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Partial nudity, sexual themes and more detailed for Senran Kagura Estival Versus

The ESRB has revealed its rating summary for Senran Kagura Estival Versus, detailing the game's partial nudity, sexual themes and other mature-rated content.

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GamerGaming3183d ago
GrimDragon3183d ago

Lol senran setting the bar for mature oriented games. Will 2016 see this being the only company to tread these dangerous waters or will others follow? We shall see.

ZaWarudo3183d ago

Can't wait! Shinovi Versus was fun as hell.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3183d ago (Edited 3183d ago )

Can't wait for it. Shinovi Versus was a huge letdown. I am glad they added back to aerial shinobi arts which Shinovi Versus took out and borrowed a lot elements from Deep Crimson to make it better. Though I still wish it had a darker story for big bosses.

Can't wait to play as Katsuragi and Hikage in HD!!

upallnightgamer3182d ago

Shinovi Versus being my first SK game, I quite enjoyed it. I got the two 3DS games after and still enjoy all three. The aerial ninja arts in the 3DS games do add more variety to the attacks, but I don't think Shinovi Versus is less for not having them.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3182d ago (Edited 3182d ago )

For me it was less.
Not to mention to mission story was boring to me.
That didn't bother with it much. I was led to believe it was better but it wasn't.

Not only that because it didn't have it while the other three games does make it even worst.

3183d ago
DivineAssault 3183d ago

I hope more companies grow a pair and release their games out in the US

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Senran Kagura Series Sold Over 1.65 Million Copies Worldwide; Peach Beach Splash Keeps Selling Well

The Senran Kagura series is selling very well, and Peach Beach Splash continues to deliver solid performance for Marvelous Entertainment, that released its financial results.

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Community2594d ago
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Abriael2595d ago
OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2594d ago

Great franchise.
Was introduced to it in 2011 and watched the anime when it was finished airing shortly after and became one of my favorite new IP in 8th generation. With Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson being my favorite out of Burst, SV and EV.

BlackOni2594d ago

That's good to hear, but I do hope they put more resources in refining and smoothing the combat and animation quality. There are improvements to be maid, but I do like the series.

DivineAssault 2594d ago

Who doesnt like fanservice? I havent bought it yet but i will eventually just to have it..

ErogeMaster2594d ago

Rather like context to fanservice making it by juvenile means makes it a joke just look at the doa series can't take that series seriously.

DivineAssault 2594d ago

Hey, DOA is a great fighting game..

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2594d ago

people who don't like animes, japanese games or watch ecchi anime and hate fanservice in anime

DivineAssault 2594d ago

Its not fanservice if theyre not a fan..

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The Friday Ten: 10 must misunderstood "pervy" anime games

Digitally Downloaded writes: There was one of the semi-frequent Internet blow-ups late last week/ early this week, when a games journalist decided to write a review in which he states that fans of a certain game are perverts and perverse. Naturally that didn't go down so well with aforementioned fans of that game, or games like it, because contrary to popular belief within some circles, liking a game that has bikini girls or even (GASP!) nudity doesn't turn someone into a 'pervert' any more than Call of Duty, or any of the three billion games out there that depict gun death, turn people into mass murderers.

Despite the startling hypocrisy, it does remain a fact that games, particularly those that hail from Japan, are considered to be self-evidently perverse by many journalists, as long as they contain 1) women (or girls) and 2) clothing that doesn't rival the hijab or nun's habit for sheer conservatism. Rarely is context considered, so anything subversive, satirical, or empowering (because in Japanese stories, sexuality is often considered empowering) is still dismissed as exploitative and demeaning.

So, anyway, this week I'm listing ten games that got slammed unfairly for their depiction of sexuality, and I love them all. If you think that makes me a pervert, then take your gun games and GTAs and stay the hell away from me, you mass murdering lunatic.

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Community2624d ago
Simon_the_sorcerer2624d ago

I just want to enjoy my lewd games :3 (no pun intended).

Chaos_Order2624d ago

Dungeon Travelers 2 is hella pervy, but it's also one of my favourite RPGs ever thanks to its intricate labyrinthine dungeons, excellent battle and levelling systems and thrilling white-knuckle boss battles. The sexy characters and enemies are a bonus. XD

JCW20052624d ago

hooo boy.... here we go... these pervs tryna justify their trash games... ugh

Sonyslave32624d ago

Nothing wrong with pervy game as long as the girls are 18+ and dont look and act as a 3 year old.

JCW20052623d ago (Edited 2623d ago )

most japanese stuff have very underage looking chars even doe they ''18''. some where on that list like hyperdimension, at first glance u think is a kid friendly family game but then u play it and perv scenes show up with very childlike characters in suggestive scenes like wtf. dat supposed to be ok? cmon

TheOttomatic912623d ago (Edited 2623d ago )

They were never misunderstood it's just that the PC culture happened and deemed them to be the devils spawn but thankfully level headed gamers enjoy and play them for what they are just games.

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The Senran Kagura game series might get slammed with self-censorship in the future?

I (Robin Ek, TGG) had this creepy sense of deja vu when I heard the story about "Senran Kagura" and its risk of being affected by self-censorship in the future. You see, I've been covering quite a few stories of this kind over the years. So here's my take on this particular case.

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Community2626d ago
TGG_overlord2626d ago

That's what I thought when I heard about this. However, I'm looking into a said statement from Kenichiro Takaki.

Littil_Devil2626d ago

Good, because I want to know the deal. As I have no plans to support the series any further if they inject censorship into Senran Kagura.

Simon_the_sorcerer2626d ago

What did he say? And is everything alright now?

Littil_Devil2626d ago

The devs + publisher would lose a ton of money and fans if they go through with this.

TGG_overlord2626d ago

If they want to kill off their IP, then this is the way to go.

Simon_the_sorcerer2626d ago

Not only that, it might also give other Japanese devs and publishers the idea that we're cool with censorship.

Littil_Devil2626d ago

Why would they even do this? I mean, this makes no sense at all...

TGG_overlord2626d ago

Like I said in the post, it would be like removing the blood, gore, Metal and slaying from "Brutal Doom". Simply put, if you did that, then it wouldn't even be "Brutal Doom" anymore.

Simon_the_sorcerer2626d ago

It was said that they planned to do so in-order to sell more games in the West, and to get higher review scores (some reviewers gave the games a low score because they didn't like the lewd content).

ShaunCameron2626d ago

So they don't get into trouble with the feminists and white knights among our Western media.

GrimDragon2626d ago

The liberal plague continues to swallow the industry inch by inch. The sjw sect led by Anita will not rest until females in games wear burkas, or look like men. When they win and there's nothing more to be done they will move on toward other things more important because they were never gamers in the first place. We will be left with an industry shaken apart by the fear of feminist judgment.

If senran is censored they will most definitely lose money. Perhaps that's what it will take to make Devs realize, trying to appease those who seek proper representation of females in games they don't even play... is not the answer.

Freedoms of expressions are being taken away and subjugated by those who in actuality couldn't care less about the medium they just want to feel empowered by their actions. One perspective should not ever dominate an opposing perspective without solid facts. But even than different views should go mingle with like minded views instead of trying to dominate the entire spectrum with one defining view you feel is the right one. This is how wars have started.

To take a fantasy and claim it's representation has a negative impact on reality therefore it must be obliterated is a totalitarian fascist view in and of itself. To speak of tolerance but wanting to banish certain elements you feel perverts an individuals sense of reality. Is a delusion. Your living a lie feeding off peoples fears and lack of rational thinking.

The censorship in this country is getting completely out of hand. Take a moment to step outside the box and take a good look at those pushing these agendas. Liberalism is a desease. It gave birth to the sjw, radical feminist, white knights, their bible is the book of PC filled with the greatest lies the world has ever been inclined to believe in since the actual bible.

I said it before I'll say it again if no one is willing to stand against this oppression now don't complain later when everything we enjoyed is replaced with G rated material.
Stop by YouTube channel hunter avallone he knows exactly what's going on and isn't afraid to speak truth to the masses. Liberals greatest fear is facts truth is the bane of liberals use it.

TGG_overlord2626d ago

This might become a reality for all of us in the near future if something isn't done:

GrimDragon2626d ago

Wow....that is scary. I can see how the current state of affairs influenced the writer of that manga. Your right that kind of future seems very possible right now.

TGG_overlord2626d ago

@GrimDragon "Wow....that is scary. I can see how the current state of affairs influenced the writer of that manga. Your right that kind of future seems very possible right now."

- Just look at cucked Sweden, France and Canada. That's what awaits the whole Western world if the men don't grow a pair and do something about it. Me, I might just move to USA, Japan or Poland. As I can't stand this bs anymore.

TheOttomatic912626d ago

Never got into this series (not because of the fanservice but because of lacklustre gameplay) but if they do add censorship they would be killing he franchise entirely.

ShaunCameron2624d ago

Pretty much. The fanservice is the IP's main selling point.

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