Dabigsiebowski3131d ago

I'm stoked. I've been wanting Grim Fandango!

thekhurg3131d ago

More indie games, thanks Sony...

Would it kill them to add just one AAA title to mix after two years on the market?

Killzone could use some life and giving it away would 100% give a substantial boost to the online community.

Kingthrash3603131d ago (Edited 3131d ago )

Thought drive club was a AAA....no?
It came out free for plus on July no?
AAA game...whithin two years
That should have satisfied you.
But wait we are complaining about free stuff so we'll just ignore it.
Nobody else is giving AAA games for free.. its crazy how DC get ignored but MS bring KI and all a sudden they are God's lol. The AAA games will come soon enough these things cost money to make the free for us. Plus kill zone is a bargain bin game and yall would complain about that....smh
OT this is a decent month.

Stapleface3131d ago (Edited 3131d ago )

@kingthrash, about that..They were too cheap to even give away the full game. This isn't about MS and games with gold. It's about the ps+ line up.

thekhurg3131d ago


The drive club freebie wasn't the full game, just a glorified demo.

seanpitt233131d ago

Medal of honour lol that game was average at best the campaign was boring the mp was OK but they took the servers down years ago so it looks like the campaign only guys I have still got the game to this day

JimmyDM903131d ago

We got Injustice: Gods Among Us on PS+ but I agree they need to up their game. If it continues like this, I won't be re-subscribing because I really don't care about online multiplayer.

IamTylerDurden13131d ago (Edited 3131d ago )


Injustice Ultimate Edition is a AAA that was free on PS4 much less than 2 yrs ago. Wasn't inFAMOUS 1st Light given that very same month lol. I know, 1st light is a "DLC" right...

Driveclub ps plus Edition, Outlast, The Walking Dead Season 2, Styx, Gauntlet, Magika 2, Rocket League...Such classic no-budget indies lol. U probably complained about Resogun, Guacamelee, and Strider as well. Are ppl really so closed off that they'd rather a bad AAA than a fantastic "indie"? Scary world.

Anyone who calls Driveclub ps plus edition a " demo" is foolish. It has a Platinum trophy and its own full Tour mode...and u can participate in every game mode, challenge, and club aspect. Ur just limited to a small number of cars and locations. A demo is 1 car 1 track.

MajorLazer3130d ago (Edited 3130d ago )

PS4 offerings are dissapointing but the PS3 offerings are awesome! :D I was thinking of giving away my PS3 in the next few weeks and just gaming on the PS4 and PC but now I'll keep it for a little longer ;)

ABizzel13130d ago (Edited 3130d ago )

I don't understand why they didn't do Dragon Age Origins on PS4.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3130d ago
Muzikguy3131d ago

I'm thinking I'm just going to let my subscription run out in January. I know it's "only" $50, but it just seems like such a waste of money. Maybe I'll renew when No Man's Sky comes out

IamTylerDurden13131d ago

Let it run out Muzikguy tbh ever since PS4's inception PSN has been flooded with casuals. Not saying ur a casual but i find it better to actually speak with your actions than to make veiled threats.

I now understand how gta sells 50 million copies and Tearaway can barely sell 500k. It's a GTA and Minecraft world, ppl want junkfood games. How many of u guys bought Soma?

Muzikguy3131d ago

I'm planning on letting it run out. I do agree that there are many casuals just out there playing whatever they deem as "popular". Games like Until Dawn get lost in the spotlight. I thought Until Dawn was awesome and I plan on picking it up. I just have a backlog to get through at the moment and with all the games coming out next year that's going to get a lot bigger. (And no I'm not a casual gamer. Unless we mean casual as in not playing all day every day)

slappy5083130d ago (Edited 3130d ago )

I'll be doing the same (mine lapses today, end of December) sure the games you get throughout the year does surpass 50 bucks in total, but it's not really value if you only end up playing 3 of them(basically my situation of plus this year), I'd rather not pay the fee for plus and rather pick 1 or 2 games I actually want to play of my choosing

jmac533130d ago

IMO Rocket League was worth that $50 this year with the amount of time I sunk into it. BTW it never gets old seeing all the people complain about no AAA games and when one does come out people complain they already have it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3130d ago
Realms3131d ago

Some people it's an OLINE SERVICE SUBSCRIPTION not a give free games service and if you only have PS plus for the games then it's your fault for paying for a service that is clearly for online gaming the games are just an added bonus.

t-hall7853131d ago (Edited 3131d ago )

well to people who owned a ps3 with ps+, i don't see them looking at it that way. I didn't have ps3 so having a 360 and an X1, that's what I pay for. When i got my ps4, I got + for online. But ps3 owners play online for free so them going from that to this current situation on ps4 is a little underwhelming to some. Not all I'm sure.

ThePain13131d ago Show
slappy5083130d ago (Edited 3130d ago )

The online service is not up to standard either. There is no excuse to have first party games Running on p2p instead of dedicated servers

TwoForce3131d ago

@thekhurg DriveClub is a demo ? Are you seriously ? Disargree me all you want. But that how you pissed people opinion.

Rayven3131d ago

You're either completely misinformed or a real sony fanboy. Ps plus gave away a "special" ps plus exclusive driveclub that contains 1 location (India with a set of different tracks) and a few cars. The real drivwclub contains much more than that.

TwoForce3130d ago

@Rayman i love Driveclub. But the way he comments it just piss me off.

Rayven3131d ago Show
3130d ago
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Neonridr3131d ago

Assuming this list is for NA as well, then it looks like Grim Fandango is all I will be downloading this upcoming month.

Genuine-User3131d ago

I'm assuming you don't like car combat games?

kaizokuspy3131d ago

Hardware rivals was a free beta last month I believe. It wasn't very fun, pretty bland, and pretty boring at least to me. I can see where he's coming from, but for those who enjoyed it, I understand where they are coming from. Not really a stellar game by any means, but not a terrible one either.

Neonridr3131d ago

meh, doesn't strike me as anything must have. I may add it to my basket, or start/stop the download so that I can try it out at a later date. But I don't have all the time in the world to play video games unfortunately. So I usually reserve my time for stuff that truly interests me.

Twisted Metal, etc weren't exactly my sort of games.

Genuine-User3131d ago


People said similar things before Rocket League came out.


I don't think you'll enjoy it as much if you're not into games like Twisted Metal.

Muzikguy3131d ago

I played the beta for 10 minutes then deleted it. It's not anywhere close to Twisted Metal, Vigilante 8, or any of the other "good" car combat games

kaizokuspy3131d ago (Edited 3131d ago )


I'm speaking from my experience of the game from the beta I have played. It's just bland to me. Can't even compare it to rocket league just because they both involve cars. I'm sure there's a great deal of skill in hardware rivals just as there is in rocket league, but where one is polished and holds my attention, the other is just too flawed for me to enjoy. Again, not a terrible game, just a very mediocre car combat game and I hope that it enjoys success just the same as RL. Ps plus can be great some times. :)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3131d ago
Get_A_Job_Foxtrot3131d ago

Well I download all free games whether I like them or not. Gives me more games to play with friends when online.

IamTylerDurden13131d ago

I'm assuming u don't like brand new games or car combat/twisted metal?

I'm also assuming u only own a PS4 unless u 100%ed DA:O, Warfighter, and Nihilumbra?

Awesome month imo!

Zizi3131d ago (Edited 3131d ago )

No AAA for next-gen, no subscription.

TheLyonKing3131d ago

Really? I assume you are trolling because can not be that silly to think that your ps+ sub goes to free games? My friend that is a gift of good will from sony your money goes to server maintenence so you can play online and funding for amazing AAA games that sony make.

Summons753131d ago

while you're not wrong, I'm sure a small portion of the + fees do go to a pool so Sony can give these devs a chunk of change in exchange to allow their games to be free.

claterz3131d ago

Server maintenance? are you kidding me? it's no better than it ever was on PS3 back when online was free. The money from Plus now goes straight into Sony's pockets and stays there. I'll renew my sub when they make it worth the money. Until then i'll continue buying multiplayer games on PC where online multiplayer is free, as it should be.

Why should money from PS Plus go towards new AAA games? that's the most stupid thing I've ever heard. People buy GAMES to fund other games from that particular developer or publisher. PS Plus is a service and right now it's not worth paying for, in my opinion. "Gift of good will" holy crap you are like Sony's dream customer.

Zizi3131d ago (Edited 3131d ago )

No, I was not. I meant what I said above.

I pay for PS Plus mostly for the "free" games. I don't play multiplayer games often. Probably, only one game per year.

In my opinion, players don't need goodwill, we need actions and proof that PS Plus subs is worth our money.

Yobo53130d ago (Edited 3130d ago )

"your money goes to server maintenence so you can play online and funding for amazing AAA games that sony make. "

Server maintenance for what online games or PSN?

cuz if we are talking multiplayer server costs, Sony dosent chip in to cover those costs.

If were talking PSN, specifically cloud storage and a friendslist, look at some of the last multiplayer focused games in your own library, they have their own friendslist and some save your progress on their own servers.

Ps plus is uneccessary to fund those services, as to the second part maybe, half and half? Half for development half to cover themselves from all the money Sony's been losing over the years? LOL, sorry had to say it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3130d ago
jeromeface3131d ago

Yea, check out the competitions offerings if you think ps+ is so bad. Oh, you're back? They suck twice as bad as ours? PS+ and XBL were originally paid services for mp. The free games are extra... your self entitlement is pretty disgusting.

claterz3131d ago

Ps plus was NOT originally a paid service for multiplayer. Why people are agreeing with you is beyond me. Plus used to be a premium service for gamers to get a little bit extra and it was a great service until ps4 launched.

People are self entitled for wanting value for money? Ok then.

jaixvx3130d ago

This whole pay to play online thing is xbox fans fault for buying into it. Sony is just cashing in on it.

NeckBone3131d ago

What AAA games do you suggest? I mean Hardware rivals was fun (when it worked) and grim fandango was soooo hype when it was announced now ppl wanna cry. And didn't they release an "Indie" game that became the phenomenon Rocket League free for plus? Rather play rocket league than some "AAA" Waste like assassin's creed or far cry. Last month they released Freedom Wars for Vita . Easily a AAA title

Zizi3130d ago (Edited 3130d ago )

Any AAA titles that were released on next-gen for the past few years.

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lociefer3131d ago

hardware rivals again ? srsly ? i know it was the beta last time but... dang

Aenea3131d ago

What do you mean, again? It sounds like you believe it has already been in PS+ and as far as I know it was not...

lociefer3131d ago

na, it was offered as a beta not as a plus game but it blowed so hard, i just cant belive they r including the final version as a ps+ game

theshredded3131d ago

Dragon age! Loved the original a lot but never finished it. I really hope Hardware Rivals is good

NeckBone3131d ago

Isn't Dragon age a AAA game? I'm confused

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jznrpg250d ago

Any game you want to play.


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shinoff2183574d ago

How'd fallout not make the list. Atleast over cyberpunk, tales , and halo. Fallout been around since what 96 98 and has 5 6 games into it. It's full of lore when you play it. I'd even add star ocean to a point.

robtion573d ago

Agree Fallout should be on there.

MadLad573d ago

And somehow Planescape Torment doesn't even make the list.

Crows90573d ago

Hollow knight surpasses these.

shinoff2183573d ago

In lore? I must be missing something

Crows90573d ago (Edited 573d ago )

Yes in lore. Easily missed... absolutely. Never played a game that had me loving the world and lore behind it as much as that one. Most of course wouldn't be able to experience it since it is a more difficult game.

DarXyde572d ago

I can't speak for all titles on this list, but by the time you get to Dark Souls III, the lore is a bloody tapestry of intricacy

Crows90572d ago

Played them all. Im not saying the games on the list dont have good lore...I just think hollow knight had more lore that is hidden but present and more easily explored and accessed. The souls games have tremendous lore but theyre mostly hidden and stay that way unless you look for it and research it. The lore is not very accessible.

DarXyde572d ago


I think that's a somewhat fair assessment. For me, the Souls games are less upfront about the lore, but it does invite your fascination through NPCs, items, locations, bosses, etc. There's this kind of natural progression where the picture becomes just clear enough by doing the essential tasks, but it really makes you want to explore every inch of the world.

TheColbertinator572d ago

Suikoden and Legend of Heroes also have massive lore setups.

agent13572d ago

narration is more important than lore i'd rather watch the story and characters in a more cinematic way instead of searching for notes and stuff that's why i love sony exclusive games like uncharted and gow and hate from software games

shinoff2183572d ago

The article was top ten lore in video games. I think they did a bad job picking games out. I know what you mean though. I just like a variety of games and genres.

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