
HD8bit's Undertale (Fan-Submitted) Review

Mike@HD8bit- "Released three-quarters into 2015 in the ecosystem of heavy-hitters like The Witcher 3, Metal Gear Solid V, and then-upcoming Fallout 4, humble indie endeavor UnderTale should by all rights have slipped under the gaming community’s collective radar. Instead, the game has garnered a king’s wealth of praise from amateur and editor alike, examples of which include several nominations (and some winnings) for Game of the Year, an impressive aggregate of 93 (out of 100) on Metacritic.com, and the affectionate, fair-weather dubbing of “Best. Game. EVER.” by some adamant fans."


The 50 Most Iconic Indie Gaming Moments of All Time

Callum Marshal writes: "I want to catalog some of the best indie gaming moments I have ever had the pleasure of witnessing firsthand, and I hope that, in doing so, I unlock a core memory for you. So, without further delay, here is Indie Game Culture’s list of the best Indie Gaming Moments of All Time!"

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Undertale: One Of The Greatest Indie Stories Ever Told

Amidst choices between pacifism and genocidal tendencies, Undertale goes truly beyond in terms if story-telling, and the line between what is considered "right."

Zenzuu152d ago (Edited 152d ago )

One of the most touching and beautiful told story with a great cast of characters and excellent soundtrack. I highly enjoyed my playthrough of the game very much. It's a darn shame, not many people know about it or even give it a chance just because of the way the game visually looks.

Venoxn4g152d ago

Great game, highly recommend.. it is true that at the beginning it doesn't look appealing, but once you get into it..it is amazing


Undertale: Toriel, Little Nightmares: Six Nendoroids release date, new photos, pre-orders

The Nendoroids for Undertale: Toriel and Little Nightmares: Six Nendoroids get news about their release date, pre-orders, and more.

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MadLad427d ago

Not really into game figures, but kind of want the Little Nightmares' one.