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Square Enix Gave Star Ocean 5’s Miki Bigger Panties in Fear of Western Criticism

In an interview with 4Gamer, Square Enix has revealed some interesting tidbits regarding Star Ocean 5: Integrity & Faithlessness, as well as how the developer is viewing worrying ongoing trends in the modern, western part of the gaming industry.

In the interview, Star Ocean 5 character designer Akira Yasuda, director Hiroshi Ogawa, and producer Shuichi Kobayashi revealed that not only is the studio aware of western criticism of revealing female character designs, they’ve made changes to the game because of that very same western criticism.

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Wrong source This is the actual source. This site even stole their pictures without credit.
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ZaWarudo3101d ago

They should fix her face before doing anything else. That face offends me.

Bansai3101d ago

Geez, more of that sjw bullsh*t... I'm really hoping the day comes when publishers grow a pair of balls and start pandering to their core fans, not some vocal minority that don't even play or buy their games.

Griever3100d ago (Edited 3100d ago )

I am curious why teenagers are treated like babies in western culture?? They see a 17 year old's panties and get their own panties in a bunch. In Asia boys are working full time and girls are getting married in teenage. If you have reached puberty then you are an adult who can get married and have sexual relations regardless of age differences. Over here we do not see a 17 year old as a child; they are old enough to have children of their own.

Let me give you guys a summary of age perception in Asia. Teenage is considered the prime years of youth and life in Asia. You are an adult, you can fall in love, work towards your dreams and enjoy life.

-When you reach mid-20s it is time for you to get married, settle down and have children.

-When you reach late 20s you are in the twilight of your youth. Better get married soon or you wont find a partner except for widows/widowers, divorcees and middle-aged individuals.

-You reach mid-30s, you become a middle-aged person and kids start calling you uncle/aunty instead of elder brother/sister and treat you with respect like an elderly person.

-You reach late 40s or early 50s and life is over for you. You are an elderly person who should spend the rest of his days playing with grandchildren and looking forward to the afterlife.

The pace of life and perceptions of age over here are very different from western cultures where adolescents are pampered/protected like children and people believe themselves to be young even in the 50s.

Imortus_san3100d ago

Dead or Alive Extreme Volleyball 3.

CoNn3r_B3101d ago

It would help if she didn't look like a child

Griever3100d ago

Asian women are smaller and younger looking than western women. My wife is 31 years old, 5 feet 2" and only 48 kg after 2 children. She also has a baby face compared to western women who look like men to us. And she is considered normal, slim and beautiful in my society. I am sure your 12 year old girls are taller, older-looking and heavier than her. The problem is that western people look at other cultures from their own views without realizing how they are different genetically and culturally.

DafunkyRebel3100d ago

she is a teen in the game though

Kalebninja3101d ago

This is actually the funniest thing I've seen today, they bothered giving the kid some actual underwear but here she is standing next to a witch with her ass hanging out. They avoided some flak with the the underwear but as long as the witch is still as is, some sales will be lost.

Eonjay3101d ago (Edited 3101d ago )

Now I disagree with you here but I respect your view point. I think her outfit is extremely creative. For kids? No way but I really like her look. I think it will raise sales actually :).

I feel that the adjustments made by this studio are fair enough as they were made in respect to western criticism. Just let us have this one sexy witch and we can put grandma sized panties on everyone else lol.

Lon3wolf3101d ago

That Witch is wearing an outfit, that is not skin.

Kalebninja3101d ago

Um the black and gold is part of the outfit but the rest is definitely skin.

Kalebninja3101d ago (Edited 3101d ago )

didn't originally know that but I'm not surprised, i see that a lot in the anime industry, they design characters to look/sound underage but make them 18+ so they can put them in sexual situations with the excuse of "oh but they are actually adults".

goldwyncq3101d ago

@ Kalebninja

Have you seen real Japanese girls? Most of them look literally 10 years younger than their age.

Adrian_v013100d ago


There's something in Japan called Lolita fashion, where girls WILLINGLY dress in clothes like this cause they think it's attractive.

I know right, girls wanting to be attractive, no way that exists. Burn them with fire before they lay eggs.

Also, if you want to complain about a FOREIGN game, better read about the country's culture first, it might make you seem less egocentric and ignorant.

Phunkydiabetic13100d ago


So they dress themselves to look like little girls to attract men....and you find nothing wrong with that? At all?

Adrian_v013100d ago


I said dress to be attractive, not dress to attract men. Thee's a difference in those two.

And no I don't find it disturbing. It's a cultural thing. I may not find it appealing for myself, but my opinion isn't fact (something which a lot of people on n4g seem to forget).

The same way I don't find women being covered from head to toe in the Middle East disturbing, or women having huge lip piercings in some areas of Africa etc. It's their culture, if you have no insight into it, leave it alone.

Phunkydiabetic13100d ago


And why do people dress to look attractive? To get attention. Generally from the opposite sex. Come on man.

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annoyedgamer3101d ago

To much skin! The horror! We should mandate all women cover themselves with a certain amount of clothing or risk severe punishment. Perhaps a lashing in the town square.

Yi-Long3100d ago (Edited 3100d ago )

@Kaleb; this kind of self-censorship from developers actually makes me NOT want to buy the game. Absolutely hate it, each and every time.

They should never change a game (or movie, or comic, or manga, or whatever), out of fear of offending some oversensitive extremely small demographic.

(Self-)censorship offends me MUCH more as a consumer, than extreme violence or nudity/sex. Why!? Because in the case of violence and nudity; when I don't like that content, I can CHOOSE not to buy it, however when it comes to censorship, EVERYONE loses access to that content, regardless of personal opinions, choice, whatever.

I don't believe in censorship, self-censorship, and I won't support developers who are willing to sacrifice their own creative decisions in order to please a few oversensitive complainers who most likely had no interest in the game in the first place, but are mostly just trying to impose an extremely conservative agenda upon the rest of the gaming industry. It's sickening behaviour.

Phunkydiabetic13100d ago

I was wondering when the weeaboo weirdo's would show up.

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CrimsonWing693101d ago

So...ok ok lemme get this straight, we get panties, but not to offend SJWs who probably won't get this game you gave us granny panties!? What is happening to my world!?

Lon3wolf3101d ago

Bridget Jones panties................

Phunkydiabetic13100d ago

People make big deals over bullshit, that is what's happening to your world.

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10 JRPGS that are Better than their Metascore

Game Rant - "From Star Ocean to Final Fantasy, there have been a number of JRPG's that have been unfairly undervalued by their Metascores. Here are 10 examples."

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Rangerman12081702d ago (Edited 1702d ago )

While I agree that the combat in Star Ocean 5's combat is pretty fun, saying that its story is more enjoyable than its predecessors is highly debatable. Also, it's not just the technical issues the game suffers from.

Gaming4Life19811702d ago

Star Ocean 5 was garbage and I was a huge star ocean fan.

Docmortem1702d ago

Completely disagree the games I played from the list all deserve their scores (Star Ocean, Nier, Tales of Zesteria, Type-0). While there are certainly people that love these games, they have flaws in many categories, that justify those scores.
Star Ocean especially bored the hell out of me. Lame story and face roll battle system (I finished the game anyway). These games are really niche and when rated by a broader public, fall short. In my opinion even in their own genre.

solideagle1702d ago

I personally have not played any game below 80 and thought wow this should have been 80-90 game. The only game I thought should have been 90 was Shadow Hearts II: Covenant. I am pretty sure there will be some games but average score usually is pretty good indication.

do you recommend any JRPG which you think were good/amazing but it didn't score well? I just purchased Tokyo xanadu but it seems way too slow like trails game but trail at least has good story. I will give it a shot

1702d ago
rainslacker1702d ago

I think there were quite a few JRPG games that got hit with lower meta scores last gen when all these reviewers were on their anti-anime tropes kick. Not that they should get up there into the high 80s or 90s, but they weren't 60-70 games either.

That's mostly died off this gen, thankfully

WickedLester1702d ago

Ni No Kuni 2 is way better than it's metascore.

solideagle1702d ago

I think Ni No Kuni 2 combat is pretty generic but if you add all DLCs then its combat is pretty awesome. I purchased the complete edition so I can say DLC changes the combat completely

FinalAeonX1702d ago

Ni no Kuni 1 is way better than its metascore

Father__Merrin1702d ago

meta scores are rubbish best ignore them. many gems out there

solideagle1702d ago (Edited 1702d ago )

can you please name few?

Kocurstvo1701d ago (Edited 1701d ago )

Useless to argument troll, but e.g. Eat Lead is hilarious and extremely funny, yet mediocre on metastupids.... Lords of the Fallen, Strange brigade... I could name hundreds

1702d ago
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A beginner's guide to Star Ocean

Star Ocean is one of those series that did, and still does, things that others don’t. Think of it as a JRPG for fans of series like Star Trek. The casts regularly involve people from more advanced civilizations getting involved with those who are still growing, even though there are various measures in place to allegedly stop that sort of interference. As a result, people get energy weapons, cyborgs, magic and people who can turn into cats. It is a lot to take in.

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autobotdan1758d ago (Edited 1758d ago )

Let's see here. There was another classic JRPG series that started this SCI Fi. It was Phantasy Star by Sega. Before Star Ocean, there was Phantasy Star 1-4 on Sega consoles

Bhuahahaha1758d ago

a beginners guide to star ocean....after playing the 3rd game
you've been told that the universe (SO lore) is just a ------------------- and close the book

VsAssassin1758d ago

Yeah, that plot twist didn't work for me. I wish SO3 isn't canon, but it is. Anyway, SE can just sweep SO3 under the rug perhaps by soft rebooting the franchise.

Nerdmaster1758d ago

The first two were so great, among the top RPGs on 16 and 32-bit era. I wonder why it went downhill after that...

LiViNgLeGaCY1758d ago

I still regard the 2nd Story as one of the greatest JRPG's of all time.

ChronoJoe1758d ago

Play the PS1 game and then the PS2 game and then the rest probably aren't worth your time unless you're a superfan of the series. I think that's all you need to know.

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The Most Disappointing Video Game Sequels - Part Five

Phil writes, "It's never a good feeling to be hyped for the next installment of one of your favorite franchises, and then POW! You're blindsided with an extremely disappointing game that hardly lives up to your anticipation and hype. That's the focus of The Most Disappointing Video Game Sequels, and now we're at the fifth installment. This are six more of those games that were either rushed out, released in a broken or incomplete state, or were simply less than stellar experiences overall.

After you browse through and read up on the latest unfortunate games added to this growing series of articles, which game sequels that haven't already been mentioned in a previous article do you think should be added in a future installment?"

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