
PT can still be re-downloaded, but there's a trick to get it back

With Metal Gear Solid series creator Hideo Kojima now an independent game developer - in partnership with PlayStation for his first game - you might be looking to pull together every last piece of his legacy that you can. Well, if you had a download of PT and since lost it, there’s now a way to complete that collection.

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DarkOcelet3145d ago (Edited 3145d ago )

This masterpiece must be on every single PS4 console. People who didnt play this are missing out on one excellent horror game.

Spread the word.

**** Konami for not letting us enjoy this masterpiece and for cancelling Silent Hills. Enjoy your Pachinkos idiots.

Lev19033144d ago

I didnt get it. I bought a PS4 a week ago. Can i play this game or not?

guitarded773144d ago

No, this is just for people who originally downloaded so they can redownload from their PSN library.

G20WLY3144d ago

Yes, you can play it, but you'll have to SharePlay it via someone else's PS4.

At this stage, though, you can no longer own it for yourself if you didn't already have it.

Halo2ODST23144d ago

I've never seen such arrogance in my life.

3144d ago
Odoylerules0003143d ago

Someone takes themselves way too seriously...

AizenSosuke3145d ago

Nice you can still redownload P.T spread the word perserve this amazing game!

BecauseImBatman3145d ago

I still have. Not deleting it of my hard drive...

LOL_WUT3145d ago

I updated my hard drive, and I unfortunately lost it during the process. Not sure if I should go through with this just for a demo which could possibly put my hardware at risk ;)

nitrogav3144d ago

Same here, not deleting it off my drive!!.

Xavior_Reigns3144d ago

I bought a new PS4 just to preserve it. Ridiculus? Probably so but a new PS4 with 2TB hdd is good.

The_Devil_Hunter3144d ago

You and I both, my wife almost killed my excuse was that I really wanted that silver Batman console. It was definitely worth it though.

rainslacker3143d ago

So I'm curious. Since I"m upgrading my hard drive next month, can I just keep the old drive with PT on it, and switch it out if I decide to play it one day...assuming it's the same system of course?

If so, I'm cool with that. I have no need of a 500GB drive elsewhere, and I can pack it up in a nice box I can make(I'm quite the fine woodworker) for my collection.:)

InFAMOUS13143d ago

I don't believe so. It is the same as PS3, in that, any hdd inserted, regardless if it's been in the system before will be wiped on bootup. Reason being; jailbreaking.

rainslacker3143d ago

I assume you mean it's reformatted if you insert another hard drive and initialize it, then reinsert the old one? I've taken the hard drive out of both the PS4 and PS3 and put it back in with no issue.

I've never tried to reinsert my 60GB drive into the PS3 after upgrading it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3143d ago
Captain_Wormy3145d ago

It's stuck at 1% for me. I need this before Konami gets wind of this 😟

smashman983145d ago

A little off topic but has anyone seen kojimas beard, my dude is looking fresh

DarkOcelet3145d ago

The man looks like 25. Those Nanomachines are doing their job very well.

smashman983145d ago

I know right I mean I'm 24 and I look like I'm 39 lol

Captain_Wormy3145d ago

Vocal Cord Parasites. 😉

Concertoine3145d ago

He must do what i do - push-ups during his cutscenes

Odoylerules0003143d ago

Kojima 10/10 would bang if gay.

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Vits275d ago

I mostly disagree with Downpour's position. Yeah, the game is not amazing by any stretch of the imagination but is much better than the HD Collection and Homecoming. The main issue is the performance, but that was mitigated by the patches, especially on the PS3. Personally, I put it a little behind Origins and The Room.

Having Restless Dreams as a different entry from Silent Hill 2 is also a choice.

bfrye26275d ago

Normally, we would not consider it a different game (Restless Dreams), but since it had a very different critical reception and had new content, it was allowed. As for Downpour, I would agree, but since that one is subjective, we let him make his case for the placement.

gold_drake275d ago

silent hill 2 is definitely the best one out of those.

for me personally, the whole ritual/cult stuff was always so weird to me in all the other games.

CrimsonWing69274d ago

No disrespect but I put SH2 over 1. 1 is fantastic, but 2 took it all up a level.

bfrye26274d ago

We agree, that is why the writer put it in top place!


Dataminer gets PT playable on a PlayStation 5 via hacked emulator

From Eurogamer: "Konami horror project P.T. has been made playable on a PlayStation 5, via a hacked PS4 emulator.

Streamer and dataminer Lance McDonald has managed to get the game working on a non-jailbroken PS5 console.

Essentially, a legitimate copy of P.T. is required as well as an active PSN account on both a jailbroken PS5 and a normal, fully updated PS5. The emulator is then transferred from one to the other."

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MIDGETonSTILTS17648d ago

Hopefully the October 19 Silent Hill announcement makes it so that I don’t need to fret with eBay and all of this emulator nonsense to enjoy a 10 minutes demo for Halloween….

How does Konami not appreciate how much they spite their face when they tarnish Kojima’a legacy?

MrBaskerville648d ago

While we'll surely get several SH projects in the coming years, expecting anything related to P.T. is setting yourself up for dissapointment. Sadly.

MIDGETonSTILTS17648d ago

Yeah I get the sense that Kojima might’ve literally shat on his boss’ desk before leaving