
Alan Wake, Castlevania: SOTN & PAC-MAN are now available on Xbox One Backward Compatibility

Alan Wake, Castlevania: SOTN & PAC-MAN are now available on Xbox One Backward Compatibility.

Abash3113d ago

I never thought BC would be coming along so slowly. When they said Over a hundred titles available at launch with hundreds more in the coming months after" I thought they meant 30 or more games a month at the least. If you count the amount of BC titles made available in the first three months of 2016 it is hardly anything considered what was promised

Khaotic3113d ago

Let's complain about free features no-one else is doing. I love gamers these fays

Ricegum3113d ago

How is it free? You still need to buy the games lol.

XStation4pio_Pro3113d ago (Edited 3113d ago )


Its a free feature to play games you own is what he meant I'm sure. Conversely on ps4 you have to re-buy ps2 games and pay to "rent" playstation now titles that you might have already owned. in that regard it does make it more "free".

Majister-Ludi3112d ago

Welcome to the Internet. You are right tho only a toss pot would complain about something like this. Very happy to not have to repurchase games I already own. Will have to play Alan wake again love that game.

sloth33953112d ago

how is no one else doing it when the WiiU has done it since launch

Khaotic3112d ago

@sloth I know it does somewhat with an app but here is the thing, I grew up playing Nintendo and have owned every console except the Wii u. At this point I don't acknowledge Nintendo anymore after the Wii and Wii u. I know alot of people still love them and I think that's great. But I was burned hard on the Wii and the Wii u has made no improvements. When the other console makers slip up they do whatever it takes to try and win back it's fans. Nintendo has done no such thing for me. And though I have missed some great games I'm OK with it. Fingers crossed NX wins me back and is not another gimmick

4Sh0w3112d ago (Edited 3112d ago )

"coming along so slowly"

lol, are you serious...the first 100 were in incubation the whole time the update was being developed, currently there is still alot of work that goes into putting out new BC titles on X1.....what Microsoft is doing is nothing short of a huge fan service endeavor, something that we were told the X1 would not do at launch and now is something that's available to all, it's free too if you already owned the game while a competitor charged ridiculous prices for rentals. Plus they talked of a 100 games when at launch, with more games coming throughout the year so please provide a link that indicates they have fell short on any BC promises as you implied. Ohh nevermind, you weren't being serious just another ps soldier trolling as usual.....pfft your time might be better spent fighting that "war" against a high game rental service.

Glad to see 1 of my favorites of all time Alan Wake has made it, definitely going to check it out tonight.

otherZinc3112d ago


I completely agree!

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3112d ago
Shuckylad3113d ago

While it seems slow in number of titles being added, Microsoft are still faster than Nintendo with there virtual console. It mystifies me why Nintendo have got every game they've ever created from the N.E.S. Through to the Game Cube available on the Wii U.

Automatic793113d ago (Edited 3113d ago )

So we have over a 150 games since launch of BC and @Abash you are complaining. Wow you can't make everyone happy. How about rewording the anger you have at publishers who are hesitant to give MS permission for Backwards Compatability.

Note: to those who are reading my comments, my response to abash is called constructive criticism to @Abash he wants more or a better outcome don't get upset at MS get upset at the publisher/developers of the games you want on BC.

Gaming4Life19813113d ago

Exactly people will always find some way to complain. I'm glad sotn is on the list now, just gives me another reason to beat this great game again. I really hope they put ssx on the list soon, I need ssx back in my life on Xbox one. I refuse to touch my 360 again lol.

Caedus5113112d ago

@Abash, looking at your comment history of pro PS4 comments and inflammatory MS comments I'm not surprised you would feel this way.

For everyone else that is enjoying their Xbox One the trickle of BC titles has been pleasant and the fact that the 2 monthly games with gold are also BC has been awesome.

optimus3112d ago

that's right, so in essence you get 4 free games a month. i have to be very selective though since i still have the 500gb hardrive.

Caedus5113111d ago

@Optimus true HDD space can be rough, glad for the external hard drive support. I hooked up a 2 TB drive awhile back and I still have to manage it carefully...must be buying too many games.

spicelicka3112d ago

Well you do realize how it works right? They're not just allowing you to use your old discs, they have to digitally port the game over to work on the emulator on Xbox One. It takes time, effort, and money to do each one, plus the whole legal process of getting the permission from the original publisher.

Trekster_Gamer3112d ago

Abash.... Shut up please....your stupidity is mind numbing...

gangsta_red3112d ago

Abash has a point, I too was expecting more than just two or three every couple of months.

I would like to see MS start releasing more titles more frequently personally.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3111d ago
XXXL3113d ago

Damn I want SOTN on PS4

esmittystud1013113d ago

The longer B.C. is out, the more I can't stand it. This is coming from someone that has a box full of Xbox 360 games as well. Everytime I think a game has a chance of coming out on PS4/X1 as a gorgous remaster, next thing I know its on its way to B.C., which means I am never going to see that game remastered now.

Take Dark Souls for instance. They are pushing if you buy Dark Souls III for X1 you get a free digital copy of Dark Souls that is B.C. on X1. I'd just rather have a nice remaster of the game instead of playing these ports. Not to mention if I wanted to play Dark Souls, I'd just play it on Xbox 360 and call it a day.

There may still be a chance Dark Souls and Demon Souls get remastered, I'd just don't see it happening, especially now that B.C. is taking over.

slate913113d ago

Youre so eager to buy a remastered version with a few more pixels and slightly better graphics. I could understand your frustrations if it were an older game, but dark souls isnt THAT old for a remaster imo.

esmittystud1013112d ago (Edited 3112d ago )

The Last of Us wasn't an old game either, but would we take that remastered version back??????


Same with the Bioshock. I have all three on Xbox 360. I would rather pay $59.99 for a remastered collection of the series over playing them for free on X1 with B.C.

Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Colllection was awesome as well. I never owned a PS3, so all those are first timers for me. The 60 fps works quite nicley.

Tomb Raider D.E. got me back in love with that series.

Majister-Ludi3112d ago

Hey man if you wanna waste your money on games with a slight graphical bump feel free. I however will enjoy playing the games I've already bought. I bet you bought the all the remastered crap that came out this gen.

esmittystud1013112d ago (Edited 3112d ago )

All my remasters (the games you have on PS3) are all new to me. I never owned a PS3. LOL.

spicelicka3112d ago (Edited 3112d ago )

That's gotta be the worst freakin reason to hate the feature. The BEST thing about BC is the fact that we don't have to re-buy every game as a remaster to play on Xbox One.

You realize that 90% of the games that are backwards compatible don't have a chance of being remastered anyhow right? You get like 1 remaster every few months compared to over 100 BC titles. Nobody wants to re-buy all the games they've already bought on their 360, it's selfish of you to want that just because of Dark souls.

Not to mention that it likely has no effect on remastering. They can choose to remaster the title regardless of it being on BC, take Shadow Complex for example which is remastered and also available via BC. You have to understand that there are other platforms as well, if from software wants to remaster Dark souls for PS4 and PC, they'll also do it on Xbox.

esmittystud1013112d ago

To each his own. If you wana play something B.C. thats ported, good for you. I'll take a remaster any day.

4Sh0w3112d ago (Edited 3112d ago )

Exactly spicelicka, very, very few remasters are worthwhile imo, a great exception is The Master Chief Collection which is a shinning example, lol there is so much thrown in for $60 you can't really even call it a "remaster" but lets be honest most games won't ever get that kind of attention and while I'm not a huge nostalgia guy being able to play a select few of my favorite 360 games on my X1 for FREE is very nice add on feature. It's much much more appealing than having to pay $30-$60 again per title for a few more pixels, lol most of the remasters out so far this gen just aren't significantly better imo, certainly not for the price.

BTW if you preorder QB you get Alan Wake for free with all the DLC included, plus the PC version free too.... X1 fans are getting spoiled with freebies.

Caedus5113111d ago

@esmittystud101 "If you wana play something B.C. thats ported, good for you. I'll take a remaster any day."

This statement shows how uneducated you are on remastered vs BC. Most (of not all) remasters this generation are ports. BC titles are being emulated through software to simulate the Xbox 360 architecture so you are playing the original version.

optimus3112d ago

@esmitty... that's not always the case. Shadow Complex has been backwards compatible for several months now and they just released a remastered version for the xb1 this week with new features.

gangsta_red3112d ago

"Not to mention if I wanted to play Dark Souls, I'd just play it on Xbox 360 and call it a day."

But if it's BC and you already have it...then why not just play it on your Xbox One and call it a day?

ONESHOTV23112d ago

buy a pc that will solve your problem it's people like you that make this generation so bad.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3111d ago
Youngindy213113d ago

I kinda have to agree with Abash. Backwards compatibility support for Xbox One has been lackluster so far. It's taking them forever to release games and when they do finally release them they often times have framerate issues. Most of the titles we want we still haven't received and it seems like most of the titles we do get are Xbox Arcade games.Some of you guys are MS fanboys to a fault and can't admit when Microsoft is dropping the ball.

tgunzz3112d ago (Edited 3112d ago )

And since some of you guys want to (a)bash MS for everything, you don't know when it's not their fault...

Majister-Ludi3112d ago

Yea your right I guess I should just go by the games I already owned on ps4 again. People on this site a straight up stupid at times.

optimus3112d ago

it may seem lackluster now since they announced they are releasing them as they become available and not holding off for a few months until they vet a batch of a 100 or so every few months...

i think it's great for those that no longer have a 360 since you can pick up a lot of these backwards compatible games used for $10 or less these days.

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Never played it… im doin’ it!!!! Checking the ps store right now!


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SotN? X6? what?! these games are incredibly easy, lol.


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roadkillers161d ago

Kind of a goody story...

On a serious note, that is why I try activating gift cards asap. It's happened to me where the store didnt scan it right where the card was unusuable. Happened at Wally World.

gigoran8161d ago

wait, that place is real? national lampoon wasn't kidding?

Tacoboto160d ago

I just bought two of the MonsterVerse Godzilla movies on 4K - both had digital copies expiring in 2023. Both were actually expired.

I'd be surprised but it's WB, of course they'd actually expire them

Knightofelemia161d ago

Usually most of those redemption card have an expiry date on them. If they expired all buyer did was buy recycled paper. And some of those codes are country locked to certain countries. I buy a card from the States I can't use it in Canada.

Chocoburger161d ago

Dumb and silly story. She wasted her money for no reason.

Is it really that hard to go to Steam or GOG. She spent $240, when its currently 70% off on GOG, and only costs $4.49.

Gee, I wonder, should I spend $240 on eBay, or $4.49 on GOG? 🙄

Rynxie161d ago

Most likely she wanted to resell a few or most of them. However, it was a too good to be true situation.

161d ago
Profchaos161d ago

So in short she paid $240.00 assuming usd for a bunch on unactivated game codes.

I still don't understand why I guess cause there's not a physical version and she wanted something for a collection or art project.

Rynxie161d ago

No, most likely to resell. However, she ended up getting screwed.

Asplundh161d ago

This is Alan Wake 1, it had physical copies.

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