
Why It Is A Huge Shame That Sony Closed Evolution Studios

ThisGenGaming says "Today we received some very saddening and troubled news from Sony. They have decided to shut down one of their Worldwide Studios members, Evolution Studios. Yes the same studio that brought us the Motorstorm games and most recently Driveclub on PS4."

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Herbalistic3014d ago (Edited 3014d ago )

It always suck when people jobs are lost.I don't expect Sony or Microsoft to keep pouring funds into a studio that doesn't bring them profit.gaming is our hobby but its a business to these corps along with their share holders.

Overload3014d ago

I was mad about the closure, but then I heard about something that made me not that mad anymore.

Aenea3014d ago

And that something was?

Kallisti3014d ago

Was Half-Life 3 confirmed?

MegaRay3013d ago

C'mon, dont leave us hangin

WrestlingNewsFan3014d ago

It's a shame for sure, they really turned Driveclub around after a not so great launch.

WeAreLegion3014d ago

It makes me sad, definitely. I loved Evolution and I'll be following the work those developers do at other studios.

Still, I can't imagine it was an easy choice for anyone. I wish them all the best.

IAreBeMrLee3014d ago ShowReplies(2)
3014d ago Replies(3)
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DriveClub director confirms he’ll reveal his next game this year

Paul Rustchynsky, who was additionally lead designer on several MotorStorm titles at Sony‘s Evolution Studios, is currently working on an unannounced project as part of Avalanche Studios’ new Liverpool development team, which was formed last summer.

deleted901d ago

Nice. I really like Avalanche's Apex system, it can make some pretty stunning environments. Hopefully it'll translate well into a racing game! (assuming that's what he's working on)

Magog901d ago

He specifically says it won't be a racing game of any kind.

deleted901d ago

Yea, I see he posted a different tweet clarifying that now, but that was not posted in this original tweet or any of the replies. I apologize for not scrolling through all of his Twitter account.Thanks.

Magog901d ago

@OtterX It's in the credit URL actual story. No need to get upset.

MIDGETonSTILTS17901d ago

Motorstorm 2 deserves a remaster.

The balanced monster trucks vs dirt bikes.

chicken_in_the_corn901d ago

Why a remaster? A new game would be so much better

MIDGETonSTILTS17900d ago

Because it’s been designed already…

Azfargh900d ago

I would be happy with just that at 60fps... but... if it were a new game with course maker, 50 cars racing at the same time, focusing on Pacific Rift and Monument Valley... I would feel way better

MIDGETonSTILTS17898d ago

That sounds like alotta extra work for content nobody is clamoring for.

Classic maps for me please. I actually want the game to release.

MaximusPrime_901d ago

"To set some expectations, I'm not working on a racing game.
So sorry, no DRIVECLUB sequel, MotorStorm successor or ONRUSH offshoot.
This is something very different to anything I've worked on before"
So it will not be a racing game. That's a shame. :(

moriarty1889901d ago

Agreed. Driveclub and Motorstorm were great games and deserve sequels. Onrush was fun for me as well. I wonder what type of game he will unveil when the time comes.

Mr_Luke901d ago

Damn, i hoped a DC or Motorstorm sequel... :( let's see what they can pull out from the hat.

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How the developers of Driveclub survived the end of Evolution

While Evolution is no more, its spirit lives on at UK racing game developer Codemasters, who snapped up the Driveclub team just a month after Evo shut down and set them to work on a new racing game that would become OnRush.

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Bismarn2285d ago

Are they going to continue the same development style of releasing a game before it's finished (or even well underway) and then developing it through patches for the next two years like they did with Driveclub?

letsa_go2285d ago

haha That was such a shitshow! Hopefully they have learned from their mistakes.

pody2285d ago

You actually described early access. Interesting.

_FantasmA_2285d ago

Driveclub is my 2nd favorite racing game. Only the Midnight Club games (all of them) top it. I may get GT Sport later this summer. I can't wait for a sequel if they somehow get the rights to it. This makes me want to reinstall it even though I have the platinum.

Zeke682285d ago

You should never had uninstalled it to begin with !! ;)

_FantasmA_2285d ago (Edited 2285d ago )

I only have the 500 GB hard drive. I have to delete games to make space for the newer games. I need to get a portable hard drive so I can have space for all my games.

Zeke682284d ago

Don't take it like that. I just meant Driveclub is a personal favourite of mine and I would never ever uninstall it myself. But I totally understand the lack of space.
Now I have 2 TB HDD internal in my PS4 Pro and a 3 TB external and the internal is full since waaaay back and I even need to uninstall games on a regular basis on my external so: more space = more games = same problem hehe ;)
Game on !! ;)
And buy a 2 TB internal, you'll thank me later ;)


Digital Foundry: Hands-on with DriveClub VR

On the face of it, a racing game on PlayStation VR shouldn't stand a chance against a high-powered PC coupled with Oculus Rift or HTC Vive, but after playing DriveClub VR at Gamescom this week, our viewpoint has shifted. Simply put - this is the most immersive racing game we've played in VR to date.

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DigitalRaptor2862d ago (Edited 2862d ago )

Well there it is. That is a glowing recommendation right there.

Not only is PSVR able to compete with the big boys of PCVR, due to a number of clever ways in which the technology was crafted, but it's also the most immersive racing game out there, for obvious reasons. Now, who would ever be foolish enough to claim that VR is not immersive?

2862d ago
Kingthrash3602862d ago

Oh boy......the hype is real . The psvr will make a splash if it does games better than the more expensive vr choices. This is what I mean when I say power isn't the key in gaming. It's the games.

freshslicepizza2862d ago (Edited 2862d ago )

i saw another video and the guy really enjoyed himself and actually made him a better driver. while this is a remarkable milestone for videogames let's be clear about what kind of sacrifices had to be made. the car count is now reduced to 8 from 12 so that is a huge deficit right there as well as some of the nice effects and reduced quality of the tracks visuals. a nice step forward but it's obvious ps4 neo will greatly enhance the experience and be more comparable to the higher end experiences like oculus and thrift.

it will be interesting to see what kind of compromises will be made to gt sport for vr support.

amiga-man2862d ago (Edited 2862d ago )

Even Moldy is beginning to see VR's potential, VR is here to stay people.

October can't come soon enough.

freshslicepizza2862d ago (Edited 2862d ago )

"Even Moldy is beginning to see VR's potential, VR is here to stay people.

i've always seen its potential but i do know the variables that surround any peripheal as far as support goes and the hardware needed to give the best experience.

all one needs to do is read up on batman, tomb raider and all these other big games that want to tinker with vr support. guess what, they are all sectioned off from the regular games (including driveclub) because the hardware can't cope processing those games at double the frame rate to get a smooth experience. that's where ps4 neo will hopefully come in and help but vanilla ps4 owners will still get to experience vr but not in ideal conditions.

mlb the show next year will have psvr support but ps4 neo will offer a much better experience.

amiga-man2862d ago

Moldy I'm talking about VR as a whole, you have downplayed VR for some time, when all the evidence suggests VR has a big future ahead of it.

VR is far from a fad and people just like you are starting to realise that.

Mrveryodd2862d ago

hell yea , i have to buy a PS4 as well and i want a steering wheel , ps+ $1700 au right there , or more :)

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2862d ago
MasterCornholio2862d ago (Edited 2862d ago )

"Now, who would ever be foolish enough to claim that VR is not immersive?"

The same people who say the PS4 can't handle VR.


I wasn't talking about them. Just in general the ones who claim that VR doesn't work on the PS4.

SpeakTruthAlways2862d ago

Jealous and salty xbox fanboys.

Jburr942862d ago (Edited 2862d ago )


I was just gonna scroll pass your comment and not like it, but I couldn't resist. They've been pretty annoying lately.

DigitalRaptor2862d ago (Edited 2862d ago )

"The same people who say the PS4 can't handle VR."

It's the same people who lie about everything PSVR, in order to downplay what is going to be a huge, developing thing starting October. I would name names on account of those who refused to accept that VR is not immersive, and that PS4 vanilla can't handle VR, and that it won't be able to output games that look impressive enough to be of this generation, but that would be a bit harsh. Those folks can decide to approach the comments section here and reply to me to argue their point, but for now I'll let the crow be prepared.

To elaborate on my original comment above, the technological benefits PSVR has in place to be able to keep up with these higher-end PCVR headsets is two things:

- OLED-RGB display:
The other PC headsets (Oculus & Vive) use a higher-resolution pentile display, whilst PSVR uses OLED-RGB, which means that every pixel on the screen has an R/G/B subpixel value so it actually reduces the screen-door effect when compared to the other headsets. Proof: https://www.reddit.com/r/oc...

- Frame-rate reprojection:
PSVR has been built with a standard for devs to not to go below 60fps EVER. With PSVR games, there's the possibility to take every frame that is output, and predict where your head is going to be using the headtracking of the Camera, to interpolate a new frame in between each native frame. So it is able to maintain a high refresh rate (of either 60Hz, 90Hz or 120Hz), comparable to PC rendering solutions. Proof: http://www.roadtovr.com/son...

Sony is well versed in HMD technology, and as we all know working within the limits of console hardware and is clever enough to have planned ahead, at least for the first iteration of its console VR headset. Even the first-round is looking strong.

2862d ago Replies(1)
gamerswin242862d ago (Edited 2862d ago )

I've been saying this since day one. We didn't need this article to shut up fanboys ,over 95% of reviews of psvr has been positive!!!! Rigs, Heist, Robinson, etc all look good and play good. Gamers going to best buy have said psvr is engrossing and real deal. Sony exclusives will do what they always do and make psvr a must buy and a cut above the rest!!!!!

amnalehu2862d ago

I'm sold, if I can find one or 2.

ONESHOTV22862d ago (Edited 2862d ago )

DigitalRaptor----"also the most immersive racing game out there", really now at least these two games when played in vr is not a cut down version of the normal game https://www.youtube.com/wat... https://www.youtube.com/wat... and no i'm not trolling i know some people on this site is a bit sensitive

2862d ago
abstractel2861d ago

Whatever engine powers Driveclub, and DriveclubVR, is fantastic. Driveclub is still one of the best looking games on the PS4. I know GT Sports is 60FPS, but the environments in Driveclub are just a league above the ones in GT Sports. For DriveclubVR to look as good as it does is amazing.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2861d ago
MasterCornholio2862d ago

Sounds very good. And it's on a standard PS4 to boot.

Genuine-User2862d ago

I might have to buy this. And I'm not even into racing games.

Brugal2862d ago

To me, Driveclub is one of the most underrated games this generation. I hop back into it ever so often. The VR preview does sound promising.

Exoil2862d ago

Yeah, it's actually a really good arcade racer. I just bought my kids a T80 and a Wheel Stand Pro and they love playing Driveclub with it.
Personally I like the F1 games, Dirt Rally and Project Cars more, but's that's I want my racing games to be sims

gamerswin242862d ago

Thanks for the info I'm going to look into the t80 now that u mentioned it. I need a Gd set up for my psvr racers.

Exoil2862d ago

Yeah, if you want a good wheel you might not want the T80, there's no FFB and only about 220 degrees rotation. It's good enough for my kids 6 and 4, but I'm using the T300rs. I guess you could go with the T150 since it's cheaper but almost as good though

amnalehu2862d ago

A lot of people were sleeping on DriveClub. It is still the best looking game on the PS4 and a lot of fun. I will be investing in a racing seat and wheel/flight stick for Drive Club and War Thunder. War Thunder in VR is also amazing.

rainslacker2861d ago (Edited 2861d ago )

It was rated pretty highly until launch day when it had all the issues and many sites changed their score, or did their review based on problems that were evident on launch day. Since then, it's become a pretty damn good game, and given the turbulent release, I managed to pick it up, with the season pass, for around $20, which I used a $15 PSN credit to purchase, and has become the best value I've gotten all this gen so far.

Only issue I have is the wonky rubber band AI, and until a few months ago, the way it was too easy to lose control of ones car at the slightest bump or miscalculation which could take you from first to last in less than a few seconds. beyond that, tons of fun once you get the driving mechanics down.

Really look forward to it with PSVR, but looking forward to GT:Sport more....because it's GT.:)


I wouldn't recommend the T80. I brought it as a stopgap until some better variety of quality wheels come out, and while I got it relatively inexpensively, I actually find the regular controller to be better to play the game. Might start looking for a good wheel now that GT is coming soon, but certainly wouldn't recommend the T80 because even though it's cheap, it's not really worth the money, and your experience won't be heightened much...if at all by it. Spending just $50-100 more will net you much better results and features, and $300+ will get you a really good wheel.

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