
TGR's Rumor Killers: Price Cuts and Battle of the Rhythm Games

TGR - "Microsoft played the role of tease at E3 by announcing that the Xbox 360 would see a $50 price cut, and the only catch was that it was only for the Pro model with the 20GB hard drive, and it was only temporary until the unit could be replaced with the new 60GB version, which would retail for the normal $349.99. Gamers were excited, then flummoxed, then irritated, and now sit in a state that can best be described as 'antsy.'"

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cain1415878d ago

A price cut would make sense... The last one was just more of an inventory reduction...

thegamereviews5878d ago

not too sure if I would buy another system even at a lower price

Relin5878d ago

Well, I'm not impressed that the Arcade might be dropping under $200, since it lacks a hard drive (and therefore much of the advantage the 360 has over the Wii), but I'm definitely hoping the Pro goes to $299.

Lucas225878d ago

Do you guys think by late september all 60gb will have jasper chips?

Relin5878d ago

If another string of 360 price cuts come down the pipe, I'd point to a new chipset being the cause. That could mean as early as September (if the cuts are announced soon), but that would still leave a ton of the old chipset models lying around... will take some time to filter those out.

aubradley5878d ago

An Elite for $399 is pretty appetizing, but I think I'd prefer for it to drop down to $350 before I take the plunge and upgrade.

Relin5877d ago

Honestly, I'm more interested in a price drop for the external hard drive. I know I need more than 20gigs of space, but I'd rather risk blowing my warranty and hack a standard hard drive to do it.


Top Five Discoveries in Gaming Soundtracks

Sometimes, gaming soundtracks can introduce players to bands and artists they've never heard of. This article is all about Matt's five favorites, thanks for gaming.

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Top Ten Video Game Adverts... Ever

Accompanied by Heidi Klum, Mr T, Robin Williams, and Jerry (who's suddenly a chicken), Dan takes a look at his favourite video gaming adverts of all time.

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Top 10 Celebrities Making Appearances Video Games

Unreality Mag writes: "It’s always fun to see something out of the ordinary when you’re playing a video game. Most times it comes in the forms of funny songs or a game glitch you didn’t expect. And sometimes the game will toss in a celebrity which might throw you off (meaning a good thing).

But here I wanted to focus on celebrities who appeared in games that weren’t so obvious. Games that didn’t really have a celebrity focus yet a celebrity appeared in that seemed almost random.

Here are 10 that I enjoyed the most."

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Moncole4604d ago

This lt fails for not having Burt F*cken Reynolds from Saints Row the Third

Unless I am blind and didn't see him