
The First Ten Levels: Blade & Soul

Blade & Soul is a great-looking, polished MMORPG, with more interesting and tactically flexible combat than most games in the genre.

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PixelGateUk3067d ago

I still need to try this, but I'm currently burnt out on eastern mmorpgs after hammering Black Desert online :(

Christopher3066d ago

Only two things I'm annoyed with:

1. Lacks controller support even thought it's great for that.
2. Queues get ridiculous at times if you're not a premium player.

RoseSapphire3066d ago

It completely has controller support. It was originally a PS3 game.

Christopher3066d ago

@Bran: it only has support when you install third-party tools. They are not native, therefore no 'support' from the developer on it.

NegativeCreepWA3066d ago (Edited 3066d ago )

I suggest you try again, I was just using a controller a few minutes ago. The game pad tab is locked until you check the enable controller box.

RoseSapphire3066d ago

Are we playing the same game? The graphics are dated, the areas are small, there is instancing everywhere, and combat for the first twenty levels can be boiled down to "hold left mouse button to kill."

Now, that's not to say the game is awful and there is nothing redeeming, but the game is below average as a whole. The story is quite uninteresting, the animations are poor, and the voice acting is bad.

The game absolutely shines when it challenges you to use your full combat abilities and this does make PvP fun.


The sexy MMORPG “Blade & Soul” has just released its “Symphony of Destruction” update

"NCSOFT are today very happy and excited to announce that they have just released the ”Symphony of Destruction” update for their sexy MMORPG “Blade & Soul”." - Jonas Ek, TGG.

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The sexy MMORPG “Blade & Soul” has just released its "Dawn of Darkness" update

"NCSOFT are today very happy and excited to announce that they have just released the"Dawn of Darkness" update for their sexy MMORPG “Blade & Soul”." - Jonas Ek, TGG.


The MMORPG “Blade & Soul” has just released its “Infinite Inferno” update

""Blade & Soul", the martial arts-themed fantasy MMORPG from NCSOFT – is giving its Greatsword wielding class a new specialization in the "Infinite Inferno" update, which is now available for free for all players." - NCSOFT.