manipulate the metacritic aggregate score. I haven't figured out what benefit there would be in doing that, but going from 8.8 to 9 just stinks of suspicious IMO.

rainslacker2945d ago (Edited 2945d ago )

The first score of 8.8 was to get the hits without seeming too far off base with a lower score. The 9 is a way for them to get clicks by giving it a "reasonable" score.

There was nothing to this other than hit mongering. Kind of disappointing from IGN.

To me, the 8.8 is just perceived in the same way $9.99 isn't seen as being $10. It's essentially the same thing, but people don't really register it that way most of the time.

I don't think people should have been upset with an 88. It's a good score. People were right to be upset that she didn't complete the game, and gave it a score based on an incomplete review. IGN allowed a "first impression" review to go out as an actual review, and despite being upfront about it, obviously only gave a score for hits, since no respectable reviewer should give an early review score.

xxjabberxx2945d ago

I want to know how they at first figure this game was only .8 better than quantum break.

ziggurcat2944d ago

"I thought they were giving it an 8.8."

not to defend IGN in any way, but they did state that the review score was incomplete, and the final score was pending their experience with the MP...

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2944d ago
nosferatuzodd2945d ago

yeah IGN lil deceitful trick give a high level game a unfair review then rack up the hits and then change it in the future so they can reap the profits lol and ppl still don't catch on yet

BlackTar1872945d ago

it was so obviously manufactured nonsense. I wish gaming journalism had a back bone.

nveenio2945d ago

It was obvious because they posted a tentative score in the first place. If they were being genuine, they would have put a big question mark where the score was supposed to be. Then, they could have given it an 8.8 and probably gotten half the negativity they did by posting early. They could have given it a 9, too, and at least have been respected a bit in the end.

Yui_Suzumiya2944d ago

Dat click bait income, yo :3

senorfartcushion2944d ago

Unfair? As in a 9/10?



UNFAIR really?

Do you eat clay? You absolute monstrosity. You absolutely childish, moron. You absolute stain on the underwear of life. You absolute IDIOT.

cyberwaffles2944d ago (Edited 2944d ago )

So they really gave it an 8.8 then a 9? What a bunch of pricks. IGN can go screw themselves.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2944d ago
BullyMangler2945d ago (Edited 2945d ago )

Uncharted, GTA 10/10 ?
compared to games like Bayonetta 2, where imagination and graphics are unique.
Dsnt make sense GTA Uncharted 10/10, when fantasy games like Bayo really show you what the mind of man can really do, in terms of over the top imaginative creation. .

In reality, Uncharted 4 more like 8.9/10.
because great but copy and paste graphics, and lack of fantasy. = minimal brain use. FACT

With that said. I really like Uncharted. I love it actually. And yes, Uncharted is system seller. So rad. 8.9/10

deafdani2945d ago (Edited 2945d ago )

Oh look, a fanboy fanboying. Color me surprised.

I absolutely adore Nintendo's games. I also absolutely adore GTA games, and GTA V was bloody fantastic.

Guess what... I absolutely adore the Uncharted games, as well, having played 1 and 2 three times, and 3 twice.

You can be a fan of many game companies, and it won't reflect bad in any other. And you can praise a game without shitting on other games.

The only "FACT" here is that you're a ravid Nintendo fanboy to the point of belittling everything else. You embarrass me as a Nintendo fan.

ShadowKnight2945d ago (Edited 2945d ago )

I agree! Uncharted 4 is amazing!

kenwonobi2944d ago

Yes. I'm even more convinced IGN deserves all the backlash. There is no reviewer who could say this isn't anything other than perfect. Unbelievable. The game is the gorgeous.

senorfartcushion2944d ago

You're an idiot. You don't understand how reviews work, as meaningless as they are.

cyberwaffles2944d ago (Edited 2944d ago )

The messed up part is that apparently they originally scored it an 8.8 then changed it to a 9. Like someone else stated, it was just a set up for click bait hits/income then changed the score to appease advertising for the game.

IGN can go crawl in a hole and rot. Their scoring system isn't only dumb (how do you differentiate an 8.8 with a 9) but many of their scores have been downright bad.

IGN is a bunch of haters.

EDIT: @Senor

Step your troll game up

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2944d ago
Heyxyz2945d ago

At least it's a 9, and not an 8.8... Man, decimal scores REALLY annoy me.

2945d ago Replies(3)
Paytaa2945d ago

Yeah I never get the decimal scores unless it's like "9.5" or something. I mean, if that's the case, I'll give Uncharted 4 a 9.03334. See how dumb that is?

iceman062945d ago

Agreed!!! It's pretty difficult to perceive and justify a 0.2 fluctuation in a score. Scientifically, tools are limited by precision. (anything after the initial scale becomes an inaccurate guess) I am assuming that this applies to review scales as well (understanding that they are FAR from scientific). Those decimals provide the perception of being more accurate than the average scale while, at the same time, actually showing an obvious lack of precision...unless someone can prove and show what a 0.1 difference means.

rainslacker2945d ago

Without any criteria established to actually determine what's being counted off for, or how certain things are weighted, it's impossible to even use such an incremental score to determine why it is scored in such a way.

It's one thing to kind of have an idea what a game will be like base on it being an 8 or 9, or maybe it's between an 8 or 9, hence 8.5, but it's another to sit there trying to figure out why it's not a 9 and what was counted off for to remove two tenths of a point.

2945d ago
rainslacker2945d ago

It's more the fact it's perceived as an 8 if it gets an 88.

Same way that $8.99 is seen as $8, instead of $9 by many.

Otherwise, such incremental scores seem rather useless nowadays. .5's are OK because it denotes it falls between the two scores, but one tenth of a percent is practically worthless given how scores are determined by haphazardly assigning a number based on subjective analysis instead of a structured system which adds or removes points based on established criteria.

Yui_Suzumiya2944d ago

For awhile I thought ign changed there scoring system and did away with this crapola.. it was a 20 point system for awhile like 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5 .. you get it.. when did they return to this nonsense again?

cyberwaffles2944d ago

They got more click bait with the .1 decimal scoring. Bunch of troll hards.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2944d ago
Walker2945d ago

1 point only for bloating third act LoL

freshslicepizza2945d ago

others who enjoyed the game have also mentioned there is quite a bit of climbing and repetition in the last part that they were not overly thrilled about.

the point is not everyone must share the same opinions but we all know so many on the forums love to use scores as some sort of ammunition and want to see the overall metacritic scores super high so they can gloat about a game they had no input in its creation. instead of simply enjoying the game the scores and the fact its exclusive is a game in itself to them on the forums.

UnwanteDreamz2945d ago


That's the lie right there isn't it? A shitstorm? What a gross exaggeration you and some in the media have made. Uncharted4 is being played by millions. You fanboys exaggerate everything. Even if 100 people commented it's less than 1% of the people who bought the game. BS manufactured outrage keep pretending it's a big deal but you're full of it just like the media.

freshslicepizza2945d ago

"That's the lie right there isn't it? A ****storm? What a gross exaggeration you and some in the media have made. Uncharted4 is being played by millions. You fanboys exaggerate everything. Even if 100 people commented it's less than 1% of the people who bought the game. BS manufactured outrage keep pretending it's a big deal but you're full of it just like the media. "

nice to see such reasonable people on the forums.

OB1Biker2945d ago (Edited 2945d ago )

What climbing? in the third act??? (comment you replied to was about 3rd act)
Not going to spoil it but I found it actually very short and I enjoyed it
It also looks great and completely fits in the narrative

remixx1162945d ago

Moldy......dude why are you even here?? I understand it's the Internet so freedom of speech and all that buzz but uhhhhh you hate sony. Guess it's no real suprise to see you in here making negative soup and sandwiches.

Sparta072945d ago (Edited 2945d ago )

Lmao!!! At moldy!!!! The same guy defending that turd of a game QB. When it got all those low reviews
you hate anything sony why on earth are you even on here? You don't own a ps4 and you haven't played uncharted 4. The problem People have is the reviewer gave the game an 8.8 ( not a bad score ) because she wanted to play mutiplayer before giving out the final score. How the hell can the mutiplay be only worth 0.2 score???? Lol. That's what everybody is freaking out over.

rainslacker2945d ago

Climbing in an UC game? And that's a reason to downrate it? That's 1/3 of what this game is supposed to be. Heck the first UC game had an entire puzzle based around the platforming, and it took forever if you didn't know the key to solving it. I probably spent at least 2-3 hours on that section on my first play through because the clues didn't register with me. Was frustrating as all hell, but not something worth criticizing the game over.

freshslicepizza2944d ago (Edited 2944d ago )

"Lmao!!! At moldy!!!! The same guy defending that turd of a game QB. When it got all those low reviews
you hate anything sony why on earth are you even on here?"

interesting response from the same person who made a comment here in a thread about quantum break,


you are quite the hypocrite. why n4g puts up with members like you is beyond me. that's just one example but no point in making things even worse for you. but don't worry, the pack mentality here will continue to protect you and your contradictions.

"You don't own a ps4 and you haven't played uncharted 4. The problem People have is the reviewer gave the game an 8.8 ( not a bad score ) because she wanted to play mutiplayer before giving out the final score. How the hell can the mutiplay be only worth 0.2 score???? Lol. That's what everybody is freaking out over."

freaking out over a 8.8 review, are you serious? how old are you guys to be freaking out over one review for one game that doesn't impact your own enjoyment? this also highlights whats wrong here, you guys are freaking out and are quick to attack anyone who says anything at all with any shred of negativity. go ahead and look through my profile, you will see nothing but praise over this game from me.

next person to school,

"Moldy......dude why are you even here?? I understand it's the Internet so freedom of speech and all that buzz but uhhhhh you hate sony."

i hate sony? you guys are just so desperate for attention aren't you? its either you are with us or you are against us, what is this, third grade? i don't hate sony, far from it. in fact i mentioned time and again the ps4 is the best console out there but you guys have skin so thin it probably never stops bleeding. it's not sony pal, it's the loud-mouthed loyalists like you who are so easy to spot.

now onto more respectable posters even if i don't agree with them all the time,

"Climbing in an UC game? And that's a reason to downrate it?"

that depends on each persons experience. once again i am only commenting on what some others have said and even in my initial comment i explicitly mentioned they enjoyed it but they were not overly thrilled about the last third. to even support my argument low and behold i see a new review pop up that also mentions this,


"This touches on one of my biggest misgivings with the game, and that is how the third act is handled. Unfortunately, Drake’s swansong sings too long. Without spoiling too much, the back third involves a lot of one-on-one time with Nate, doing little more than climbing. Without interactions with other characters to pass the time, I found myself starting to just bash the X button to grind through some of the longer climbing sequences. And with it, my engagement began to wane. It took me 15 hours to finish the game, and I can’t help but feel that upping the pace of that final third would have benefited the overall experience."

but as we can see nobody can say one bad word towards anything naughty dog does. its no wonder jim sterling had to write a blog about sony fans and it's just as fitting then as it is now.

OB1Biker2944d ago (Edited 2944d ago )

Reading you last comment and the review you posted I must admit I'm lost. I have no idea what act you and this reviewer are talking about. I was assuming it was chapter 3 but that maybe about the last part of the game that I haven't reached yet. I must have got lost in translation there.
As for criticism over the game being 'too long' excuse me to find it weird after all the past criticisms for games being too short. My scepticism still stands since past uncharted games had the same platforming bits, which I very much enjoyed, that could last a while and there s no reason to find this game worse because of that.
I hope your enjoying the game as much as I am. Happy gaming anyway

freshslicepizza2944d ago


most of the negative stuff surrounding this game is nitpicking from what i have read but again every persons experience will differ. i love the uncharted games but always thought the shooting mechanics were the worst part and the enemy ai but that looks to be better on this game. i just find it embarassing the attitude among some so called gamers who take such things so personal.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2944d ago
kenwonobi2944d ago

Yeah what a joke. The review is pitiful.

Free_Fro2945d ago ShowReplies(7)
Livecustoms2945d ago

I hate people who give weird decimal scores like 9.'6' , i dont mind '.5'. It's probably just my ocd not sure lol

BlackTar1872945d ago

What is the .1 difference from 9.5 ?

Kingthrash3602945d ago

Evolve got a 9.1 from ign.
Its Why I call the system stupid.
And I call ign untrustworthy. Just give it a 9.5 and call it a day...

Nivekki2945d ago

'Evolve got a 9.1 from ign. '

Mgnn, Evolve got a 9.1, mgnnnn!

STFU, so what. Evolve is a completely different game, it's not the same. I think UC4 is an amazing game, absolutely worthy of the high scores, but if someone scores a totally different game in a totally different genre a score higher than what they have scored UC4 I won't make a song and dance about it. It is what it is.

Fanbois like Kingthrash make me sick.

iceman062945d ago

Wrong!!! It's exactly a 9.6541287!!!😄

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RaidenBlack96d ago

to reiterate, this is just a hobby project by a single developer

isarai96d ago

As a one man project this is awesome as hell!

95d ago
lellkay95d ago

Impressive considering its a one man effort!

Nacho_Z95d ago

Nate looks like he's been charting the lost city of Marijuana.

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Crows90197d ago (Edited 197d ago )

The best games of their generation too. Its incredible how great most if not all of playstations games are. Whether you like the stories or not you cant deny the quality of each title.

Hated tlou part 2. But im going to buy it when it is cheap enough because i want to play the remastered content for $10 extra dollars. Theyre adding a roguelike mode...thats going to be fun!

197d ago