
Xbox Tournaments Feature Has Tonnes of Potential

Armik from Gamerscore Whores writes "Microsoft announced at GDC 2016 a forthcoming feature for Xbox One called Xbox Tournaments, some of the finite details are still a mystery but there is massive potential for party tournaments and big prize pool tournaments run by publishers, we discuss."

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PhoenixUp3003d ago

"Tonnes?" Don't you mean Tons

no_more_heroes3003d ago (Edited 3003d ago )

Both are right. "Ton" is the more American way of writing it, but its basically the same thing.

Erik73573002d ago

Not as much potential as the power of Microsoft's cloud!

AizenSosuke3002d ago

The power of Cloud can't wait till actual home gameplay.


Designing Armello: From paper and card to tablet and console

In their talk at GDC Europe, Trent Kusters and Blake Mizzi from League of Geeks revealed how they took Armello from paper-based concept to video game.

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The game industry must learn that uncompensated crunch isn’t normal

"After the International Game Developers Association announced our renewed focus on crunch time at GDC 2016, including ensuring fair compensation for the persistent practice in our industry, a new dialogue has resulted around whether or not crunch time is truly a “problem” and the role it plays in the game industry’s creative process."

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Phil Harrison and a Brief History of Playstation

"Phil Harrison gives a short presentation on the history of Playstation development at the GDC 2016 Flash Backward session."

2988d ago Replies(1)
SynestheticRoar2988d ago

WOW. I remember buying that playstation system. Those games were awesome. I bought a new Sony wega T.V. just for crash.

MasterCornholio2988d ago

He's the man who played with ducks in a tub.


kreate2988d ago

We will make xbox great again!

Spurg2988d ago

what does he actually do...