
Uncharted 4's Story DLC Is a Great Addition to the Series

MT : Fans should be excited for the great opportunity it brings

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Maltaze3134d ago

I think UC4 has potential when it comes to single player DLC despite the first time it is happening for the Uncharted series. It could also be an essential benchmark for the industry in the near future much like the main game will be.

-Foxtrot3134d ago

I think it would be a wonderful idea to fill in small gaps in past Uncharted games as it would allow us to play other characters and let them re-create moments in Drakes Fortune, Among Thieves and Drakes Deception with Uncharted 4s graphics/tech...imagine seeing a section of Drakes Fortune done up for the PS4

One Sully DLC - From Drakes Fortune or Drakes Deception

One Elena DLC - From Drakes Fortune or Among Thieves

One Chloe DLC - From Among Thieves or Drakes Deception (if Drakes Deception it could feature Cutter)

DigitalRaptor3134d ago

Can't see that happening.

It's more likely to be a young Nathan/Sam flashback, depending on how much of that is explored in the main game. I think an Elena story would be fantastic though.

-Foxtrot3133d ago

Judging by the trailers and everything we've seen so far I don't want more Sam...I'm sorry but I don't

I want the three main characters and maybe Chloe/Cutter to get some story DLC which focuses on them and gives them a little bit more backstory.

Elena and Sully especially.

Elena after she helps Drake get onto the train in Among Thieves, how she escapes the enemies behind her and finds Schäfer in the village.

Sully either when Drake drinks the water in Drakes Deception and goes crazy thinking Sully is dead or in Drakes Fortune in one of the times he splits up with Drake near the end of the game.

jb2273133d ago

I would definitely love the dlc to utilize those characters, but I'd rather have it be an entirely new story. It lowers the stakes quite a bit because we know where all of those sections end, and in all honesty they'd have to be pretty inconsequential happenings as they went unmentioned. I know you said you'd regard Marlowe not mentioning Sam's existence as a plot hole, but setting dlc in these gaps would essentially create a plot hole of their own going by that logic, because if something of merit happened in those gaps, why wouldn't those characters mention it when they got back to Drake?

I'd prefer to see something like Elena on assignment somewhere focusing on stealth & melee and instead of a gun shed have a camcorder to document things. It'd focus in heavy on exploration & narrative and have the potential to showcase more of those great new environments that ND are so great at. It'd also be cool to see the adventures of young Sully, maybe meeting Marlowe for the first time, or if they wanted to stick to the Uc4 narrative, maybe meeting Nadine. In that instance he'd be an older man and they could make him less agile & slower than Nate. Whatever they do with it, narrative, art & environments are NDs specialty & Id personally like to see them given the opportunity to create more in that field as opposed to reusing or sprucing up existing assets & filling in potentially inconsequential gaps in narrative threads. I dug your idea about playing as Elena during her marriage w/ Nate though, that has some good potential if it went wrong somewhere & goons showed up or if they used it as a framing device to tell a series of flashbacks to earlier adventures

-Foxtrot3133d ago


I think having the characters get out of a little trouble is better then having a brother never mentioned before just pop up out of nowhere.

Like in Drakes Fortune when you go into the catacombs and Sully is locked out. The next time you see him is him outside the Church pinned down.

Yeah it might lower the stakes but it's not like Drake isn't going to know what happened. Drake comes into it and see's how much Sully is in trouble.

As for Elena well like Drake has said she can handle herself. Plus after being shot and survivng a train rolling down a cliff only to then pass out in the snow I highly doubt Elena is going to ramble on about what she had to go through to get to the village. She probably told him after the main game...so it's not really a plot hole when we know how it happened and we can easily pretend the characters knew because like Sully's "scenario" we came into the end of it outside the Church.

The way I see it for Elena

The Jeep breaks down, the enemies are coming up close, she heads into the forest and the enemies are spreading out looking for her. The stealth mechanics are used here as you sneak around them, using distractions and stealth attacks. Not brutal attacks since that's not her but maybe pushing one off a cliff or a non lethal one where she just knocks him out...hell what about trapping an enemy somewhere like in a room or the back of a van.

Sully would be more into fire fights but he'd be slower and wouldn't be able to climb most places like Drake. This would require you to plan out your battles and try to utilize the cover mechanic.

"I dug your idea about playing as Elena during her marriage w/ Nate though, that has some good potential if it went wrong somewhere & goons showed up or if they used it as a framing device to tell a series of flashbacks to earlier adventures"

I tried not to say this anymore since people just automatically assumed I just wanted to watch some cheesy lovey dovey wedding when that's not what I was getting at.

It's Nathan Drake...nothing goes as planned.

Way I see, some people he's screwed over crash the ceremony and blast the place to pieces. Everything is going well, people look smart, Elena in her wedding dress then BAM, enemies kick the door down, "DRAKE" and goons start shooting the place up. Sully, Chloe and Cutter (this would explain how Elena and Cutter know each other) would hold them off.

This would show Elena at the point where she wants him to promise not to go on any more adventures or do anything...which would then show you how in Uncharted 3 they are not together. Maybe at the end Sully says something like "I've got a job coming up, you in?" with Drake saying yes despite him promising Elena.

Bnet3433133d ago

I'll never be excited for paid DLC before the game come out for any game. Uncharted is no exception.

DigitalRaptor3133d ago (Edited 3133d ago )

I'm not sure what to think if you want Chloe and Cutter deserve backstory in DLC. Especially Cutter. I know some people like him but to me he was only decent, and an almost forgettable character, and one of the worst in the series.

Even Sam appears to be a better, more interesting character with his dynamic as the long lost brother and disruptor of Nate's newly settled married life, and his involvement in the story means that there's going to be focus on making him a likeable character. It makes sense to me that Nate never mentioned Sam to anyone because he was (in his mind) a literal skeleton from his past (thought of as dead, felt guilty about leaving him). Sam, to me anyway, grabs far more interest than seeing more of Chloe and Cutter. We're already going to have Sully and Elena receive a strong focus in the story of Uncharted 4, too.

And I know you're hopeful, but they're not gonna do DLC stories going back to the previous games. It makes no sense - Naughty Dog are always moving forward. Whatever they choose to go with, they're going to make it worthwhile and if Left Behind is any indication, they know exactly what they're doing with side-stories. We're never going to get exactly what we desire, but it's cool to imagine!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3133d ago
Errorist763134d ago (Edited 3134d ago )

If used right it indeed can be a wonderful thing. Just remember the Left Behind DLC TLOU had.

fattyuk3133d ago

*Left behind was actually a fantastic piece of dlc and was very refreshing compared to the usual trash that is dlc!

ultimatetruth3134d ago

Great, Microtransactions in addition to a season pass. Naughty Dogs greed knows no bounds.

Maltaze3134d ago

At least understand what DLC means before you make a comment. By that logic expansions should not even exist.

Utalkin2me3134d ago (Edited 3134d ago )

Ummm ND is one of the few companies that dont gouge people for DLC. They always have made it cheap and reasonable. And im sure the story DLC will be priced fairly.

ifistbrowni3134d ago (Edited 3134d ago )

ugh, Uncharted 3 and TLOU both did a bit of price gouging.

I, luckily, got the Season pass for TLOU at launch ($20). But, they soon got rid of the season pass and all the content had to be bought individually (while still honoring season pass holders). I'd estimate the content outside of the season pass was "valued" at $60+

Additionally, TLOU (PS3) added perks and weapons that weren't part of the season pass that had to be purchased individually or in bundles (4-5 perks or $8). Individually, the perks ranged from $.99 - $1.99. The weapons are lost on me. I feel like they were $3 at least (and they completely screwed with the balance of the game).

Which, finally, bring me to TLOU Remastered. The "complete" edition, one would think. I dare you to sign into The Last of Us multiplayer and log into the store. After that, I want you to honestly come back and defend your "Naughty Dog is cheap and reasonable." Weapons and perks mess with in-game balance. A bow that shoots you once and you continuously bleed out until you heal is something everyone or no one should have access to.

My friends and I all quit playing TLOU Remastered b/c we felt like it was getting out of hand and we didn't feel like spending money just to create classes to combat the DLC classes we were up against. I think the lowest level out of the 4 of my friends was like level 96. My brother and I were about 130. I think we'd still play it to this day if it wasn't for the DLC that pushed us away.

I'm a huge advocate of TLOU and Naughty Dog in general but even I can't defend their DLC practices (when it comes to multiplayer). They get away with it because they make great games, but that shouldn't be an excuse.

sAVAge_bEaST3134d ago


I agree with the above statement. Micro's in the Multi,,. kind of broke it.

Aloy-Boyfriend3134d ago


I fully agree with everything except I still do pretty good with my Vanilla weapons, so I still haven't quit the MP.

I think the comment you replied is refering to DLC not MTs, which he is right. Left Behind DLC was cheap. Uncharted 3 didn't have story DLC. I think ND has been experimenting with MTs long enough already since U3, and our feedback can change that

Utalkin2me3133d ago

Im talking DLC not MTA....Maybe you guys should read before typing a 5 page paragraph.

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TwoForce3134d ago

So tell me this. Do we have any linear single player dlc in the past ? Especially the linear game like The Last of Us have Single Player DLC which is a good one.

MasterCornholio3134d ago

You mean Left Behind?

That was some good DLC. A great look into the origins of the girls infection. I bought the remaster but I could see that the DLC was worth it.

TwoForce3134d ago

@MasterCornholio Yes, it was great DLC.

Aloy-Boyfriend3134d ago

You mean like every game developer ever and yet you make it sound like they are the only one... Your Hypocrisy meets no bounds

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3133d ago
Dark_Crow3134d ago

Have people forgotten the last of us Dlc.
This wouldn't be the first time.

ijx0923134d ago

Great addition to the "series".

mike32UK3134d ago

I totally forgot about this. I'll definitely get it, some devs just deserve our trust... ND are one of them and with the way dying light was handled so now are Techland

NotanotherReboot3134d ago

Have you seen the microtransactions in The Last of us..lol

TwoForce3134d ago

Well, yes it true. But can you see how many from other games have this ? Not Just ND, but other developers have it too. I don't like Microtransaction and I don't like Season Pass. But for Single Player DLC that i will buy. I agree with you some points, but when you criticize way too much from one side, you will let other get away. That why i see some problems of criticism.

Aloy-Boyfriend3134d ago

Yes and I haven't bough a single one. Now the Story DLC was awesome and worth every penny

jb2273134d ago

They are two entirely different things from two entirely different teams under one umbrella. Would you also say that The Division is bound to be a horrible broken mess because AC Unity was? I think it's better to look at direct relative history. I can't speak on the mt's for TLOU mp because I never played it, but I'll assume what you are saying in that regard is true...doesn't change the fact that the only other sp dlc ND has put out was an absolutely phenomenal additive experience for myself & many others, w/ every bit of the same quality put into the main game, it wasn't a carved off piece of storyline, it wasn't developed until after the main game was shipped, it was offered as a standalone purchase, it created all new assets & environments instead of reusing others from the base game and it introduced an entirely new gameplay mechanic in pitting infected against hunters...that ticks pretty much every imaginable box for quality sp dlc done right. Seems to me that if we are solely talking about the potential quality of UC4 sp dlc, we would look at the only direct example available, not go across to an entirely different type of gaming entirely when judging that potential quality.

Long story short I personally think UC4 is on track to get some amazing & worthwhile sp dlc, and I personally can't wait to hear more about it. Personally uninterested in any kind of mp & it's dlc even though I had fun w/ the beta, either way it's an entirely different story.

Crummybear3134d ago

I want to play as Sully. I now this is the last Uncharted, but I want a game where you play as Sully treasure hunting in the 60s.

Skankinruby3134d ago

That's actually an awesome idea, like a flash back episode leading up to the day he met Drake.

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RaidenBlack211d ago

to reiterate, this is just a hobby project by a single developer

isarai211d ago

As a one man project this is awesome as hell!

210d ago
lellkay210d ago

Impressive considering its a one man effort!

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Nate looks like he's been charting the lost city of Marijuana.

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Crows90312d ago (Edited 312d ago )

The best games of their generation too. Its incredible how great most if not all of playstations games are. Whether you like the stories or not you cant deny the quality of each title.

Hated tlou part 2. But im going to buy it when it is cheap enough because i want to play the remastered content for $10 extra dollars. Theyre adding a roguelike mode...thats going to be fun!

312d ago