
Human Resource Machine Review | GamersFTW

Ever fancied yourself as a games developer, producing titles that can be played by gamers all over the world? Flummoxed by all of the technical jargon and endless lines of code that play out behind the pretty visuals? Indie developers Tomorrow Corporation, the same people behind Wii gems like Little Inferno and World of Goo have now developed an interesting game that tries to introduce you to the growing and complex world of scripting.

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HRD_Games3089d ago

Got this for Christmas. I love psuedocode games like this, but I can end up frustrated by failing a "step challenge" when I could code it better in an actual language.

cindychapman3089d ago

Wow! That's nice. If you were to rate this from 1 to 10, 10 is the highest, what would it be? I want to try this.


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Human Resource Machine Review [Nintendo Insider]

Nintendo Insider writes:

Starting its life as a PC and Wii U game, Human Resource Machine makes the jump to the Nintendo Switch, just as Tomorrow Corporation’s other games have, Little Inferno and World of Goo. Just like their other games, it is short, simple (in how it plays), original and feels perfectly at home on the Nintendo Switch and its portable nature.

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