
PlayStation VR is Cheaper, Better, and Will Win - The Rant is GO

Dan from GigaBoots explains PSVR's advantages, why it will win, and teaches you about display technology!

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ArchangelMike3018d ago (Edited 3018d ago )

BOOM! Shots Fired! Shots Fired!

I actually agree that Sony will win the VR space, but hey what do I know. Anyway where's my popcorn, this is going to get really interesting.

WeAreLegion3018d ago

I'm actually cooking a batch of kettle corn, if you can wait.

Eonjay3018d ago (Edited 3018d ago )

Wow. This is very interesting. Pentile VS RGB actually makes the PSVR superior in both visibility and effective resolution. I need to have this corroborated, but It really makes the PSVR look like a smash deal.

G20WLY3018d ago

^It also serves to massively reduce the 'screen door effect' that plagued previous attempts at VR and is still present to a small degree in other VR devices.

glassgannon9093018d ago

no way the competition did not see this coming, the total cost of running a psvr set is almost a third of oculus and vive....and while i do agree the competition provides higher tech, NONE of us consumers really know what that difference is.
Its like if im buying an airplane for the first time, when im completely new to flying ,I wont care about how stylish it is or how fast it can fly before i even know what my thoughts are on flying.Sure if I become an enthusiast and have the cash to spend , ill get the best one I can but unless im obscenely rich, id always go for the safest purchase initially.Of course, this scenario always assumes that i can afford an expensive plane, most cant. Which is a much bigger factor in play here.

Death3018d ago (Edited 3018d ago )

PS4, PSVR and PS camera are $350, $400 and $60. That's $810.

There are Asus and Alienware PC/Rift bundles for $1500.

I'm not sure $810 is 1/3 the cost of $1500. Console software typically is more than PC software so the entry cost will be negated to a degree with software. We also need to see if the PSVR experience is as good as the PC VR experience. We have yet to see how the two stack up. If PSVR is the same experience and graphic fidelity for just over half the cost, then it might be a good value. If it's a subpar experience , then it's just a cheaper solution.

glassgannon9093018d ago

There are rift bundles for $1500 sure, but were yet to see how they actually perform as well.Assuming that pc is a $1000 prebuilt system, the chances of games performing admirably with VR are pretty low.
Especially considering a commercial pre built $1000 system wont even let you close to maxing out current games without vr , what hope does it have of actually looking and running 'significantly' better than psvr with vr enabled?
I mean look at it, the pr surrounding oculus suggests a 970 minimum, which comes from the same person who said it would cost around 400 bucks. So you can bet, to feel secure, you need atleast a 980/390 to run every vr game smoothly. A good 980 pc made from scratch without good knowledge of how to bring the cost down will easily bring your pc price up to ~$1500..Offcourse thats assuming you build it yourself..

darthv723018d ago

Since there is no other console VR... yes Sony will win the VR space (for consoles).

IF / when they make it available for PC then it will be interesting to see how it fares with the PC units.

As for PC units, wasn't there some rumblings that they would be made to work on consoles at some point? Perhaps even reduced in price and complexity.

If a company can make a universal HMD that works on consoles and PC that would be cool. there was the stuntmaster from Victormaxx back in the day that worked with sega and nintendo systems. It wasn't very good then but if the right company today made a universal one it might be pretty good.

ArchangelMike3018d ago

I really don't think Sony will ever make PSVR compatible with PC. They want PSVGR to sell PS4 consoles and vise-versa.

As for a universal HMD, again I can't see Sony allowing a universal HMD to be compatible with th PS4. It just doesn't make business sense as they will lose PSVR sales.

In other words it'll be - PSVR compatible with PS4 only, and vice-versa.

Death3018d ago

If PSVR doesn't sell as well as they hope, it would be bad business to keep it a closed system. Even if it sells well, what does Sony lose on a peripheral that is sold at a profit if it is released for PC? PC and PS VR aren't exactly competing platforms like Playstation fans want to believe. There are hundred of millions of PC gamers out there compared to 40 million Playstation gamers. These PC gamers will wait for PC technology to be more affordable before jumping into a console. VR is targeting the hardcore users in each camp, not the mass market that many want it to be.

Eonjay3018d ago

Don't doubt PC modders. They will get it up and running on PC by the end of the year.

darthv723018d ago

Arent there 3rd parties who make attachments for these consoles and pay a license fee to do so?

Why can't a 3rd party make an HMD that is PS4 (and maybe XB1) compatible? It might not be as high quality as the official one from Sony but it would at least offer the consumer options.

Sony would still make $$ from the license and as well from the software support.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3018d ago
miyamoto3018d ago (Edited 3018d ago )

That video is straight to the point. Well thought out and explained.

Zeref3018d ago (Edited 3018d ago )

It's only $40 cheaper though. Most people don't have the camera. Compared to OSVR I mean.

Ow wait OSVR is actually $300. Guess I'm going to get that.

nowitzki20043018d ago (Edited 3018d ago )

Im expecting the PSVR to win even though I am more excited for the Rift. The Rift combined with my rig will give me better performance than the PSVR.

I am just about equally excited for both after the announcement as the PSVR price is good and being released later in the year allows me to get the Rift and the PSVR at launch.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3018d ago
chrisx3018d ago (Edited 3018d ago )

The PSVR has Alot of good vibes going for it,the price is about right and it currently has good support. I can say Sony will(if not already) win the VR race

Death3018d ago

So you believe that Rift which releases this month will sit on shelves for the next 6 months while PC gamers wave the white flag abandoning PC while jumping into PS4's so they can buy PSVR in October? Under that scenario Sony can't lose and will definitely win the VR race.

What if these same PC gamers that are used to spending more on a GPU alone than a PSVR/PS4 combo choose to stick with the PC platform? Do you think it's still a VR win for Sony or do you think PC has a chance?

SUCKxITxEZ3018d ago

I already have a pc with a 970 so it would just be cheaper to get a rift or even a vive since I don't have a ps4.

ArchangelMike3018d ago

There are less PC's out there that can comfortably run Occulus or HTC VR, than there are PS4's.

That's why the analysts are predicting that by the end of 2016 1.6 million PSVR units will be sold to consumers. http://www.gamespot.com/art...

They are also predicting it will sell upto 8Million units within the first 24 months http://www.gamesindustry.bi...

Remember it's the financial analysts crunching these numbers, not Sony fanboys.

TwoForce3018d ago

Now that i want to hear ! Fair price, no need to upgrade and many games. Just plug in and play. Simple.

MasterCornholio3018d ago

Nice explanation of the pixels.


Death3018d ago

When you can convince people that a display with far less pixels has more pixels, it's a fantastic explanation. RGB is now a 3K display since each individual pixel is made up of three even smaller pixels. Keep in mind that these same three subpixels are still responsible to make a single colored pixel. If you are lighting that RGB pixel up in anything other than individual red, green and blue, it's still one pixel. Genius didn't explain that, did he? The advantage RGB has over Pentile is the pixels are harder to distinguish, it's not adding pixels. Under magnification they are simply harder to distinguish which reduces the screen door effect. Rift increased the amount of pixels making them smaller to reduce screen door.

s45gr323018d ago

Physical controllers are useless for VR experience in the sense it draws the user out of the VR world if he/she forgets button placement; Kinect on the other hand offers the best control for VR especially for the Vive. The vive allows the user to physically walk in the virtual world; hence, kinect would be the better option for user input.
The true VR experience would be on PC; the PS4 can't even handle 60 frames per second for all of its games and there's no PS4 game running at 90 frames per second. The PS4 needs an external framerate interloper unit. How it performs would be shown once the PS VR releases................

Death3018d ago (Edited 3018d ago )

The external processor isn't bumping up the GPU's capability. It's splitting the signal for the TV and HMD. It also does 3d audio processing which does reduce the load on the PS4 giving it a negligible amount of additional available power that would be used for audio processing.

I'm not sure why people are confusing the refresh rate (hz) with fps. The higher refresh rate is needed to reduce motion sickness. Frames per second need to stay high also to reduce this same effect. To keep the fps high, games will lack the graphics fidelity people expect on a current gen console. The games won't look "bad", but they will have a last gen look to them since the texture quality won't be as high.


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Garethvk91d ago

I can finally play Half Life Alyx.

mariopasta91d ago

I can finally watch pron, I mean watch pronouns be pronounced in PC VR games that were previously not available on Playstation.

crazyCoconuts90d ago

be careful not to sprain your... tongue pronouncing those pronouns

Profchaos90d ago

I'm excited for that to plus I can try fallout 4 VR always wanted to play that

crazyCoconuts90d ago

I was lucky and held off on 4 until I played it in VR. It really is pretty awesome - you'll love it.

DaReapa90d ago

The icing on the cake would be if Sony / Valve allow for a Steam Link app much like it is for the Quest 3. Likely wishful thinking, though.