
Are Gamers Overreacting to the PlayStation Neo?

ScreenCritics explores why gamers are taking their negative reaction too far?

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Genuine-User3068d ago (Edited 3068d ago )

Some either don't want to understand or are probably afraid of change, in my opinion.

I'm tired of reading bullsh** one sided arguments with bizarre illusions that consumers will get shafted and how iterative consoles are such a terrible idea.

Aenea3068d ago

That's the thing, it seems you are one of those people who thinks it's gonna be all positive and you don't seem to understand that there are people out there who might think differently!

I see upsides and downsides...

3068d ago
Saigon3068d ago (Edited 3068d ago )

Just wondering, what are your upsides and downsides. I don't see how this is a big issue if it doesn't affect the current generation or should I say the current PS4 install base.

Genuine-User3068d ago (Edited 3068d ago )

That is not true. Some have genuine concerns, and some are all doom and gloom.

Eonjay3068d ago (Edited 3068d ago )

No gamers are not overreacting at all. Its just on forums. But they overreact to everything.
The comments here or the opinions from bloggers rarely ever manifest into reality. Its just a show for us to entertain ourselves with.

NewMonday3068d ago

so far all concerns are "what if this and this" and not from the actual proposition of Neo

captain_slow823068d ago

when i first heard i was like no this is just bad news and i dont want it.
then i got thinking all the way back to the ps1 era
got a launch ps1 then got the ps1 slim same goes for ps2 xbox 360 an the elite an same for the ps3 fatty/an slim

was playing gta 5 online over the weekend an was suffering lots of frame drops so maybe this time around rather than spend more money on the slim versions like i always have this time get abit of an upgrade where i dont get frame drops an better over all gaming experience

sounds like money well spent to me over a slim all the above is just my own opinion

ninsigma3068d ago

And most on the opposite side think it's gonna be all negative, even though what they say (while some being genuine concerns) completely go against what was actually leaked.

Brugal3068d ago

Why don't we all just wait for an announcement.

wsoutlaw873068d ago (Edited 3067d ago )

Aenea The problem is, you are acting like this comes down to just opinion. The fact is, sony is releasing a version of the ps4 that is slightly more powerful for the people who want it and it will have no affect on the current ps4. Games are already made scale-able and it is nothing like pc where the configuration possibilities are endless. They both have the same architecture. Anyone who acts any different is definitely over reacting or doesn't know what they are talking about. If you have some sort of need to have the best version of something thats out there, then you should work on that problem because that would be very expensive and you would need to be a billionaire for that. Do you ask sony not to put out a new tv every year? how about phones? What about pc gpu upgrades? Do you move to a bigger house when ever one gets built? Buy a car every year? It is 100% optional so if you act like sony some how did a disservice to you because they did a product update after 3 years, then you are over reacting.

Kingthrash3603067d ago


Well that about sums that up.
We'll said +bub.
I mean....umm....dam n4g needs a star system or something...that's a 5 star comment my friend.

Aenea3067d ago

Nope, the problem is people like you are oversimplifying things, development is not like you say it is and then you tell me I don't know what I'm talking about? That's bloody hilarious. You claim it will have no effect on the current PS4, some people believe it will have eventually. That might sound like an opinion but it's just using knowledge how development and this particular industry seems to be working with their tight deadlines.
And then you go on telling that the need to have the best of things is wrong, well sorry, gaming is my hobby and if there is a device out there that can play my games smoother and make them better looking you bet your arse I want it, but it's not something I do with everything, I've used a bloody Samsung flip phone for 10+ years until I finally upgraded last year. Your comparison with TVs and phones and anything else is weak and it's totally not the same, and I really don't get people who don't understand that...

joab7773067d ago

I am usually very good at putting myself in other people's shoes, I just don't see the negative here. I won't buy one when it launches, and I love my PS4. I'm happy with what it does. But I love knowing that Sony is gonna give us even something better when and if I do buy another one. Instead of just some stupid cosmetic upgrade, it will be a real one.

They will phase out the old machines, and give us a better quality one. This doesn't mean that what we have now isn't spectacular. I mean c'mon. Look at U4, DS3, and so many other games. What's there to be unhappy about?

wsoutlaw873067d ago (Edited 3067d ago )

"gaming is my hobby and if there is a device out there that can play my games smoother and make them better looking you bet your arse I want it,"
So you want it then. I didn't say you were wrong for wanting it, you would just be wrong for not wanting it to come out just because you want it. If you want everything game related thats better, you are still going to need a lot of cash because a lot of pcs out there destroy your ps4 and if you buy every new upgrade, it will add up fast. And no it would absolutely not effect development on the original ps4 in any meaningful way. Your response to that proves you don't know what you are talking about and are dealing in hypotheticals not reality.

wow good response. I directly responded to your post thats just 2 posts up from here.

MaddisonWatkins3067d ago

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Kyizen3067d ago (Edited 3067d ago )

A ton of people are just like I hope this fails. That doesnt make any sense...there are some downsides for sure but very few. New tech is always welcomed in my book and a ton of people are still happy playing ps3 and dont even own a ps4 and thats fine too, choice is never a bad thing.

Aenea3067d ago

Sigh, I think we were arguing about something else and I even asked you a question you completely ignore and still claim I don't know what I'm talking about, keep on living in a fantasy world. Buhbye

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3067d ago
rainslacker3068d ago (Edited 3067d ago )

And some people have the impression that it's all sunshine and rainbows and that the rumors somehow are confirmation that everything will be great going forward while dismissing any negative connotations that may exist from possible outcomes of the actual implementation.

One would think after all this time, that the negative side of most things that get rumored or announced that gets ignored now, get complained about later.

@wsoutlaw way down below, since N4G seems to limit the number of comments one can make in a thread.

"Where did I say there would be no change to the api?"

It's right there in your first reply to me.

"The api wouldnt change at all"

Not sure how else I can interpret that other than "the api won't change". It's right there for everyone to see....do you deny saying it? Am I wrong? Does everyone else not see that and I'm just delusional? Does your argument become valid when you deny what you actually said? Does mine become invalid when you deny it because you can try to discredit me with the "strawman" accusation? If you talked about the changing API, I would have responded to you differently.

Go learn what API's do, how they work with different system layers, then come back and talk about it with some knowledge. While your at it, learn about what low level actually means, and how it pertains to consoles and what exactly system layers are and why it's important to what I'm talking about, if not the entire point. My reply to you should give you a good base to start from. You don't "add to API's" like that. API's are written to specific layers of different system protocol. In the case of consoles, they're written directly to the hardware completely circumventing several layers that exist on PC. You have two different sets of hardware, no matter how similar, they use different API's if you don't have any other layers involved. The only way around it is adding a layer...known as abstraction. That's as simply as I can explain it, and everything I said is verifiable and documented extensively on the internet, and using some terms in this paragraph should give you a decent head start on verifying what I say.

"At no point would it have to be dropped in order to take advantage of the new hardware."

Eventually it will. Backwards compatibility can remain, but perpetual forward compatibility is not sustainable for the long term. For reference, go research the history of x86, and see how trying to hold onto legacy support hindered it's advancement until they finally could just emulate legacy code.

I had a lot more to enlighten you on the discussion, but N4G also still has a character limit, so I leave the research up to you.

Genuine-User3068d ago (Edited 3068d ago )

I have a positive outlook but its not all sunshine and rainbows.

What negative element of any credible relevance has been rumoured?

TheCommentator3068d ago

That's a trick question, Genuine, because rumors are not credible. Only facts are.

The major downside I see to all of this upgraded console business is this: Lots of people complained about how this generation had started off weaker than previous generations in terms of processing, and now they feel like they are being mistreated by having a new console come out with the extra power launch consoles were lacking. Basically, we paid for a companies' success as early adopters and now we have to buy their console again to get the best graphics possible. If a new console does release, how can we trust that the company we support won't have a replacement for the upgrade in another 2-3 years?

SavingPvt_Highon3068d ago

@Saigon You nailled it. There's no downside to it. You'll be playing the same exact games on both systems. I think because it's still in 'rumor' form, the internet is going crazy. E3 should set the bar straight, but Sony does have their work cut out for them in how to market this thing. My guess is, the benefits from having the Neo is related to Morpheus, and it's going to make you VR games perfom better graphically. Just my opinion.

rainslacker3068d ago

It's not what's rumored that could be negative, it's possible scenarios that could play out in the long run.

I've stated what they are on many occasions, and get all these disagrees, and even been called a Sony hater.

But briefly and without much detail added

-cross gen port mentality becoming commonplace
-lack of developers taking the time to really utilize the newer hardware to it's full potential
-change that legacy hardware will not be supported as long as some people believe
-the chance we'll just be doing this all over again
-forward compatibility actually holding game design back as requiring legacy support doesn't allow games to be designed for new hardware
-consoles not being designed to maximize cost vs performance because a refresh can fix everything
-The liklihood that higher level API's will be implemented as opposed to low level API's to facilitate the portability of code, you know, kind of how it is on PC, and the sole reason that PC required higher end hardware to perform the same task(known as brute forcing).
-The absolute fact a new console refresh like this won't stop the complaining which supposedly everyone is complaining about(under-powered consoles).

I'm willing to look at the positive possibilities, but watch the disagrees roll in, and my concerns dismissed as they have been for the past month.

I may be overly pessimistic, but I don't feel that my concerns are invalid, nor do they make me against the idea. Just get tired of all this dismissal and lack of people even trying to look at the big picture, and taking everything at face value...particularly over an unsubstantiated rumor. Not sure why people feel it would kill them, or their desires, or make them not optimistic to at least address these possible scenarios instead of accepting whatever may come as something awesome with no negative ramifications.

Satou3068d ago

There are upsides and downsides.

The main downside I can think is that they'll have you pay twice for the best system, but could have easily just had a more powerful system to begin with.

Consider paying $399 at launch and another $399-499 for the Neo, that's $800-900.
Now imagine if they just would release a higher spec console option at launch for $499-599

You'd save $200-300.

If they're going to do this, they need to do it right and just release the higher spec console along with the original. It'll suck that we'll be moving to a more PC like landscape, but it's going in that direction anyway with mid-gen upgrades.

rainslacker3068d ago


Fair point. but when it comes to console prices, it's more about cost of entry, and not long term value. Long term value comes into play when one decides if the cost of entry is at the right point to take the plunge.

With the new system, it actually offers more than one cost of entry for what is actually different products based on a persons wants or needs. As such, it's not actually a bad paradigm for the consumer when it comes to entry costs. It's a little less beneficial to early adopters, but at the same time, they're the ones likely to not care about spending more in the first place.

I personally don't think a higher price console is necessarily a bad thing to offer from the get go if it's significantly powerful, and offers a lot for what it costs. But I'm more inclined to spend more on better tech, and don't typically cheap out when it comes to buying the better product. However, I tend to spend that money upfront, instead of just getting to a point where I have to spend an equal amount or more a few years down the line to get something I wanted in the first place. This is a lesson I learned when buying electronics in general....but most people don't think like that, and some people can't afford to think like that.

Aenea3068d ago

Nope, he didn't nail it, what you say about playing the same exact games or when others say "nothing changes for PS4 owners", etc., etc. forget that there might be hidden, behind the scenes, things that can have a negative impact. And I mean devs not having enough time to optimise for two systems, or since there is a better version console out there why spend another month on optimising it for the PS4 while they can easily now can get away with downgrading the graphics while promoting the Neo version of the game in their trailers and promo material...

Many people also think a different model for devs is as easy to support as changing a few sliders, it's not going to be so easy for all games out there...

But I guess some people live in the real world and others live in the cloud. Granted there are always people who can only shout negative stuff, but I dislike people who only see the positive just as much. I'm more a realist...

freshslicepizza3068d ago

"The major downside I see to all of this upgraded console business is this: Lots of people complained about how this generation had started off weaker than previous generations in terms of processing"

and rightfully so. it was not a very big upgrade and all signs point out to wanting early profits especailly after the ps3 lost sony a ton of money.

"and now they feel like they are being mistreated by having a new console come out with the extra power launch consoles were lacking."

mistreated? what a bunch of nonsense. the ps4 was already the most powerful console and the only complaints are coming out now. people were quite happy with their ps4 before neo was even hinted at, what changed? nothing.

"Basically, we paid for a companies' success as early adopters and now we have to buy their console again to get the best graphics possible."

who says you have to buy a new console? what if the nintendo nx is more powerful, you going to whine about that too?

"If a new console does release, how can we trust that the company we support won't have a replacement for the upgrade in another 2-3 years?"

who says this is replacing the older systems and also anyone who buys a new console after it's been out for 3 years will risk their being a new system.

people need to stop creating issues that aren't even there.

wsoutlaw873068d ago (Edited 3067d ago )

@rain most of your "possible scenarios" are just silly because they are releasing 1 new system. 1. Not 20. The api wouldnt change at all. Why on earth would a console with the same architecture get rid of the low level api? that would be silly. Devs not taking the time to realize the hardware? Its just a scaled up version. The original ps4 will be supported as long as the other ps4. There is really no reason that wouldn't be true. The rest of them dont even make enough sense to comment on. You are acting like sony is switching everything up with this when it is actually a very incremental upgrade of almost the exact same hardware.

@TheCommentator "because rumors are not credible. Only facts are." Cute, but that doesnt make any sense. Rumors can be credible or not. Facts are just facts. The word credible directly has to do with a rumor. A fact cant be credible because it is a fact. What would an non-credible fact be?

Moz3068d ago

@TheCommentator I think it's safe to say that there will be another upgrade in 2-3 years from now. But as long as they continue to support forward and backward comparability then I don't have a problem with it. People who always want the best can buy the new upgraded model every 3 years, And the people who are less concerned about having the best graphics can buy their system every 6 - 9 years and then they have the option of buying the current best or saving some money by getting the previous model.
If (and that's a big if of course) Sony (and MS and Nintendo for that matter) run a model whereby 3 "generations" of console are actively supported then everyone has the option to game and upgrade on their own terms. Which despite some of the complaints from Devs about having more target hardware to deal with has surely got to be better for them in the long run as they have a consistent user base to sell games to.

rainslacker3068d ago


So no new API. That means a completely new build for the new hardware. See, this is what I'm talking about. People act like they know what they're talking about, but don't. No new API, means that the low level stuff has to be custom written for each version of the hardware. The higher level API alleviates that, and is the most reasonable path forward for this type of paradigm. It's not likely to be as high level as say DX on PC, but something more akin to DX12's low level access for PC, which isn't as low level as current consoles already provide.

Is this a bad thing? Not from a development perspective, but it means consoles lose some of their power advantage of being able to achieve more with lesser hardware than PC. That is a concern of mine, because I'd prefer devs take the time to actually utilize the hardware that's there. This also means more power will be taken from the current PS4 to allow the better hardware to brute force on it's own hardware, thus limiting how far the current hardware can actually go.

So, not so silly.

As far as legacy support. yes, for the short term, it's going to be there. But eventually legacy support will have to be dropped, otherwise the new hardware will never be taken advantage of. It's no different than how the new gen versions of cross gen ports are just prettier versions of the past gen versions. Nothing gets taken advantage of and the legacy versions tend to get crap implementation.

Is it silly to be concerned that devs will adopt this attitude going forward...because many generations of new hardware have shown us exactly how two different sets of hardware are handled when it comes to ports. But I guess there's no reason to consider that, and now developers across the board are not strained on time and resources, and will do all they can to insure completely optimized code across two sets of hardware. Glad they got that going after the last generation, and much of this one. Who knew all it took was new hardware...since new hardware never provided that incentive before.

If the rest don't make sense to comment on, then you shouldn't have commented on the two you did, because what I said is plenty easy to understand. Those were easier to understand than the more technical issues which you did decide to address, and no, it's not the exact same hardware. Which is why the API's aren't just portable from one version to the other with a low level implementation. Many things will be, but then, there's no reason to design for the new hardware. Please go learn what that means. I did in school, and use these kinds of principals daily in my work, heck, I write tools which port this kind of stuff between different hardware infrastructures, so I feel I have a bit of an understanding of what might happen on the development side of things, and it's not all bad on that side, however, as a consumer of games, it's not ideal to make me think that it will actually allow my initial purchase of the PS4 to see it's full potential.

And as I said in my OP, people just ignore the possible negatives, and try to dismiss things with reasons based on complete ignorance of how things actually work in the real world(paraphrased).

Moz3068d ago


Some interesting points that I have some thoughts;

"-cross gen port mentality becoming commonplace"
--- Is that not the entire point that games will just run "cross gen" to the point that the console generations are less important.

"-lack of developers taking the time to really utilize the newer hardware to it's full potential "
--- Given the amount of power now available the need to push the hardware to it's limits is reduced. The other upshot of this is that maybe devs will move their focus away from pushing the boundaries to the point that they are happy to drop frames in favour of some flashy effect that no one thought was possible on the hardware and in stead make solid games that keep a smooth framerate at all times

"-change that legacy hardware will not be supported as long as some people believe"
--- We have no idea what their plans are for this, from the launch of the PS4 (and XB1) it was clear that they were creating a scalable architecture that they could continue to use 30 years from now just with ever fast components.

"-the chance we'll just be doing this all over again"
--- Yes we will in 3 years from now unless the NEO is a complete flop. But that's the whole point of the exercise and it's being designed in such a way that skipping a "generation" isn't going to bother the average consumer

"-forward compatibility actually holding game design back as requiring legacy support doesn't allow games to be designed for new hardware"
--- We're beyond the point now of hardware holding back game design. I'm yet to play a game on PS4 or XB1 that couldn't be made for the PS3/X360 by pairing back the graphics.

"-consoles not being designed to maximize cost vs performance because a refresh can fix everything "
--- How does a more frequent release effect this philosophy? If anything not having to look so far into the future when designing the new hardware should save on development money and improve cost vs performance.

"-The liklihood that higher level API's will be implemented as opposed to low level API's to facilitate the portability of code, you know, kind of how it is on PC, and the sole reason that PC required higher end hardware to perform the same task(known as brute forcing)."
--- First both AMD and NVidia are both working on drivers that allow for "closer to the metal" programming while maintaining portability so there is a middle ground to be found. And the diminishing returns on computer power vs perceivable improvement means we're reaching a point that it's not going to be worth the Devs time ringing every last drop out of the tech anyway. Most games moving forward will run on off the shelf game engines like UE4 because the cost of either customising the engineer or writing their own just wont be economical for the 1% improvement they get at the end of their efforts.

"-The absolute fact a new console refresh like this won't stop the complaining which supposedly everyone is complaining about(under-powered consoles). "
---Not sure how this counts as a negative point, if there's going to be no change in the amount of complaining then surely it's a neutral point?

Saigon3067d ago

@ Aenea, no offense but your comment makes you an optimistic. There were no positives in your comment to think otherwise. A Realist would say, I looked at the leaked documentation or at least a summary of the information and I am taking the facts presented and base my assumptions on the facts. In this case, PS4 Neo, the facts state that it will not affect the current PS4 install base. No special optimization will be done to either version, other than one would be able to enhance the visual output of the same game. There won't be two different game models, it will all be the same disk, or same download thats applied to the base PS4.

rainslacker3067d ago


-Cross gen: Perhaps. I'm not sure if we're at the plateau yet where it's feasible without the possibility of holding game design back.

-lack of developers: In some ways yes, but not in others. Graphics, while they can look exceptional on a very strong GPU's, just aren't at the point where they aren't going to advance anymore. Until they actually reach that point, and virtually anything is possible, utilizing hardware to it's full potential is more useful than brute forcing less optimized code. This is a bit abstract though, and don't care to go into it here for why it'd be a concern of mine, lets just say it's more a long term thing.

"legacy hardware support": I know. And that's the problem. I'm not implying that they will screw us over, more that without knowing, I'd prefer to err on the side of caution. Again though, things haven't plateaued enough to make the long term console relevancy a thing yet.

"3 years from now": That's more a personal thing, and just kind of an annoyance based on how it's all going down now. It's more on the community than the principal of the idea itself.

"forward compatibility": true, we aren't seeing much new. But forward compatibility means that we may never see what's possible if it has to be supported. While I'd say all current game designs do fall within a certain level of implementation that would be possible on last gen, outside some extras, I also know that there is more possible. I also believe that current hardware is holding back game design as well, so it's not all about one way or the other....in which case, more powerful hardware could be a good thing...just not if legacy support is mandated indefinitely. I've seen some thing in concept demos which highlight specific possible things that can be done that wouldn't be possible on any console, and would struggle on powerful PC cards. I'd like to see those things eventually make their way to consoles, but legacy support means it can't. I'll try to find some links to demonstrate when I have some time tomorrow.

rainslacker3067d ago

"Console design": Because when it comes to hardware, console owners are often attracted to the newest and greatest things. Just looking at this gen, people lamented that it wasn't powerful enough to start, yet they still went and got the machines. There is nothing to say that future upgrades will be sufficient enough to warrant their existence, and it'd be easy enough for companies to try and compete with only slightly better hardware, being reactive back and forth as they stagger their releases, or push them out too early in the interest of beating the competition. One company fails to light things up with their console, lets just refresh it instead of making it appealing in other ways. That kind of thing. As such, it could be more about what can be gotten out cheap enough just to get by, which isn't beneficial for the consumer.

"API's" Yes, Nvidia and AMD are doing that. For PC. On console though, the API's are still much closer to the metal than on PC. The Driver and OS layer don't exist on consoles. On PC, the only thing removed with these new low level principals is the OS layer, which allows direct access to the driver layer. While that's great for PC, as the OS layer is highly inefficient for graphics, it's not even a thing on consoles to be concerned about. But with new API's, it has to be added to facilitate easier builds, and avoid having to make two separate versions of the game. Most companies now use off the shelf game engines. They have for a while. but they heavily modify the code to use the low level routines to get more performance. It's not like the free versions everyone can get, and that's how power is utilized from the hardware making consoles be able to do more with less hardware. I'd imagine a higher level API will be demanded from devs to make this whole thing viable.

"People complaining": It's not really a negative of the idea. Just that it doesn't actually solve anything that people complain about, and that once it releases, they'll just complain about it again, and possibly new things associated with the idea. It's more about that people are acting like this new paradigm will fix a problem that can't be fixed.

I appreciate your reasoned responses. I'd prefer discussion like this over those who would just act like others are wrong based on what they feel is right, as well as you discussing it as outcomes and hypothetical, instead of absolute. Keep in mind, I'm not wholly against the idea, just a bit annoyed that some people ignore the negatives outright, and are often unwilling to consider them. I also don't feel your wrong with what you say, I just didn't feel like detailing it in my initial post.

wsoutlaw873067d ago (Edited 3067d ago )

@rainslacker Do you always try to make straw-man arguments by twisting peoples words? Where did I say there would be no change to the api? You tried to twist my words in your poor argument. The fact that you think having to add to the api to account for ONE more system that is running almost the exact same set up with more cus and a higher clock speed. Are you kidding me? You dont know what you are talking about. The fact that you would bring up dx in comparison because of 2 systems compared to the thousands that a pc could have is an absolute joke.

Legacy support will have to be dropped? What? At no point would it have to be dropped in order to take advantage of the new hardware. PS4 games would run at say 720 and ps4 neo would run at 1080. Its really that simple and there is no reason, that within the frame of this generation would games be not possible on the ps4. If there is ever a point where games move on to be too much for the ps4, that would be called a next generation and you would have the ps5. The ps4 neo didnt change that in any way. How much longer did you think the ps4 was going to be supported for? The ps4 neo doesnt change the fact that the ps4 wasn't going to last forever. You are HIGHLY over estimating the performance gap between the 2 systems.

Again you are talking about some made up "attitude" and you actually think the ps4 to ps4 neo would be a port because you dont know what you are talking about. You know devs already make games for multiple platforms, so unless you only buy exclusives your point is moot because every ps4 game is already a port. "I write tools which port this kind of stuff between different hardware infrastructures" they aren't different infrastructures so great job.

As I said, I didn't comment on the rest of what you wrote because they are so obviously "silly" that i dont need to even say anything, you made my point just by typing it. Also they are you using your magic clairvoyant opinions and are highly redundant so it would be a waste of my time.

lol you actually think they couldnt use a low level api because they have 2 systems; enough said. People like apple must be using magic to get a low level api across their development and some how have more than 1 hardware set up.

you actually think the only thing mantel did was remove the os layer?

@aenea "I see no sense in discussing this with you any further..." ok, where exactly is our discussion?

Aenea3067d ago

Do you have software development experience? It doesn't sound like you do, in fact, it sounds like YOU don't know what you're talking about at all. I see no sense in discussing this with you any further...

I think we should let it be, people like wsoutlaw have certain notions about software development and you can't get them to see any different...

wsoutlaw873067d ago (Edited 3067d ago )

Sorry at the time I assumed your intelligence enough to think you would know what I meant referred to the capabilities of the api. I wont make that mistake again. Your claim of the need to change from a low level api is what I was referring to and your statement about the api is idiotic. The cpu is the EXACT SAME CPU with a higher clock and the gpu just has double cus. That would take a minor addition to the api. Its cute that you got some basic job on a team that does computer work but you know absolutely nothing about what you are talking about if you think that that would make it so sonys api couldn't code to the metal. Adding an abstraction layer doesnt mean it isnt a low level api and pretending there will be a significant performance drop because of the coding there in this case, is wrong. Thats another strawman argument, good job. They are both using gcn cores the only difference being the number. Thats it. Yet you tried to compare it to dx. You absolutely dont know what you are talking about except something you found on wikipedia or someone elses comment. The processing cost of the draw cells required because of your abstraction wouldn't even compare to something like dx. The whole point of amd developing gcn cores and mantel was for this reason. There is an enormous amount of low level apis that work on more than one fix set of hardware which proves your argument completely wrong. I guess to you Vulkan and Mantel don't exist or are magic. All of this is completely ignoring the giant hole in your argument that games are already multi-platform and are frequently not designed to the metal right now.

This is what you said that we are discussing because you seem to have lost track "The liklihood that higher level API's will be implemented as opposed to low level API's to facilitate the portability of code, you know, kind of how it is on PC, and the sole reason that PC required higher end hardware to perform the same task(known as brute forcing)." Not wither or not their would need to be another layer. You think that an api for 2 sets of hardware would cause them to implement a higher level api. Absolutely false.

Again try using my whole quote in context. I said, "have to be dropped in order to take advantage of the new hardware... and there is no reason, that within the frame of this generation would games be not possible on the ps4" Your argument of perpetual forward compatibility is another blatant strawman argument. Unless you are foolish enough to think that pre-ps4 neo the ps4 would be supported in perpetuity, then your argument is just false. As I stated, the neo doesn't change the 6-8 lifespan the ps4 had and I never claimed it to be perpetual. You seem to think that devs would need to do something in order to use all that extra power. The fact is, they would just bump the res and/or framerate as much as possible, which is in fact, the whole point of the thing. See pc. You know, like xb1 and ps4. You keep trying to say i should do research, but you should try making a coherent argument and actually follow through with it. Or you could just quote one line again and change your argument accordingly. Yeah, thats what you will do.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 3067d ago
3068d ago Replies(5)
gangsta_red3068d ago

NOW you're tired of people making up claims of consumers getting "shafted'? So funny to see these types of comments only now when it involves Sony. Exaggerated claims of consumers getting shafted was the main complaint of most on this site with Xbox, Kinect, paid online and other arguments against the Xbox.

Genuine-User3068d ago

Why are you including me in your generalization?

I couldn't care less for kinect and paid online services.

Outside_ofthe_Box3068d ago (Edited 3068d ago )

"So funny to see these types of comments only now when it involves Sony"

It's not only "now" though. "These type of comments" are made no mater who is involved, it's just that the people that make them are different individuals that fall on different sides of the coin...

What you truly take issue with is that the people that YOU *specifically* want "to see these types of comments" from, simply don't do it when it involves MS. But make no mistake that those type of comments are indeed made when MS is involved.

rainslacker3068d ago

I'm personally saving the "shafted" criticism until I know the details. MS, we knew the details, and I actually was on MS side calling for people to be reasonable and not jump to conclusions before the rumors were confirmed. For now, I'm critical of certain things which may come to pass, but haven't blamed Sony for anything at all because I can't actually see why they would do something like this at the present time.

That's just me though. I can't keep track of everyone to know how they feel on every issue, and if I generalize it's more for brevity than thinking that everyone actually feels that way. But I will admit I'm guilty of generalization at times.

Sparta073068d ago

Goes both way Red, especially with you protecting anything xbox.
Fact of the matter is this is just a rumor, I'm not thrilled about it but I'm just going to save my judgment to then.

gangsta_red3068d ago


Actually, you want it to be one way....


Sparta073067d ago

Lmfao!!! What are you some internet tuff guy or something? Should I be scared?
Go defend Microsoft kid.
Microsoft announces all exclusives are coming to pc!!!
Red " yay "
Rumor Microsoft might come out with an xbox1.5!!
Red " yay "
Rumor PlayStation coming out with PS4.5!!!
Red " bulls@!t Sony sucks lets burn them too HELL "

You're ridiculous and one sorry little troll... See ya!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3067d ago
Yetter3068d ago

Well if you bought your PS4 in the last 6 months you have a pretty good reason to feel shafted, and if in a year after the Neo is out we have games that are poorly optimized on the base model, ever PS4 owner has a right to feel shafted

jznrpg3068d ago (Edited 3068d ago )

If, I dont think it will be an issue. It wont be like porting for PC , it will be more like changing your settings for hardware almost identical, except one is clockes faster . Neo is on high, old ps4 on medium. I dont see them having compatability issues or anything like that, its going to ne the same hardware overall just more GCN and higher clock speeds. It seems pretty obvious to me. Maybe I am wrong but I would put $$ on it.

gangsta_red3068d ago (Edited 3068d ago )

I'm including you in this generalization because I have read some of your past comments adding to the ridiculousness of these 'bizarre illusions' when talking about consoles.

And how could you not see some of the concern for people that bought a console and then a couple of years later Sony releasing a better performing, possibly better for VR console to the market?

You really think that it's one sided and bizarre?

Genuine-User3068d ago (Edited 3068d ago )

Bullshit. You're a liar :)

Link some of my bizzare illusions in regards to kinect or paid online multiplayer.

I can differentiate between genuine concern and gaming-is-doomed comments.

senorfartcushion3068d ago

Explain how they aren't getting shafted?

gangsta_red3068d ago

No need for links, you know god damn well the type of comments in question. ;)

Besides, I used Kinect, etc., etc., as examples of comments from most here that have the strange 'concerned for consumers' theme behind them.

As I said before it's funny to see people now commenting and noticing what is actual concern and what is BS when their favorite company is involved when in the past they joined in on the jamboree of false concerns.

You seriously don't think that a lot of the concerns are valid if this Neo is true? What exactly is bullsh** about them and why are they bizarre illusions? If this is successful and Sony pulls it off and consumers go for it, expect Sony to capitalize and start releasing a new console every three years. Hell, companies might start testing the waters and releasing a console every two. Who knows where this might lead.

game4funz3068d ago

There were positive aspects of all digital Xbox one. Cheaper prices and family sharing for instance. The negatives outweighed the positive tho.

Same with neo. If it's really a new more powerful iteration of the PS4 then it's a new console. Therefore this current gen of PS4 users are shafted.

We could go to the argument of which console to own. One of the strong argument against owning an Xbox is that the graphics and resolution are lower normally. Why play on a weaker console? Same concept is applied here. Why play on the PS4 or buy a PS4 if neo is more powerful and will play the same games better.

It makes the PS4 obsolete. Many people will be pissed but still move to neo. That's the sad part. If this happens it proves the PS4 fanbase is willing to accept anything Sony does.
However since Sony has yet to reveal or comment on all this evidence I will give them the benefit of the doubt. But won't blame anyone who doesn't. Regardless I will not be buying another console anytime soon. I'll stick to my PC if ms and sony abandon their current consoles.

Ck1x3068d ago

The Playstation fanbase does except anything that Sony does listen to how many of them talk on this site alone. Some love Sony so much that they go out and buy multiple PS4's just because. Not only that, it seems that one argument they have for this working out is Sony being rumored to not allow developers to shaft OG PS4 owners. Uh hello, Sony doesn't even control developers from putting broken games on their systems and now we are expecting them to run what 3rd party's do now! It just comes across as delusional in this day and age that we live in...

Muzikguy3068d ago (Edited 3068d ago )

You can't see why people complain or are negative towards this idea? Of course there's going to be one sided arguments. We see them all the time about positive effects this Neo might have too. My take is negative, for many reasons but none of those are because I think that us vanilla owners get shafted. Well, maybe a little bit, but I'm more worried about other things.

1. I don't want this to become a trend
2. I can see them developing solely for Neo as a way to market the system and sell more hardware, even if people say that won't happen
3. People shelling out for a new console mid gen means they're spending $400 or so on something instead of games for the system they already have. Considering how publishers and developers are already complaining about lack of sales, this is a bad thing.
4. Many won't be willing to buy a PS5 knowing that a 5.5 is just around the corner. This would in turn harm developer support and hurt console sales of the vanilla PS5. Might just end consoles right there

I can go on and on with reasons I think it's bad for Sony and the industry to do this

Ck1x3068d ago

Many people try using the Nintendo handheld scene as a positive outlook for the Neo, but isn't it actually the opposite. When Nintendo usually brings in the new model it pretty much replaces the old and becomes the targeted platform. Even though the 3ds already had a large install base, the New 3ds became the sales leader with some games only being able to run on the new hardware and getting better running versions than the older hardware...

Moz3067d ago

As counters (kind of) to your points

1 - This is becoming a trend, but once it's been in place for a few years it won't seem as bad. Take the iPhone as an example few people buy every model most people buy every other model because the difference from one model to the next isn't big enough to have an impact on their day to day use.

2 - I know we're still in the rumour stage and of cause Ts&Cs can always be changed but the document that a lot of the rumours have come from clearly state the Sony will not licence NEO exclusive games all games that play on the NEO have to also be playable on the Classic

3 -True but this is short term pain for long term gain in the future Devs won't need to worry about the user base being split between 2 generations of console. Moving forward no matter when a game is released the user base will be more or less the same.

4. While the console after Neo may very well be called PS5 it will still (by current reports at any rate) continue to follow the backward/forward compatibility model being set out by the Neo. And indeed some people will chose to continue playing games on their PS4 or PS4 Neo and then not upgrade until the PS5 Neo comes out. But that's a win for Sony as it creates a more even cash flow.

N4GDgAPc3067d ago

It will probably be 3 years since ps4 came out. People are acting like it's the iPhone where it's been only a year. It's exactly like a PC where someone will usually upgrade every 3 years. 3 YEARS. I bet 65% of these people complaining are the same ones that would of right away go buy a slim ps4. I rather have a hardware upgrade than a slim. And if someone has the money to spend on a upgrade I don't understand stand how that makes someone a Sony fanboy. I say jealous because they can't afford it. Someone can't be satisfied on what they got in life. People are greedy in life. They can play the same games on ps4.5. All I can say is put a little money away to save up for it and they will get it quicker than they think. U can save money in many areas if u really wanted something. If the person is living pay check to pay check I have no idea why they have a ps4 in the first place. Sorry on the rant:) not all of it is towards you.

Dark_king3068d ago

Okay I haven't said anything about this rumor but what the hell everyone else has said there peace about it why not me.If it was its own platform and had games made to push the system then I wouldn't see a problem with it but if all it does is run ps4 games slightly better then it needs to come out with a price to match the fact that it will never be pushed like a proper console.It basically needs to come out as a simple ps4 slim model that just happens to run the games better.

uth113068d ago

And I'm tired of reading bullshit that everything will be just Rosy for current ps4 owners when Sony will have a financial incentive to try to sell us the new hardware.

I see how this works in the Apple world and the PC world. New software and OS updates run terribly on existing hardware, until you can't take it anymore and upgrade. I see no reason why Sony will be more benevolent in that regard and not do the same thing to existing PS4 owners

sinjonezp3068d ago

I think we will move towards a future where everything will be modular. Meaning that peices will be interchangeable on a simplified level. I like the idea of that more so than buying a new console.

Ck1x3068d ago

I agree, but at this point it's almost no different than them releasing their own version of a Steam Machine or PC! But a modular design from the beginning would be more honest to the buying public.

WelkinCole3068d ago

When will you people understand that this will change the console industry to align more with the smartphone and PC industry?.

There is a reason why many don't like how much they spend on smartphones and PC upgrades and why the console industry has been the way it is.

This move will only give more power to the companies and less to gamers.

Before I use to buy one console and it will get the most out of it for the entire generation. Now if I want better performance mid gen I have to upgade like with PC and smartphones and spend more money?.

Before we use to buy games and we get full games. Now we need to get season passes to get full games.

The list keeps growing and growing where gamers are getting shafted. This will be another.

3068d ago
wsoutlaw873068d ago

what don't gamers over react too?

cyberwaffles3068d ago


I agree. There's going to be complaints no matter what happens. You can't appeal to everyone all the time.

TheSaint3067d ago

My only issue is why bother with consoles any more? Might as well go full PC now. And I am primarily a console player.

Phantom683067d ago

I agree. I am not worried about a new console in fact, I am more than happy to embrace it given the fact i change my iphone every 2 years.
In fact, Sony is only doing what Microsoft is also doing behind the scenes and it would be a big mistake for XBox to get an upgrade and for PS4 not to get one.

My only concern about the rumours is that Sony may still include a silly 2.5' HDD which, in my view, is a big mistake. I have upgraded my PS4 with a 6TB 3.5' HDD using a Nyko data bank and would never go back to a 2.5' HDD given my library.
If Sony was to launch the Neo with a 2.5'HDD then i would wait until a work around for a3.5' HDD is found before I purchase it.
The alternative is for Sony to finally allow game installations on external HDD and that would solve the issue.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 3067d ago
rmw2hot873068d ago (Edited 3068d ago )

PS4 Original Fanboys vs PS4 Neo Fanboys. Let the fight begin!

gangsta_red3068d ago

Crazy how this has separated a fan base. You see some defending it, some hating it and others staying quiet because they first slammed MS when Phil suggested modular Xbox consoles.

rainslacker3068d ago

I feel it's been kind of a rollar coaster of opinions on the topic since it started among the fan base. Seen it go from dislike, to like, to indifference, back to like, and so on on a daily basis.

I can hardly even form an opinion anymore, because no idea what the rumor will be tomorrow, and no one wants to discuss any possibility other than what's been reported from the leak, or accept any possible negative aspects of it all.

gangsta_red3068d ago

The only problem I see is if this new Neo has games that are exclusive to the system. Or if it actually does make the PSVR a better experience because then Sony will be 'shafting' the original user base.

But if not then I don't see a problem with them releasing a console for the hardcore enthusiast who might want the most powerful console and have the extra cash to do so.

TKCMuzzer3068d ago

I'm staying quiet as there has been no confirmation by Sony, on anything. People are assuming, Sony are not going to cause fragmentation in their user base, they are not going to allow anything to damage the original PS4's marketplace position.
If the NEO is real I imagine Sony are going to have some pretty tight constraints on how devs use the extra power and Imagine there will be no exclusive games for the NEO, it either works on the PS4 or it doesn't get released. Lets be honest there are people who want it to go wrong as the PS4's success for some reason hurts.
Lets all the do the decent thing, wait for Sony to announce, hear what they say, then we can deal with facts.

Ck1x3068d ago

Even a modular console would be better than buying a whole new box, it has the same cpu, just over clocked. If this is what kind of console they wanted they could have just made a Playstation PC and called it a day... Stop selling people on "Supercharged PC Technology", let them upgrade certain components from the beginning and we wouldn't even be having these discussions.

SpinalRemains1383068d ago

Yeah I am one of those people. I don't like the idea of fragmenting the community, but given the chance of course I will opt for the better machine and support the policy I don't like.

SONY has me by the bag.

Chevalier3067d ago

"But please for you especially, do us a favor and stay silent until "hard facts' and 'confirmation' from Sony releases"

Sorry just calling it as I see it. It's truly idiotic to go on a tirade based on conjecture. You're comments aren't based on a shred of facts. The difference is other stories based off of facts I have absolutely no problem with comments.

"....least he provided proof unlike some who make up assumptions based on their own personal bias against a company"

Hmm..... weird you said something about assumptions and providing proof and personal bias against a company? Yet here you are doing exactly that?!

Assumptions about PS4.5 = Check
No actual facts or proof = Check
Supporting and pushing negative views with NO facts = Check
Bias against ONE company = Check

Am I missing something? Strange I went back over a month of your comments and interestingly there were ZERO negative comments about a possible divide caused by the rumoured Xbox One that would leave early adopters in a similar situation, but, plenty of comments and conjecture about PS4.5. Also no negative comments about NX leaving early WiiU adopters in a similar state. Weird right?!

Chevalier3067d ago

"And my comments or opinions based off of that.
Making up words and trying to set rules for comments based off of your favorite company to prove a point doesn't make you correct, it just makes you come off bitter and stupid. "

Really what's stupid is your comments are literally based on unconfirmed facts. It isn't about setting rules or anything. Please show me some links with ANYTHING confirmed to be true at all?!

Your going on tirades telling people to stay silent when something doesn't agree and calls you out. Please continue stomping around the playground complaining about other kids getting shiny new toys to play with.

You literally sound like an idiot with your pretentious poser problems based off of nothing. No facts at all and your writing pages of garbage about concern about splitting fan bases and exclusives for PS4.5 even though those supposed articles also say Sony won't allow for anything but higher resolution etc. How about waiting for actual facts first?! Wow truly idiotic.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3067d ago
MilkMan3068d ago

Like I said, it would divide the community, and it already has.
Just wait until it releases.
MS needs some time to shine and Sony would have handed it to them same for Nintendo.

Chevalier3068d ago

Really with Gangsta and other people here starting tirades with absolutely no hard facts is hilarious. Why even compare this to XB1? Unless you're comparing both potential updated systems? Again what does anyone actually know as in facts and not pure speculation?

It's funny to see possible scenarios based on possible system specs. Seriously get some facts confirmed and then start a tirade. Till then it's idiotic conjecture.

gangsta_red3068d ago (Edited 3067d ago )

lol, no one is starting a tirade. Just commenting on what we have heard with the info we have received...you know...like every other article that has ever been on this site since the beginning of human time.

But please for you especially, do us a favor and stay silent until "hard facts' and 'confirmation' from Sony releases.

"You're comments aren't based on a shred of facts."

Makes no sense, my comments are based off of what we have been presented and shown just like everyone on this page and on this site on this very subject. And my comments or opinions based off of that.
Making up words and trying to set rules for comments based off of your favorite company to prove a point doesn't make you correct, it just makes you come off bitter and stupid.

"Yet here you are doing exactly that?!"

Again, taking a past quote out of context and off topic. You seem to be good at that. Anything else?

"I went back over a month of your comments and interestingly there were ZERO negative comments about a possible divide..."

Interesting, I guess you missed all my comments including the one I left on this very article where I have repeatedly said I have no problem with Sony (or MS) doing an up-gradeable console OR releasing a more powerful console as long as it has forward and backwards compatibility with its games.

I have said that for both possible rumors for both consoles, many, many, many times.

You took the time to go through one month of my comments and yet you missed those...I guess you were painfully trying to look for negative comments. How very, very sad.

Keep trying though Chevalier I am sure that you'll find something that will stick and make you sleep easy at night.

TKCMuzzer3068d ago

Correct, raising concerns is fine but you should only base them on facts otherwise it's just speculation on top of speculation.

Silly gameAr3068d ago

Yeah, I laugh every time I see guys like that weigh in with their opinions about the PS4, Neo rumors, and the fanbase.

Ck1x3068d ago

Let's not kid ourselves here, it would be one thing if these rumors were only on N4G and NeoGaf. But having much larger and connected sites attach their names to this information with absolute silence from Sony proves that this is real and they just don't want to confirm anything yet. Not to mention that the early reactions aren't all positive, so how do they go about pleasing those people as well...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3068d ago
Fin_The_Human3068d ago

I am with the Neo crew (puts on shades an fly's away).

PS4 vanilla can just sit down while I tackle the PC masters.

Fin_The_Human3068d ago

I wonder if N4G will have a Neo section?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3067d ago
SaveMeJebus3068d ago

If it isn't broken. Don't fix it.

Next_gen_20153068d ago

Everyone who disagrees with your comment is implying the ps4 is broken XD

Oschino19073068d ago

Or maybe it's because nothing is being "fixed", it's being improved upon in a rational/logical progression that was planned from the start...

game4funz3068d ago

I gotta say ....my PS4 makes more noise then my brothers hurricane of a computer...which is like 10 years old...so it might be broke. Lol

3068d ago
2pacalypsenow3068d ago

people expect consoles to have PC like graphics but a fraction of the price, cant happen

subtenko3067d ago

Everything besides consoles I listed happens quicker than 2 years...... hence my comment..

If people disagree, then dont buy consoles, if you agree, good for you lol. Its either one or the other

subtenko3068d ago

Ok cool, no more new consoles, no more new tv shows, no more new electronics (ESPECIALLY SMARTPHONES)

2pacalypsenow3068d ago

Nobody is saying no more consoles, just not every 2/3 years

TomRL3067d ago

"Kill your ambition" "Kill innovation"

SaveMeJebus3067d ago

Well they're doing a bang up job with that one.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3067d ago
Spyroo3068d ago


Console gamers are so scared of change as always...

Nothing new.

Next_gen_20153068d ago (Edited 3068d ago )

Change isnt the issue. Look at the xbox one....the console introduced changes but they were anti consumer (DRM, online only)

The ps4.5 is also anti consumer since it punishes early adopters whilst late buyers end up with a more superior console. Scary how sony fans are defending this when its all a blatant screw over.

Probs why there are so many PS4.5 damage control articles like this being posted lately

sk8ofmnd3068d ago

If they offer a trade in value i dont see the big deal. I got my ps4 on launch day and have def got my $'s worth and then some. You are talking probably 1000's of hours. Anybody thats uses their consoles every day with gamefly and the ability to play at least 100 different games will agree with me. For those that just got one, wait for the RUMORED neo to drop in price just like the phat. Ppl act like just because sony is offering a newer model they are forcing you to buy it. Buy the new sh!t orr not. People need to stop all their bitching and whining till its waranted. Most people that are like me, will be getting it no matter what is. When in reality its prolly just a slim, uhd streaming, psvr forward thinking machine. And then everyone can just stfu

Spyroo3068d ago

If you own the original ps4 nothing much will change you'll still play the same games.

Aenea3068d ago (Edited 3068d ago )

So if you're not defending this you're not a Sony fan? Ok, that's new...

Yeah, and Sony is not going to want to lose money on this so they won't offer a trade in value.

In an ideal world nothing changes, some people think there might be consequences because of this meaning that games running on the base PS4 don't run as well when devs have another better PS4 version to show their game off on...

eferreira3068d ago

Early adopters will already have 3 years of enjoyment when this thing releases.

Moz3068d ago

How does it punish early adopters? They still have their exact same console and they are still getting new games for that console. They can even continue to play games with their friends online who have the new console. Other then people with a unrealistic need to "keep up with the Jones'" this hurts no one.

Not to mention that it's very likely that the NX will be at NEO levels of power and theirs a very real chance that MS are planning on doing the exact some thing with in the next 12 months. With that kind of competition out there the PS4 just can't survive another 3+ years.

Also we've some what brought this upon ourselves as consumers collectively with our eagerness to buy the latest smart gadget even when we know that a better "de-bugged" version is only about a year away. Look at all the people who have spent crazy money on the Apple Watch despite it's limited power, limited app support and limited battery life. And those things cost more then a games console.

ninjazfistz3067d ago

Agree completely. The NEO purchasers will have an edge on ONLINE MULTIPLAYER due to higher framerates if Sony doesn't lock NEO to what the ps4 performs at. It really creates the need for two communities. It definitely divides the userbase in this regards as well as games are much better on the newer playstation. It might as well be the ps5 as far as I'm concerned 2 years after buying ps4. Sony has now put a standard in place for NEO titles such as 1080p 60fps with no new basic ps4 standards spoken about. This is really bad news

Budobear3066d ago

How does the new update punish those who picked up a PS4 early? I'll still have my PS4 and be able to play it, so how am I being punished? I'd like to know as I normally have to pay for 'punishment'

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3066d ago
senorfartcushion3068d ago

This isn't really a beneficial change for the company, never mind for the consumers. The people who are reacting badly are reacting badly because they understand.

2pacalypsenow3068d ago

Exactly, only people who are exited for this is the ones who think the console will stay the same price and somehow have 4k gaming. They don't understand technology.

Muzikguy3068d ago

It's not that people are scared of change. I bought a PS4 day1 and haven't regretted it one bit. I most definitely don't feel like I'm entitled to a free upgrade either or that I wasted my money, like some people sound. I'm concerned for other reasons and just hope that the rumor isn't true

OC_MurphysLaw3068d ago

I think there is a degree of over-reaction right now. Until we have official information its hard to say one way or another.

rainslacker3068d ago (Edited 3068d ago )

Think too many people are forming their opinion and potential buying decisions on incomplete information.

Edit @ Master

Which is one reason why I kind of doubt these rumors. I think the media saw just how quickly a juicy rumor could bring in hits, and perhaps concocted a rumor that would be pretty volatile. Spencer asking should have been enough to focus all this on Xbox, but it seems rather convenient that not two weeks later it shifted to the higher selling console where more people are paying attention to any bits of news which happen to come out for it...which has been rather sparse since release if you really look at it due to Sony's virtual silence most of the time.

MasterCornholio3068d ago (Edited 3068d ago )

Reminds me of that fake NX controller. The one with no buttons.

Ill admit first hand that i overreacted with it. Which is why im being extremely cautious with the Neo and the Smith.

Show all comments (252)

Filing Lawsuit for Infringement of Patent Rights against Pocketpair, Inc.

Nintendo and Pokemon Company have filed a lawsuit against Pocketpair Inc., the creators of Palworld, in Tokyo, Japan.

Read Full Story >>
Number1TailzFan21h ago

Ye, Custom Robo Arena was a lot better than Pokemon anyways, now that's a game.

Eonjay16h ago

Interestingly this comes like a day after they announced they would be at the Tokyo Games Show.

Vits15h ago

We should all really hope so. Otherwise, this could lead to many issues, as they hold patents on numerous game mechanics. And when I say numerous, I truly mean it. Take this one, for example:

"Abstract: In an example of a game program, a ground boarding target object or an air boarding target object is selected by a selection operation, and a player character is caused to board the selected boarding target object. If the player character aboard the air boarding target object moves toward the ground, the player character is automatically changed to the state where the player character is aboard the ground boarding target object, and brought into the state where the player character can move on the ground."

In plain English, do you guys remember that super amazing mechanic where you surf on the water with a Pokémon, and then when you hit land, it changes to you walking? Yeah, they patented that.

porkChop1d 2h ago

A patent lawsuit? What Pokémon-related patent could Palworld even be infringing that other similar games haven't? This makes no sense. Feels like Nintendo just trying to throw its weight around to bully competitors, just like they do with emulators even though they're legal.

Kaii1d 2h ago

They can't Innovate their own IP, but when others are breaking the ceiling, they run to the courts, gtfo Nintendo/Gamefreak.

Companies' gatekeeping mechanics behind the patent system to stifle innovation, consumers will always pick the better product, it's not the consumer's fault that Gamefreak has sat on their lazy assess for years.

Kornholic18h ago

"Consumers will always pick the better product"

Since when?

swedishMeatwad6h ago

You can't argue with _subjective_ taste. Some people are going to like games you find crappy. I'm happy not everyone has the same taste.

The_Blue13h ago

Rather you like it or not COD has many accessible options and customization that allows for better experience than most other FPS.

Knightofelemia1d 2h ago

The Palworld has been out since January of 2024 and now Nintendo finally decides to do something. I fail to see how Palworld is like Pokemon besides evolving monsters. There are other games out there as well where you can capture and level up monsters. Tales of Symphonia 2 does that capture monsters and have them fight with you and they evolve when levelling up. The two games might share some similarities but what game doesn't borrow from another game. I could understand if Palworld was just a straight on copy clone of Pokemon but it's not. Nintendo is starting to become a pain in the ass. Going full gung ho with rom sites that I can see, purposely taking down pictures from a strategy guide for Mario 64 the strategy guide never came to North America and Nintendo had the pictures taken down. Where does it every stop with Nintendo?

babadivad16h ago

Monsters don't evolve in Palworld

Software_Lover12h ago

It's because Palworld became a worldwide viral success. Nintendo can't fathom someone else being that popular when it comes to a small monster catching game.

VersusDMC12h ago

Nintendo is only acting now because they just finished a lawsuit which they won.


Atlus should get on this and sue Nintendo as SMT came out before Pokemon. If Nintendo is going to play this game.

isarai18h ago(Edited 18h ago)

This feels like a scare tactic more than anything else. There's nothing here dozens of other games haven't already done, they're just mad this game showed people how much the pokemon series has been slackin and are desperately trying to make an example out of them.

How's about instead of spending all that money on court fees and lawyers you invest it into making pokémon better?

Profchaos17h ago

I think if it was a scare tactic it would have happened when the game came out I have a feeling they've been building a case for a while

isarai17h ago(Edited 17h ago)

It did happen even before the game came out, they tried several tomes before and nothing came of it

Profchaos16h ago

I was pretty sure the only statement they made was they would investigate

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The 'Steam Deck 2' seems a lot more promising with Ryzen Z2 chips announced

The 'Steam Deck 2.0' needs to make use of the AMD Ryzen Z2 chips if it wants a fighting chance against the competition.

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TheNamelessOne1d 8h ago (Edited 1d 8h ago )

I think when the next wave of these handhelds release I'll see what's available and finally grab one. The handheld aspect is nice, but I really just need something small to take with me when traveling. Been using my Series S, which has been good, but it would be nice having my PC library on the go.

Yui_Suzumiya21h ago

Steam Deck OLED is the best gaming device I've owned in 35 years. Give it a chance and you might be quite happy.

Tapani21h ago

I appreciate it is a great device, but simply not enough to run the games I play. I’m also going to wait for a Z2E or Z3E OLED version of Steam Deck before jumping in.

I want to run games at medium/optimized settings at 60fps for 3hrs+, and we are not there yet.

redrum0620h ago

Tbh, I mostly play on my Steam Deck OLED since I got it, leaving my Series X in the dust. There's something really enjoyable about handheld gaming, and the speakers and screen are amazing on this device, despite it being 800p.

10h ago
RiseNShine1d 5h ago

I have the Rogue Ally and miss the Steam Deck, i love the extra power of the Ally but i am sooo tired of a million issues with windows and games, i miss the simplicity of SD, you launch a game and it works as long as it's supported, period, Valve really turned PC gaming in a console experience, so SD 2 is day one for me.

redrum0620h ago

Had the Steam Deck OLED, sold it for a Legion Go, then sold the Legion Go to get a Steam Deck OLED again. SteamOS is so much better than Windows.

10h ago
UltimateOwnage1d 5h ago

Deck doesn't need a "fighting chance". Specs have never won in the grant scheme of things. Value has, and the Deck has significant value and usability advantages over its so called "superior" competitors. Ask Nintendo how being in 1st place in sales in the next gen race with last gen handheld hardware works.

redrum0620h ago

Nintendo has good exclusive first party titles to compete with the rest, so that's not quite a fair comparison

__SteakDeck__14h ago

@redrum06 But Valve has their own killer app, and that’s Steam.

Vits10h ago

Ask Nintendo how much that helped them with the Gamecube and the Wii U. Exclusives alone aren't really anything, they are just one factor in what makes a devie provide value.

10h ago
Kosic19h ago

The steam deck has been my go to device since I got it.
I've tried an Ally and LeGo, both are decent handhelds, but I prefer the design of the deck with steam OS and window boot.

If they release a Deck 2 with a big enough upgrade. I'd definitely get one of those.

10h ago
kryteris13h ago

it would be rad if they used the same board layout and cooling allowing previous owners to upgrade.


No ‘The Sims 5’ Coming as EA Sets Multiplayer Expansion to Current Game

Electronic Arts‘ popular free-to-play life-simulation video game franchise “The Sims” is breaking from tradition, with the gaming company confirming Tuesday that there are no plans for a “The Sims 5” game as the successor to the current edition, “The Sims 4.”

Instead, “The Sims 4,” now a 10-year-old title and the longest-running installment in the franchise’s 25-year history, will continue to receive updates and paid expansions, most notably a multiplayer mode and partnering with some “Sims” players who develop their own custom content for the game to sell it through the EA store as “Creator Kits.”

Deathdeliverer21h ago

After seeing inzoi I’d delay with some experimental “expansions” like multiplayer too.

cammers199511h ago

Inzoi will be better anyways. Sims 4 is garbage.