
New Unravel Featurette Focuses on Yarny’s Inspiration

EB: EA has released a new video for Unravel and it dives into the inspirations for the main character Yarny, who is aptly named considering he’s an animated figure made out of yarn. Genius.

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Genuine-User3081d ago

Day one!

Unravel is one of my top 10 most anticipated games for this year.

yankolo3081d ago

Daaaaaamn ....ori its gorgeous ...but thissss........wow....


Looking Back to 2016 and the Woolly World of Unravel

Paul writes: "For me, a very important piece of the puzzle when it comes to creating a platform game is the design of the main character. All the most successful games throughout history have a recognisable protagonist: Sonic, Mario, Crash Bandicoot, the list goes on. With the design of Yarny - the hero of the 2016 game Unravel - the designers at Coldwood Interactive smashed it out of the park."

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EA Sale: Anthem, Battlefield V, The Sims 4, Mass Effect: Andromeda, and more

There are over a dozen digital EA games on sale for between $5 and $16 right now. They include Anthem, Battlefield V, The Sims 4, and Mass Effect: Andromeda. Some of the deals are for PC via Origin; others are for Xbox One.

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Xbox Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale Discounts: 20th-26th August 2019

Neil writes: "Last time out Xbox One and Xbox 360 gamers had the opportunity to indulge themselves in a ton of discounted Xbox games with a glorious Xbox Super Game Add-On and LEGO sale joining the usual Deals With Gold offerings. It was certainly a great week to be an Xbox gamer, but now it's time to look at the latest set of discounts coming our way via the Xbox Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale for 20th-26th August 2019. With Gamescom up and running, surely there are a ton of newly discounted titles to enjoy? You betcha!"

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