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Zelda Wii U rumors: More talk of Wii U / NX release, play as a male / female, voice acting

Emily Rogers – who most recently revealed that a new Paper Mario was heading to Wii U prior to the announcement of Color Splash – has come forward with a new set of rumors about Zelda Wii U.

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Community3092d ago
AKR3092d ago

Should be interesting to see where this goes. I don't know what to think of the gender difference, but maybe the alleged female design might be Linkle? Or something similar...

As for the voice-acting, Aonuma recently said that it was something he was CONSIDERING. Even if he did decide on it, wouldn't that take a while to record dialogue?

HomeofGaming3092d ago

they must had delayed it for that and to get it ready on the NX

Maybay3092d ago

Monolith Soft Accomplished a lot with Xenoblade Chronicles X. I'd have to assume that they've inspired Nintendo into creating something more meaningful.

pcz3092d ago

xenoblade is fantastic, but i would rather nintendo take inspiration from Ni No Kuni

R00bot3090d ago

Monolithsoft have actually helped the Zelda team out in previous Zeldas, such as Skyward Sword, so I wouldn't be surprised if Zelda Wii U surpassed Xenoblade Chronicles X technically.

Phunkydiabetic13092d ago

Linkle. You have got to be shitting me. Linkle?! They have a female version of Link called Linkle?!?!

Pffff hahahahahahahahahahaha

wonderfulmonkeyman3092d ago

She's her own character, an alternate-universe one at that, made for the game Hyrule Warriors Legends.

Where have you been these past few months? Or do you just not read Nintendo news?

Savsky3092d ago

Linkle is probably the gayest sounding name I have ever heard but those weaboo/androgynous loving Nintendo fans love her.

Relientk773092d ago

I hate the name Linkle it sounds so stupid

Phunkydiabetic13092d ago


Hyrule Warriors Legends doesnt interest me in the slightest so I havent heard of this ridiculousness. I went and looked it up and yes, it is just as lame as I figured it would be.

wonderfulmonkeyman3092d ago (Edited 3092d ago )

It's still a WHOLE lot less "lame" than turning Link into a gender-swapped clone would be.

She's got her own persona, her own combat and weapons style, and is clearly not a replacement for the Link that long-time Zelda fans know and love.

That's what Zelda U needs, if it needs a female role at all; a new character, or at the very least the opportunity to play as an established female like Zelda or Impa.

Say no to gender-swap clones.
They're worthless compared to new and established characters, and would do far more harm to the sales of the series as a whole than the latter two choices would.

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Wallow3092d ago

I still find it ridiculous and stupid that they made a female link when we already had one. Aryll remember her. I rather play as her then some character named something as stupid as linkle.

LOL_WUT3092d ago

Might as well make Zeldan while they're at it. ;)

FullmetalRoyale3092d ago (Edited 3092d ago )

I'd be down if her name was just Link. A cool chick inheriting the fight of Link would be interesting to me, but I'd always go with a left-handed, ears pierced male personally.

ColonelHugh3092d ago

Link isn't always left-handed, in the motion-controlled games (and the cartoon) he's right-handed, and in A Link to the Past and Minish Cap he is ambidextrous.

3-4-53092d ago

* I'd rather they just keep link a male.

The females in Legend of Zelda games are always extremely important to the series anyways, it's not like they don't exist within the games.

No need to force it, but if it is a choice it's a choice that is going to be for like 5% of people who complain about everything.

* Most of the people who want to see Link be a female don't even play Legend of Zelda or even video games at all....they just like arguing.

* If it's in.....I'm still buying the game regardless.

As long as we aren't forced to play as a female and I have a choice to keep the intended legacy going then it's all good.

* Definitely buying this for the NX though. Day one.

* I'm ok with other characters being voice acted as long as they leave Link to be the silent protagonist.

* IMO most voice acting in games is very cringeworthy and cheesy and takes away from the experience. It's often overacted in a very amature way.

* Either way......We are getting a new Legend of Zelda game and this is great news. Can't wait for the reveal.

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greenmiker3092d ago

If next Zelda comes to NX, day one by for console and game.

LOL_WUT3092d ago

That'll definitely make the console more appealing at launch. It's the obvious thing to do IMO ;)

wonderfulmonkeyman3092d ago

Ten bucks says everyone outside of Nintendo fans are just going to say "Not enough to make me want the console" though.

They'll also say the same despite the NX getting some multiplats at launch, because they'll be getting those same multiplats elsewhere.

Nintendo really needs to push for exclusives in their launch this time around, IMO.
It's the best way to gain wide-spread appeal early on; offer up games only on that console, that Non-Nintendo fans will care about.
Preferably made by contracted third parties.

As for me, I'm hoping that the NX will get its own Zelda at launch instead of Zelda U.
To me, that just seems lazy to skip giving the Wii U its own unique Zelda when every console prior had at least one of its own.

EddieNX 3092d ago

I'm getting one day one regardless as the Nintendo fanboy in me will take controll... New Zelda could defintely benefit from the NX's specs!!!!

Spyroo3091d ago

It will be even better on PC ;)

Wii U emulator near 100% complete thus can play the game for free and at 4k 60fps and mods.

EddieNX 3091d ago

Or you could just play it on a Wiiu or an NX like a normal person

clouds53092d ago (Edited 3092d ago )

If they don't bring the next zelda game to the wii u, I'll probably never buy another nintendo system...

They kinda owe us wii u owners at least that.

sk8ofmnd3091d ago

Its a huge mistake not having a zelda or metroid... Hell i would have been fine with a remastered metroid prime 1,2, and 3 on the wiiu... But nope. Although if they launched the nx with zelda and metroid id get on immidiately. But thats prob wishful thinking

-Foxtrot3092d ago (Edited 3092d ago )

If there is a female then I'm sorry but it would not make sense in the slightest and would not make sense to the lore they basically set out and established in the last game with Skyward Sword.

Hylias chosen Hero was male, he then was reincarnated as Link, Link is a male, Demise cursed Link to go through the same cycle of hatred, every single game after this Link has been reborn as a carbon copy because of this cycle.

Cycle Definition:

"a series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order"

Keywords: "SAME ORDER"

If they want a female so badly then use Zelda more

2pacalypsenow3092d ago

Next Metroid game should have a male protagonist too while their at it

-Foxtrot3092d ago

Pffft...transgender come on you misogynist, transphobic, sexist pig ;)

DDMNeo3092d ago

Federation Force? Granted I don't know if they've given the characters names, so one might be female? Honestly you could easily have Metroid game with a male character. There's plenty of other bounty hunters out there.

sk8ofmnd3091d ago

Lmao preach it brother. Lets make mario marioeesha too 😹. On topic linkle sounds so bad lol. Why not just make it his sister from ww

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Relientk773092d ago

What about Mario, they can change that to Maria

NovusTerminus3092d ago

I agree, if they wanted a playable female, put Zelda in. I would not mind at all!

-Foxtrot3092d ago (Edited 3092d ago )

Yeah. They could easily do a timeline where the main Hero fails in battle HOWEVER Zelda manages to fight him off herself.

The "Hero is Defeated" timeline could split into another one like how the "Hero is Successful has split into two split timelines

This would result in a new split timeline where the hero fails, however Zelda managed to fight herself and win.

In this new timeline the bloodline would decide that the Hero can't always be relied on and that they must take matters into their own hands incase so from then on all descendants of the royal bloodline would be trained to fight.

So you could easily have a game with Zelda as the main character who bumps into Link and they go on their adventure together.

A Zelda led timeline

NotoriousWhiz3092d ago

Yes! Let us play as Sheik in a game that isn't Smash bros.

DDMNeo3092d ago

-Foxtrot, I like your idea, but I don't think it's all that necessary if they want to think of a reason to make Link female. I mean based on the plot of the games you could keep all scenarios with a Link of either gender. Some things might change, because I don't think Nintendo is ready to deal with openly gay main characters (because that cuccos clown guy isn't a main character). Though it's funny they're totally down for Nabooru being a pedo creeping on young Link.

Concertoine3092d ago (Edited 3092d ago )

I honestly think the whole Zelda timeline is total BS anyway. I wouldn't care if they included a female link. As far as I'm concerned they are stand alone games.

I know Nintendo promotes the timeline but it seems more like a background thing. They make like 1-2 references per game and even then it seems like a stretch.

-Foxtrot3092d ago

Well you might think that but Nintendo just spent their last game adding onto it and actually make use of it.

So why would they go against something they've literally just spent their last game explaining.

Perjoss3092d ago

It doesn't matter, as long as the game is good. Even people that spend a hell of a lot of time piecing together Zelda timeline and lore say its all bonkers anyway. But sure lets assume "Hylias chosen Hero was male" is something that is set in stone, why can the hero not make a female friend along the way and we sometimes get to play as her?

Gazondaily3092d ago

"Hylias chosen Hero was male, he then was reincarnated as Link, Link is a male, Demise cursed Link to go through the same cycle of hatred, every single game after this Link has been reborn as a carbon copy because of this cycle. "

Yeah but this is a fantasy game. There is no reason why a Kokiri Shaman can apply some Bruce Jenner type magic spell to alter the sands of time or some shiz.

ZaWarudo3092d ago

I didn't even know Legend of Zelda had a whole lore thingie.

And i don't see what the big deal is, so what if it isn't lore friendly? (lol zelda lore) just assume it's non-canon, kind of like the female protagonist from Persona 3 Portable.

DarXyde3092d ago

Assuming Demise' curse cannot be altered.

The Hyrule Historia does treat some of the games as tangential "what if" scenarios.

browngamer413092d ago

Who gives a shit? Out of everything we've heard so far on this title this is the problem? Don't play as her, problem solved- seems like a ridiculous reason to hate on an amazing looking game...

-Foxtrot3092d ago

Hate? Why are you twisting it into that

Good grief

DDMNeo3092d ago

Honestly, considering Demise reincarnates at a whole different species I think there's room for a gender change. Also considering only one link has actually hooked up with Zelda for sure it's not like they need to have him impregnate the princess. ALso, I don't think they ever use any pronouns to talk about any of the heroes. Could be wrong, but I thought it was always just "hero of time" or just hero.

-Foxtrot3092d ago

He says "spirit of the hero" and "blood of the goddess" when he curses them so there can't be a gender change when the hero's spirit came from a guy Hylias chosen hero

DDMNeo3092d ago

Ok so I think you're reading into this too heavily.

First off it's the "spirit of the hero." If you look at something like Avatar, where the base spirit is male, the reincarnations that share this spirit have varied in genders. It's likely they'd take this path. Also, hero can be used as a gender neutral description when being vague. Which most mystisistic storylines and curses like this tend to be.

Second "blood of the goddess" is pretty vague. I mean this can mean any of her descendants. Yeah, the other games have used the princess for this, but that means there's an opening for a gender swap here too.

I'm mostly saying there's loopholes, so it's possible. The bigger issue is you being such a big nerd about this. Have you ever heard of retconning?

-Foxtrot3092d ago

I'm not reading into it too heavy, just what I was told in Skyward Sword

Look if Nintendo are going to make a game which focuses on the lore and expands on it, giving a reason why there are so many Links and Zeldas spread out across time then they obviously want people to invest in it.

It's common sense.

Metallox3092d ago

"Hylias chosen Hero was male".

No, they didn't. Otherwise the series would get intense criticism by SJWs for this particular reason.

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DragonDDark3092d ago (Edited 3092d ago )

I hope that it comes to the Wii U.

sk8ofmnd3091d ago

I honestly could care less if it comes to the wiiu. Many ppl myself included, bought a wiiu because we though it was going to release holiday 2015 then they pulled the wool over our eyes.

In all reality im betting the game was finished then they delayed it so the nx could have a zelda launch game. Going from 720 to 4k must be taking a lot of resources /s

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Want The Best Zelda Experience? You'll Need A Wii U

Want to play nearly every single Zelda game on one Nintendo console? Well you can, but it involves getting hold of a Wii U.

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Community1314d ago
darthv721314d ago

Not just for the best Zelda but also the best Metroid experience.

MetroidFREAK211314d ago (Edited 1314d ago )

Not sure why you got downvoted when you are right on the money... You got the NES game, Super Metroid, the two GBA games (Fusion and Zero Mission) Metroid Prime Hunters (story mode only) and the Metroid Prime Trilogy and Other M on backwards compatibility or digital download. If you like or want to get into Metroid, that's the system to get.

MetalProxy1314d ago

Why downvoted? It’s darth that’s why

darthv721314d ago

@proxy, I can only speak for myself but I vote based on the comment a person makes, not the person saying it. Others on this site seem like they hold a grudge and vote against a person no matter what.

ForwardDude1314d ago (Edited 1314d ago )

FYI the Wii U is hackable by visiting a specific website.

franwex1314d ago

The best metal gear experience is the PS3. Really.

MetroidFREAK211314d ago

Yes it is, and I own all MGS games available on PS3

Guyfamily9991314d ago

Or a moderately recent PC, CEMU is amazing. Even a 1050 can emulate the games at a higher res than the Wii U :)

Kados1314d ago

Cemu, like almost every emulator, is CPU bound. My 750ti was enough to beat BotW at 1080p/30 with greatly enhanced textures and shaders.

Guyfamily9991314d ago

Yeah, luckily you don't need a crazy CPU anymore to run it. If you're trying to exceed the default framerates of games like in Botw you need a beefy CPU, but very few games have fps unlock mods. So a decent quad core does the job :) the best part is playing games like MK8, Pikmin 3, etc at 4K. The art styles are so clean and crisp and hold up great!

XxINFERNUSxX1314d ago

No you just need this and the roms. It will look so much better on the PC even in 4K, you can even use reshade to make it look even better. How about a little ray tracing to 😁

anonymousfan1314d ago

Yup I you can even play A Link btw Worlds and upscale OoT 3D and MM 3D :). Only reason I still play Zelda on Switch / 3DS is for portability.

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Our Favorite Legend Of Zelda Supporting Characters (By Three Superfans)

What are the best Legend of Zelda supporting characters? Todd, Tyler, and Will from the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast discuss!

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The Legend of Zelda Wii U E3 2011 Tech Demo recreated in Unreal Engine 4, available for download

DSOGaming writes: "Remember the Legend of Zelda Wii U tech demo that Nintendo showcased back in E3 2011? Well, Aklar_45 has recreated that tech demo in Unreal Engine 4, and has released it to the public. So yeah, while Wii U and Switch owners won't get a Zelda game looking as good as that tech demo, PC gamers can at least get a taste of it."

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john22534d ago
masterfox2532d ago ShowReplies(2)
spicelicka2532d ago

Would be pretty awesome to see a Zelda like this.

nitus102532d ago

I do agree but I would not be surprised if Nintendo puts out a takedown notice on the video/tech demo

mujosutasa2532d ago

I am inspired that anyone can earn $12391 in 4 weeks on the internet .
read this.............

2532d ago