
Lowered Expectations: BMX XXX

With the untimely and tragic passing of sports icon Dave Mirra, it seemed time to celebrate one of the best decisions he ever made with his name.

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5 Controversial Games That Were Almost Banned

vgPWN: "There's something about the very medium of video games that gets the world's moral watchdogs all in a tizzy."

popopdc2914d ago

BMX XXX HAHAHA. I remember hearing of that.

ShaunCameron2914d ago

And Sony threatening to revoke its license if the developers didn't censor it while Microsoft and Nintendo allowed it on their consoles uncensored.

scottypops2914d ago

Many games push the envelope of bad taste, but none push quite as hard as the Postal series.

ShaunCameron2914d ago

I definitely remember Mortal Kombat.


6 Games That Tried Way Too Hard to Be Edgy

Andres from Twinfinite writes, "Sometimes, while playing a game, you can almost hear every poor decision that went into bringing it to life. With every press of a button, you hear the faint echoes of a voice calling, 'More guns, see?' Maybe you've heard someone whispering, 'Hmm... not vengeful enough.' Or perhaps you've heard the words, 'EDGIER.'"

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Silvreck3081d ago

God, I hated Shadow the Hedgehog ever since Sonic Adventure 2.

IAmLee3080d ago

I actually remember loving it as a kid. But when I look back now..
My god :')

skcej3081d ago

Oh jeez, Shadow the Hedgehog was god damn awful

Zotaku873081d ago

I always had a morbid curiosity to try out Shadow, but never did. One of these days, perhaps.

dreamoner3080d ago

I don't accept any bad comment about Warrior Within, that game was awesome. This article sucks.


Heyxyz3080d ago

When I was like 12 I really wanted Shadow the Hedgehog, because it just looked so cool to me (give me a break, at this time I also loved the Star Wars prequels). I was literally obsessed with the game even though I didn't even see any gameplay, or even know what constituted a good game. My parents didn't let me play games, so of course I never played it. When I finally started playing games I just never got a chance to play it. hmmmm...maybe one day.

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Sex and Video Games: From Premature Beginnings to Full On Fantasy

Vince from Awesome Games writes: 'Sex and video games have shared a long and not-so-clean history. From the text-based Softporn Adventures to the Virtual Reality titillation for the Oculus Rift that’s just around the corner, sex has never caused the amount of controversy that we get from say, violence. But inevitably, it strikes a chord in what makes us all human, including the rather large gamer demographic of young men.'

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lipton1013434d ago

I totally remember buying bmx xxx back in the day lol

AwesomegamesUK3433d ago

Looking back, I'm glad I didn't. But yeah, I totally want to get it too!

MNGamer-N3433d ago

I'm sure it would just be a button masher... =D