
Just Cause 3 Review | Game Over

There’s something to be said about a developer that’s singularly interested in building a game around the unpredictable moments the open-world genre is known for. If it can’t be easily reproduced and would work as the spectacle piece in a Summer blockbuster, then the Just Cause series either has or will try to incorporate it into its world.

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Games with average storylines but great gameplay

Some games make up for a lackluster story with excellent gameplay. These are some games with average storylines but great gameplay.

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shinoff2183527d ago

Who decides if a games story is average idefinitely ain't listening to no reviewers. I don't agree with most of then anyway. I think alot of them are to harsh on games so they can get clicks

banger88527d ago

Every Soulslike game ever made.

refocusedman527d ago

zelda has a story line? Actually do any nintendo 1st party games have decent (not even good) storylines?

NotoriousWhiz527d ago

Does Xenoblade count as 1st party? That's the only one I can think of.

NotoriousWhiz527d ago

Also, Ocarina of time definitely had a decent (but not great) story.

Brazz527d ago (Edited 527d ago )

Zelda average story line!? Zelda Story sucks, most time It comes to "save the princess", Nintendo sucks at story outside Fire Emblem and perhaps 1-2 other IPs.

DOMination-527d ago

Actually the Souls games and Zelda games share something in common, which is that they reward gamers for seeking out the story rather than thrusting it in their faces. Not saying this is better or worse, but it's unfair to say they don't have them.

People will be surprised to learn that if you dig a bit deeper into Zelda games, there's a whole lot of really dark and crazy stuff happening.

RaiderNation527d ago


Thrust in your face??? I assume by that you mean basic story-telling 101? Lol.

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P_Bomb527d ago

I platinumed both Niohs but for the life of me, couldn’t tell you what happened in the story lol! I can namedrop Nobunaga, but that’s about it.

ChasterMies527d ago (Edited 527d ago )

The pinnacle of bad story but great gameplay is Destiny and Destiny 2. What is the Traveler? What is the Darkness? What the heck is happening? No one knew. But shooting the aliens and robots felt so good.

Brazz527d ago (Edited 527d ago )

Article os about "average" story. But If you wanna talk about bad story but great gameplay you need to look at Nintendo, they are the masters at making poor shirt story on great gameplay.

HeliosHex527d ago

@deus. If you want more of the story fleshed out in detail I'd recommend the destiny grimoire anthology 1-6 25 bucks each. It's really good I loved the backstory on the guns.

Relientk77527d ago

"I don't even have time to explain why I don't have time to explain."

Is my favorite line from Destiny's "story" lol

GotGame818527d ago

Sorry, but the princess is in another castle.

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