
Why the PlayStation 6 will allow more intimate gaming experiences than the PlayStation 5

Nvidia and AMD roadmaps already allow to predict why the PlayStation 6 will improve on the PlayStation 5, according to Twinstiq.com

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FallenAngel19843141d ago

Well obviously that's a no brainer. That's what a successor typically does in comparison to its predecessor.

nitus103140d ago

The PlayStation 5 specifications have not even been released and we are discussing PlayStation 6?

I know my crystal ball is in the shop for upgrading but please. Next we will be discussing a Sword Art On-line console.

never4get3140d ago

NX supplemental computing device, PS Now, why wait years for next-gen. There's plenty ways to get more power than waiting for greatness.

sanosukegtr1233140d ago

Playstation 6? I just got Ps4....

supraking9513141d ago

N4G has been on a roll lately.....

Chaosdreams3141d ago

I can't wait for the ps7. It will amplify, magnify, rectify, and improve on everything that the 6 had to offer. But wait there's more!

With a preorder of only $10,000, you can ensure yourself a legendary ps8. It's sure to be the fastest, most reliable system to date.

conanlifts3141d ago

Yeah but the ps9 comes with a free ticket to space on the virgin galactic 7. So that's where it is at.

Chaosdreams3141d ago

There are whispers of the ps1 making a comeback. It was last seen duking it out with the ps2 over territory.

hay3141d ago

Half Life 5 confirmed.

TheCommentator3140d ago

Sony showed the PS9 in a PS2 commercial, so we even know what it will look like! I'm pretty sure I heard that it's powered by a Mr. Fusion and hand delivered to your door by a man on a hoverboard wearing self-tying shoes as well.

Aenea3141d ago

Next week we will get another article: PlayStation 7 will be better than the PS6!

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Over 50% of PlayStation's Live Service Projects Either Failed Or Were Cancelled

PlayStation's live-service history shows that the gaming giant has failed frequently, resulting in a grim outlook for the future.

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Miraak82 17d ago

What do they expect !? the ones that failed are just knockoffs of existing popular games usually releasing alittle too late. Their multplayer offering haven't been good since ps3 and even later on in its lifecycle it started to chase trends like how Killzone 3 & SF tried to copy CoD compared to KZ2. Honestly I can't believe they gave up on LBP, technically not a live service but man I spent so much on DLC and costumes , Warhawk and KZ2 and their expansions . Demons Souls which I spent the most time playing was one of the most unique multiplayer experience ever . All the resistance games were just awesome .. but since ps4 I haven't enjoyed any 1st party multiplayer offering . Marathon might be alright but do they really think a Horizon mmo/mp is a good idea .

17d ago Replies(4)
refocusedman17d ago (Edited 17d ago )

how abt they remake warhawk as a live service game. that would be awesome. maybe MAG, bring back killzone resistance.... cmon sony stop trying to reinvent the wheel when you alreafy have tires in your garage.

porkChop17d ago

I could see Warhawk really working as a live service. Between the weapons, vehicles, warhawks, etc , there's plenty of opportunity for cosmetics. As long as the gameplay loop doesn't change too much from the PS3 game, that shit was unlike anything else and I loved it. Just keep releasing a new map every few months, and keep things fresh with new gameplay modes/events.

RaiderNation16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

Agreed. Likewise with Twisted Metal. That game could work very as a live service game. Just follow the Rocket League format and it could be great!

Not all "live service" are bad. They just need to be well thought out and make sense.

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10 Amazing PS1 Games Never Released Outside of Japan

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