
Gaming VR will die without Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed and other big games

Console makers are secretive about unannounced games because they are exciting and will surprise people. VR makers are secretive about unannounced games because they aren't really that exciting and won't compel you to purchase the hardware and software.

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Neonridr3053d ago

First Person games should be a little bit easier to transition to VR than a game like Assassin's Creed which is a 3rd person game. Thief would have been a better comparison.

Pandamobile3052d ago (Edited 3052d ago )

That's actually not entirely true.

Traditional FPS games do not translate well to VR due to the slidey locomotion systems. FPS games are designed under the assumption that you (the player) are a disembodied floating head with a gun sticking out of your chest. Moving around like that in VR feels very unnatural.

VR FPS games are going to be much slower paced compared to traditional FPS games when they start to hit the market. Games like TF2 have been used as testbeds for VR FPS mechanics, but so far Valve has been finding it difficult to make it work because of how fast and jarring the experience is in VR. Like, in terms of real-world units, the Scout runs around the map at 30 miles per hour.

It's one of the biggest design challenges VR devs are facing right now - how to let the player move around without it feeling wrong.

3rd person games are much easier to adapt to VR because the camera is already separated from the player controller.

ShinMaster3052d ago

Not all first person games are FPS games. And they're not all as fast paced as COD or TF2.

I think he's talking about immersion.

Pandamobile3052d ago (Edited 3052d ago )

True, but the vast majority of first person games today are shooters. I assumed he was talking about taking giving existing FPS games and franchises a VR makeover.

Neonridr3052d ago

fair enough, but it doesn't give as good a sense of immersion when you are watching another character vs actually being the character and seeing from their point of view.

I would disagree and say that it's easier for your mind to feel immersed when you are seeing something from your point of view. Walking around, turning your head and having the camera respond accordingly is what VR is all about.

I loved Black Ops 2 in 3D, hated Gears of War 3.

But that's my personal preference.

OB1Biker3053d ago

I agree the only way for VR to take off is big franchises/FPS to support it and actually VR might well be the only way I could enjoy a FPS.
Dice started working on VR apparently so there's that, and drive Club, GT, Ace Combat 7, War Thunder etc sound good to start with

bunt-custardly3052d ago

Totally. Even if they are hybrid games or new experiences using the familiar IPs. Without them, VR will be destined to be labelled too indie which isn't a bad thing to begin with but won't necessarily pull in the numbers over the longer term.

At least Sony is on the right track by announcing big names like Ace Combat, Tekken 7 and Gran Tourismo.

Lennoxb633052d ago

I think Mirror's Edge would be really successful on it.

LordMaim3052d ago

Jesus. I can already feel the vertigo.

Gwiz3052d ago

Call of duty has been played for many years on a traditional display.
I don't think an old IP is going to help with pushing VR.
When I imagine something like No Man's Sky or maybe Destiny where there's a vast world to explore seems to be more applicable to a VR experience.

Rezka3052d ago

Sorry but all I care about is porn could care less I like my gaming the traditional way

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Garethvk60d ago

I can finally play Half Life Alyx.

mariopasta60d ago

I can finally watch pron, I mean watch pronouns be pronounced in PC VR games that were previously not available on Playstation.

crazyCoconuts60d ago

be careful not to sprain your... tongue pronouncing those pronouns

Profchaos60d ago

I'm excited for that to plus I can try fallout 4 VR always wanted to play that

crazyCoconuts60d ago

I was lucky and held off on 4 until I played it in VR. It really is pretty awesome - you'll love it.

DaReapa60d ago

The icing on the cake would be if Sony / Valve allow for a Steam Link app much like it is for the Quest 3. Likely wishful thinking, though.