
Undertale: indie game won the "Best Game Ever" award at GameFAQs

"GameFAQs just held the third installment of its Best Game Ever contest, and the game crowned the winner this morning comes as a surprise: Undertale.

In honor of the site's 20th anniversary, GameFAQs launched a bracketed poll filled with classic games like Chrono Trigger, Super Mario Bros. 3 and Metal Gear Solid. Users voted to determine the definitive all-time greatest game, and Undertale, which launched earlier this year, easily triumphed over The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time in the final round."

DarkOcelet3204d ago

It deserves it. Such an amazing game full of heart.

Metallox3204d ago

I'm not so sure. "Best game ever" is not a simple phrase as you may think, and such a thing does not even exist. What I do believe in, however, is influence.

What has Undertale done to the industry? Nothing, it's a 3-month old game, it simply won a popularity contest thanks to its following in many social networks. That aside though, I'm pretty sure a game released in the 1994-95 for the Super Nintendo knows really well the formula that helped Undertale to be as charming and clever as it is.

Or at least, wait until next year so we can evaluate what the game did for RPG design, or how many people would be disposed to vote again for Undertale as the "best game ever".

SourtreeDing3204d ago

gamefaqs still exists thats news to me

LAWSON723204d ago (Edited 3204d ago )


Gamefaqs if I recall is very much relevant and popular. They used to be behind IGN in most visited sites iirc, though I am sure it has lost steam rather than gain it

Bimkoblerutso3204d ago

Yeah, people are going a little overboard, I think. It's a great game, one of my favorites this year, but...best game ever? It hasn't even had time to make a best of the year list.

Vhampir3204d ago

A lot of people rallied on Tumblr and Twitter to get votes for it. Others specifically voted for it so that Nintendo wouldn't win. Registration wasn't required either.

aquaticDonut3203d ago

Since when did people judge games solely on how they affected other games? I'm not saying it is the best game ever, since such a thing is purely subjective, but by your criteria, indie games in general are pretty worthless. Most people are never ever going to here about Undertale much like most other indie games. Wouldn't it make more sense that a game be judged on its individual merits, rather than how it affected the industry as a whole?

3203d ago
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gold_drake78d ago

i think the fanbase knows exactly what hes about lol


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Zenzuu244d ago (Edited 244d ago )

One of the most touching and beautiful told story with a great cast of characters and excellent soundtrack. I highly enjoyed my playthrough of the game very much. It's a darn shame, not many people know about it or even give it a chance just because of the way the game visually looks.

Venoxn4g244d ago

Great game, highly recommend.. it is true that at the beginning it doesn't look appealing, but once you get into it..it is amazing