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Max Payne PS2 vs PS4 Graphics Comparison

"Today, more than fifteen years since the premiere, we're receiving Max Payne once more, this time as emulated PS2 game running on the PlayStation 4.
Check how the game graphics got improved."

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Derekvinyard133076d ago

Just bought this on sale yesterday. Good port from start to finish with no crashes. Only complaints are sometimes the framerate gets choppy and it's not full screen & yes there's no option to switch, its 4:3 the whole game. Loading could have been faster to.

Picnic3076d ago

The first Max Payne is such an old game that, if it's not a full remaster, then it's a cash in for PS4 owning Remedy fans who have Quantum Break in their head.

Skate-AK3076d ago

That is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. Max Payne is a classic. Would be no Quantum Break if it wasn't for Max Payne. Where do you think they got the time idea from? From the old Bullet Time mechanic.

kevnb3076d ago

May Payne is much better than quantum break.

3076d ago
343_Guilty_Spark3076d ago

If you start typing Quantum Break in on Google, one of the first predictive selections is "Quantum Break PS4". They can say whatever they want but they want the game really bad.

Ristul3076d ago

Yeah, on ps4 it would have actually sold, you just proved what we all know - most Xbox fans don't support these types of games. QB sold worse then The Order in the UK, and the drop is huge, now down to number 9.


Max Payne is exactly the kind of game should get a complete remake. now when I say remake, they simply need to build the same game in something like the R* rage engine for this generation of consoles.

don't change anything about the story, music, level design etc.... just reboot the graphics and animation thats it.

it would put so many games to shame this gen when you look at how little they offer these days.

_-EDMIX-_3075d ago

I agree that they should keep the story, music etc the same, but they would still need to fix some of the level design to bring the game up to date. I'm pretty sure if Remedy could do it over again, they might not do the same level design.

"it would put so many games to shame this gen when you look at how little they offer these days." not sure I really agree with that either, I love Max Payne as that is one of my top favorite series of all time, but I don't think in terms of design they can put any of the new titles released now days to "shame" as by default it had lessor in soooooo many areas.

You could like the games, sure....but you can't just ignore it was made in a different time with different features. I can't say it was putting anything right now to "shame" lol. I feel that is a bit of an exaggeration.

trouble_bubble3076d ago

Rockstar owns Max Payne not Remedy. Try again. Rockstar had spearheaded the whole ps2 on ps4 thing with multiple upgraded releases

USMC_POLICE3076d ago

I'm sorry but I got QB on XB1 and was not that impressed, the story was a cool idea, the gunplay was average at best. The choices you made had no real impact and the tv show was meh. The graphics were amazing but your better off picking up tomb rader or holding off for uncharted.

agame9143076d ago

@picnic how dare you compare quantum break to the original max payne

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C-H-E-F3076d ago

ehh, looks better but no platinum means looks horrible for my collection...

FPS_D3TH3076d ago

Dumbest gaming logic around

C-H-E-F3074d ago (Edited 3074d ago )


So because I already own the game in my collection... And plan on opting out of it because he doesn't add any value to me what so ever is a dumb logic? you spelling your name like that is dumb logic... lOl

FPS_D3TH3066d ago (Edited 3066d ago )

Lol you don't state you own the game and there has been many cases in the past where people don't buy a game because it won't feature trophies. If you're interested and think you'd enjoy it, buy and play it. Not buying it because it doesn't have some unrelated reward system is sadly some of the dumbest logic around. Btw Chef spelt with a bunch of hyphens in between is just as dumb as me putting numbers in a gamertag I've used for a decade now. Funny when nobody has much of an arguement that's what they fall to next. Solid sign of a weak arguement.

C-H-E-F3063d ago (Edited 3063d ago )


I've been C-H-E-F since PS2 Online launch day, I put Hyphens in my name because ignorant people call me CHIEF all the time and I thought hmm, maybe if I spell it out letter by letter ignorant people that spell "arguement" with an 'E' would realize that argument doesn't contain an 'E' and neither does chef contain an I.

However, why do i have to justify me not buying it. I've had it on ps2 great game... buying it again will be of no value to me the only thing that will add value to it is adding a trophy system to it with a 'platinum' trophy'. You just mad cause you're an ignorant guy that whines and cries because people care for things you don't. lOl...

Also, because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean their logic is dumb, simply stating that without having all knowledge of ones logic makes you the epitome of the def. of ignorance. All you had to do was ask me, hey chef, how do you spell argument and also you could've said hey chef, why does not having a platinum make the game horrible for your collection from there I would've elaborated. I didn't see the point in adding reason to why it was bad for my collection but perhaps i should've because well, ignorance is all online nowadays. lOl good day sir.

Kyosuke_Sanada3076d ago (Edited 3076d ago )

Play Max Payne on PC if you want the best experience. It was one of the first mature games I played during my high school years and it's script is one of the reasons I love writing. The gameplay still is amazing even if the graphics, when compared to modern games, needs work. Max Payne 2 still is the creme de la creme of that Remedy has to offer in my opinion.

3076d ago
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Control 2 Achieves Playable State While Max Payne Remake Enters Full Production

Max Payne remake and Project Condor have entered full production, while Control 2 is now in the "production readiness" phase of development.

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just_looken46d ago

I agree

But rockstar is bringing back that ip about time now drag out a fix for those steam games that are using pirated versions like manhunt Rstar.

I hope this game does not turn out to be broken because it used a pirated version as a base.

Amplitude45d ago

Brother I have no idea what you're talking about

just_looken45d ago (Edited 45d ago )


Right this is n4g......

Or just look it up yourself

rockstar tossed out midnight club/manhunt/max payne 2 on steam they are all still unplayable but the community members that read the game files and know how to mod revealed they are original pc versions from cracked websites. Silent showed how one 2004 game still has the signature left from the crack team "razor".

Right now you can pay over $30usd for these games that have code/files from hackers/modders rockstar did nothing to make them work on modern system's but at the same time never bothered to fix the cracked version to stop the anti piracy measures they put in place therefor the games go hacker hacker alert then lockup. Oh the patch to go around the measures is out there on the www on the steam review page for the games people leave links to dump sites that still have the files to patch the game to make them work.

Tldr rockstar tossed 3 games out but they had hacker/modded files another team fixed there screwup so legit pay users half to use 3rd party who knows were/who made files to make there games work that they paid for.

badz14946d ago

they are yet to be profitable with AW2 but have 2 games under development? Remedy must thank that Fortnite money that they are still allowed to make games haha

Kingrizzy9046d ago

Is max Payne a remake for just 1 or both 1 and 2?

Dirty_Lemons45d ago

It's both games repackaged into one remake dude


Alan Wake 2’s Night Spring DLC is an epic Max Payne remakes precursor

Alan Wake 2’s new Night Springs DLC is an excellent reminder of how great the Max Payne remakes are likely going to be on PS5 and Xbox.

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Max Payne 1&2 Remake To Enter Full Production & Control 2 Pre-Production In Q2 2024

Remedy Entertainment's upcoming Max Payne 1&2 remake is set to enter full production in the company's second financial quarter of 2024.

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NintendoPAL150d ago
Skuletor148d ago

I thought the remakes has been in full production for a while now

ElaBosak147d ago

They were making Alan Wake 2

Skuletor147d ago

You mean the game that already released almost 200 days ago now?

The_Hooligan148d ago

Hope they do physical release.

ravens52148d ago

Be another Alan Wake 2 situation if not. I hope they're not that pigheaded. Like really, if they're that petty I won't even wait for a physical release.

LucasRuinedChildhood148d ago

They have a different publisher for Max Payne than they did for Alan Wake 2 (Rockstar instead of Epic) so there probably will be a physical release for Max Payne 1&2 at least.

ElaBosak147d ago

Rockstar is publishing. There will be physical release.

Cacabunga148d ago (Edited 148d ago )

No physical support no buy .. do not screw This up

neutralgamer1992148d ago

Sure Alan wake 2 still hasn’t recovered development cost

ElaBosak147d ago (Edited 147d ago )

What does that have to do with digital release?

neutralgamer1992147d ago


There are many gamers who will not buy a game if it does not have a physical release, especially for Big blockbusters. So not being on steam and not having a physical release definitely has a lot to do with the fact they have yet to make that development cost back

I myself want to buy it on steam and I will also buy a physical version on PS five or Xbox if it becomes available but I will not spend a single penny on epic Store. I just want one storefront and one game launcher. I have no other reason to hate on epic or any other storefront.

ElaBosak147d ago (Edited 147d ago )

You think the physical games market is big? Have you looked at statistics from publishers between physical vs digital sales? Physical sales are almost irrelevant.

Neither Steam nor especially physical release have anything to do with it. Alan Wake 2 is inherently niche and not mainstream by any means. It would never have gotten a big audience and that's fine. Remedy and Sam Lake got to make the game of their dreams.

neutralgamer1992146d ago

I am sorry I disagree completely. Yes physical market isn’t as big as digital but it still accounts for almost 30%. On top of that having the game on steam would have meant a lot more sales. These 2 points are facts and can’t be argued

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jznrpg148d ago

To lose money again? Do you want them to close?

ElaBosak147d ago

Wdym lose money? How big do you think the physical games market is?

darksky148d ago

Max Payne is a far better franchise than Alan Wake. This should be good.

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