
Four Reasons World War I Works For Battlefield, And Two Reasons It Doesn’t


"It appears the Battlefield 1 rumors are true, and there is some untapped potential DICE could explore with the WWI setting."

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WelkinCole3059d ago (Edited 3059d ago )

What I am going to like about this is that it will be very up close and personal. Future warefare is getting quite impersonal in using drones and whatnot to strike from afar.

If there were only 2 or 3 players online then that would suck with the weapons you have but since its battlefield. There will be many players online which will ensure mayhem.

Its not going to be just guns. Swords, knives, bayonets which will all be effective this time around as not everyone will have a machine gun.

Its going to be upclose, gritty and brutal.

Kreisen3059d ago

Before the reveal everybody seemed really hyped becouse of the WWI setting and how it would mean slower paced, more tactical gameplay. Yet here we have a trailer that indicates its the complete opposite of that and nobody seems to care.

kraenk123059d ago

The gameplay will remain pretty much intact. DICE sped up the whole tank, plane and gunplay...one can use mobile MGs and stuff. All unrealistic for WW1 but fun.

The 10th Rider3059d ago

I expected them to make things a tad unrealistic. I mean, modern shooters aren't exactly close to realistic either. No one would want jets in a modern shooter if they were used realistically. Or tanks either, for that matter.


EA: Interest and Demand for Battlefield Franchise Remains Strong

EA states interest and demand for Battlefield franchise "remains strong," and thinks where the shooter market is now is a "perfect match."

TheColbertinator1d 15h ago (Edited 1d 15h ago )

We demand a new cutting edge Battlefield with a single player campaign

We do not ask or even think to ask for NFT, AI and all this other unnecessary garbage EA wants to push out

excaliburps1d 2h ago

I don't think EA would be foolish enough to try NFT's, and other BS with the next one. I mean, they cannot afford to given the stuff the past two games' have pulled.

Zombieburger6381d ago

You really doubt their greed and stupidity? I know better, the next BF will fail again and I’m not getting excited just for more disappointment.

GamingManiac18h ago

Yeah no campaign no buy, and even then it'll be a used purchase. EA will never get money from me again.

Noskypeno13h ago

So far it looks like it'll have a campaign unless it gets scrapped at the last second for some reason.

PrecursorOrb11h ago

I’m interested in someone else owning the ip


New Battlefield Has Portal Devs on "New Experience;" Community Testing Early 2025, New Screens Out

The new Battlefield game will have "large scale community testing" launch in early 2025, as Ripple Effect is working on a "new experience" and new screens emerge as well.

Zeke683d ago

The Prototype > Community Playtest > Feedback idea ain't bad, as long as they actually listens to the players.

peppeaccardo2d ago

Not buying it even if it is dip in gold ... done with these people and their promises.


Potential Battlefield 7 Campaign Leak Reveals Details On Story & Character

Possible details on the Battlefield 7 campaign story as well as one of the characters featured in the game have been revealed via a new leak.

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peppeaccardo88d ago

They can shove this and all the future BF games up where they seat. Not buying an EA games ever in the future. Fool me once shame on me .... fool me twice ....

Crazyglues87d ago

Yeah battlefield is dead to me... They can Stop with the B.S. this will be the same broken Battlefield you got last year and year before. They really could careless and the joke is on the consumer...

Battlefield is Dead, it's really time to move on... And if you can't and you still need to come back to this dumbster fire / don't buy it at launch get it for 30 bucks a few weeks after launch when it goes on sale in Nov. or Dec. and even at that price it will still be a waste of money... LMAO..