
Playstation Mid East Teases Something About Crash " Wanted "

The official twitter account of PlayStation ME put a picture of Crash as a wanted and says " Where Are You ? "

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breakpad3092d ago (Edited 3092d ago )

yes it s definitely coming ..but lets hope its Sony made and not another multiplat garbage ...

Thatguy-3103092d ago

It's going to happened. They've teased us for so long. It's only a matter of time

bouzebbal3092d ago

Shukran PlayStation!!!!

Germany73092d ago

Absolutely, Activision can't handle the franchise, only if you want another Skylanders figure.

GloibinDookie3092d ago (Edited 3092d ago )

Yeah. I heard they are coming out with a new Crash game. Titled "Crash Bandicoot: BAWLZ for Hire". Or something like that.... Yeah.....

Ezz20133092d ago (Edited 3092d ago )

The question here
Is who would make the reboot ?!
Naughty Dog ?!
Sucker Punch ?!
Sanzaru Games ?!
Team Japan ?!

lvl_headed_gmr3092d ago ShowReplies(6)
showtimefolks3092d ago

last e3 started with the last guardian this e3 should(or most likely will)start with crash IP being bought back by sony

to start all crash games being HD(remaster/remade for ps4)

BitbyDeath3092d ago

Followed up by a Warhawk remaster being helmed by BluePoint.

IamTylerDurden13092d ago

Or a new Warhawk, it would be amazing. I liked Starhawk.

-Foxtrot3092d ago

Could have used the old Crash design, not the shitty Activision one

If we got it and they continued their shitty games, I'd be disappointed

garrettbobbyferguson3092d ago

The design alone should be a red flag for anyone posting here.

oasdada3092d ago

2 things Arabs love the most.. Fifa & Crash

C-H-E-F3092d ago

Hmph... we just really want Socom. At this point i'll take Confrontation remastered :(

Fonso1283092d ago

Hopefully Crash goes home to the Playstation!

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3092d ago
FallenAngel19843092d ago

I seriously hope for another Jak & Daxter game.

Activision really ruined the Crash franchise when they redesigned all the characters. It's no wonder they let the franchise die.

PoSTedUP3092d ago

im with ya. would love to see another crash game tho. #1 was something special but i had the most fun with #3.

3092d ago
FallenAngel19843092d ago

@ Post

You really want Activision to make another installment in the Crash franchise? Anything they do will only further tarnish the legacy of this icon

IamTylerDurden13092d ago

How do you make a good Crash game in 2016? How? That is the question, Nintendo could do it, but Sony has a different audience.

DVAcme3092d ago

I politely disagree. Sony players have a long history of love for all-ages platformer games. Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Ape Escape, Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, LittleBigPlanet, Sly Cooper, they're all franchises that are beloved by Sony players and the ones still being released still sell well to this day.

Phill-Spencer3091d ago

We are not talking about a certain fans of another console. Playstation gamers love variety. Even though the mainstream genres ofcourse has the most sales there is also a big market for platformers, jrpgs, and anything one can think of. That's the reason why playstation brand is so successful. One competitor mainly focusses on young, male north americans while the others lineup is aimed at japanese and kids' tastes, playstation got enough for everybody.

IamTylerDurden13092d ago

Jak has far more potential in 2016 than Crash. Jak has weapons, Jak is basically Ratchet and Clank, but Crash is hard to imagine as a 2016-??? AAA.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3091d ago
Am-No-Hero3092d ago

I think now its clear for us , Crash will appear in E3 2016

IamTylerDurden13092d ago

Agreed, Shawn wasn't wearing that Crash shirt at PSX for nothing.

Majin-vegeta3092d ago

My innerchild wants tk explode with excitement....but Im gonna temper myself.

Nyxus3092d ago

If this turns out to be nothing they're just trolling.

AnotherProGamer3092d ago

They have been teasing this for years, they can't be that big of dicks to do that so many times

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‘People laughed at it’: the unlikely story behind the music of Crash Bandicoot

For many, the game became the sound of the 90s – but Josh Mancell tells us how the music for PlayStation’s first mascot game originated in Kraft cheese and Kraftwerk

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Brendan O’Brien, Original Voice Behind Crash Bandicoot, Dies at 60

Brendan O’Brien, the voice actor behind the original Crash Bandicoot and several other characters featured in the classic Naughty Dog trilogy of games on PlayStation, died on March 23.

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1996 Voted as ‘Best Year in Gaming’ by UK Public

Have you ever wondered what the best year in gaming was? Well wonder no more! The British public have had their say, and voted for 1996.

Limitedtimestruggle680d ago

I have some many fond memories as a 10 year old gamer from back then! The best of times!

Dfooster680d ago

Yeah that is a good choice. Great times

Snakeeater25680d ago

Lol Nintendo 64 … talk about a shitty year for gaming

Old McGroin680d ago

The N64 was amazing at the time, how old are you, 12?

CobraKai680d ago

Mario 64, Mario Kart, WaveRace. They’re prolly too young to appreciate em. My kids love the N64.

Terry_B680d ago

No..1996 was not a good start for the N64. The system had a lousy start in comparison to the SNES, Playstation and probably even the Sega Saturn.

CobraKai680d ago

So…. Nevermind the first time Resident Evil or Tomb Raider was released, a damn near arcade perfect port of Tekken 2, Quake, Wipeout, Crash Bandicoot, Super Mario RPG, Nights, Panzer Dragoon Zwei? It’s shitty cuz the old N64 is it?

BrainSyphoned680d ago (Edited 680d ago )

More of a 97 person myself.
FF7, Symphony of the Night, Gran Turismo, Grand Theft Auto, Dynasty Warriors, Diablo, Fallout, Tomb Raider 2, Mega Man Legends, GoldenEye, Turok, Wing Commander Prophecy, Star Fox 64, Einhander, Tobal 2, Bushido Blade, Colony Wars, Ultima Online. Was a great year to start working at Funcoland.

680d ago Replies(1)
After10Ben680d ago

You beat me to it. I loved both years, but 97 was one of my favorite years ever.

Marcello680d ago

2013 was a good year too. Dead Space 3, The Last of Us, GTA5, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Tomb Raider reboot, Bioshock Infinite, Batman: Arkham Origins, Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Grid 2 & more.

Limitedtimestruggle679d ago

Dead Space 3? That game only deserves to be on rock-bottom lists. In my honest opinion.

Marcello679d ago

Its is very Marmite that game but to me it was only that love story nonsense that was bad, really bad.

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