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PS Plus veterans finally receive free 'limited edition gift' promised in June

PlayStation Plus's most loyal fans have finally received the free "limited edition gift" promised to them by Sony back in June 2015, revealing it to be a framed poster featuring stats associated with their PSN ID.

The poster highlights the amount of games the user has downloaded since starting their PlayStation Plus membership, the number of hours they've played online on their PS4, how many friends they have and more.

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Community3171d ago
Takwin3171d ago

Better than nothing. We can agree on that.

UltraNova3171d ago

Almost everything is better than nothing, this is actually good and it will stay with you for as long as you have a wall, reminding you that PlayStation has recognized you as a person. Its in stark contrast to say, a free game that you'd play for while then delete and forget.

VenomUK3171d ago

I hope Sony measure total accrued years.

I must be nearing 5 years. But as my subscriptions have expired I've always had a couple of days before renewing so I'd be sad if this kept resetting my PS Plus usage time. If it is accrued then that's a good thing and to be honest I'd happy with the poster with personalised stats. Although a £5/$5/€5 credit would be better!

Rayven3171d ago (Edited 3171d ago )

Yeah. I'll proudly hang a plaque on my home or workplace that shows how much time I've wasted with video games. /s

This is not even an original idea, didn't xbox do something like this but for birthday celebrators?

If sony really cares about ps plus subscribers, they'd do something to improve the quality and production value of games available, like perhaps only releasing a ps plus game every 2 months, I'd be happier that way if it results in better quality games instead of indie games month after month.

And no, I'm not indiephobic, it's like this; after eating nothing but "pizza" from the cafeteria for months straight, even the biggest pizza fan will get sick and tired of it.

InactiveUser3171d ago (Edited 3171d ago )

That poster is stupid. I'm on PS+ and I don't want that thing.

Total of monthly game downloads?
Total gameplay across all monthly game titles?
Gameplay hrs on 1st most played monthly game title?

Who gives a F about any of that? And that's half the poster. The other half of the poster is already obsolete, as those stats are changing constantly (Hrs played, total sessions, number of friends).

Seems like a major waste of time and product to me. They should have just given an extra free indie game or something exclusive to people with 5yrs+. Or pick your own PS2 'backwards compatibility' game. At least that would be worth something and there could be enjoyment out of it. This is stats nobody cares about or are instantly obsolete. Not even how many trophies you got, or your level.. you get how many game downloads.. wow.

1nsomniac3171d ago (Edited 3171d ago )

To me, no. That's just clutter I really could do without & would go straight in to the bin.

Not entirely sure what age you would need to be to appreciate a poster... I think kids these days grow up way to fast so wouldnt be interested in them either.

It's a bit of a strange item to offer someone who's paid subscriptions off most likely a credit card for at least the last 5 years. Very odd.

*wow just read @UltraNova's comment above. You need PlayStation to recognise you as a person??? That's beyond odd! You do realise it's just a corporation/company don't you? What satisfaction do you think you get from being noticed as a person from an automated system???

I'm not entirely sure I've your comment is sarcasm or not. I'm really hoping your joking but the more I read your comment I just can't work it out or not.

DanteVFenris6663171d ago

there is not really an age for enjoying posters. That's just silly

UltraNova3171d ago Show
1nsomniac3171d ago

Ignoring the silliness It wasn't me who flagged you as immature but I still don't understand your opinion or interest.

I understand trophys because it gives you a challenge for you to complete. I still don't understand what a poster gives you?

Also @DanteVFenris666 I'm afraid we are going to have to very much agree to disagree on that.

Qrphe3171d ago

> I think kids these days grow up way to fast

They grow up as fast and you did, and kids still like posters. I'm sure they'd be a lot more excited to display their trophies in their bedroom wall than someone my age for example.

IamTylerDurden13171d ago


Wow, are you for real dude? I am 31 years old with my own home and i'd gladly hang that framed piece up in my game room. Do you ever purchase LE games? Do you think it's ridiculous to display a statue from a CE game? This is a passion for a lot of ppl, the amount of ppl getting that framed piece is pretty slim considering the total number of ppl on PS+. It would be an honor to receive it imo. I find it much more personal than if they gave out store credit, it is very cool that Sony is recognizing ppl.

I don't understand why you appear to have so much angst and hostility towards this? Would it have been better if Sony did nothing at all?

Fluke_Skywalker3171d ago

I got mine today, it's not a poster its a nice little framed print with some stats on it. It's not much but it's pretty cool.
My only gripe is that they've used my PS4 stats instead of my PS3 stats so it looks pretty weak since I only had my PS4 for a few months before selling it! I was on my PS3 pretty much all night every night for many years!! My stats from those days would have been far more awesome!

1nsomniac3170d ago (Edited 3170d ago )

@IAmTylerDurden1 I don't have so much angst or hostility towards it at all. I'm not that bothered by it. Just think people's opinions on it are a little strange & the fact that because its given as a gift for long term subscription. You would assume it for an adult & that's quite an odd decision to make. I haven't received mine & im by no means going to chase it up. I'm a grown man, I think the other half would think I'm having some kind of mid-life crises if I started putting up posters. Last poster I put up was Eric Cantona back in the early 90's & even then I thought I was too old for it.

Each to their own, but if the bit that makes you happy is that it makes you think Sony have "noticed" you then you need help. Thats the kind of mentality that causes all kinds of crazy behaviour.

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ZombieKiller3171d ago

Truthfully, this is pretty awesome. To those complaining, why? Would you rather them do nothing? I, for one, would love to see how many hours I've put into my PS4 since launch, not to mention have a professional made poster about it. I've had PS+ since day one so I'd like to get one. Are they coming in the mail or something?

Some people are so spoiled complaining about free stuff from a company that is at least PRETENDING they care. You must be REAL fun on Christmas morning.

Stuff like this, the little things, are why I've always been a Sony fanboy. I'm gonna spend the money on games and consoles REGARDLESS, so this sort of "thank you" is pretty nice.
Or should I say it's a bigger thank you than what Xbox has done to their fans. I never got a poster for my years of Xbox live...

At least it's something.

Fluke_Skywalker3171d ago

You should have gotten an email months ago asking you to confirm your address and stuff if you were getting one.

GamingSinceThe80s3171d ago

I am not ragging on this gift at all,but as to your comment that MS would do nothing....they gave all the people who had XB live non stop since it started a special edition 360 console made just for them.You should google it,I just did to be sure I was remembering right,I had never seen it's sweet!

Scatpants3171d ago

I'm not sure if I'd call junk mail better than nothing. Who's going to put a poster of their PSN stats on their wall? Just seems like something to put straight into the garbage.

KwietStorm_BLM3171d ago

That's really just stupid. You would throw it in the garbage because.. What? If someone wants it on their wall, let them put it on their wall. If not, its still a nice sentiment. I suggested we have our global gamer stats available on PSN itself since PS3, but when did people get so entitled that this is something to actually complain about? And when did having a room with posters and collectors edition items on display become something new?

IamTylerDurden13171d ago

Me, and literally tens of thousands of other ppl surly would. I guess it depends how into gaming you are. How wouldn't you want this hanging (framed) in your memorabilia/game room? I mean it's from Sony, only a small % of ppl actually get one. How do you not see the rarity and intrigue in such an item?

Scatpants3171d ago

I guess if you want your house to look like a 14 year old kid's bedroom this would be a perfect thing to put on your wall. The fact that no one here seems to see this as useless garbage is astonishing to me.

XanderZane3171d ago

Meh.. big deal. I would rather they gave me a demo of Horizon: Zero Dawn before the game was released. Even a free digital game from their library would have been better then this. They could have included these stats with the game.

wellard3171d ago

I was quite pleased to receive a free theme on my birthday. Small things from big companies often make a sizeable difference

fei-hung3171d ago

I got an email saying it's been shipped but haven't received it yet. Can't wait!

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syotos773171d ago ShowReplies(6)
IamTylerDurden13171d ago (Edited 3171d ago )

I think it's pretty awesome to give something so personalized, it means more to me than an extra 6 months of plus or a free game DL. That's just me.

PSN_ZeroOnyx3171d ago

I totally agree but know I haven't been with plus nearly long enough, and this would ROCK!

TLG19913171d ago

Exactly, I am waiting for mine in the post still and got more excited about this than I have about any game on any month of PS+ since I signed up. a personal thank you, its a small cost to Sony but huge gesture.

XanderZane3171d ago (Edited 3171d ago )

I've only have 2 years, but don't really care for this gift anyways.

XanderZane3171d ago

I would be more appreciative if they gave me something I could actually play. PSPlus is all above games really, not personal stats. Sorry, but they could have done much better then this. Microsoft did no better though. I think they gave everyone $1 credit on their account or something silly like that. Both companies failed with their anniversary gifts. Hopefully 10 year will be much better.

Aloy-Boyfriend3171d ago (Edited 3171d ago )

Neither have really to give us anything. We pay for their services, they serve us back. Anything extra they give as gratitute is just that... Stop being so entitled

IamTylerDurden13171d ago

Do you collect Limited Edition games or statues or swag from games? Steelbook cases? I do, so something like this would look perfect framed and hanging on the wall. For me.

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Skate-AK3171d ago

Ah man. I have been a member since 2010 and I didn't get one.

bradleejones3171d ago

Yeah, I know the feeling. Had PlayStation since 9 9 95. Plus since day one.

USMC_POLICE3171d ago

I have been a member since the service began and I got nothing

GryestOfBluSkies3171d ago

ive been a member since day 1 as well and knew nothing about this. i hope its coming tho. its a really nice gesture.

KUV19773171d ago

I've been a member to. Didn't get the mail and couldn't sign up. Contacted support... they texted with me pretty cluelessly for a couple days and then they said they couldn't help. Awesome. However, I really think that thing is a little weird layout-wise, especially if you have less than ideal numbers to fill in...

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Markdn1h ago

Nice, lost so much hair 0laying last nija, those jumps across the stream grrrrrrrrr. But loved them anyways :)