
Hard Reset Redux Dev Wishes PS4 Backwards Compatibility Would Be Similar To Xbox One's

Last year, Microsoft announced that they would be enabling backwards compatibility on Xbox one for Xbox 360 games.

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Sciurus_vulgaris3010d ago

Emulating the Cell Processor on PS4 would be extremely difficult, but PS1/2 emulation could probably be done.

magiciandude3010d ago (Edited 3010d ago )

PS2 emulation is already happening, we just need disk-based support. Also since PS4 won't play PS3 games, I would love to play my PSVita and PSP downloadable titles with trophy support on the PS4 to make up for it.

donthate3009d ago

I wish Sony would make the PS2 emulation free if you owned the original game. I don't need the trophy support, so they can keep that and sell that to people that want it extra or incentive to upgrade.

Wish Sony would have the same goodwill MS does by providing us free BC.

kitsune4513009d ago

The fact that not even PS3's PS2 Classic carry over to PS4 is utterly ridiculous. There's no excuse for that.

ONESHOTV23009d ago

why not support the cause and buy a vita if you want to play vita games makes sense right.

thekhurg3009d ago

There only time gamers care about backwards compatibility is when a console doesn't have it.

That's why don't abandoned it last gen. It's a waste because not enough gamers bother with it when it's there.

iDadio3009d ago

Above nailed it, if it was there it would not be used as much as people claim. If you wanted to play ps3 games so badly you could just keep your old one and hook it up when you needed it.

Commando_Bro3009d ago

They should have a PS4 with the Emotion Engine in it.
It really wouldn't cost much more.
They did it with the PS3 when it launched.

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Death3010d ago (Edited 3010d ago )

You know the Cell is a modified PowerPC or Risc processor, right? https://en.wikipedia.org/wi... Both the PS3 and Xbox 360 used modified 64 bit PowerPC processors. https://en.wikipedia.org/wi... Both the PS4 and Xbox One use an x86 based AMD APU in their consoles. We already know Xbox One runs Xbox 360 games. Maybe it would be harder to get PS3 games running on PS4, but extremely difficult is a leap when we have seen hobbyist emulating PS3 games on PC for years. They aren't emulating with the same quality, but imagine what Sony engineers that have access on a much deeper level could accomplish if they wanted to.

Wingsfan243010d ago

The PS3 emulation is just barely working. They make advancements every few months, but there's hardly any actual working PS3 games on the PC. This would be a long and pricey project for Sony to get it working.

Aenea3010d ago

The X360 is just using 3 PowerPC cores while the PS3 is using 1 and those pesky to emulate SPUs... That's the difference...

travestyj3010d ago

PS3 architecture was much more complex than the 360 architecture and the main reason why developers had so much trouble with it.

Smaller PS3 games are barely functional on PC and are running on PC's a lot more powerful than the PS4...

DigitalRaptor3010d ago (Edited 3009d ago )

The "hobbyist" emulators, like has been said, barely function on much more powerful PCs. PS3 has hundreds of games that were developed back when there was not much support for devs so much so that they had to struggle and develop using Cell's SPUs. Support was pretty dire, so developers had to make do with their own approaches developing on already complex hardware for a good chunk of the generation. It was "a multi-year investment" for Microsoft to engineer backwards compatibility for more straightforward and logically produced code in the vast majority of cases due to the easier to develop for hardware, and even Microsoft's emulation isn't perfect.

How long do you really think it would take Sony and cost them to just embark on this process, and not even know if they are able to reach a worthwhile level of performance on these games, due to aforementioned complications? I would like to see BC for my PS3 games, but saying it's not extremely difficult is a leap.

kraenk123009d ago

The Cell was vastly more complicated and capable in certain areas...hell it even rivals the PS4 and X1's CPU in floating point calculations TODAY!

rainslacker3009d ago (Edited 3009d ago )

I doubt the single PowerPC core that the CELL used is the issue. It's more the SPE's which can calculate certain types of data faster than any x86 processor, and offloading them to GPU compute isn't something that would be consistent in application.

Then there's the fact the PS3 didn't use a standard GPU, but rather an RSX design. While the RSX was a modified Nv7800GTX(IIRC), it used separate vertex and shader pipelines which is a very different setup than GPU's today. It used this pipeline because things like that were meant to be offloaded onto the SPE's, kind of a reverse of today's mentality of offloading physics to the GPU.

Couple this with the high clock speed of the CELL, which could outprocess the APU in the current systems by a wide margin for certain tasks, and it means that the power may not be there in the PS4 to emulate it through brute force. Elegant design would be pointless without the power to back it up.

The whole architecture of the PS3's setup is very different than the architecture of an x86, used a different instruction set, and the bus was set up much differently. The X1 setup has much more in common with the 360 in it's bus and pipeline design, with the only thing of any real issue being the instruction set of it's multi-core RISC processor. Even the GPU's within the 2 Xbox consoles are pretty close to one another in terms of instructions available, with the X1 having all the commands available to it that the 360 did, with more added of course, and obviously more powerful to execute them faster.

It's not to say that it couldn't work, which I wouldn't do now because I didn't even think it'd be possible for X1 to do 360 given the power, but it would require a lot of work to get it to be functional as a consumer level service.

donthate3009d ago

The Xbox 360 emulation on Xbox One was thought not possible, even by MS, but they threw in resources to do it and they found a way. That is a testament to MS support to gamers as they did it completely free!

I won't say it isn't possible, but I think it would be difficult especially for Sony whom have limited technical expertise in building software.

TFJWM3009d ago

@donthate I am pretty sure MS knew it was possible. They said it wasn't possible the same way they said that Xbox One working without the Kinect wasn't possible...

Naughty_Cloud3009d ago

IF what u say is true, then why did so many developers have trouble coding for the PS3. A lot of developers openly complained about the complex architecture of the Cell. I guess we are just imagining all the didn't happen.

Dark_king3009d ago

From what I have read the One does not emulate the 360.Which is why they needed dev permission to do it they had to change a few things in the code to make it run.In truth something like this should also be possible for ps3 games on ps4.

MilkMan3009d ago

Xbox One emulation STILL doesn't work. Some of those games are near impossible to play. Alan Wake and Dark Souls are a hot mess. Better to play them on a 360.

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testerg353010d ago

I believe PS2 is already being emulated.

joeorc3009d ago

@testerg35 + 20h ago
"I believe PS2 is already being emulated."

Its a game by game basis..
Because of licence agreements..and also PS2 uses MIPS processors, PSP also a MIPS processor.
PS3 used PowerPC & Cell Processor
PS4 use x86 and sub section ARM security Processor on Die.

That is not the same as what Microsoft has..the xbox360 was all powerPC no mixture, and the Xbox one x86

Now going by the two platforms. Which licence agreements would be harder to get? For each platform for those legacy IP deals?

Now top that off with not only those deals, you have to have the original code lying around, than code for new hardware in order to run since with the playstation Emulation is also having trophy support & share play and remote play..the disc based Emulation would work, but again you need permission from the IP holder, and just because you are the publisher does not mean you own the rights to that IP..even if its a 2nd party studio or developer. Or publisher.

SpinalRemains1383010d ago (Edited 3010d ago )

Yeah it's pretty silly that we have ppl still clamoring for this when they're well aware of the differences in architecture. Specifically at how atypical the Cell and it's workings are.

It's not only difficult, but it would be a costly endeavor for both SONY and eventually it's userbase.

Sure I'd use it too, and appreciate it, but I prefer the standard x86 ATM with no BC for the price we paid.

At the end of the day it was a teade off which benefitted us the players. We see this with all the multiplats running nicely on both consoles and the PS4 is cheap with decent console horsepower.

meche3343010d ago

Not really. The spy's in the cell are similar to shaders that can be emulated and the modified ppc cores on the cpu

JasonKCK3009d ago

People still believe the cell can't be emulated BS? People have been doing it on PC for a while, and for free.

BlackTar1873009d ago

barley has ps3 been emulated on the PC. At least know what you;re talking about.

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phoenix_dusk3010d ago ShowReplies(8)
DivineAssault 3010d ago

I wish it were too but i still have my older consoles so ill live.. PS4 is built completely different than before and im glad actually.. BC will be possible in the future at least since it has PC architecture now.. PS2 emulation looks great and it would be even better if it were free with the disc but im happy with the PS4 and all it has now as well as moving forward.. Many great new games to look forward to so playing older games isnt a priority, it would just be a bonus..

Tito083010d ago

Every time I see some reports about PS4 BC from an unknown game dev, I begin to guess it's coming from Gamingbolt, like they have nothing interesting to report, lol.

frostypants3009d ago (Edited 3009d ago )

Pretty much any any clickbait topic with reference to some random unknown dev is a sure sign of a FailingBolt article. Their MO is to just find any obscure dev who is happy to grant an interview to anyone who comes along, then weave whatever clickbait nonsense they want to push into that interview. It's pathetic.

Just play Mad Libs with a random dev name and a stupid clickbait topic and you can make your own gamingbolt headline.

"Massive Burger Assault dev says he wishes Xbox One had better GPU"
"Booger Force Five dev thinks PS5 must have 4K capability"

...and so on.

GamingBolt also uses shade accounts to downvote and shut down posts critical of their site, because the mockery has become so common.

I cannot figure how they haven't been banned from N4G by this point.

ScorpiusX3010d ago

PS4 is doing fine with their BC concept beside they offer Trophies and better resolution . they are doing good no need to change anything .

_-EDMIX-_3010d ago

"PS4 is doing fine with their BC concept"

No....its not BC so I'm not fully sure what you mean.

I can't put a PS2 game in my PS4 and it runs.....

Please...stop lying bud. Many of you on here are exaggerating to a HUGE degree about this, like a lot.

Stop calling it "BC" what it is, is not compatibility of any past software you own, so how on earth could it be "BC"?

Black0ut3009d ago

I disagree completely. You're just paying for hand picked digital ps2 titles on PS4 without any form of real BC. Simply put, it's a business option and people are buying into it. That's cool and all but what about all the people that have a large PS2 library? It's a bit unfair.

Sony should have done better with this IMO.

joeorc3009d ago


[That's cool and all but what about all the people that have a large PS2 library? It's a bit unfair.]

Is it not also a bit unfair to point to Sony to make a ps2 emulator without getting permission from other publishers or IP holders?

Think about the only reason PC gets away with it because the people making these Emulation programs do not have to ask permission of the IP holder at all.

While Sony does, and if the IP holder said no what than?

Its one thing to say Sony should make one, its another thing to than ask the IP holder to give permission for such..the point is majority of the iP's during the PS2 & PS1 are not owned by Sony they are or maybe the publisher but that does. Not give the rights to do what ever they want with those iP's..

Again the PSP & PS2 had MIPS processors, while the Playstation 3 Had powerPC & Cell processor vs the PS4 x86

Those iP's have to have licence agreements and than have to be recoded on a game by game basis, tested to see if they work correctly, top it off the PS2 emulator is not a one code fits all Emulator..like on PC , because of the licence agree ments and two the IP holder if wants more money may want trophy's added as well as other functions like remote play.

The thinking its a one size fits all emulator like on PC is not remotely correct.

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sourOG772d ago

Game looks sick I’m hyped

Fist4achin771d ago

Definitely looks cool. I hope it turns out good

HeliosHex772d ago

Oh hell yeah this looks cool as "hell" bring it.

Majin-vegeta772d ago

Reminds me of Darkwatch from PS2

isarai772d ago


EvertonFC772d ago

Looks interesting, def on my radar.

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poppatron1078d ago

It’s crazy this is supposedly “unique” in any way what so ever because I’m my opinion it looks generic as fuuuuuu