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Hideo Kojima’s New Game Is an Action Title that Fans of Uncharted and The Division Will Enjoy

Hideo Kojima finally shared a bit of information about the game he's planning during an interview on Weekly Famitsu, reported by Hachima Kikou.

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Community3057d ago
DARKKENT3057d ago

After playing the first few hours of uncharted

Any new action game has a shitload to live up to and that includes an action game by the legendary kojima

Naughty dog have once again raised the bar not only in graphics, detail but also with the smartness of the a. I. And The animations the seamless transitions from game play to cutscenes, the way the clothes move the way dirt builds up, particle effects facial animations, lighting, shadows just everything

My jaw hasn't left the ground..i have never seen a game this polished.. Cannot believe this is a console game.

UltraNova3057d ago (Edited 3057d ago )

You are evil and heartless and have bad timing! Why ? Because I have my U4 copy in my desk's drawer trapped at work, aching to get off and pop in the disc...and here you are making the wait even more excruciating...thanks!

Edit: and you made me forgot that I had to comment on the subject at hand (being off topic is apparently being frowned upon)

I want Kojima to innovate not emulate other people's work, especially Ubi's The Division, you know put that impossible mind of his into good use and deliver something new, weird, mind-boggling.

Majin-vegeta3057d ago

Thats makes two of us .almost Halfway through workday xD

UltraNova3057d ago

I have one hr left, dude I'm sorry...

Aloy-Boyfriend3057d ago

and here I am waiting for UPS to drop my bundle. It's driving me crazy!!

DARKKENT3057d ago

Lol sorry ultra

But the good news?

Bro your in for the treat of your life.. Trust me

ninsigma3057d ago

Make sure you don't leave it in you're desk drawer when you leave!

MatrixxGT3057d ago

Right..mine is at home right now chilling. Waiting for me to go home in 4hours. This is first game I have gotten excited for this gen.

starchild3057d ago

I feel for you guys. I got to play it last night for 5 hours and didn't get enough sleep, but I can't wait to get back to playing the game. It truly is another masterpiece by Naughty Dog.

Muzikguy3057d ago

I was at least able to get the game and download the patch before work. Now I just have to wait until I get home to play it

SolidStoner3057d ago (Edited 3057d ago )

lol, I wish Kojima better make a game for MGS fans, than Division.. it raise my concerns.. in other hand game like uncharted is a good story & good quality.. and somehow I see similarities between MGS5 and uncharted in a way, so maybe the game in the end will be good... lets hope so! :D

Silly Mammo3057d ago

Mine's loaded and patched up. Still can't play it until later tonight though. Want to have completely undisturbed playing time. Can't wait!

UltraNova3056d ago

Early report DARKKENT & guys: I played the game up to the old prison, chapter 2 I believe(I had to go see Civil War, which rocked btw...go see it guys!).

I gave that photo-mode a pretty decent workout, especially when I was standing on top of the prison looking at that vista...dear me...

Beautiful beautiful game!

The natural character animation is the best I've seen yet, I mean its as if Nate can see the ledges like I do and adjust his reach and where he places his legs accordingly! Every single plant, pond, mud even dry soil reacts realistically to any of my character's interaction!

I noticed that when you slide down cliff faces or rooftops the debris are rendered real-time and you can actually watch each tiny rock or leaf tumble realistically! Dear God this is beyond obsessive....

Even the rocks and wall tiles have realistic depth, (not that artificial artist drawn depth, we've seen in previous ND work).

I didn't get much gun-play action apart form the early boat sequence but I can tell you that 1st: turn off all assists! 2nd: its very very responsive with minimal controller input lag and very easy to get head-shots. That said I need more 'gun time' to form a solid opinion.

On the negative side, I have noticed some pixel shimmering in some dark areas but nothing too distracting (yes i'v installed update 1.2) and I'm sure it can be patched out.

So far so good (not mentioning any story stuff, for obvious reasons) and I can say I'm pumped to play it again tonight (not something I felt for a while, apart from Dark Souls games, of course ).

As always, job well done ND!

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3056d ago
naruga3057d ago (Edited 3057d ago )

.well i expected a game exactly like that from Kojima->top action + epic environments +rpg-weapon system and of course a TPS (smthing like MGS V) ...this gets my hopes up as i didnt want smhting different from Kojima but i wish to be much much better made than MGS5 and not so open world

never4get3057d ago

It's like "The Division", massive online co-op adventure. That would be awesome!

cyberwaffles3056d ago

It can go in one of two directions: one being an MMO shooter like The Division or Destiny or the other being more of a linear experience with light RPG mechanics and customization with different game modes.

I trust Kojima and his sense but I don't know if I'd want a MMO third person shooter. Maybe have a traditional campaign, co-op, and competitive modes with plenty of customization.

Then again the trend lately seems to be heading towards more MMO environments so I can easily see Kojima going in that direction, especially with the open worldness of MGS5, even though Kojima refers it as "open infiltration" or something like that.

xploz1on3057d ago

When you start playing... The clothing. I was like, wow this is really nice! They did a hell of a job with the details!

Helios863057d ago

Too be fair, mechanicswise MGS5 was stupidly good and has some of the best polish I've ever seen.

Majister-Ludi3057d ago

JESUS help me. I swear to God this site sometimes. By claiming something like it's a masterpiece you are setting gaming back. Let's make this clear. Uncharted is at the top of the glass in graphics and set pieces. Aside from that, there are a litany of games that do everything you mentioned better. I don't understand why Sony fanboys do that why not just say it's great I'm enjoying it instead of thoughtlessly saying nonsense. Either way can't wait to get my copy but I'm actually being realistic about it.

DARKKENT3057d ago

JESUS help me I swear to god I hate site sometimes. By claiming something like it is a masterpiece you make me cry because I hate ps4 and wanted quantum break to be the better game. Let's make this clear uncharted is at the top of its class in graphics and set pieces.. Aside from that I wish there were games that did it better like quantum break 'sad face'. I don't understand sony fanboys why do they like to run my face in it. Either way I will write that I can't wait to get my copy to not completely come over as a butt hurt xbox fanboy even though I can't get a copy as I don't have a ps4.i just wish I could be realistic about it.

Outside_ofthe_Box3057d ago (Edited 3057d ago )

* * * * * "I don't understand why Sony fanboys do that why not just say it's great I'm enjoying it instead of thoughtlessly saying nonsense" * * * * *

And with that statement you've just exposed what truly upset you.

You do realize that there was another game released last month exclusive to another platform that people were claiming to be a masterpiece right? You weren't asking Jesus to help you then, so... why are you doing so now...?

cyberwaffles3056d ago (Edited 3056d ago )

I actually have to agree with this. As much as I like the Uncharted games for its cinematics and action sequences I must admit that I only play their campaigns once or twice before I move on to another game.

The competitive mode was never that good with bad hit detection and lack of weapons. It seems to be the same weapons through out the series like the Ak47 or GFAL with no customization.

There is much potential with multiplayer and the co-op is a lot of fun but it doesn't have enough depth to have replay value. Then again I haven't tried UC4 so I can't say for sure what its like this time around.

Now with Kojima I know he would put a lot of content and depth in his games as evident by the MGS titles. The MP in MGS5 isn't perfect either but it mostly stems from the classes and mechanics. I'm confident that Kojima will not only make a good campaign but offer a lot on the MP side, which in all honesty is where most of the replay value is at these days.

Darkfist3057d ago

His game may end up being great, but dont expect a big game like uncharted, remember he has a small team and wanted to start fresh since escaping konami.

cyberwaffles3056d ago

True but Kojima is established as a legend in the gaming community. I'm sure whatever team he gets put on will be talented and funded enough to make a good game.

rainslacker3057d ago (Edited 3057d ago )

I hate you. I'm stuck at work for the next 2-1/2 hours with a 30 minute drive home after before I can play it.:(

Maybe I'll get a sudden bout of the stomach flu or something.

That being said, I just hope that Kojima has a budget to make a game that is in line with his usual standards. I wouldn't doubt that he could match or surpass the bar ND is setting. He's set quite a few himself in his time.

kevnb3057d ago

Did they finally surpass FEAR? Out of every game I've ever played FEAR still has by far the best ai ever, if uncharted 4 supasses it I will be quite pleased.

_-EDMIX-_3057d ago

If anyone can do it, its Kojima. Man is the father of modern action games.

Any IP he makes, prepare for a bizarre story, crazy voice acting, amazing gameplay. Can't wait to see what he has in store. Wonder if he will collaborate with other Sony teams since he's been going to all their studios lately.

Gol3m3057d ago

The dust particles. Insane

Dyldog693056d ago

Could not have said it better. I hope i have a similar reaction in an applicable way to no man's sky next month.

Tymeko013056d ago

lol not sure what game you've been playing, I've been playing UC4 and the AI is awful, which doesn't surprise me since ND games generally have some of the worst AI ever. Still an amazing game but your wank is embarrassing

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wakeNbake3057d ago

Third person shooter confirmed?

Germany73056d ago

That's great, i prefer TP view.

cyberwaffles3056d ago

With optional first person zoom/ADS

MilkMan3057d ago

Thats a badly translated website. Ill wait and see what this marriage of The Division and Uncharted is going to be.
Funny how he mentions two of the hottest games to describe his own.
After MGS V, im not just simply going to dive into whatever hes doing.

_-EDMIX-_3057d ago mean one of the best stealth games to ever release?

Sure bud, troll harder. MGSV is to me, default best MGS in regards to gameplay. Simply amazing, put 100 hours into it. Anything he does will have my attention.

Chaos_Order3056d ago

Agreed. After MGSV I'm reluctant to put my trust in him, especially if it's a "Division-like" game.

cyberwaffles3056d ago (Edited 3056d ago )

The only reason there was so much hate for MGS5 was because of the story. The engine and gameplay is damn near perfect. The storyline has been shoehorned with so many plot devices that it made the series overly convoluted.

Kojima used to say how he wanted to stop making Metal Gear games years ago but the demand was so high that he was pressured and coerced into doing so. The confusing storyline isn't all of Kojima's fault, you can partially thank the "fans" giving him death threats to make a new game. You can only have so many twists before it doesn't make sense anymore.

Right now Kojima has a clean slate to bring his new IP in any fashion he wants. New characters, new plot, new everything. The game is going to be ace, no doubt.

_-EDMIX-_3056d ago

Agreed, I was fine with the story in MGSV too. The gameplay just outshined EVERYTHING! MGSV is one of those games you think up in a dream and just imagine it could never be lol.

From recruiting for mother base, building mother base, going out in the helicopter to do missions, calling airstrikes, disabling lights, communications OH MAN! MGSV delivered in such a way that only Kojima could with that title. All the stories in MGS are pretty confusing, but its gameplay is always its saving grace.

MGSV is easily my favorite stealth game of all time, we may legit never get such a stealth game ever again. it will be some time before we have what MGSV was

Chaos_Order3056d ago

I disagree with your first comment; I disliked both the story AND the gameplay. Each to their own and everything, but I found MGSV's gameplay to be rather boring. I thought the open world and the mother base were bland and uninteresting, and few of the missions felt like they had much thought put into them. Plus I hate that I could S rank missions by running and gunning like Rambo, alerts blaring and getting shot to pieces, but if I try to play stealthily, I would need not get a no-spot no-kill run to even hope for an S rank. It is honestly the only game this generation that I have completely regretted buying. Some man's trash is another man's treasure I guess.

cyberwaffles3056d ago (Edited 3056d ago )


I guess you could say all games (shooters) in general get boring. Most campaigns I've noticed can start feeling like a chore after a certain point. The COD campaigns come to mind as they actually have pretty good set pieces and sequences but I sometimes can't even finish the level before I get tired of it.

I suppose its the saturation of the shooter market in general. You can only play so many of them before you've played them all. The thing with MGS5 is that it has really good third person shooter mechanics and like EDMIX said building motherbase has an almost RTS/tower defense like style of gameplay that is unique. I like the resources being used for research and development to level up your gear or unlock new equipment, as well as recruiting soldiers. This alone has a ton of replay value.

At least Kojima separates himself from the pack and tries different ideas with his games. The fulton system, the advanced CQC, buddy system, customization and stat building, etc. You can't tell me any other TPS does what MGS5 does.

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How Real-World Events Shaped the Story and Content of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2

Slava Lukyanenka, the producer and creative director of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl, offers an insightful look into the development of the much-anticipated sequel. He delves into the significant impact that the ongoing conflict in Ukraine has had on both the game and its team, sharing how these challenges have shaped their approach.

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Capcom Is Updating Several GFWL Games To Bring Them Back On Steam

Capcom is updating Games For Windows Live (GFWL) titles on Steam to once again make them available for purchase on the digital storefront.

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Palworld maker vows to fight Nintendo lawsuit on behalf of fans and indie developers

Palworld developer Pocketpair has responded to this morning's dramatic decision by Nintendo to file a patent infringement.

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Community1d 21h ago
GotGame8183d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Palworld is better, but Nintendo has$$$$ They can fight it all they want, but will absolutely lose. It is a blatant Pokemon rip off. I do wish them luck though.

RedDevils1d 17h ago

Go check Dragon Quest you would know where Pokemon got their ideas from.

MeteorPanda1d 16h ago

The character design is NOT the issue here. Pokemon patented bullsht. You can patent "Throwing an item to capture a virtual character and another action to release an item that releases a combat character onto virtual world" but my god that is vague as fuck and shouldnt hold in any court...and the kicker? it was patented AFTER palworld was made.

If this lawsuit goes through that is literally going to work on every single monster capture game,

Lionsguard1d 16h ago (Edited 1d 16h ago )

Like the other guy said, this has nothing to do with any of the designs. This is Nintendo patent trolling. It's like Rockstar suing another game if they have a guy opening the car door and yanking them out to steal the car because that's why you do in GTA so therefore that game is infringing on GTA's "patent". And that's the reason why Pocketpair is fighting this because if they lose this opens the doors to MORE lawsuits of this kind.

Profchaos1d 20h ago

Weren't the wire models used in palworld ripped out of Pokemon in the end?

porkChop1d 19h ago

No they weren't. That was proven false. And, again since people don't seem to understand, this is not a copyright lawsuit or about stolen content/assets/designs/etc. It's a patent lawsuit. So far all the possible patents I've seen were filed by Nintendo 4 months *after* Palworld released.

Profchaos1d 17h ago

Then I have no clue what this is about specifically

--Onilink--1d 17h ago

The catching mechanic patent was filed even before Arceus was released, I dont know which ones you have been watching because all the ones I’ve seen were before Palword came out
(Though not all have been approved in the US yet, just in Japan)

porkChop1d 17h ago

The patent for the catching mechanic was filed July 2024 and granted August 2024. It was filed on top of a separate, "parent" patent that had been filed in 2021. Nintendo filed new patents and had them expedited just so they could sue Pocket Pair/Palworld.

MeteorPanda1d 16h ago

it's so dumb. if that patent holds any water in court - any monster capture game is done and gone. cnts.

NotoriousWhiz1d 5h ago (Edited 1d 5h ago )

Source that says it was filed in July? I couldn't find it. And everything I can find states that it typically takes around a year or more for patents to be approved.

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jznrpg1d 20h ago

On behalf of their money seems like the biggest reason

Kneetos1d 18h ago (Edited 1d 18h ago )

People want Nintendo to lose as a big middle finger to the company, but if Nintendo wins then they set a precedent for others to follow which could be bad for Nintendo themselves if they end up infringing on a patent owned by someone else

The one I'm reminded of is, a few years ago Sony patented something to do with AI controlling a characters moments in a game to "help get past difficult or grindy parts" of a game

Mario kart 8 deluxe had a the auto acceleration and auto steering technology implemented, so potentially if that came back for mario kart 9 could possibly open the door for Sony to sue them if it's close enough

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